Chrystal Snyder forges dead man’s signature in attempt to get his 2012 Chevy Camaro

46-year-old Chrystal Snyder was caught forging a signature at the Montgomery County Clerk’s Office on September 26th, 2023. When Snyder arrived at the office, she attempted to complete the transfer of a 2012 Chevy Camaro into her name. The original owner of the Camaro, Charles Cunningham, had passed away only six days prior on September 20th, 2023. After staff at the office reviewed past documents with Cunningham’s signature and handwriting, they found several visible differences in the signature Snyder provided. Snyder was later taken into custody and charged with criminal simulation on August 27th, 2024.

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Terrius Ramey-Richardson caught with stolen gun after neighbor sees him with it outside

19-year-old Terrius Richardson was caught with a firearm on Cherry Tree Drive on August 27th. Officers were dispatched to the mentioned location regarding someone seeing a young man on their property with a gun. The caller provided law enforcement with a video of the young-looking man putting a firearm in the front waistband of his shorts. When officers made contact with Richardson and informed him about the situation, he refused to be searched.

Officers then asked Richardson about his age, and he replied, “18.” While speaking with Richardson, officers reported noticing a prominent bulge in the front of his waistband. After officers detained Richardson and performed a frisk, they confirmed that he had a firearm and removed it from his person. A check of the handgun revealed that it was stolen. Richardson was then read his Miranda Rights but still refused to answer any questions. Richardson was taken into custody and charged with theft and unlawful possession of a weapon.

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Ashley Estes threatens to kill neighbors with gun & rainbow knife while looking for her husband

35-year-old Ashley Estes was seen threatening people with a knife & gun at the Bennett Drive townhomes on August 26th. When officers arrived at the scene of the incident, Ana Mondragon and her boyfriend, Emmanuel Henandez, reported that a white woman had come to their residence yelling at them. Mondragon told officers that the woman had a rainbow-colored knife in her left hand and a small black handgun in her right hand. Mondragon stated that the woman began screaming at her, asking for someone named Jack. Following this, the woman pointed the knife at her and told her, “If Jack is over here. I’m going to kill you!”

When officers spoke with Hernandez, he stated that he couldn’t see the handgun but that he did see the woman point a knife at them while asking for “Jack.” Officers then made contact with the woman who matched the description and identified her as Ashley Estes. Officers reported that Estes was largely uncooperative with police investigation. However, Estes said she went behind her apartment to look for her husband, Jack. Estes admitted that she owned a small black Taurus 380, but officers could not locate the knife. Estes told officers that she didn’t threaten any neighbors. However, she was still taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault on August 27th.

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Nicholas Duvall nearly stumbles into road multiple times near Taco Bell after drinking

29-year-old Nicholas Shawn Duvall was walking on the sidewalk and almost fell into the roadway multiple times near Taco Bell on North Riverside Drive on August 24th. Officers observed this and approached Duvall, during which they noticed he reeked of alcohol and could not maintain his balance. Duvall told the police that he had just left a local bar where he had two drinks. Then, Duvall was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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James Wilson grabs girlfriend’s hair, throws alcohol in her face after accusing her of cheating

26-year-old James Wilson assaulted his girlfriend, Tierany Hagler, at the Solis Apartments on August 26th. When law enforcement made contact with Hagler, she told them that the altercation stemmed from Wilson taking her vehicle. Hagler stated that when Wilson arrived and parked her car, he started accusing her of cheating. Hagler reported that during this, Wilson grabbed her by her hair and threw an alcoholic beverage in her face. Wilson stated this blinded her for a moment. Following this, Wilson proceeded to step on her glasses. Hagler informed the officers that she managed to escape from Wilson and ran towards a neighbor in her apartment complex. Wilson’s neighbor offered to take her into their apartment for safety. When officers met Wilson to talk about the incident, he started pulling away and resisting as officers tried to apprehend him. Wilson was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and resisting arrest.

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Richard Merrick chest-bumps wife during argument

48-year-old Richard Merrick was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Tanyajean Merrick, at their home on Reda Drive on August 24th. When officers made contact with Tanyajean, she stated that during an argument with Richard, he chest-bumped her and raised his fist at her. Tanyajean provided law enforcement with a recording of the altercation from her phone. Richard later met with officers and was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 26th.

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Shawn Mitchell steals $2,800 worth of RC Cars from R&C Hobby Shop

42-year-old Shawn Michael Mitchell did not pay for $2,800 worth of RC Cars, parts, and accessories from the R&C Hobby Shop on West Rossview Road late June 8th. The store owner, Christinia Schramm, told officers that Billy Wimberly and Mitchell entered her store on April 27th. Due to their extensive 5-year work relationship with the business, she agreed to give them $2,800 in store credit with a contract stating that the full amount would be paid in a three-week span. Schramm further explained that Mitchell purchased $1,133 worth of items and Wimberly bought $1,700 worth of RC Cars, parts, and accessories. She added that she tried contacting Mitchell and Wimberly via texts, calls, and even personal visits to collect payments, but could not find them. Schramm said that she had been “ghosted” by them and that she observed the RC cars that they bought on Facebook Marketplace for sale. A warrant was issued for his arrest that day. Mitchell was later taken into custody for theft on August 26th.

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Shawnquavious Kelly caught with cocaine in his wheelchair at the Montgomery County Courthouse

32-year-old Shawnquavious Kelly was caught with drugs at the Montgomery County Courthouse on August 12th. While Kelly was in the process of being processed for an outstanding warrant, a deputy conducted a routine search of Kelly’s person. During the search, the deputy found a clear plastic baggie containing 3.34 grams of cocaine in the pocket of Kelly’s wheelchair. Kelly was later charged with possessing contraband in a penal facility and simple possession on August 26th.

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Wendy Emberton breaks into ex-boyfriend’s home after seeing him with another woman

46-year-old Wendy Emberton was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Jonas Anderson, at his West Concord Drive apartment on March 16th. Anderson contacted law enforcement and said he saw Emberton while he and his friend Rebecca Ledlow were smoking outside. Anderson told officers that he and Ledlow went inside and locked the door. He stated that Emberton then kicked the door off of its hinges and proceeded to assault Ledlow. Emberton was later taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary on August 26th.

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DUI: Aiden Pelkie jailed after doing burnout at stop sign on Jefferson Street

On August 25th, 21-year-old Aiden Pelkie was stopped on North Riverside Drive after officers observed him doing a burnout at a stop sign on Jefferson Street. When officers approached Pelkie, they reported that they smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. Once Pelkie was asked to step out of his vehicle, officers noticed he struggled to maintain his balance. This prompted them to ask Pelkie to perform field sobriety tests. After showing signs of impairment on the tests, Pelkie was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent on August 26th.

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Althelia Pabon steals $113 worth of merchandise from Walmart

22-year-old Althelia Pabon was caught shoplifting at the Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 5th. It was reported that Pabon entered the store and grabbed several items from the hardware department. After grabbing her selected items, she walked out of the store with merchandise valued at $113.28. Pabon was later taken into custody and charged with shoplifting on August 25th.

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DUI: Mason Henry fails to stop at stop sign after drinking 4 beers before driving

On August 25th, 25-year-old Mason Henry was stopped in his gray Honda Civic after officers saw him fail to stop at a stop sign on Marla Drive. When officers approached Henry, they reported that they smelled the scent of an alcoholic beverage coming from him. Once Henry was questioned about it, he confessed that he had consumed four beers an hour and a half before officers pulled him over. Henry consented to perform sobriety tests but showed several signs of impairment. Henry was then taken into custody. After reading Henry implied consent, officers found that Henry had been driving on a suspended Tennessee tag on his vehicle. Henry was later transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence and driving with no registration. 

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Natalie Holbert drunkenly struggles to keep her balance during incident at McGregor Park

35-year-old Natalie Holbert was the passenger in a DUI incident at McGregor Park on August 25th. When officers came into contact with Holbert, they noticed that she was also intoxicated. While officers were investigating the other incident, they observed that Holbert was struggling to maintain balance. This led officers to believe that she was a danger to herself and others, so she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Jonathan Price drunkenly wanders around McGregor Park after drinking at Electric Cowboy

49-year-old Jonathan David Price, a Montgomery Transportation employee, was wandering around McGregor Park around 3 a.m. on August 25th. Patrolling officers noticed this and approached Price. During their interaction, officers found he had a strong odor of alcohol coming from him. Then, Price admitted to being at the troubled Electric Cowboy about an hour earlier, where he had a few beers. When prompted, Price consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Price was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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DUI: Billy Ray Heggie caught with multiple guns during traffic stop over taillights

24-year-old Billy Heggie was stopped in his Ford Ranger on University Avenue on August 24th after officers observed him driving with two white taillights. When officers approached Heggie and told him the reason for the stop, they reported that he was displaying signs of intoxication. Once Heggie was asked about it, he admitted that he had a beer before he started driving. Heggie consented to perform field sobriety tests and showed signs of impairment, so he was taken into custody. Officers then read Heggie implied consent, and he declined to provide any chemical testing. During an arrest search of Heggie’s vehicle, officers found a Rock Island Armory 1911 and a North American Arms revolver. Heggie was later transported to booking and charged with possession of a handgun while under the influence, implied consent violation, and driving under the influence.

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David Salley found vomiting on ground outside AJ’s Bar

48-year-old David Wayne Salley had an incident at AJ’s Bar on August 24th. When officers arrived, Salley was in the back of a Nissan, and they were informed that a concerned citizen had put him there. Salley was observed vomiting onto the ground outside of the driver-side rear passenger door. Officers noted Salley reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication. After being uncooperative with the police’s directions to exit the vehicle and give them his name, they deemed Salley a danger to himself. They removed Salley from the Nissan and placed him in custody for public intoxication.

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Amanda Edwards calls 911 numerous times while drinking to report her husband missing

On August 24th, 38-year-old Amanda Edwards called 911 to her Briarwood Drive residence and reported that her husband was missing. Upon their arrival to respond to the incident, officers reviewed footage from Edwards’ security cameras. They found that her husband had left of his own accord after she stated she “passed out.” While interacting with Edwards, officers reported that she was actively drinking beer. Officers added that it seemed like she was already intoxicated. Edwards told officers that when she checked her phone, the last location her husband was at was Mr. Billy’s Bar and Grill.

Before leaving to get to the mentioned location, officers informed Edwards that her husband had left of his own volition. Once officers arrived at the bar, they could not locate Edwards’ husband. While they were there, Edwards called 911 again to report that her husband was missing. Officers went back to Edwards’ residence and informed her that their husband was not missing and that if she called 911 again for non-emergency, she would be arrested. As officers were leaving, Edwards called 911 again. Edwards was then taken into custody and charged with making excessive 911 calls.

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Miguel Valdez jailed after walking around MAPCO intoxicated

29-year-old Miguel Antonio Valdez showed signs of impairment at the Tiny Town Mapco on August 23rd. Officers received a call regarding a mental patient, later identified as Valdez, at the gas station. When officers arrived, they noticed Valdez was visibly intoxicated. Valdez was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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DUI: Austen Mohon backs into AC unit after drinking at Revel House Pub

18-year-old Austen Jace Mohon backed into an AC unit with his white Chevrolet Tahoe while leaving the Revel House Pub on August 22nd. Officers noticed this and conducted a traffic stop, during which they observed Mohon reeked of alcohol and showing signs of impairment. During their interaction, Mohon swayed while trying to stand still. Then, he consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, Mohon agreed to provide a blood sample. Mohon was then taken into custody for underage alcohol consumption and driving under the influence.

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DUI: Keegan Weideman crashes motorcycle on Madison Street after driving on expired license

On August 20th, 21-year-old Keegan Weideman was involved in a single-vehicle accident on his motorcycle at the intersection of Highway 76 and Madison Street. When officers made contact with Weideman, he told them that he crashed because he thought something was on the road. However, during the officers’ conversation with Weideman, they noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from him. This led to Weideman admitting that he had consumed two beers and two shots of alcohol before he started driving. This prompted officers to ask him to perform sobriety tests. After showing several signs of impairment during the sobriety tests, Weideman was taken into custody. A check of Weideman’s information revealed his driver’s license had expired. Weideman was later transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence and without a license on August 21st.

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