Beltran Luna grabs girlfriend by throat, pushes her against bed during argument

39-year-old Beltran Luna was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Shailiy Felipe, at their Milestone Circle residence on April 22nd. Shailiy’s aunt, Huvina Felipe, contacted law enforcement, stating that Luna had hit her niece. Officers made contact with Felipe, and she said that during an argument with Luna, he pushed her three times. After pushing her, Luna grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against her bed. Felipe was able to get out of the bedroom and call Huvina. Beltran Luna was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Dayne Coriz found drunk & asleep in Whataburger drive-thru

28-year-old Soldier Dayne Coriz was seen sleeping in a Whataburger drive-through near Fort Campbell Boulevard on April 21st. When officers arrived on the scene and made contact with Coriz’s vehicle, they immediately noticed the smell of alcohol and an open beer can in the center console. Officers then asked Coriz to perform sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. Coriz was then taken into custody. When officers searched his vehicle, they found an open beer can and several empty beer cans throughout the car. Coriz was charged with DUI and driving with an open container of alcohol on April 22nd.

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Michaela Elam strangles daughter during argument over step-mother

35-year-old Michaela Elam was involved in an altercation with her daughter, Maliyah Gannon, at their Heritage Pointe apartment on April 21st. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they made contact with Gannon. Gannon stated that she got into an argument with Elam. After Elam called Gannon’s stepmother a cuss word, she started pushing Gannon away from her stepmom. After doing so, Elam grabbed Gannon by the throat and started strangling her. Gannon advised that she punched Gannon in the face to get her off of her, which led to a fight.

When officers spoke with Elam, she admitted to calling Gannon’s stepmother a cuss word. Elam stated that Gannon started telling her what to do and pushing her. Elam told officers that after being pushed around seven times, she pushed Gannon away from her. While showing officers the movement that she made to push Gannon away, she formed her hands in a way that demonstrated strangulation. Michaela Elam was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Steven Forge pushes wife to the ground, injures her hip during argument over children

35-year-old Steven Forge was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Sabrina Forge, at their Sand Piper Drive residence on April 21st. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with Steven and Sabrina. Sabrina stated that she and Steven got into an argument over their kids. Sabrina added that during the argument, Steven approached her and pushed her to the ground, causing her to injure her hip. When officers spoke with Steven, he stated that it was just an argument over him talking on the phone with his mother. Steven Forge was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Justin Hurst pushes wife twice during argument

33-year-old Justin Hurst was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Kayzia Hurst, at their Misty Court residence on April 21st. Kayzia contacted officers and reported that she and her husband, Justin, got into a physical altercation. Kayzia advised that Justin pushed her twice during an argument. Justin told law enforcement that nothing physical happened during their argument. Justin Hurst was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Letoya Vaughn points gun at woman during argument at friend’s house

On April 21st, 38-year-old Letoya Vaughn was seen assaulting someone near a Needmore Apartment residence. When officers spoke with the victim over the phone, she advised officers that Vaughn was swinging a gun at her. Officers also spoke with a juvenile at the residence who stated that Vaughn was in the house with a gun and two females were fighting. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke with the victim, who said that Vaughn had come over to her residence and began arguing with her. The victim stated that she then began arguing back against Vaughn. The victim then claimed that she went to the closet to get her shoes, and when she came back, Vaughn had a weapon and was pointing it in her direction. The victim stated that a witness took the gun from Vaughn’s hands and showed officers photo evidence of this.

Officers then made contact with Vaughn, who stated that she had come to her friend’s house, and while there, the victim had tried to start a fight with her. Vaughn then says that when the victim went into the closet, She ran to her car to grab her revolver. Vaughn denied pointing it toward the victim and that the victim ran at her before a witness stopped her. Officers then spoke with witnesses who corroborated that both of them were fighting. Officers then watched a video recording of the two females after the gun was removed, and it only showed the victim running toward Vaughn. Officers deemed Vaughn to be the primary aggressor and took her into custody for aggravated assault.

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Justin Hickey kicks officer in stomach after being kicked out of Electric Cowboy

On April 21st, 31-year-old Justin Hickey was seen trespassing at the troubled Electric Cowboy near North Riverside Drive. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hickey, who was asked to leave. Hickey told police that he was not going to leave. Due to staff telling him to leave and Hickey refusing, he was taken into custody for criminal trespass. When officers attempted to put Hickey in the back of the vehicle, he anchored himself against the frame of the car, resisting officers. Officers then picked Hickey up by his arms and feet to place him in the back of the vehicle. During this scuffle, Hickey kicked an officer in the stomach three times. Hickey was charged with simple assault on a first responder, resisting arrest, and criminal trespass.

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DUI: Destinee Estabrook nearly hits police car while swerving between lanes on Ashland City Road

On April 20th, 28-year-old Destinee Estabrook was spotted driving under the influence near Ashland City Road. Officers observed Estabrook’s vehicle swerving lanes before she hit an officer’s car. The officers turned around after being hit and approached Estabrook, who was seen stumbling out of her car. Estabrook admitted to the officers that she had been drinking that night. The officers immediately noticed her bloodshot eyes and the smell of alcohol on her breath and asked if she consented to a sobriety test, which she refused. Then, Estabrook was taken into custody for DUI and was brought to Sango ER Hospital. While in the parking lot of Sango ER Hospital, Estabrook slipped out of her cuffs and resisted when officers attempted to put them back on. She proceeded to kick officers while in the back of their vehicle and once more outside of Montgomery County Jail. Estabrook was charged with Simple assault against a first responder, DUI, resisting arrest, and driver’s implied consent to tests on April 21st.  

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Siobhan Torres slams door on roommate during altercation

On April 20th, 24-year-old Siobhan Torres was involved in a domestic incident with her roommate, Talia Ali, at their apartment residence on Trenton Road. When officers arrived, they spoke with Talia Ali, who stated that she and Torres had verbally argued about her property. Ali then said that she tried to bring her items inside of the apartment that had been placed outside. However, when Ali did this, Torres quickly attempted to slam the door, causing it to hit her. Ali noted that it was deliberate, and she felt assaulted. Torres was identified to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Crosby Haney booked after repeatedly yelling at his neighbors

On April 20th, 55-year-old Crosby Haney was seen yelling at his neighbors at his Power Street residence. When officers arrived, they spoke with Haney’s neighbors, who advised them that Haney was walking up and down the street yelling and saying inappropriate things. Officers then spoke with Haney, sitting in his front yard, and explained that they had been in the area 3 times for him. Officers also explained that he needed to quiet down, or he could be charged with disorderly conduct. Haney started yelling again and threw his phone in the air before being told to quiet down again. Haney then started yelling more, and officers took him into custody for disorderly conduct.

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Christopher Bass forcibly pushes wife, attempts to destroy her computer during altercation

On April 20th, 27-year-old Christopher Bass was involved in a domestic incident with his wife, Shelbi Bass, at their Kendra Court North residence. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Christopher, who stated that he and his wife had a verbal altercation. Christopher also claimed that when the altercation began, he grabbed his daughter and left, saying he would stay at his parent’s house.

Officers then spoke with Shelbi, who stated that Christopher woke her up and said he would break into her upstairs computer. Shelbi followed Christopher upstairs, and Christopher attempted to kick and break the glass of her computer. Shelbi then claims that Christopher grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, pinning her between her L-shaped desk and the wall. Shelbi then mentioned that she began crying and asked Christopher to leave her alone before he forcibly pushed her to the floor. Officers deemed Christopher to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Ashley Sykes threatens roommate with gun, says she’s gonna “make a b*tch tap dance”

On April 19th, 23-year-old Ashley Sykes was involved in a domestic incident with her roommate, Zsa Zsa McClure, at their Malibu Drive apartment residence. When officers arrived, they spoke with McClure, who stated that she had been living there for over two months. McClure claimed that she and Sykes verbally argued over her moving out of the apartment. McClure then claimed that Sykes had threatened her by saying she was going to “drag a b*tch” as well as getting a gun and “making a b*tch tap dance.” McClure noted to officers that she was in fear for her life, and that’s why she called 911. Officers then spoke with P’zarro McClure, who also lives in the residence, who stated she did hear Sykes say she was going to retrieve a gun. Sykes was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault 

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Quinton Knox falls over multiple times while drunk near bridge on Riverside Drive

On April 19th, 33-year-old Quinton Knox was seen publicly intoxicated near the bridge on Riverside Drive. Officers were called in to do a welfare check on Knox, who had fallen numerous times and was standing near the bridge. When officers made contact with Knox, they immediately noticed he reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech. Officers also noticed Knox appeared disoriented and had abrasions on his arm from when he fell. Knox then admitted to drinking two beers before officers took him into custody for public intoxication.

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Garry Bissinger caught with fentanyl in Montgomery County Jail

On April 18th, 30-year-old Gary Bissinger was caught with fentanyl while being booked into Montgomery County Jail. While being taken into intake, officers found a bag of powdery substance on the floor. At the time, officers did not know where it came from. They spoke with Bissinger, who stated that the white powdery substance did not belong to him, and he did not know where it came from. The substance tested positive for fentanyl and weighed 1.4 grams.

On April 19th, officers viewed the video footage from the previous day and noticed the bag falling from Bissinger’s right leg onto the floor. Bissinger was charged with two counts of simple possession, one count of contraband in a penal institution, one count of tampering with evidence, and one count of shoplifting.

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DUI: Joshua Maudlin crashes car into Exxon parking lot after drinking shot of Everclear

On April 18th, 35-year-old Joshua Maudlin was involved in a single-vehicle crash near an Exxon on Madison Street. When officers arrived, they spoke with Maudlin, who stated he had driven off the road near Golf Club Lane and crashed into a curb in the Exxon parking lot. While speaking with Maudlin, Officers noticed the odor of alcohol on his breath and his eyes being bloodshot. Proceeding this, officers asked Maudlin to perform sobriety tests, which he performed poorly. Officers then searched his vehicle, finding two open containers of alcohol. Maudlin admitted to officers that he mixed one shot of Everclear and two shots of coffee liquor. Officers took Maudlin into custody for driving under the influence, Open container of alcohol, and exercising due care on April 19th.  

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Tania Rangel throws ceramic dish at boyfriend’s head during argument

30-year-old Tania Rangel was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Hector Esparza, at their Oak Lane residence on April 22nd. Rangel informed officers that she and Esparza had been arguing all day up to the incident. Rangel stated that after a neighbor left, Esparza started yelling at her and threatening to beat her up. This led to Rangel following that up, saying he would not touch her. Esparza bounced up from the couch and threw a pillow off the couch. This led Rangel to believe that Esparza would attack her, so she threw a dish at him to keep him from hitting her. According to Rangel, they continued to argue until Esparza picked her up by the hair and tried to hit her. Rangel told officers that when she tried to defend herself, Esparza slammed her into the ground. Rangel said she took that opportunity to get away and call the police. When law enforcement came into contact with Esparza, he stated that he was sitting on the couch arguing when Rangel threw a dish at him and hit him on his head. Esparza then admitted that he went to grab Rangel by her hair and hit her because she hit him with a ceramic dish. Tania Rangel was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Dale Tuberville strangles ex-girlfriend during domestic incident

On April 22nd, a 19-year-old named Dale Tuberville was involved in a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend Julia Spillman at their Margrave Drive residence. When officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with Spillman, who reported that she was not okay and that Tuberville had assaulted her. Spillman stated she could not call because Tuberville was close at all times. The officers informed Spillman that they were there to conduct a welfare check called in by an anonymous female.

Spillman told officers that after she got her kids on the bus in the morning, she asked Tuberville to leave the residence, making him angry. She claims that proceeding this in the hallway, Tuberville put her in a chokehold, making her unable to breathe. As she attempted to pry his hands free from her neck, he let go. Spillman then claimed that Tuberville yelled at her more before they both went to sleep. Spillman noted that she woke up before him and texted her daughter for help shortly before officers arrived. Officers then spoke with Tuberville, who admitted that he was asked to leave, and they both began arguing in the hallway. Tuberville denied that anything physical occurred. Officers deemed Tuberville to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault

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Kaitlyn Watson jailed after attempting to stab men through their door, found sleeping in chicken coop

29-year-old Kaitlyn Watson was involved in an armed robbery at the Cumberland Manor apartments on April 22nd. The victims, Mykel Wade and Lenar Marti contacted the police, stating that someone was banging and kicking at the door. Wade opened the door, and an unknown person wearing a black mask pulled out a black dagger and attempted to stab them. The masked intruder was able to shove the knife through the doorway, but Wade slammed the door, effectively causing her to drop the knife. The intruder fled the scene in a black Mustang, which was later located on Hay Market Road. Law enforcement was given consent to search the property and found a black dagger in the basement, which was identical to the one found on the scene. Watson was found in a chicken coop in the backyard and said she was napping. Watson was Mirandized and ended up admitting to being in possession of the Mustang. She, however, stated that she was on Forbes Avenue. A search warrant for her phone’s GPS location revealed that Watson’s phone was in the area of Riverwood Place at the time that the crime was committed. Kaitlyn Watson was taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

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Kenoshia Smith steals $81 worth of items from Dollar General during robbery

26-year-old Kenoshia Smith was caught after robbing a Dollar General near Highway 76 on March 29th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Ciera Frazier, an employee of the store. Frazier stated that of the three female suspects, one of them put their arm up in a threatening manner while robbing and walking out of the store. Frazier also stated during the incident, the female said she would beat her to death. Frazier stated she was in fear she would be assaulted. Officers identified the female as Kenoshia Smith, who was also observed stealing two boxes of Pampers and a Mr. Clean mop totaling $81.00 in theft. Smith was found and taken into custody on April 22nd for Robbery.

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Antwain Goodner punches man after he crashed into his car

On April 22nd, 27-year-old Antwain Goodner was seen assaulting someone after a vehicle accident. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the victim of the crime. The victim stated that after the crash, Goodner had walked over to his vehicle and made threats about hurting him. The victim then stated that he walked over to Goodner’s vehicle and asked if Goodner’s family was okay. The victim then claims that Goodner became even more enraged and was in his face, yelling that he was going to hurt him. The victim then noted that Goodner proceeded to turn around and punch him in the face, causing bruises. The victim claimed he tried asking Goodner to stop but he did not. Proceeding this, the victim got into the fetal position to protect himself from Goodner before being struck by Goodner in the back. Officers spoke with Goodner, who admitted that he did punch the victim in the face. Goodner stated he did it out of anger. Officers took Goodner into custody for Assault and Driving on a suspended or revoked license. 

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