Aaliyah Roxanne-Rudder shoves boyfriend for yelling back at her during altercation

20-year-old Aaliyah Roxanne-Rudder was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Javion Jackson, on July 18th. When officers met with Rudder, she told them that she was looking for Jackson and saw him in a car with two other people. Rudder told police that this angered her, so she threw her phone down and started yelling at him as she approached the vehicle. Once she came into contact with Jackson, he started yelling back at her, so she pushed him. After confirming the story with Jackson, Rudder was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on July 19th.

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Joseph Diehl drives recklessly on I-24 with 2-month-old baby in backseat

23-year-old Joseph Diehl was seen driving recklessly on I-24 on July 19th. Officers noticed a vehicle swerving in between traffic at a high rate of speed and initiated a traffic stop. Officers caught up to the vehicle and approached the driver. Officers then noticed a 2-month-old baby in the vehicle’s backseat and a woman in the passenger seat. Once officers checked Diehl’s information, they noticed his plate was covered, and the address on Diehl’s license was in violation. Diehl was then taken into custody for two counts of reckless endangerment, reckless driving, improper display of plates, and the ten-day rule for changing address.

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DUI: Soldier Tyler Geiling speeds down Fort Campbell Boulevard after drinking at Electric Cowboy

21-year-old Soldier Tyler Davis Geiling was observed speeding in his black SUV down Fort Campbell Boulevard in the early hours of July 20th. Officers noticed Geiling going 63 mph in a 45 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop. When Geiling spoke with them, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Geiling then admitted to coming from the troubled Electric Cowboy, where he had five beers. After this, Geiling consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Geiling was informed of implied consent and agreed to provide a breath sample, which later resulted in 0.112% BAC. Geiling was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Monika Falcon assaults police officer after leaving ambulance at Mr. Billy’s Bar

34-year-old Monika Falcon was observed publicly intoxicated and assaulting police officers at Mr. Billy’s Bar on Dover Road on July 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Falcon and immediately noticed her inability to stand. Officers also noticed her slurred speech and the smell of alcohol emanating from her. Officers then observed an abrasion and knot on her forehead, which appeared from her falling down in the parking lot.

Emergency medical services then attempted to transport Falcon to the hospital, but she exited the ambulance and began walking down Somerset Lane. Officers ran after Falcon as they considered her a danger to herself due to her intoxication. When officers caught up to her, she pushed away from the officers and struck one in the chest. As a result, Falcon was deemed too intoxicated and was taken into custody for public intoxication and assault against a first responder on July 20th.

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Miranda Orona booked after becoming extremely intoxicated at Old Chicago Pizza

32-year-old Miranda Orona was observed publicly intoxicated at Old Chicago Pizza on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard on July 20th. When officers arrived, they found Orona on the restaurant patio. When speaking with her, officers detected an odor of alcohol. Officers noticed Orona appeared highly intoxicated. Orona informed officers that she had been served inside. The officers arranged for an Uber to take her home because she was not able to drive due to being intoxicated. Nevertheless, Orona repeatedly attempted to stand and walk away despite being instructed to stay seated. Because of this, officers deemed she was a danger to herself and others. Orona was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Kevin Dell steals $400 money order while working at Marathon gas station

42-year-old Kevin Dell was seen stealing a $400 money order at the Marathon Gas Station on Ashland City Road on July 6th. The location’s manager, Debra Kraniak, told law enforcement that she had observed an employee, Dell, take the mentioned money order. Kraniak stated Dell then gave it to an unidentified individual in a black car. It was later found that the money order was cashed, signed, and paid to Dell at a Tennessee Quick Cash location. Dell was taken into custody and charged with theft of property on July 18th.

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Jerri Williams steals $4,000 Cadillac from Old South Auto Sales after being allowed to leave with the vehicle

49-year-old Jerri Williams was caught after stealing a vehicle from Old South Auto Sales on Providence Boulevard on March 9th. On that day, Mary Martinez, an employee of Old South Auto Sales, reported that Williams had allegedly stolen a motor vehicle. Martinez informed officers that on the 7th, Williams test-drove a Cadilac valued at $4,000. When Williams was done, she agreed to pay the money, but Williams claimed she had to meet her sister for the money. Williams was allowed to leave with the vehicle to get the money but never returned. Old South Auto made multiple attempts to contact Williams, but they were unable to do so. On March 15th, Edward Page, another employee of Old South Auto, identified Williams as the woman who stole the vehicle. A warrant was issued, and Williams was taken into custody for theft of a motor vehicle on July 18th.

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Julian Thompson crashes into pole after leading police on high speed chase in Ford Mustang

18-year-old Julian Thompson was seen speeding in a black Ford Mustang on North Woodson Road on July 17th. Officers observed this using a lidar and recorded Thompson driving 50 mph in a 25 mph zone. Officers were able to catch up with the Mustang and activate their emergency lights. Despite this, the Mustang continued to speed off, leading to a chase. During the chase, the Mustang was observed crossing the yellow lane to pass two cars and then speeding off again. As officers tried to obtain the vehicle’s tag numbers, Thompson lost control and went airborne, striking a telephone pole. After Thompson was escorted out of his car, he was transported to Skyline Medical and then taken into custody for evading arrest and reckless driving.

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DUI: Cody Sloan speeds past stop sign & swerves between lanes on Rossview Road

26-year-old Cody Sloan was caught driving under the influence with a weapon while on Rossview Road on July 18th. Officers observed Sloan’s vehicle speed through a stop sign and travel on the wrong side of the road at the intersection of Rossview and Dunbar Cave Road. Officers then observed the same vehicle cross the shoulder line multiple times. Officers then initiated a traffic stop and made contact with Sloan, who was the sole occupant and driver.

While speaking with Sloan, officers could smell the odor of alcohol coming from him. Officers then asked Sloan if he had anything to drink, to which he denied drinking anything. Officers then had Sloan perform sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. Sloan was then taken into custody, and while searching his vehicle, officers found a firearm in arms reach that was under the front passenger seat. Sloan was then transported and charged with driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Jason Zappas shoves ex-wife onto couch, bed, & stairs during argument

47-year-old Jason Stephen Zappas had a domestic incident with his ex-wife, Gaynor Louise Zappas, at their Autumn Drive residence on July 17th. Responding officers noticed that both parties were visibly intoxicated. Then, officers spoke with Jason, who stated that he and Gaynor had an argument that escalated after she grabbed his throat and hindered his breathing. Jason added that he broke free from her grasp and went downstairs. Jason stated Gaynor followed him and grabbed a knife from the sink, brandished it, then put it back into the kitchen block. Officers saw the knife which appeared wet as if it had been in the sink. Jason then denied touching Gaynor at any point during the incident.

When officers spoke with Gaynor, she told them that she and Jason had an argument earlier in the day that became violent. Gaynor added that Jason pushed her several times. Gaynor further explained that she could not recall how many times she had been attacked but that Jason shoved her onto the couch, bed, and stairs. Then, Gaynor denied touching Jason and showing him the knife. Their minor son, JDZ, told officers that Gaynor tried taking his phone while he was calling his brother. He added that he had heard his parents arguing but did not witness an assault. Jason Zappas was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Gaynor Zappas grabs ex-husband by throat, threatens him with knife during argument

52-year-old Gaynor Louise Zappas had a domestic altercation with her ex-husband, Jason Stephen Zappas, at their Autumn Drive residence on July 17th. Responding officers noticed that both parties were visibly intoxicated. Then, officers spoke with Jason, who stated that he and Gaynor had an argument that escalated after she grabbed his throat and hindered his breathing. Jason added that he broke free from her grasp and went downstairs. Jason stated Gaynor followed him and grabbed a knife from the sink, brandished it, then put it back into the kitchen block. Officers saw the knife which appeared wet as if it had been in the sink. Jason then denied touching Gaynor at any point during the incident.

When officers spoke with Gaynor, she told them that she and Jason had an argument earlier in the day that became violent. Gaynor added that Jason pushed her several times. Gaynor further explained that she could not recall how many times she had been attacked but that Jason shoved her onto the couch, bed, and stairs. Then, Gaynor denied touching Jason and showing him the knife. Their minor son, JDZ, told officers that Gaynor tried taking his phone while he was calling his brother. He added that he had heard his parents arguing but did not witness an assault. Gaynor Zappas was then taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault.

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Rafael Butler punches girlfriend in face multiple times during argument

30-year-old Rafael Butler was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Monique Smith, at their Tower Drive apartment on July 16th. In a written statement provided by Smith, it was stated that Butler punched her in the face three times during an argument. When officers arrived, they observed blood coming from Smith’s nose and blood on the concrete next to her. Through further investigation of the incident, it was found that Butler and Smith have a long history of domestic assault and condition of release violations. Once officers came into contact with Butler, he was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jahneil George grabs girlfriend’s father by his throat during argument

27-year-old Jahneil George was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend’s father, Shannon Carrell, at their Whitt Lance residence on July 16th. When officers arrived, Carrell told them he had gotten into an argument with George. Carrell stated that as he was trying to distance himself from the altercation, George came up to him and grabbed him by the throat. According to Carrell, George then kicked the fender of his car and then hit his windshield with a metallic object. The damage was estimated to be worth $400. After observing the damages to Carrell’s car and the bruises on his neck, George was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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Shannon Carrell rams into roommate’s car causing $2,000 worth of damage during argument

58-year-old Shannon Carrell was caught vandalizing his roommate’s car at their Whitt Lane residence on July 16th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the victim, who claimed that he and Carrell had an argument. The victim stated that during the argument, Carrell walked to the front of his car and began stomping on the hood with his feet, causing a dent in the vehicle. After this, the victim claimed that Carrell then entered his own vehicle and began ramming the front end of his car into the victim’s car multiple times. Upon inspection, officers observed a large dent in the hood of the victim’s car and damage to the back of the car. The damage was estimated to be worth $2,000. Due to the damage, Carrell was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for vandalism.

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Justin Bailey breaks into man’s home, tells police he was house-sitting

43-year-old Justin Bailey was seen breaking into someone’s basement window at their Woodbridge Drive residence on July 16th. The homeowner contacted law enforcement, saying that his house alarm was going off and that no one was supposed to be home. As officers approached the house, they heard someone making sounds inside. Officers made themselves known multiple times, but Bailey remained silent. Officers found Bailey concealing himself after entering the residence and finding an open closet door. Bailey told officers that he never announced himself because he was scared and thought he had warrants. He also claimed that he was house-sitting for the homeowner. According to the homeowner, he hadn’t been at his house since June due to car issues and had never met Bailey. Bailey was then taken into custody and charged with aggravated criminal trespassing and evading arrest.

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David Bennett harasses lobby attendant, damages multiple items at Hilton Garden Inn

51-year-old David Bennett was arrested for driving under the influence at Drake’s on South Hampton Place on July 16th. When the officers arrived, they noticed a vehicle parked halfway in a parking spot in the parking lot. Officers then approached Bennett, the vehicle’s only occupant, and observed that the car was in gear and running. Bennett was then instructed to exit the vehicle so they could speak with him. Officers detected a strong smell of alcohol, observed Bennett’s unsteadiness, and noted his slurred speech. When questioned, Bennett admitted to consuming a few drinks but later claimed to have had only one drink. Bennett then consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Based on their observations, officers deemed Bennett to be intoxicated and took him into custody for DUI.

A few days later, on July 18th, Bennett was witnessed acting disorderly at the Hilton Garden Inn hotel on Alfred Thun Road. When officers arrived, they spoke with Milton Elliot, the hotel maintenance manager, who informed them that two people had dropped Bennett off. Elliot also reported that Bennett had damaged numerous items in the hotel hallway and harassed the female attendant in the front lobby. Bennett’s hotel room door was wide open when officers made contact with him. They noticed the room’s map was damaged and observed Bennett arguing with himself. Hotel staff requested that he leave, and Bennett reacted aggressively, making numerous threats. As a result, Bennett was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

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Nathaniel Moore caught with handgun & 12 grams of marijuana after speeding down Tiny Town Road

22-year-old Nathaniel Hison Moore was observed speeding in his red truck on Tiny Town Road on July 16th. The police report stated that Trooper Stout was conducting speed enforcement when he noticed Moore going 16 mph over the posted speed limit. Stout conducted a traffic stop and identified Moore as the driver. Stout noted after he had Moore exit the vehicle, he noticed a strong marijuana odor coming from him. Moore told Stout that he had a bottle of alcohol, a gun behind the seat, and a small amount of marijuana. Trooper Stout then retrieved a small 9mm handgun, a half-empty liquor bottle, and 12 grams of marijuana in a jar. Moore was taken into custody for simple possession, the unlawful possession of a weapon, an open-container violation, and speeding.

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Ladarrius Fitts bites girlfriend, pours water on her during argument, tells police “it was for a YouTube video”

25-year-old Ladarrius Fitts was arrested for pouring water on and biting his girlfriend, Ashley Richmond, on July 16th. The following day, officers spoke with Richmond, who stated that she was afraid of being hit by Fitts on the 16th. Richmond informed officers that after the initial incident, Fitts bit her on her forearm and left shoulder. Richmond stated Fitts then went to the kitchen to get water and poured it on her. Richmond said that Fitts did this three times and demanded an apology from her for a previous argument.

Officers then found Fitts at Fort Campbell, where he provided a false identity three times before being taken into custody. Once in custody, Fitts admitted to pouring water on Richmond, claiming “it was for a YouTube video,” but denied ever striking her. Fitts was then transported and charged with criminal impersonation and domestic assault.

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D’Andrea Holloway caught with marijuana & suspended license during traffic stop for illegal tint

25-year-old D’Andrea Holloway was driving on a suspended license with marijuana in her car while at the intersection of Lincoln Drive and Ernest Shelton Drive on July 17th. Officers noticed a vehicle with suspected illegal window tint and initiated a traffic stop. Upon stopping the vehicle and making contact with Holloway, officers discovered that the windows were 15% darker than the legal limit of 35%. Officers then checked Holloway’s license and found that it had been suspended on March 19th, 2023, due to unpaid fines. Additionally, officers found an arrest warrant for her driving on a suspended license in Ashland City. Upon smelling marijuana in the car, officers proceeded to search the vehicle. During the search, officers discovered a plastic bag between the passenger seat and the center compartment. The plastic bag contained a green leafy substance suspected to be marijuana weighing 1.76 grams. The suspected substance tested positive for marijuana, and Holloway was then taken into custody for possession and driving on a suspended license.

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Germaine Seaborn causes crash by grabbing girlfriend’s steering wheel during argument

53-year-old Germaine Dinele Seaborn rode as a passenger to his girlfriend, Brandy Reid, and caused her to crash on 101st Airborne Division Parkway and Trenton Road late July 17th. Reid told responding officers that she and Seaborn argued while she was driving. Then, Reid stated that Seaborn grabbed the steering wheel and made her hit the median. When officers spoke with Seaborn, he said the crash was caused by the vehicle losing control in the rain. Seabron was then placed into custody for reckless endangerment.

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