Rocky Rodrequis Redix strangles girlfriend, threatens her with AR-15 during altercation

34-year-old Rocky Rodrequis Redix had an incident with his girlfriend, Cheyenne Madison Jenkins, at their Parkway Place apartment on July 7th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Jenkins, who stated that she and Redix had an argument that escalated after she tried to leave the unit. Jenkins added that Redix grabbed her from behind, wrapped his arm around her neck, and started to squeeze. She further explained that she could not breathe but maintained consciousness.

Then, after Redix released her, Jenkins exited the residence. Jenkins stated this was when Redix stood near the front door with a black “AR-15” in his hands. She then advised officers that Redix racked the bolt before pointing it at her and that she ran away from the property. Jenkins noted that Redix’s actions placed her in fear for her safety. Redix was later taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault on July 17th.

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Craig Wallace swings on roommate during argument

34-year-old Craig Matthew Wallace had a domestic altercation with his roommate, Austin Jones, at their Loren Circle residence on July 17th. Wallace told responding officers that the argument between him and Jones was strictly verbal. Then, when the police spoke with Jones, he stated that during their dispute, Wallace started to swing at him but made no contact. Jones added that he was placed in fear following Wallace’s actions. Wallace was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Lindsey Stair-Nawy walks into traffic, shouts at people at Spring Meadows Health Care Nursing Home

33-year-old Lindsey Stair-Nawy was seen being erratic at Spring Meadows Health Care nursing home on July 17th. When officers arrived, they were informed that multiple callers reported that Nawy had been repeatedly walking in and out of traffic. The callers also noted that Nawy was shouting at people who were passing by and aggressively approaching individuals. Despite the offers to refrain from engaging in those actions, Nawy continued, so she was deemed a threat to herself and others. Nawy was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

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Kennedy Trombley slaps husband because she didn’t like how he was talking about her

22-year-old Kennedy Trombley was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Ethan Trombley, while at a Bellamy Lane residence on July 17th. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Ethan, who informed them that he and Kennedy had argued about how he talked about her to his friends. Ethan stated that during the argument, Kennedy became upset, slapped him in the face, and snatched his headphones off. He further explained that when Kennedy continued to be physical, he ran downstairs and called 911. Officers observed a wound on the top of Ethan’s head before speaking with Kennedy. Kennedy admitted to officers that she attempted to snatch the headphones off because of the way Ethan was talking about her, which led to the physical altercation. Officers then determined Kennedy to be the primary aggressor and took her into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Breianna Blevins reeks of alcohol after caught driving drunk on Tracy Lane

22-year-old Breianna Blevins was caught driving under the influence on Tracy Lane on July 16th. When officers made contact with Blevins, she reeked of alcohol and was confused during questioning. Once officers asked Blevins to perform sobriety tests, she consented. However, Blevins displayed multiple signs of impairment and performed poorly on tests. Blevins was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Emily Marshall jailed after assaulting her father’s caregivers in 2023

69-year-old Emily Marshall was caught pushing her father’s caregivers on March 18th, 2023. Caregivers Myra brown and Carol McQuiston reported that while acting as Marshall’s father’s caregivers, she pushed them. This caused them both to feel assaulted, and they both made a report for her arrest. A warrant was issued, and Marshall was later taken into custody for two counts of simple assault on July 16th.

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Raymond Sinden-Caldwell throws & strangles girlfriend after she learned he cheated

25-year-old Raymond Sinden-Caldwell was involved in a domestic altercation with Hannah Donnelly, his girlfriend, while at an Old Metal Road residence on February 22nd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Donnelly, who stated that she and Caldwell were involved in a physical altercation. Donnelly informed officers that yesterday, the 21st, she found out Caldwell was cheating and unfaithful. Donnelly stated that this caused her to become upset and made her unable to sleep. Donnelly told officers that this morning, when she was in the shower, Caldwell knocked on the bathroom door. When she got out, Caldwell allegedly asked her what her problem was, and she told Caldwell that she did not have a problem.

After this, Caldwell allegedly got angry and grabbed Donnelly by her upper body. Caldwell then allegedly threw her around the house, leaving bruises. Donnelly told officers that while she was on the ground, Caldwell stood over the top of her and wrapped his hands around her throat. Donnelly stated Caldwell began strangling her, which left bruises on her neck. Donnelly also states that when Caldwell found out she wanted to contact police, he took her phone. Caldwell fled the scene, and officers could not contact him, so a warrant was issued for his arrest. Caldwell was later taken into custody for aggravated assault and interfering with an emergency call on July 16th.

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Breonna Ballard pushes boyfriend on bed, strikes him multiple times during argument

27-year-old Breonna Ballard was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Romonte Hall, at the Town Suites on Westfield Court on July 16th. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed two people arguing then made contact with Hall and Ballard. Officers spoke with Hall, who stated they were arguing about their living situation in their hotel room. While arguing, he was holding Ballard’s phone and room key. Hall informed officers that Ballard then attempted to get her items back by grabbing him and ended up hitting him. After that, Hall told officers that Ballard pushed him onto the bed and struck him multiple times. Despite Hall’s statement, there were no injuries on his body. Ballard was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Tykes Mosley caught with illegal weapons & marijuana at McGregor Park, tells officers he was “enjoying the scenery”

21-year-old Tykes Mosley was caught with marijuana in the parking lot of McGregor Park at 3:14 a.m. on July 16th. When officers initially made contact with Mosley, he told them he was “enjoying the scenery.” Once Mosley opened his door, officers reported that they observed the strong smell of marijuana. During a probable cause search of Mosley’s car, officers located a clear baggie containing 19 grams of marijuana, a scale, another clear baggie, a “roach,” and an unused backwoods cigar.

Officers also discovered a Smith & Wesson 380 pistol and a pair of brass knuckles. After being Mirandized, Mosley admitted that everything in that car was his. Mosley then admitted that he had come from a party where he used marijuana. Mosley was then taken into custody and charged with possession of a handgun while under the influence, possession of prohibited weapons, simple possession, and unlawful drug paraphernalia.

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Bryan Jackson shoots at juvenile step-daughter during argument with wife

31-year-old Bryan Jackson was involved in a domestic incident with his wife, Heather Jackson, and her daughter at their Autumn Drive residence on July 15th. Heather contacted law enforcement, saying that her husband had fired a gun inside their home. When officers arrived, they spoke with Bryan. Bryan stated that his juvenile step-daughter kept intervening while he was arguing with Heather, so he went to the garage to separate himself from the situation.

According to Bryan, Heather’s daughter continued to yell and make disrespectful comments at him, so when she went into the garage, he shot at her. The bullet traveled through the garage wall and a closet into the dining room, where it was found lodged. Bryan was taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault and three counts of reckless endangerment on July 16th.

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Brian Drennon pushes sister to the ground during altercation

24-year-old Brian Drennon was involved in an altercation with his sister, Charlean Drennon, at her Lexington Village apartment on July 15th. When officers arrived and spoke with Charlean, she told them that Brian had pushed her to the ground. Once officers met with Brian, he admitted to pushing Charlean. Based on the statements given by Brian and Charlean, Brian was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Jacob Lanham crashes car after having 2-3 shots of liquor

20-year-old Soldier Jacob Isaiah Lanham was involved in a wreck with injuries at a Liverworth Road residence on July 14th. When officers arrived, they helped Lanham out of his vehicle, during which they noticed he reeked of alcohol. Then, Lanham admitted to having 2-3 beers and 2-3 shots of liquor. He further explained that he did not remember what happened. Due to Lanham’s leg injury, officers did not prompt him with sobriety tests. Lanham was then detained for the incident and placed into a patrol car. Lanham agreed to provide blood samples, and after being transported to Tennova, he was medically cleared. Lanham was then taken into custody for underage driving under the influence.

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Azuri Young caught with multiple guns & drugs during traffic stop over expired registration

28-year-old Azuri Young was caught with multiple guns and illicit substances while driving near an intersection of Greenfield Drive and Paradise Hill Road on July 13th. Officers conducted a traffic stop on a silver vehicle because the vehicle had an expired registration. Officers then spoke with Young and explained the reason for the stop but also detected the smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Young was then asked to step out of the vehicle, and a probable cause search was conducted. Officers located a Glock 17, a Taurus G3, suspected marijuana, a pill bottle containing 70 pills, and a digital scale.

During a search of Young, Officers located $2,132, a black iPhone, and wraps used for smoking. The suspected marijuana tested positive as marijuana and had a weight of 88 grams, and the pills were identified as Oxycodone, Hydrochloride, and Acetaminophen. Young was then taken into custody for possession of a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony, unlawful drug paraphernalia, possession without prescription, and a Schedule Six drug violation. Azuri Young was previously arrested in May 2024 for stealing a $2,165 deposit bag at Subway.

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Johnathan McKnight resists arrest after breaking glass door at Mr. Billy’s Bar & Grill

34-year-old Johnathan McKnight was seen breaking a glass door at Mr. Billy’s Bar & Grill at 3 a.m. on July 14th. When officers arrived, they observed McKnight attempting to get inside his vehicle. Once they approached McKnight, they noticed the smell of an alcoholic beverage coming from him, as well as other indicators of intoxication. After refusing to leave his car, McKnight had to be forcibly removed from his vehicle and placed in handcuffs. Officers deemed McKnight a danger to himself and others. McKnight was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest.

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DUI: Andrew Shaw scores 0.213% BAC after backing into police car

36-year-old Andrew Shaw was involved in an accident with a police car on East Boy Scout Road on July 14th. When officers arrived, they observed that a grey Chevy Impala had backed into a police car. During the officers’ interaction with Shaw, they noticed signs of intoxication as well as the smell of alcohol coming from his person. After agreeing to perform sobriety tests, Shaw performed poorly. Shaw was taken into custody and read implied consent. Shaw then agreed to take a breathalyzer test, which resulted in a 0.213% BAC. Shaw was charged with driving under the influence. 

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BUI: Elijah Clayton flees police by jumping off officer’s boat during sobriety tests

25-year-old Elijah Clayton was seen boating under the influence and attempting to evade arrest on the Cumberland River on July 13th. Officers noticed a white man being towed behind the boat without a life jacket and another man operating the vessel wearing a multicolored life jacket. When officers turned on their patrol lights and stopped the boat, its occupants quickly began exiting. Officers then spoke with the boat operator, identified as Elijah Clayton.

Officers noticed he seemed intoxicated and had difficulty retrieving safety equipment when asked. Officers then asked Clayton to perform sobriety tests. However, when Clayton consented and got on their boat, he refused to sit or obey commands. Clayton then jumped off the officer’s boat, refused to listen to their commands, and attempted to flee on foot. After a pursuit, officers detained and arrested Clayton for violation of implied consent, boating under the influence, reckless operation, and evading arrest.

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DUI: Anton Clinard flips car after drinking several “tall boys” of beer

20-year-old Anton Clinard was arrested for driving under the influence after being involved in a car accident at the intersection of Port Royal and Head Road on July 13th. Police responded to a hit-and-run incident where a vehicle was found in a ditch. The vehicle attempted to drive off, ending up sideways in the roadway after hitting a barricade. Upon arrival at the scene, officers found Clinard unable to stand or walk and unable to perform sobriety tests.

Clinard confessed to having consumed several “tall boys” of beer. Officers observed Clinard’s red and watery eyes, slurred speech, and the smell of alcohol on his breath. An open beer can was also found within arm’s reach in the back seat. As a result, Clinard was arrested for driving while impaired and for having an open container of alcohol.

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DUI: Joseph Ide crosses into opposite lane while driving on suspended license

25-year-old Joseph Ide, an employee of Vanderbilt, was involved in a traffic stop on 101st Airborne Division Parkway after officers observed him attempting to cross into an opposite travel lane on July 13th. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Ide, who was showing other signs of intoxication. Ide informed officers that he had a Glock 43x and that he drunk a beer two hours before they stopped him. After being prompted with sobriety tests, Ide agreed to perform them and performed poorly. Ide was then taken into custody. A check of Ide’s license revealed that it had been suspended due to his failure to pay fines on October 14th, 2021. Ide was later transported to booking and charged with possession of a handgun while under the influence, driving under the influence, and driving on a suspended license.

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Joel Casey indicted by Grand Jury for 4 counts of statutory rape of minor

A Montgomery County Grand Jury had indicted 28-year-old Joel Casey for four counts of statutory rape that occurred between the dates of January 1st, 2021, and December 2nd, 2022. The indictment alleges that Casey unlawfully and knowingly engaged in sexual contact with a minor who was at least 13 years old but not older than 18 years old. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $75,000.

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