Anthonette Allen jailed after stealing estranged husband’s $14,000 VA check

26-year-old Anthonette Allen was caught stealing a check from her estranged husband, David Allen, at her mother’s house on June 6th. David reported that he had a Veterans Affairs compensation check sent to a previous address where he no longer lived due to him and Anthonette splitting up. The address now belongs to his mother-in-law. David called Anthonette and asked her to send him the check, but she refused and cashed it herself. Officers spoke with Anthonette over the phone, and she admitted that she had cashed the check. Anthonette stated that she had a power of attorney but could not prove law enforcement with any evidence of it. Anthonette was taken into custody for theft on June 24th.

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Amerie Pardue keys ex-boyfriend’s car after throwing his clothes in the street

20-year-old Amerie Pardue was seen keying her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Bailey’s, car at his Hickory Trace Road apartment on June 20th. When officers spoke with Bailey, he said he received a text from Pardue. Bailey told officers the text said she dropped his clothes off in the cul-de-sac in front of his apartment and threw the key to a car in his possession at his apartment. When Bailey went outside the same morning, he noticed scratches that appeared to have been made by a key on his Cadillac sedan and his girlfriend’s Nissan SUV. Bailey and his girlfriend called Pardue, and she admitted to keying their cars. Officers later contacted Pardue, who stated that she never even got out of the car when she was there. Pardue told police that she only threw the clothes in the roadway and left. Bailey showed police a series of texts between him and Pardue leading up to and after she dropped the clothes off. In the messages, Pardue made statements about assaulting Bailey’s girlfriend, throwing a car key out with the rest of Bailey’s property, and not being afraid to go to jail. Officers determined the damage caused was around $500. Pardue was taken into custody for vandalism on June 24th.

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DUI: Kenneth Hallberg crashes car after having multiple mixed drinks

73-year-old Kenneth Hallberg was seen in a single-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 374 and Garrettsburg Road on June 23rd. When officers arrived, they noticed that Hallberg was visibly intoxicated. While interacting with Hallberg, officers observed a handgun in his right pocket. Once officers confiscated it, Hallberg told them that he had multiple mixed drinks over eight hours. Hallberg agreed to sobriety tests, but performed poorly. Hallberg was taken into custody for driving under the influence, possession of a handgun intoxicated, and exercising due care on June 24th.

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DUI: Mary Baggett swerves between lanes after drinking at concert in Nashville

52-year-old Mary Baggett was seen swerving in and out of traffic lines in a blue Ram truck on June 24th. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Gatlin Street and made contact with Baggett. Baggett told officers that she had a few drinks at a concert in Nashville. Baggett agreed to sobriety tests but performed poorly. Baggett was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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DUI: Jeffrey Grant tells police he has no ACL after hitting car at Tippers Neighborhood Pub

51-year-old Jeffrey Grant was involved in a crash in the Tippers Neighborhood Pub parking lot on June 22nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Grant. Grant stated that he hit another vehicle while he was pulling out of his parking spot. During officers’ interaction with Grant, they noted that he smelt like an alcoholic beverage. When asked about it, Grant confessed that he came from Tippers Neighborhood Pub and had too much to drink. Once officers prompted Grant with sobriety tests, he stated that he had no ACL in his left knee. Officers asked again and indicated that they needed a yes or no from Grant, and he replied, “Sure.” Grant performed poorly and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Cameron Hosea burns house down after argument with mother

23-year-old Cameron Hosea was involved in a house fire at Dinsmore Road on June 22nd. Authorities received a call from Hosea’s mother, Kristen Steffen, that her home was on fire and that Hosea was inside. She went on to tell dispatchers that her son was not “in a good place” and may have started the fire on purpose. When officers arrived, Kristen stated that she watched Hosea exit through the back door into the woods. Kristen told officers that Hosea had been drinking and that he was upset with her, saying that she never did anything for him. During their argument, Kristen chose to go to her camper because she no longer wanted to continue arguing.

Kristen’s husband, Jacob Steffen, said he turned on the motion cameras to see what Hosea was doing inside the living room. Jacob stated that he couldn’t see most of the living room because something was blocking that camera, but he could see sparks, which caused him to worry. When Jacob and Kristen went outside the camper, they saw smoke from the upstairs window. They attempted to make entry, but the fire was too immense. Hosea was found walking along Highway 149 and was placed into custody for arson. While in custody, Hosea asked multiple times if he could see inside the house. Upon getting read his Miranda Rights, Hosea admitted starting the fire using a lighter on a blanket in the living room.

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Rayshaun Reece steals $145 worth of merchandise from Walmart via self-checkout

40-year-old Rayshaun Reece was caught shoplifting at the Walmart on Madison Street on May 23rd. After he passed self-checkout, he skipped scanning all the items and did not pay for them. Reece concealed the merchandise he didn’t pay for in Walmart bags. Reece made his way out of the store with the items totaling $145.46. Officers later took Reece into custody for theft of property on June 22nd.

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McKenzie Thomas drunkenly kicks husband in face during argument

22-year-old McKenzie Thomas was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Cody Thomas, at their White Oak Road residence on June 23rd. When officers made contact with McKenzie, she stated she had drunk alcohol before the incident took place. McKenzie said that she argued with Cody, but it never got physical. When officers spoke to Cody, he stated that McKenzie got mad during an argument and kicked him in the face. Cody added that McKenzie then kicked him in the ribs before leaving. McKenzie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Kenneth Henderson caught driving down Franklin Street, tells officers he only had one beer

39-year-old Kenneth Henderson was said to be driving under the influence on Franklin Street on June 23rd. When officers conducted a traffic stop and approached Henderson, they observed several signs of intoxication. When asked about his condition, Henderson told officers that he only had one beer. Henderson agreed to perform sobriety tests but performed them poorly. Officers found an empty beer can and a bottle of whiskey in Henderson’s car during a probable cause search. Henderson told officers that the bottle of whiskey belonged to his wife. This, however, did not stop Henderson from being taken into custody. After officers read Henderson’s implied consent, he refused all chemical testing. Henderson was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence and implied consent.

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Shawnte Kim stabs person during altercation at MAPCO

35-year-old Shawnte Kim was involved in an altercation at the MAPCO on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard on June 23rd. When officers arrived, they observed the stab wound on the victim’s back. Officers quickly located Kim at her residence with a laceration on her pinky. Kim admitted to being in a fight with the victim. Kim then told officers that she had a knife during the fight but stated that she never stabbed anyone. A knife with blood was located inside Kim’s vehicle. Kim was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

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Archie Maxie Jr. hits fiancé in face with bowl of SpaghettiOs

33-year-old Archie Maxie Jr. was involved in an incident with his fiancé, Brianna Goods, on June 23rd. Goods told officers that Maxie grabbed her arm and hit her in the face with SpaghettiOs. Goods noted that Maxie then poured the bowl of SpaghettiOs over her head. When officers came into contact with her, she still had the SpaghettiOs sauce on her face and ear. Maxie Jr. was taken into custody for domestic assault. The couple has a previous history of domestic assault.

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Erica Mason-Austin pulls girlfriend’s hair, pushes her into air vent during argument

24-year-old Erica Mason-Austin was involved in a domestic altercation with her girlfriend, Takeila Smith, at their Prewitt Lane residence on June 23rd. Mason told officers that she got into an argument with Smith. Mason stated that after the argument, Smith punched her in the face while she was lying down. Mason noted that the argument continued downstairs into the backyard. According to Mason, this is where Smith stomped on her thigh. When officers spoke to Smith, she stated that Mason pulled her hair and pushed her into an air vent. She also mentioned that Mason punched her in the face using her phone. Both parties were seen with injuries, so both of them were deemed the primary aggressors. Mason was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Matia Mutakubwa swerves between lanes, tells police he hadn’t “drank much”

40-year-old Matia Mutakubwa was seen swerving in a black Volkswagen Jetta on Providence Boulevard on June 23rd. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop at AJ’s Bar and Grill. When officers made contact with Mutakubwa, he immediately stepped out of his vehicle. While interacting with Mutakubwa, he appeared to be intoxicated, so they asked if he had consumed any alcohol. He replied that he hadn’t “drank much.” Upon being asked to perform sobriety tests, Mutakubwa declined. Mutakubwa was read implied consent and taken into custody. He was transported to the Montgomery County Jail and tested a .131% BAC.

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Elania Duran strangles roommate, breaks her PlayStation during argument

24-year-old Elaina Duran was involved in a domestic altercation with her roommate, Kayla Dean, at their Sitka Street residence on June 22nd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Dean. Dean stated that during an argument with Duran, she was punched in the face three times. Dean noted that Duran grabbed her by the throat and started strangling her. According to Dean, Duran threw Dean’s PlayStation to the ground, causing it to break. Duran was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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DUI: Cory McManus runs stop sign in his Chevy Malibu on Branson Way

45-year-old Cory McManus was seen running a stop sign in a white Chevy Malibu on Branson Way on June 21st. Officers stopped the vehicle and made contact with McManus. Officers asked him for his license and registration, which he could not provide. When officers requested McManus to step out of his car, he almost fell over. This prompted them to ask him to perform sobriety tests. McManus agreed to the tests but performed poorly on them. McManus was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and obedience to any required traffic control device.

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DUI: Skylar McKinnie passes out on Dunlop Lane after drinking bottle of Hennessy

31-year-old Skylar McKinnie was seen in his red Chevy Malibu sitting at the intersection of Dunlop Lane and Ted Crozier Boulevard on June 21st. When officers arrived, they observed McKinnie asleep at the wheel with his car still in drive. Officers told McKinnie to turn his vehicle off, but he did not listen to the officers’ commands. Once officers tried to remove McKinnie from the car, he tensed up and tried to pull his arms away. The car was eventually put in park; however, McKinnie continued to resist commands and put the car back into drive. While interacting with McKinnie, officers observed the strong smell of alcohol and signs of intoxication. During a probable cause search of McKinnie’s Chevy Malibu, officers located an empty bottle of Hennessy. McKinnie was transported to the Montgomery County Jail for breath testing. McKinnie’s breath test resulted in a .127% BAC.

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Takeila Smith punches girlfriend in bed during altercation

20-year-old Takeila Smith was involved in a domestic altercation with Ms. Mason-Austin at their Prewitt Lane residence on June 23rd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Austin, who stated that she and Smith had gotten into a physical altercation. Austin claims that while she was lying down in bed, Smith began punching her, causing them to argue. Austin and Smith continued the argument downstairs into the backyard, and Austin claims that Smith then started stomping on her thigh while she was sitting on the ground next to an air vent. Officers then spoke with Smith in regards to the same situation, who claimed that Austin pulled her hair and pushed her into the air vent before punching her in the face using her phone. Both parties had injuries that officers observed. Both were deemed the primary aggressors, and Smith was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Robert Jackson breaks girlfriend’s windshield over argument

28-year-old Robert Jackson was seen vandalizing his girlfriend, Ms. Hayes’ property, at her Coyote Court apartment residence on June 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hayes, who stated that she got into an argument with Jackson. Hayes told officers they were arguing outside before she went inside, and they continued arguing over the phone. While on the phone with Jackson, she heard a smashing sound during their argument. Proceeding this, she waited for Jackson to leave before she went outside to see what the noise was. Hayes claimed that once she went outside, she saw that her vehicle had a cracked windshield, and next to it, there was a big piece of wood and food wrappers on the floor. On the car’s hood was a cookout bag from the food Jackson had just bought earlier in the night. Jackson fled the scene before officers arrived, and officers could not contact him. The estimated cost of the windshield is $400, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Jackson was found and taken into custody for vandalism on June 23rd.

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Cheryl Scott hits husband multiple times in the face after argument

53-year-old Cheryl Scott was caught after being in a domestic altercation with her husband, Brian Scott, at Port Royal Vineyard on Port Royal Road on June 23rd. Officers spoke with Brian, who stated that on the previous day, the 22nd, he was hit by Cheryl in the face three times after an argument. Brian claimed that he was struck twice while being seated and once when he and Cheryl were preparing to leave the event. Neither Cheryl nor Brian wished to provide a written statement, although Brian did provide a verbal statement to officers when they arrived at his residence. Cheryl was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Marvens Francois causes drunken disturbance at Grayson Apartment Homes

29-year-old Marvens Francois was seen trespassing at the Grayson Apartment Homes on Nolen Road on June 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Francois and immediately noticed signs of intoxication as well as the odor of alcohol coming from him. At the request of the apartment complex staff, Francois was issued a notice of criminal trespassing. After being issued the notice and being warned several times to leave, Francois chose to remain on the property. Due to his level of intoxication, Francois was unable to drive, so he attempted to leave the property on foot. He did this while continuing to yell and argue, causing a nuisance for the complex’s residents. Officers deemed Francois to be too intoxicated and a threat to his health, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication and criminal trespassing.

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