Desmond Martin booked after allegedly assaulting tow truck driver for towing his car

27-year-old Desmond Lamar Martin, while out on bond, had an altercation with a Minor 2 Major Towing employee, Christopher Latrell, at his Tradewinds Terrace residence on August 8th. On August 12th, Latrell filed a report stating that he arrived at Martin’s house to tow a car. He stated he was partially hooked up to the vehicle when Martin approached him. Martin became irate and started yelling before knocking Latrell’s phone out of his hand, causing injury to his right hand. A warrant was issued for Martin’s arrest that day. Martin was later taken into custody for assault on August 21st.

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DUI: Datin Pendergrass crashes into multiple mailboxes after having “a few swigs” of Bird Dog Whiskey

22-year-old Datin Pendergrass was involved in a single-vehicle car accident on Southside Road on August 20th. Upon arrival, officers observed tire tracks veering off to the right side of the road. Additionally, two mailboxes were hit, and a cable wire was damaged in the incident. A witness of the incident informed officers that they saw the vehicle that crashed, described it as a white-lifted truck, and provided them with the license plate number. The truck came back to a Southside Road residence, where officers observed the vehicle with extensive front-end damage.

Officers then came into contact with Pendergrass, who they reported smelled like alcohol. After approaching Pendergrass’ truck, officers found an opened bottle of Bird Dog whiskey in the passenger seat. When asked about the amount of alcohol he consumed, Pendergrass confessed that he had “a few swigs,” prompting officers to ask him to perform sobriety tests. During the sobriety tests, Pendergrass showed several signs of impairment, so he was taken into custody. While in custody, Pendergrass was read implied consent, but he refused to consent to a blood draw. After officers obtained a warrant for his blood, he was transported to Tennova Main Hospital and then transported to booking. Pendergrass was charged with driving under the influence, open container violation, leaving the scene of an accident, immediate notice of an accident, and failing to exercise due care on August 21st.

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Felon Trazuaghn Smith jailed after possessing Taurus handgun & making threats during altercation

28-year-old Trazuaghn Smith was involved in a domestic disturbance on Roedeer Drive on August 20th. When officers arrived, it was alleged that Smith had made threats with a gun. Smiths’ girlfriend, Jasmine Davis, consented to a search of his residence. While inside, officers found rolling papers, packaging, scales with residue, and plastic bags. Officers also located a Taurus 40 caliber handgun. During an interview about what officers found, Smith admitted that he possessed a firearm and that he was still on parole while he had it. Smith was then taken into custody and charged with possessing a firearm as a felon, unlawful drug paraphernalia, and a Schedule Six drug violation.

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Miques Ligon punctures ex-girlfriend’s tire when she doesn’t give him a ride

24-year-old Miques Ligon was involved in a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend on August 19th. When officers came into contact with Ligon’s ex-girlfriend, she told them that she had a dispute with Ligon. She stated that when she declined to give Ligon a ride, he used a screwdriver to puncture her vehicle’s tire. Officers observed the damage done but were unable to make contact with Ligon. Ligon was later found and taken into custody on August 20th for vandalism.

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Jazzlynn Ozen flees police in Honda SUV while driving without license on Tiny Town Road

19-year-old Jazzlynn Ozen was seen evading arrest on Fort Campbell Boulevard on August 19th. Initially, officers were in the area regarding a suspicious person in possession of a weapon. The person who reported the incident described that there was a light blue Honda SUV with four people inside holding up guns. During the investigation, officers observed a blue Honda CRV and attempted to stop the vehicle by initiating their emergency lights. As officers were behind the SUV, they observed that it showed no signs of stopping. The SUV then ran through a red light on Tiny Town Road. Once they arrived at an intersection, the SUV sped off at a high rate of speed. Officers then decided to cease the chase. However, through a search of the SUV’s tags, officers arrived at a Biltmore Place residence. They then came into contact with Ozen, who admitted that she purposely evaded arrest. Ozen was then taken into custody for driving without a license and evading arrest.

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Susanne Windley hides in closet after trespassing inside vacant home

41-year-old Susanne Windley was caught breaking into a Chapel Street residence on August 19th. The homeowner contacted officers, stating that a black male with dreads and a black female had entered their property. The homeowner informed officers that their property was supposed to be vacant, and nobody was allowed inside. While officers were preparing to enter the home, the black male, who was identified as Shonquiel Fields, jumped out of the second-story window. While being detained, he told officers that another person was inside. Officers proceeded to sweep the building, which led them to find Windley inside a closet on the second floor. While being taken into custody, Windley told officers that she was homeless and that she was from North Carolina. Windley was then transported to booking and charged with criminal trespassing.

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Aleshia Chambers whips 13-year-old son with extension cord because he didn’t do his chores

33-year-old Aleshia Chambers was caught assaulting her 13-year-old son at their Calloway Drive residence on August 16th. Officers arrived and spoke with the victim, who stated that his mother physically assaulted him. He explained that him not doing his chores caused his mother to get upset. He added that Chambers then whipped him with an extension cord that she got from the garage. The victim and his sister ended up running out of the house and down the street to get away from their mother. Chambers proceeded to chase them in her vehicle, and when she caught up to them, she tried to assault her son again. Once Chambers failed, she returned home, locked her children outside, and went to work. Chambers did not come back from work until 2:00 a.m. While interacting with the victim, officers reported that they observed several welts that broke his skin, which were bleeding. Chambers was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on August 17th.

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DUI: Soldier Anthony Rich runs stop sign while speeding down Tiny Town Road at 64 mph

22-year-old Soldier Anthony Rich was seen in a blue Mazda running a stop sign on Tiny Town Road on August 16th. Officers also observed the Mazda going 64 mph in a 35 mph zone, so they conducted a traffic stop. When officers made contact with Rich, they reported that they could smell the odor of alcohol and marijuana coming from his vehicle. A search of Rich’s car revealed two open containers of alcohol. Rich consented to perform sobriety tests but showed signs of impairment. Rich was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, speeding, open container violation, failure to obey traffic control, and improper passing on August 17th.

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Thomas Forrest chokes 13-year-old son & throws him into his room during argument

42-year-old Thomas Forrest, an employee at Redwing Shoes, was involved in an altercation with his ex-wife, Prescilla Alavardo, and his 13-year-old son, KY, at their Dandelion Drive residence on August 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Alavardo. She told them that she heard Forrest and their son fighting while she was sleeping. Once officers made contact with KY, he told them that he cussed at his dad over a parking situation. KY stated that this caused Forrest to get upset. This led to Forrest throwing KY over a staircase, punching him in the face, putting him into a chokehold, and then throwing him inside his room. When officers met with Forrest, he stated that KY had gotten mad at him over the parking space and kicked him in the leg. Jayden Devane, who was at home at the time of the incident, corroborated KY’s statements, telling officers that he had seen everything. Forrest was then taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Gregory Forrest jailed after throwing gun used in Lyric Lounge shooting out window onto I-24

48-year-old Gregory Forrest was caught tampering with evidence after a shooting at Lyric’s Lounge on Fort Campbell on July 28th. On that day, a call was made because of a shooting. Tikeoreus Gold and Raquel Brooks were both shot during the incident. Gold passed away at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center later on due to his injuries. The following day, officers interviewed Eric McCoin, who was at the scene of the shooting. During the interview, he never mentioned shooting at anyone or even having a gun. On July 31st, officers interviewed Michael Johnson and Forrest, who are security personnel at the location. Neither of them mentioned anything about being given a gun by McCoin. On August 7th, officers spoke with McCoin again due to a gun holster being found in his car. McCoin advised he shot at Brooks and then gave the gun to Johnson. Officers then spoke with Johnson at his residence about the gun, and he advised that he gave the gun to Forrest. Officers called Forrest that same day, but he did not answer. Forrest later called officers back on August 9th and stated that Johnson had given him the gun while they were on their way back to Nashville the night of the shooting. He claimed that he threw the gun out the passenger side window onto I-24 between exit 19 and exit 24. A search of the area was conducted, and no firearm was found. A warrant was later issued, and Forrest was taken into custody for tampering with evidence on August 14th.

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Tina Armstrong slaps stepson during argument about their living situation

46-year-old Tina Armstrong was involved in a domestic altercation with her stepson, Philip Smith, while near Charlemagne Boulevard on August 12th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Smith, who stated that he was involved in an argument with Armstrong that had turned physical. Smith claimed that while they were arguing about their living situation and rent, Armstrong had slapped him across his face. Officers then spoke with Armstrong, who admitted to arguing with Smith. However, Armstrong only claimed she was pointing her finger at his face and did not slap him. Armstrong was determined to be the primary aggressor, so she was then taken into custody for a domestic assault on August 13th.

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Qrystil Thaxter jailed after threatening friends with knives over rumor

18-year-old Qrystil Thaxter was caught after threatening Kayla Jones and Samiyah McElrath with knives at a Mcgee Court residence on August 11th. When the police arrived, they spoke with Jones and McElrath. They reported that Qrystil Thaxter and Cordreck Thompson had come to their residence and began banging on the door. They stated the two wanted to fight over a rumor circulating among their group of friends. According to Jones and McElrath, they went outside, and an argument broke out. They claimed to have seen Thaxter holding three knives in one hand and Thompson holding a knife in his hand. Feeling threatened, they quickly went back inside because they were afraid of being stabbed. A warrant was then issued, and Thaxter was arrested for aggravated assault on August 13th.

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Cordreck Thompson Jr. jailed after threatening friends with knives over rumor

20-year-old Cordreck Thompson Jr. was caught after threatening Kayla Jones and Samiyah McElrath with knives at a Mcgee Court residence on August 11th. When the police arrived, they spoke with Jones and McElrath. They reported that Qrystil Thaxter and Cordreck Thompson had come to their residence and began banging on the door. They stated the two wanted to fight over a rumor circulating among their group of friends. According to Jones and McElrath, they went outside, and an argument broke out. They claimed to have seen Thaxter holding three knives in one hand and Thompson holding a knife in his hand. Feeling threatened, they quickly went back inside because they were afraid of being stabbed. A warrant was then issued, and Thompson was arrested for aggravated assault on August 12th.

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Kyfaria Wagner throws hot buffalo chicken dip in sister’s face during argument over cereal

21-year-old Kyfaria Wagner, an employee of MAPCO, was caught after throwing buffalo chicken dip at her sister, Kymiah Wagner, on August 12th. When officers arrived, they observed the sisters still actively arguing. The officers then spoke with Kymiah, who explained that the argument began when Kyfaria threw her cereal in the trash. Kymiah stated that it escalated when Kyfaria grabbed a handful of hot buffalo chicken dip and threw it at her, hitting her in the face. Kymiah also told the officers that the altercation turned physical when Kyfaria started hitting her multiple times with a dustpan. Kyfaria was then deemed the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Matthew Schmal slams girlfriend’s head into cabinets after learning she cheated on him with landlord

23-year-old Matthew Schmal was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Isabella Sullivan, while at a South Jot Drive residence on August 13th. When the officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with Sullivan, who was covered in blood and had bruises on her body. Sullivan also had bruising around her neck, showing numerous signs of strangulation. Sullivan told the officers that she and Schmal had argued because he learned she was cheating on him with the landlord. She said Schmal demanded she go upstairs, but she refused. In response, he grabbed her by the head and slammed it into the kitchen cabinets. Sullivan claimed that after this, she went upstairs, where they continued to argue. Schmal then started hitting her in the face multiple times with a closed fist. After the punches, Sullivan said Schmal grabbed her by the throat, lifted her, and slammed her onto the bed. Schmal then allegedly jumped on top of her and began strangling her to the point where she almost lost consciousness. Sullivan told the officers that she managed to escape and run away while roommates chased Schmal outside the residence. Law enforcement searched the area and found Schmal hiding in a nearby shed. Officers noticed that his shirt and knuckles were covered in blood, and he was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.

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Logan Slack sprays ex-girlfriend with mace while calling her slurs during argument

18-year-old Logan Slack was caught after stealing a package at an Ambleside Drive residence on August 14th. Slack was caught on surveillance footage taking someone’s package from their front porch. Officers then located Slack at a Constinton Drive home. While speaking with officers, he stated, “I took the package because I was curious.” The package contained a Hubbell Lighting Light bulb valued at $50. Slack was then taken into custody for property theft. A few days later, Slack was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Lily Winter, at a Westfield Court residence on August 16th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Winter, who claimed to have been kicked out of her apartment. She also reported that on the previous night, August 15th, she was physically attacked by Slack. When asked to elaborate, Winter explained that she and Slack had gotten into an argument that escalated. Winter stated Slack grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her while calling her derogatory slurs. She then pushed Slack off, but he went and grabbed mace pepper spray and sprayed it at her mouth. Officers then made contact with Slack, and he was taken into custody for aggravated assault on August 16th.

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Jon Proctor jailed after overdosing on fentanyl in his bathroom

35-year-old Jon Proctor was seen overdosing in the bathroom of a Hawkins Road residence on August 16th. When officers made contact with Proctor, they immediately observed a syringe next to him on the floor. Officers also observed a folded piece of aluminum foil, which contained .62 grams of fentanyl, and a burnt spoon on the bathroom counter. Proctor was later transported to booking for simple possession and unlawful drug paraphernalia.

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Soldier David Moses assaults baby momma, prevents her from calling 911 during altercation

25-year-old Soldier David Moses was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Jennifer Chavez, on August 18th. Law enforcement responded to a welfare check from Chavez’s number at 10:10 a.m. When dispatch attempted to contact Chavez again a minute later, no one answered. Once officers arrived where Moses and Chavez were, they made contact with them. Chavez told officers that following an argument between her and Moses, he attempted to take her phone from her. When Chavez informed Moses that she was calling 911, he grabbed her by her wrist and hung up the phone. Officers on the scene observed the outgoing call from Chavez’s call history. Moses was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and interfering with emergency calls.

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Jeanice Blackwell steals pool vacuum from Lowe’s despite being banned from all Lowe’s stores nationwide

41-year-old Jeanice Blackwell was caught shoplifting at Lowe’s on Madison Street on July 8th. Officers contacted Lowes’ loss prevention officer, Jack Rutherferd, who stated that he observed Blackwell enter the store, grab a pool vacuum and vacuum head, and leave without paying. Rutherferd told officers he remembered Blackwell from previous interactions when he stopped her. Rutherferd later provided law enforcement surveillance footage of Blackwell leaving the store with the merchandise. During the incident’s investigation, officers were informed and provided with court documentation stating that Blackwell was not permitted in any Lowe’s store nationwide as of September 22nd, 2023. Blackwell was later taken into custody and charged with burglary on August 18th.

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DUI: Cory Roberts falls out of vehicle after drinking bag full of shooters

38-year-old Cory Roberts was seen stumbling and falling out of his vehicle after officers received a report of a drunk driver on Quarry Road on August 18th. Once officers approached Roberts, they reported that they smelled a strong odor of alcohol coming from him. A search of Roberts’ vehicle revealed four open containers and a bag full of shooters in the passenger seat. Roberts refused to provide any chemical tests even after officers had received a warrant for a sample of his blood. Roberts was then taken into custody and charged with evidence tampering, implied consent, open container violation, and driving under the influence.

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