DUI: Daniel Harshman vomits on himself during traffic stop on I-24

46-year-old Daniel Harshman was seen recklessly driving on Interstate 24 on May 8th. Officers observed Harshman swerving and fluctuating speed from 55mph to 75mph. They also observed dirt and plant matter hanging under the vehicle, which appeared to be from the edge of the highway. A traffic stop was conducted just before Exit 1.

Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Harshman. Harshman told officers that he had three alcoholic beverages several hours before he started driving. When Harshman got out of his car, officers observed what appeared to be vomit on the floor of his vehicle. Harshman agreed to sobriety tests but performed poorly and was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Emanuel Logan strangles girlfriend after argument on Oak Street

43-year-old Emmanuel Logan was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Zantwinette Ellis, at an Oak Street residence on May 2nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Ellis, who stated that she and Logan had gotten into a verbal and physical altercation. Ellis also claimed that when Logan walked outside, she followed him, continuing their argument. Logan proceeded to place his hands around Ellis’s neck, constricting her ability to breathe for 30 seconds. A witness to the assault who came to the residence with Logan told officers that he did see Logan grab Ellis’s neck before he broke the two up. Officers deemed Logan to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for Aggravated assault.

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Ahmadues Wardlow steals Honda from apartments on Jack Miller Boulevard

18-year-old Amadeus Wardlow stole a vehicle on Jack Miller Boulevard on May 2nd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the victim, who stated that she heard car alarms outside her apartment. When she looked outside, she saw her gray Honda being driven away, but she did not see the driver. That same day, officers responded to a suspicious vehicle call near Kings Deer Drive and Audrea Lane. Officers were shown footage of Four individuals throwing stuff from a gray Honda and proceeding to go into the woods. Officers located Wardlow in the woods with the Honda Key in his pocket from the stolen vehicle. Wardlow was then taken into custody for theft.

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Mashuwa Hines points gun at boyfriend during argument, tells him “”I should shoot you!”

23-year-old Mashuwa Hines was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Cornelius Steward, At his Dalton Smith apartment residence on May 2nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hines, who stated that she and Steward had argued about him texting other women. Hines admitted that she probably broke his phone and said that it went no further than a verbal argument. When officers spoke with Steward, he claimed that during the argument, Hines had punched him and pulled a gun on him. Steward then stated Hines pointed the gun at him and told him, “I should shoot you!” Steward also claimed that Hines stabbed his television with a knife. The television was valued at $350. Officers deemed Hines to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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Ja’Coby Clements destroys girlfriend’s windshield at Chuck E Cheese

18-year-old Ja’Coby Clements was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Kaneea Elvin, at Walmart on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard on May 26th. Officers spoke with a witness to the crime, who stated that they observed a male assaulting a female in an SUV. The witness also claimed that the SUV drove off with both parties in the vehicle. Upon further investigation, it showed that the woman was an employee of Walmart, and employees of Walmart provided her phone number to officers.

Officers spoke with Elvin over the phone, who stated she had an altercation with her ex-boyfriend and agreed to meet the officers behind the Walmart. When officers spoke with Elvin, she claimed that as she was walking out to her vehicle while on break, she noticed Clements standing next to her vehicle. Proceeding this, they began arguing verbally until Clements pushed her into the side of his truck, snatching her keys. Elvin informed officers that Clements jumped into the driver’s seat of her vehicle, and since she did not want him to take off with her car, she proceeded to get into the passenger seat. Elvin states that Clements drove them to Chuck E Cheese, where he proceeded to shatter her front windshield with an unknown object. Elvin says this is when Clements drove them to Culvers, which is when she got the officer’s phone call. Clements then jumped out of the vehicle and fled in an unknown direction. Officers reviewed the security footage at Walmart, and it matched the statements made by Elvin. The windshield was valued at $300. Clements was taken into custody on May 2nd for domestic assault and vandalism.

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Clarksville Jeep owner rescued from high water #NotEnoughDucks

A Clarksville Jeep owner, pictured sitting in the front of the rescue raft, found himself without enough ducks to keep him afloat Tuesday afternoon. The road had been barricaded at Ashbury Road and Shanee Terrace, though the Jeep driver told authorities he was not the person who removed them. Clarksville Fire Rescue received the vehicle trapped in high water call just after 5 p.m. and dispatched two battalion crews from stations 6 and 10 and Squad 1. The driver remained in contact via phone with rescuers throughout the call, and there were no injuries.

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DUI: Dana Beninati swerves between lanes, hits curb on Lafayette Road

49-year-old Dana Beninati was caught after driving under the influence near Lafayette Road on May 1st. When officers observed the vehicle, they noticed it swerved between lanes and crossed the center divider. Officers then initiated a traffic stop, but the vehicle struck a curb before stopping. When officers spoke with the driver, who was identified as Dana Beninati, officers could smell the odor of alcohol emitting from the vehicle. Beninati then admitted to consuming alcoholic beverages prior to leaving her home. Officers then asked Beninati to perform sobriety tests, which she agreed to. Beninati performed poorly on sobriety tests and was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent violation on May 2nd.

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Jordan Robinson found drunk on College Street

23-year-old Jordan Robinson was seen intoxicated in public on May 2nd near University Avenue and College Street. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke with Robinson. They immediately noticed her slurred speech and the smell of alcohol on her person. Officers deemed Robinson too intoxicated for her own safety, so they took her into custody for public intoxication.

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Bryana McClendon rams into vehicle multiple times during road rage incident

25-year-old Bryana McClendon was seen ramming into a vehicle near Crunch Fitness on Fort Campbell Boulevard on May 9th. Officers spoke with the victim, who stated that as she was driving, McClendon cut in front of her and abruptly slammed on her brakes. This caused the victim to rear-end McClendon. After fleeing the scene, the victim claimed that as she tried to turn onto Cunningham Lane to get to Crunch Fitness, McClendon rammed into her vehicle from behind. When the victim did pull into Crunch Fitness, McClendon rammed the victim’s vehicle once again, which was caught on camera by a witness of the crime. McClendon then left the scene before officers found her and detained her. While searching McClendon’s car, officers found marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and a substance suspected to be Methamphetamine. McClendon was taken into custody for aggravated assault, simple possession, unlawful drug paraphernalia, and methamphetamine violations.

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Hannah Clark resists arrest, refuses to leave sister’s house after getting high on heroin

24-year-old Hannah Clark was seen publicly intoxicated at a Caldwell Lane residence on May 1st. While at the residence, Clark had gotten high on heroin and became aggressive towards her sister. When officers arrived, Clark again refused to leave the premises. Officers then attempted to get her a ride home. However, officers determined Clark was not safe on her own and could not get a safe ride. Officers attempted to place Clark in custody, but she would not comply with officers’ commands. Clark then began pulling her arms and resisting arrest. Clark was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

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Naya Carter scams woman & Urban Ministries out of $2,000 by pretending to be landlord

26-year-old Naya Carter was caught scamming Mickala Rhodes on Raintree Drive on April 20th. Rhodes reported that she was scammed out of money after attempting to rent a residence on Raintree Drive. Rhodes also told officers that Carter stated her mother, “Selena,” was in charge of the rental, and all conversations were conducted using a fake Text-Now phone number. Rhodes and Carter agreed to a $700 down payment for the residence. Rhodes also informed officers that she met with Carter on April 16th to exchange the money. Rhodes told officers Carter showed up in a White-colored Saturn SUV and left once she collected the money. Rhodes was assisted by the Clarksville Area Urban Ministries, which was helping with the first month’s rent.

Treytin Maynard of Urban Ministries told officers she contacted “Selena” using the Text-Now number. Maynard stated she was told by “Selena” to make the check payable to Jamie Collins. On April 18th, Urban Ministries met with a male who identified himself as Jamie Collins, retrieved the check, and left in a Nissan Maxima. The check was cashed at speedy cash on the same day. Officers contacted the real owner of the residence, Isaac Bleach, who stated that Naya Carter was the resident of the Raintree Drive home and was renting it from him. Bleach stated he did not give Carter permission to sublease the residence. Rhodes identified Carter through a photo lineup. Carter also had a Saturn SUV registered to her, matching the description that Rhodes gave of the vehicle Carter drove on April 16th. Rhodes lost $700, and Urban Ministries lost $1300, totaling $2000 for the incident. Carter was then taken into custody on May 1st for property theft.

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Brian Duran steals $132 worth of merchandise from Walmart

48-year-old Brian Duran was seen shoplifting from a Walmart on Madison Street on March 10th. On that day, Duran entered the store, selected multiple items from the sales floor, and placed them in a shopping basket. Duran then proceeded to exit the store with the basket full of merchandise without any payment. The stolen items were valued at $132.34. Officers took Duran into custody on May 1st for shoplifting.

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Zachary Clark flees from police in stolen vehicle after attempted traffic stop

On April 22nd, 20-year-old Zachary Clark was seen fleeing the scene from officers in a stolen vehicle near Cumberland Heights Road. Officers attempted to stop the car and initiated a traffic stop, but when officers stepped out of the patrol vehicle, the vehicle fled. The car continued to flee down Cumberland Heights Road into the city. Officers returned to the house from where the car left and spoke with the individuals outside. They confirmed it was their son Zachary Clark in the stolen vehicle. Clark was taken into custody on May 1st for Evading arrest. Zachary Clark was previously arrested for evading arrest, among other charges, after a car chase with police in July of 2023.

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Ricky Trouten pulls out his IV, attempts to bite staff while drunk at Tennova Healthcare

36-year-old Ricky Trouten was seen publicly intoxicated on May 1st near Tennova Healthcare on Dunlop Lane. When officers arrived, they immediately noticed Trouten being restrained by hospital security and nursing staff, appearing to be intoxicated. Officers proceeded to speak with a doctor on the scene, who stated that an ambulance had brought in Trouten, but he wanted to leave the hospital against medical advice. The doctor also noted that Trouten was informed that due to his intoxication, he could not be released. Trouten then became aggressive and yanked his IV out. When staff tried to calm Trouten down, he began attempting to bite their arms but was not successful. None of the staff wanted to press assault charges on Trouten. Officers deemed Trouten to be too intoxicated, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Sebastian Espinoza sexually assaults wife, tells her “You are my wife, I can touch you however I want”

40-year-old Sebastian Hervas Espinoza was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Andrea Hervas, On April 30th, near Premier on Dunlop Lane. When officers spoke with Andrea, she stated that while inside the small passageway of the buildings, Sebastian Touched her breasts without her consent. Andrea claimed that she hit Sebastian’s hand to make him stop, but it made him angrier. Andrea then informed officers that Sebastian had pushed her against the wall, telling her, “You are my wife, I can touch you however I want.” Andrea claims that Sebastian proceeded to touch her in her private area and rear before kicking him to get away and run. Officers then spoke with Sebastian, who admitted that he did touch Andrea, stating that she was his wife and he thought he could do so. Sebastian was then taken into custody for domestic assault and sexual battery on May 1st.

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Lamarr Haines punches ex-girlfriend in face during argument over Salvation Army

On May 5th, 37-year-old Lamarr Haines was involved in a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend, Ashley Shorty, near May Apple Drive. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Haines, who stated that he had been arguing with Shorty about wanting to go to the Salvation Army. As the argument escalated, Haines began punching Shorty, making her curl into a ball to avoid his punches. Officers noticed the lump on Shorty’s forehead and eyebrow, as well as a cut on her lip. Haines was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Anthony King threatens to throw pot full of hot water at mother during argument

21-year-old Anthony King was involved in an altercation with his mother, Sara Walker, at their Allen Road residence on May 5th. A witness of the incident contacted law enforcement, stating that their mother was in a dispute with her son. Officers arrived and spoke with King and Walker. Walker stated that King pushed her while she and him were arguing in the kitchen. After pushing Walker, King grabbed a pot of hot water and threatened to throw it at her. Walker told officers that she felt assaulted, so Anthony King was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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William Henderson punches his wife multiple times during argument

34-year-old William Henderson was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Nakia Rogan, at Madison Street on May 5th. Rogan contacted law enforcement, stating that Henderson had assaulted her. Rogan stated they were on their way to Walmart when they got into an argument. While she was arguing with Henderson, he assaulted her. Rogan was punched multiple times in the face, leaving visible swelling. She also informed officers that she was attacked by Henderson yesterday at her house as well. William Henderson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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