Timothy Shadwick free on $0 bond after indicted by Grand Jury for aggravated kidnapping

A Montgomery County Grandy Jury indicted 35-year-old Timothy Lee Shadwick for aggravated kidnapping and coercion on June 14th, 2024. The indictment alleges that on or about May 19th, 2023, Shadwick unlawfully and knowingly removed or confined Nani Shadwick to interfere with their liberty while possessing or by threatening the use of a deadly weapon and, through coercion, attempted to influence Nani Shadwick to withhold truthful testimony, testify falsely, or be absent from an official proceeding against him, at a time where Nani Shadwick was a witness.

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Gregory Townsend headbutts wife when she tells him to get a job

53-year-old Gregory Keith Townson had a domestic incident with his wife, Victoria Medina, at their High Street residence at 7:11 a.m. on June 14th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Medina, who stated that she and Townson had a dispute regarding him not working. During their argument, Townson got in her face and headbutted her, hitting her nose, which popped and made her believe it had broken. Then, Medina separated herself from him and alerted the authorities. When officers spoke with Townson, he told them that if he headbutted her, it was an accident. Townson was later taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Jacqueline Pratt Cagle strangles daughter for not cleaning her room

49-year-old Jacqueline Bredalee Pratt Cagle had a domestic altercation with her daughter, Jane Pratt, at their West Creek Coyote Trail apartment on June 15th. Responding officers spoke with Jane, who stated that she and Jacqueline argued over not cleaning her room, during which Jacqueline came up to her and punched her in the face. Jane added that her mother then pushed her against the wall in the bedroom and placed her hands around her throat, hindering her breathing for a few seconds and leaving visible abrasions. Cagle was later taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Collin Hartman causes two deputies to crash while recklessly driving

22-year-old Collin James Hartman of the US Army 74th CTC/129 was observed driving his dark gray Ford Fiesta in the wrong travel lane and trying to overtake another vehicle, causing two patrolling deputies to collide while avoiding hitting his Fiesta head-on near Southside Road at 7:55 p.m. on June 15th. Then, Hartman continued traveling toward Highway 48, so deputies searched the area until they located him on Riverside Drive, where they conducted a traffic stop. He told them he was coming from Avondale Apartments off Ashland City Road. As they further investigated, the passenger corroborated the deputy’s account of what happened, and they could identify Hartman as the person in question. When officers ran his information through NCIC, they discovered his Florida License was suspended for failing to comply with a traffic summons in Tennessee. Hartman was then taken into custody for failure to maintain lane, driving on a suspended license, and reckless driving.

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Brittany Hamilton slaps boyfriend in face during argument

32-year-old Brittany Cecil Hamilton had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Wade Hunt, at their Dominion Drive residence on June 15th. Hunt told responding officers that he and Hamilton had gotten into an argument. Hunt added that the dispute got out of hand, and then she slapped him across the face, leaving a small cut above his left eye. Hamilton was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Maggie Von Beltz jailed after tampering with evidence during another person’s arrest

23-year-old Maggie Von Beltz was seen tampering with evidence at her Walnut Street apartment residence on June 17th. While officers were in the process of taking Xavier Gatewood into custody, Beltz interfered with the arrest by reaching into Gatewood’s pockets and removing items. Officers then stopped belts by grabbing her hand and told her to release the item, but at that time, she flung the item towards the grass. Once more officers arrived on the scene, Beltz was detained, and they located the item she got from Gatewood’s pockets. The item appeared to be a small clear jar with an oily residue that had the smell of marijuana. Officers then noticed a yellow-looking wax substance with a strong odor of marijuana lying on the concrete. The wax was tested, and it came back positive for THC. When asked about the situation, Beltz told officers she reached into Gatewood’s pockets so that she could give them the THC wax. Beltz was then taken into custody for tampering with evidence.

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Kristy Howell jailed after authorities find two deceased dogs in her garage

44-year-old Kristy Howell was caught having two dead dogs in her garage at her Sherwood Hills Drive residence on June 12th. On that day, officers responded to an animal cruelty call at the residence, and upon arrival, they spoke with Emily Goodfield, an animal control officer. Goodfield informed the officers that two dogs were found deceased in the garage of the house, and she suspected that the dogs had died from starvation. Officers then contacted Joshua Howell, who stated that his ex-wife, Kristy, is the only person who lives in the house and has guardianship of the dogs. Officers were unable to contact Kristy, so a warrant was issued. Kristy was caught and taken into custody for two counts of aggravated animal cruelty on June 17th.

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Kimani Wactor indicted for aggravated assault and reckless endangerment

A Montgomery County Grand Jury indicted 25-year-old Kimani Rasheed Wactor for aggravated assault and reckless endangerment in May 2023. The indictment alleges that Wactor, on or around February 19th, 2023, caused Steven Turner to fear imminent bodily injury by displaying a handgun as a deadly weapon and discharging it in a manner that placed or may have placed other persons in danger of death or severe injury. Wactor was later taken into custody on June 17th.

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DUI: Brittny Bailey jailed after several drinks at Electric Cowboy

35-year-old Brittny Bailey was seen driving under the influence at an intersection on 101st Airborne Division Parkway and Peachers Mill Road on June 15th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Bailey, who, upon initial contact, showed signs of intoxication. When officers asked if she drank any alcohol, Bailey admitted to drinking several drinks before leaving the troubled Electric Cowboy. When officers asked Bailey to perform sobriety, she accepted. However, she performed poorly on all tests. After being informed of implied consent, she agreed to provide a breath sample, resulting in 0.192 BAC%. Bailey was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Brooklyn Corlew kicks ex-boyfriend in genitals during tug of war for blanket

23-year-old Brooklyn Corlew was involved in a domestic incident with her ex-boyfriend, Joshua Haley, at his Heritage Drive residence on June 15th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Haley, who stated that he and Corlew had an altercation that had turned physical. Haley informed officers that he was in his bedroom when he received a text from Corlew, who was trying to sleep in the living room. Proceeding this, he went to the living room and pulled Corlew’s blanket off her, telling her she could not sleep with a blanket and taking it back to his bedroom. Haley then claimed that Corlew followed right behind him so she could go to sleep, and that’s when both parties started pulling the blanket back and forth to take possession of it. Haley says that during this, Corlew had kicked him at least four times in the genitals before grabbing him by the genitals and squeezing them hard. Officers then spoke with Corlew, who claimed that all she did was raise her leg to push off Haley to create some distance from him because she was trying to take the blanket back. Officers deemed Corlew to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault. While officers were driving, Corlew told officers that she had an Altoids can containing marijuana in her purse. When officers searched the bag, they located the Altoids containing marijuana. Corlew was charged with domestic assault and possession of a controlled substance.

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John Coffman jailed after causing drunken disturbance at O’Connor’s Pub

21-year-old John Michael Coffman caused a disturbance at O’Connor’s Bar and Grill on Tylertown Road in the early hours of June 15th. When officers arrived, they were flagged down by the establishment’s security. After this, they noticed Coffman having a dispute with another patron, so they approached them and told them to go home. The other person involved entered a nearby vehicle, and Coffman refused to leave with his designated driver and punched a wall, which left his knuckles bloody. Then, after officers assisted with a nearby crash, they overheard yelling from the O’Connor’s parking lot. When officers reapproached, they observed Coffman inside the passenger window fighting with the patron again and detained him for the occurrence. After this, several soldiers offered to take Coffman home, but he refused. During their interaction, he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Coffman was deemed a danger to himself and taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Dequaveion Moore punches officer in face after stealing from Walmart

20-year-old Dequaveion Orease Moore stole merchandise from the Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard at 12:36 p.m. on June 14th. Upon arrival, officers observed him walking toward the exit without paying for the items he had. They attempted to stop him, during which Moore struck one of them in the face and fled. Moore was later taken into custody for shoplifting, assault on a first responder, and evading arrest.

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Local rapper “Rondo Sixowe” booked after getting in grandmother’s face — Malachi Shutt

22-year-old Local rapper “Rondo Sixowe” aka Malachi Nehemiah Shutt was involved in a domestic incident with his grandmother, Martina Howard, at their Anita Court residence at 3:34 p.m. on May 27th. Howard told responding officers that Shutt was yelling at her and threw his drink against the wall before getting in her face. She said he had a history of assaulting her, so she feared that he would hit her. A warrant was issued for Shutt’s arrest, and then he was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 14th.

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Ahj-Tariq White assaults wife’s boyfriend after argument

26-year-old Ahj-Tariq White was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife’s polyamorous partner, David Sanders, at his Parc at Clarksville apartment on June 12th. On June 14th at 3:22 a.m., officers responded to a simple assault at the residence. When they arrived, they spoke with Sanders, who stated that he was involved in a polygamist relationship with White’s wife and that he comes and goes from his residence to White and his wife’s apartment residence. Sanders also told officers that White’s wife was his girlfriend, and the two had an altercation about their relationship two days prior in which White showed up at Sanders’s apartment to confront him. Sanders informed officers that White had chased him from his apartment to his friend’s apartment, which was not too far. Sanders stated that during his running, he had dropped his phone, and once White was inside the apartment, he had asked him to get out and fight him. Sanders then proceeded to go outside, but before the assault happened, Whites’ wife reached into Sanders’ pocket and took his second phone. After this, White began punching Sanders numerous times in the face, causing him to fall and scrape his knee. Officers then made contact with White at his apartment and took him into custody for domestic assault on June 14th.

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Malik Obradovic jailed after being caught with meth at Exxon Hi-Road gas station

30-year-old Malik Obradovic was seen sleeping at the Exxon Hi-Road gas station on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard at 5:21 a.m. on June 14th. When officers arrived, they observed Obradovic’s vehicle running next to a gas pump in the parking lot while he was sleeping with the car in drive. Once officers were able to wake Obradovic up, they observed that he was visually impaired. After ordering Obradovic out of the vehicle, officers saw a bag of suspected methamphetamine in plain view next to his foot. Officers also reported the odor of burnt marijuana emitting from the car before searching it. While searching Obradovic’s vehicle, officers located multiple small baggies, scales, a glass pipe with burn marks and white residue, syringes, and a partial cigar that smelled of burnt marijuana. A portion of the cigar tested positive for marijuana, weighing less than 14.175 grams, and a portion of the meth came back positive and had a weight of 0.5 grams. Obradovic was taken into custody for unlawful drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence, simple possession of a controlled substance, and intent to manufacture or sell controlled substances.

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DUI: Timmothy Weisner drives into ditch after drinking several beers

36-year-old Timmothy Weisner was seen driving into a ditch near the Quick Trip on Rossview Road at 4:47 a.m. on June 14th. Officers responded to a caller who asked for help as a man had driven through a fence into a ditch and then stopped at a church across the street. When officers arrived, they made contact with Weisner, who was asleep in the truck driver’s seat with the keys in the ignition. Officers woke Weisner up and directed him out of the vehicle. While speaking with Weisner, he confessed that he had consumed several beers earlier in the evening. Officers noted that they could smell alcohol coming from Weisner, prompting them to request him to perform sobriety tests. Weisner declined the test and was taken into custody for driving under the influence. While being taken into custody, Weisner informed officers that there were two handguns in the middle console of the vehicle. The weapons were recovered, and Weisner was charged with driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Calvin Jackson caught stealing bag with $1,500 inside at Laundromat

52-year-old Calvin Robert Jackson was identified as responsible for a burglary at the New Providence Super Laundromat on May 17th. On June 12th, officers obtained footage showing Jackson entering behind the employee’s area, looking for a bag. During this time, he picked one up and threw it back down. Then, it showed him grabbing a bag from underneath it that employees stated had $1,500 inside. A warrant was then issued for his arrest. Jackson was then taken into custody for burglary on June 13th.

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Elaina Schockling charged for harassing multiple people

20-year-old Elaina Marie Schockling made numerous unwanted calls and texts to Dominque Lee after being told to stop in October 2022. She ignored her request for a sustained period of time, so on March 23rd, 2023, Lee reported this, and officers obtained a warrant for Schockling’s arrest.

On March 13th, 2023, Sabrina Martinez also told officers that Schockling had been told to stop contacting her in February 2023 but continued to do so. Officers obtained an additional warrant for her arrest, also charging her with harassment.

Schockling was then taken into custody for two counts of harassment on June 13th, 2024.

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Warren Spears steals $1200 of “fake weed” from Evolve Smoke Shop

21-year-old Warren Spears was seen stealing “fake weed” from the Evolve Smoke Shop on University Avenue at 1:41 a.m. on June 5th. Officers responded to an alarm call at the shop, and when they arrived, they immediately noticed the smoke shop’s rear door shattered by a brick. Following this, they contacted the business owner, Ankeet Patel, who came to inventory the shop. The owner told officers that two bags of THCA valued at $1200 were missing from a showcase. Surveillance footage of Spears showed he had broken the rear window, ran inside to the showcase, and grabbed the bag of THCA. During the officers’ investigation, Spear was identified as the suspect who had broken into the business. On June 12th, officers contacted Spears at his Madison Street apartment, where he confessed to breaking the back door glass with a painted brick and stealing a bag of “fake weed.” Spears stated that he needed the money and sold the fake weed for $200. Spears was then taken into custody for burglary.

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Tiaone Taylor caught in 4K forcefully trapping wife inside house during altercation

40-year-old Tiaone Taylor was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Dora Garcia, at their Amblewood Way residence at 6:00 a.m. on June 12th. On the following day, Garcia reported that she had been involved in an altercation on the 12th with Taylor. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Garcia, who immediately informed them that several cameras were around the house, and they captured what had happened. She told the officers that during an argument with Taylor, he placed his hands on her, trapped her, and threw things around on the floor.
Garcia alleged that Taylor enveloped her in a bear hug, restraining her, and forcibly moved her around the residence.

Garcia informed officers that this is when she tried to call 911, but he grabbed her phone to prevent the phone call, which has happened on several occasions. She stated that she had pain in her ribcage on the left side of her body as well as left arm pain and pain in her jaw from the bearhug and assault. Officers, however, did not see any evidence and only noticed a small amount of discoloration in her ribcages. There was also no evidence of trauma on her face or arms. Based on the evidence and statements given, Taylor was taken into custody for domestic assault and interference with an emergency call.

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