Kenneth Layton repeatedly calls & texts woman despite being told not to

33-year-old Kenneth Christopher Layton messaged Maria Poindexter several times on June 1st, 2023, after being told not to. On May 28th, 2024, Poindexter filed a police report stating that she informed Layton not to contact her. However, he has continued to call and send messages since June 1st, 2023. Officers obtained warrants for Layton’s arrest. Layton was later taken into custody for harassment on August 29th, 2024.

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Bryan Murray punches dashboard multiple times & grabs girlfriend during altercation

27-year-old Bryan Daniel Murray had a domestic altercation with Rachel Mick, his girlfriend, in their blue Chevy Malibu on Dover Road in the early hours of August 24th. Responding officers observed Mick wearing a black tank top and jeans shorts, crying and bleeding from her hand. Officers then noticed Murray kneeling with his hands on the back of his head. After noticing this, the police approached Murray and placed him in handcuffs because he was 6’5” and 200 pounds, and their backup was about 15 minutes away.

Then, officers spoke with Mick, who stated that while driving down the road, Murray had become enraged and started punching the dashboard. She said she was in fear and pulled the car over to the shoulder lane, where she tried getting out and calling 911. However, when she did this, Murray grabbed her phone. Mick stated that despite this, she was still able to retrieve her phone and alert the authorities. She explained that when she tried to exit the vehicle, Murray grabbed her right arm, leaving a fresh bruise with clear fingerprints outlined and a laceration on her right middle finger. Murray was taken into custody for domestic assault and interfering with a 911 call.

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Dairon Howze strangles ex-girlfriend & argues with her friends during altercation

26-year-old Dairon Howze was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Rickkeair Taylor, at her Clarksville Heights apartment on March 5th, 2020. When officers arrived and made contact with Taylor, she stated that Howze had come over and started an argument with her. Taylor told officers that during the argument, Howze put his hands around her neck and started strangling her for a few seconds. Following this, Taylor told her friends, McKaelyn Murphy and Baiylea Gold, who were in the apartment during the altercation, and they confronted Howze. After arguing with Taylor’s friends for several minutes, Howze left. Taylor then informed officers that she and Howze had a history of domestic abuse. However, she added that she had never reported it to law enforcement. When officers spoke to Howze, he admitted that he had gotten into an argument with her but stated that all he did was grab her by her arms.

Two years later, on May 19th, 2022, at Publix on Tiny Town Road, Howze was caught stealing someone’s iPhone 13 Pro Max. When officers spoke with the victim, she said she accidentally left it at self-checkout. Once officers were provided with video footage, they observed a black man, later identified as Howze, pick up the victim’s phone and walk out of the store. On June 8th, 2022, law enforcement received information that an iPhone matching the serial number of the victim’s phone was pawned, and the person received $155. Dairon Howze wasn’t taken into custody for these crimes until August 21st, 2024, when he was charged with domestic assault and theft of property.

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Soldier Quenton Brooks chokes wife & throws her on ground during altercation

23-year-old Soldier Quenton Jamal Brooks had a domestic altercation with his wife, Christy Sims, at their Burch Road apartment on the afternoon of August 21st. Sims told responding officers that she and Brooks started arguing over her phone when she arrived home. She said Brooks took her phone from her hands and put it in his pockets. Sims stated Brooks then grabbed her and threw her on the ground and couch. She stated Brooks also strangled her when she tried leaving. Sims explained that she had trouble breathing but maintained consciousness. The police observed a cut on her upper lip, redness around her neck, and left eye. When officers spoke with Brooks, he told them that he and Sims had a verbal dispute, during which he pushed her. Brooks was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Christopher Pruitt assaults daughter after accusing her of getting drugs from visitor

50-year-old Christopher Pruitt was involved in an altercation with his daughter, Tatiana Pruitt, at their Holland Drive apartment on August 21st. When officers arrived and met with Tatiana, they saw her crying hysterically. Officers noticed that she also had visible markings on her neck’s left and right sides. While she was crying, she told officers that her father had assaulted her during an argument. Tatiana further stated that her father had confronted her concerning a visitor to their apartment. Christopher suspected that she might have received drugs from them. During their conversation, Tatiana reported that Christopher became physical when he grabbed her by her neck and started holding her down. Tatiana stated that eventually, she was able to get up and find help from a friend down the street, which is when she contacted 911. After officers were able to contact Christopher, they determined that he was the primary aggressor of the incident. Christopher was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 22nd.

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Knicholas Brittain threatens to shoot sister with gun during argument

26-year-old Knicholas Brittain was seen threatening to shoot his sister, Morgan McDowell, with a gun at their Windmeade Circle residence on August 15th. When law enforcement spoke with McDowell, she stated that she heard what she believed was a gun being cocked as Brittain was making threats to kill her. McDowell told officers that once she heard that, she drove away because she was scared of getting shot. A witness who was present when officers were speaking with McDowell stated that they had seen Brittain with a firearm. When officers contacted Brittain over the phone, he admitted that he was in possession of a firearm. Brittain also admitted he had unholstered the gun while he was yelling at his sister. Brittain was later found and taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault on August 24th.

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Cameron Griffin pushes girlfriend into wall & gets on top of her during fight

19-year-old Cameron Griffin was seen fighting his girlfriend, Kaliese Turner, at their Terraceside Circle residence on August 5th. When officers arrived and spoke with Turner, she stated that during an argument between her and Griffin, he pushed her into a wall. Turner told officers that this led to a fight that ended with her on the ground with Griffin on top of her. Turner stated that Griffin’s sister, Brittany Griffin, pulled Cameron off of her, which is when she contacted the police. When officers met with Brittany, she stated that she overheard an altercation between Griffin and Turner from her bedroom. Brittany told officers that when she came out of her room, she saw the fight and pulled her brother off of Turner. Officers deemed that Griffin was the primary aggressor, so he was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on August 24th.

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Kimberly Keatts-Schneck hits husband in face with gun & bites him during argument

51-year-old Kimberly Keatts-Schneck was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Edward Schneck, at their Hickory Grove Boulevard residence on August 24th. Officers made contact with Edward, who immediately informed them that a firearm was on the kitchen counter. He added that Kimberly was bleeding on their bedroom floor. Once officers entered their house, they found Kimberly bleeding from her mouth in one of the back bedrooms. Kimberly told them that an argument between her and Edward had turned physical. Kimberly confessed that during the argument, she hit Edward in the face with a black SCCY 9mm handgun. She also added that she bit his thumb. After Kimberly bit him, Edward pulled his hand out of her mouth, causing abrasions and the loss of one of her teeth. When officers spoke to Edward about the incident, he stated that Kimberly was making statements that concerned him before it started. Because of this, Edward said he took the bullets and magazine from the gun. Edward added that when he refused to give Kimberly the magazine, she hit him in the face with the gun. Once Edward attempted to get the gun back, she bit his thumb, which led to him ripping it out of her mouth. Kimberly was then taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Local Rapper “S.A.M. Go Hard” charged after stalking OnlyFans Ex-Girlfriend — Martavious Votaw

30-year-old Martavious Votaw, locally known as “S.A.M. Go Hard,” was reported to be harassing his OnlyFans ex-girlfriend, Alyssa Huffman, aka “Jewel,” at her Dunbar Cave Road residence on August 25th. When officers met with Huffman, she stated that Votaw had continuously sent unwanted messages and calls to her phone. During one of those occurrences, Votaw came to her house and started yelling. While on the scene, officers observed Votaw standing beside his visibly damaged car. Following this, Huffman showed officers that she had 32 missed calls from Votaw, which began on August 23rd. Officers then confirmed that Huffman had sent text messages saying she no longer wanted to talk with him. Despite this, the messages from Votaw continued. Huffman informed officers that Votaw had parked his car on the property adjacent to her and had been standing in the yard since the day prior. Huffman told the officers that this situation had made her fear for her safety. During the investigation of the incident, officers followed the tire tracks from Votaw’s vehicle. They found that his car had caused damage to a private property. After Votaw was told his Miranda Rights, he admitted that he was driving his car when it was damaged and that he made those calls to Huffman. Votaw was then taken into custody and charged with stalking and leaving the scene of an accident.

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Megan Branson assaults wife after hearing her talk badly about her on phone

21-year-old Megan Branson, an employee of Chipotle, was involved in an altercation with her wife, Madison Molster, at their Ringgold Road residence on August 25th. When officers arrived and spoke with Molster, she informed them that she had an argument with Branson that turned physical. Molster stated that while she was lying on the couch talking to a friend on her phone, Molster had gotten upset and started hitting her on her arm. Officers observed bruising consistent with her statement. When they made contact with Branson, she told them that Molster was talking ill of her to another female on the phone. Branson stated that once she started yelling at Molster, Molster approached and pushed her. Branson was still determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Heather Brown charged after stalking her ex-husband multiple times during child exchanges

37-year-old Heather Brown was caught stalking her ex-husband, Jeremiah Brown, at the parking lot on South 2nd Street on August 25th. When officers arrived and spoke with Jeremiah, he stated that he and Heather were performing a custody exchange. Jeremiah told officers that he gives Heather ample time to leave every time they do the swap. However, this time, he noticed her following him when he left. Jeremiah stated that once he noticed her, he started to take a video. When Heather realized she was being recorded, she quickly turned and left. Officers were then provided with the mentioned video of the occurrence. Jeremiah informed officers that a similar incident occurred on August 18th. Heather was later taken into custody once officers established a continuous pattern of incidents between April 28th and August 25th. Following this, Heather was transported to booking and charged with stalking.

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Nastasia Thaler caught stealing $400 worth of merchandise from Exxon Gas Station

34-year-old Nastasia Thaler was caught shoplifting from an Exxon Gas Station on May 10th. On May 10th and 11th, Thaler was hanging out at an Exxon gas with the cashier at the gas station. Thaler was seen stealing several items, including $364 in lottery tickets. Over the 48-hour window, Thaler was observed stealing over $400 worth of products from the store by walking out without paying. A warrant was issued, and Thaler was later taken into custody on August 27th for shoplifting.

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Elsy Alvarado hits daughter with broom multiple times during argument

43-year-old Elsy Alvarado was involved in a domestic altercation with her daughter, Deysi Alvarado, on August 27th. When officers spoke with Deysi, who claimed that while she was in an argument with Elsy, it became physical. Deysi informed officers that during the argument, Elsy had hit her with a broom three times. She claims she was struck on her head and twice on her back. Officers noticed a small injury on Deysi’s head, and Elsy was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: John Johnsey III tells officers he had been drinking all day after driving to liquor store

60-year-old John Johnsey III was caught driving under the influence while at a liquor store near Highway 48 and Zinc Plant Road on August 27th. Officers were notified of a possible drunk driver coming from Highway 48. The caller informed officers that Johnsey III had been drinking all day. Officers then located and spoke with Johnsey III, who was pulling into the liquor store, and spoke with him. Upon speaking with Johnsey III, he admitted to officers that he had been drinking all day. Johnsey III was then asked to perform sobriety tests, which he accepted. However, he showed numerous indicators of impairment. Johnsey III was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Marquise Williams bites police officer’s head & grabs their gun while resisting arrest

On August 27th, 18-year-old Marquise Williams was stopped near the intersection of Providence Boulevard and Peachers Mill Road after he was observed stumbling in and out of traffic. When the officers approached Williams, they commanded him to stop. However, he ignored officers and continued stumbling around. Officers deemed that Williams was under the influence of alcohol and that he was a danger to himself. Officers then attempted to detain him. While detaining Williams and attempting to put handcuffs on him, officers reported that he tried to grab one of their firearms. Once officers were able to restrain Williams, it was reported that he bit one of them on the top of the head, leading him to be tased. After Williams fell to the ground, he was taken into custody and later charged with assault against a first responder and resisting arrest.

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Damian Stewart-Hoskins jailed after leaving dogs in abandoned apartment

22-year-old Damian Stewart-Hoskins was caught after abandoning his dogs while at his South Riverside Drive Apartment on August 24th. Officers were called for service regarding an abandoned apartment with two dogs that were left inside. When officers arrived on the scene, they saw two dogs when looking through the apartment’s sliding glass door. Officers also saw dog feces and urine throughout their living area. The living area had no signs of any occupants living in the unit. Upon officers’ arrival, the door to the unit was unlocked. Officers then entered the home and conducted a sweep, but the residence appeared abandoned.

During the sweep, officers noticed the strong smell of dog urine and feces. Officers also noticed that dog food was not accessible to the dogs, and very little water was left out for them. The dogs had also ruined the doors due to them scratching them, and two holes were in the floor of the living area. Officers then contacted Stewart, who admitted to officers that the two dogs were his and that he was, in fact, the homeowner. Stewart also informed officers that he was at work, but later, he agreed to meet with officers. Upon this meeting, Stewart was taken into custody for animal cruelty.

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Brandi Cain jailed after spending $2,250 on stolen credit card

57-year-old Brandi Cain was caught with a stolen debit card on August 7th. Through an investigation, officers found that Cain had stolen a debit card on August 6th in Nashville. Cain proceeded to use the debit card at four separate locations in Clarksville, totaling $1,350. It was also found that Cain had used the card at an ATM in Clarksville and withdrew $900 in cash. When officers later came into contact with Cain, she was taken into custody and charged with fraud on August 27th.

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Xavier Barbee throws rocks & points gun at girlfriend’s neighbor’s home during altercation

25-year-old Xavier Barbee was seen throwing rocks at his girlfriend’s neighbor’s, Haley Temple, front door on August 18th. When officers arrived at Temple’s Raleigh Drive residence, she stated that Barbee had been throwing rocks at the door. Temple stated Barbee also pointed a gun at her through her window, and then left in a blue car. When Temple pointed it out, officers observed dents in her front door and rocks matching the color of the paint on her door.

Temple also provided officers with a recording of what she filmed after the incident. During the video, officers observed Barbee leaving in a blue vehicle, which further corroborated her statements. Eventually, Barbee was developed as a suspect in the investigation and identified as the perpetrator in a photo lineup. Barbee was later taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 27th.

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Arturo Meza speeds away from police through neighborhood during attempted traffic stop

19-year-old Arturo Meza was seen in a white Dodge Ram failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign on Millington Drive on August 27th. Officers observed this and turned on their emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop. Despite this, Meza turned into a nearby neighborhood and started speeding up. Officers reported that Meza was going faster than the neighborhood speed limit of 25 mph and was traveling on the wrong side of the road.

Once officers followed Meza onto Fallbrook Lane, they turned off their emergency lights and continued to follow him. The vehicle was then observed making a left turn onto Priest Drive. When officers attempted to make the left turn, they could no longer see the truck. As officers drove past Tulip Court, they observed the white truck parked outside a residence. When officers made contact with Meza, he stated that he did not hear any sirens or see any lights. After officers reviewed their dashcam footage, Meza was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest.

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Sincere Brent caught with multiple fake tags during traffic stop over illegal tint

On August 27th, 21-year-old Sincere Brent was stopped in his black 2012 Ford Fusion at the College Street and Hornberger Lane intersection. Officers observed that his window was darker than the legal limit. When officers made contact with Brent and asked for his information, he handed them his driver’s license. However, Brent explained that he had no other information for the vehicle. In an attempt to see if he did have anything, Brent searched his glove box.

Officers saw what looked like falsified temporary tags in the glove box as he did this. During the investigation, officers found that the temporary tag on the vehicle and the other two in the glove box were determined to be fake. It was also found that Brent’s driver’s license was revoked for failing to comply with a financial payment on November 21st, 2023. The Ford Fusion was last registered in Kentucky on August 15th, 2019, but Brent advised that he had purchased the car over a year ago. Brent was then taken into custody and charged with altering, falsifying, forging auto titles, driving on a suspended/revoked license, illegal window tint, driving with no registration, and driving with no insurance.

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