Soldier Dale Paulson tells police he didn’t “feel like stopping” at DUI checkpoint

22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Dale Paulson was seen in a maroon Chevy Silverado failing to stop at a DUI checkpoint at Kraft Street on March 15th. A traffic stop was made at the intersection of Kraft Street and Frosty Morn Drive, and law enforcement made contact with Paulson, who stated that the reason he didn’t stop was because he didn’t feel like it. Shortly after, Paulson told the officer that he had three beers at Tippers Bar but told the deputy that he had four. Paulson consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. On the way to jail, Paulson stated that he had six beers and had “gotten onto post like this before.” Dale Paulson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, open container law, and failure to obey the lawful order of an officer.

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Jeffrey Dowdy threatens girlfriend’s boss with airsoft rifle after she was fired from Smoothie King

22-year-old Jeffrey Dowdy was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend’s boss at the Smoothie King on Madison Street on March 15th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they contacted the victim. The victim alleged that Dowdy threatened to shoot him while holding an AR-like rifle. The victim added that while he and Dowdy were arguing, Dowdy pulled out a rifle and told him that he was going to shoot him after work. Dowdy’s girlfriend was present and corroborated the victim’s statements; however, she did not say what Dowdy said during the encounter. When officers questioned Dowdy, he stated that the gun was one of his several airsoft rifles. Jeffrey Dowdy was taken into custody and charged with imitation of a firearm in public.

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DUI: Macguire Ford speeds down Highway 41A in Ford F-150

23-year-old Macguire Ford was seen in a gray F-150 speeding down Highway-41 on March 16th. When officers contacted Ford, he had difficulty talking to them and had problems providing his ID. Ford was asked if he had anything to drink, and he replied that he had a couple. Ford was then asked to step out of the vehicle and consent to sobriety tests. Ford performed poorly on the sobriety tests and was taken into custody. Macguire Ford was then transported to booking, where he was charged with driving under the influence.

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Latonia Neely grabs girlfriend by hair, slams her head into wall

56-year-old Latonia Neely was involved in a domestic altercation with her girlfriend, Michelle Head, at her residence at Hazelwood Road residence on March 15th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they made contact with Head. Head stated that Neely grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the couch as well as against the wall. When Neely grabbed Head by the hair, she also partially ripped Head’s wig.

Officers then made contact with Neely, who admitted that she had grabbed Head by the hair. While doing so, she shook Head, telling her to “leave me alone.” When asked about the scratch on Head’s face, Neely said she might’ve done it. Latonia Neely was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Tyesha White grabs woman by hair, breaks her front door during altercation

24-year-old Tyesha White was involved in an altercation with Canel Scott at her Shorehaven residence on March 9th. White arrived at Scott’s residence and was immediately asked to leave. White refused to do so and grabbed Scott by her hair. The two were then separated, and Scott’s son escorted her away from the residence. However, White returned to the residence and attempted to get back in. After failing to do so, White broke the front door, causing damage worth $300. Tyesha White was taken into custody and charged with assault and vandalism.

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DUI: Soldier Donovan Estep crashes car on I-24 after falling asleep while driving

22-year-old Soldier Donovan Estep was involved in a property damage wreck on I-24 on March 15th. Officers arrived and contacted a TDOT worker who stated that Estep had “fallen asleep” while driving. Then, officers made contact with Estep and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached him. Estep then admitted to drinking before the crash. Estep consented to perform sobriety tests and performed poorly. Donovan Estep was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Angela Steptoe drunkenly assaults Huband after party

55-year-old Angela Steptoe was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Anthony Steptoe, at QuickSilver Lane on June 12th, 2022. Officers came into contact with Angela and Anthony, and they mainly told similar stories. Angela and Anthony went to the mentioned location for a party and became intoxicated. After becoming drunk, the couple got into an argument and made their way to their car. After this, Angela shoved Anthony to the ground. This is, however, where their stories diverge. Angela states that Anthony got up and punched her in the face, but Anthony told officers that he only hit her after she struck him in the face. Witnesses of the incident informed law enforcement that Angela shoved Anthony and struck him multiple times while he was on the ground. They went on to say that Anthony threw only one strike to defend himself. Angela Steptoe was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on March 14th, 2024.

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Matthew Thornton jailed for sending TikTok to estranged wife

23-year-old Matthew Thornton was caught trying to contact his soon-to-be ex-wife, Bayley Thornton, at Verkler Drive on March 14th. Bayley stated that she received a video message on TikTok from Matthew. She attempted to open the message, but Matthew deleted it immediately, leading her to believe he was trying to harass her. Law enforcement observed the message thread and saw a deleted message from TikTok username “CharredHilt.” During the course of the investigation, officers verified through gaming and social media accounts that “CharredHilt” belonged to Matthew. Matthew had an active COR in place, which prohibited him from contacting Bayley, so he was taken into custody and charged with contempt.

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Soldier Shawndarious Thompson drag races down Fort Campbell Boulevard in front of police

31-year-old Shawndarious Thompson was seen racing his red Chevrolet Camaro against a white Ford Explorer at Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 14th. Officers observed Thompson’s Camaro going way above the posted speed limit of 45mph. While racing with the Explorer, the Camaro was measured driving at 102mph. The Camaro then stopped at the intersection of Fort Campbell and Jack Miller Boulevard, where a traffic stop was conducted. When officers made contact with Thompson, he stated that he was purposely racing the white Ford Explorer. Shawndaridus Thompson was taken into custody and charged with drag racing.

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Frank Zimmerman found with Xanax and Suboxone.

37-year-old Frank Zimmerman was identified and caught with an active warrant for traffic offenses at Rossview Road on March 14th when officers were in the area running license plates. A search of Zimmerman’s person yielded 1.5 dosage units of Xanax and two dosage units of Suboxone. Officers also searched Zimmerman’s car and found pipes, needles, and a scale. Frank Zimmerman was taken into custody and charged with unlawful possession of drugs and two counts of simple possession.

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Justin Hutcherson vomits all over hotel room after card declines

35-year-old Justin Hutcherson was found intoxicated at Days Inn on March 9th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with the hotel manager. The manager informed officers that Hutcherson had attempted to pay for another night, but his card was declined. Instead of leaving, Hutcherson returned to his room. When officers made contact with Hutcherson, they observed that he was heavily intoxicated. They also observed several liquor bottles and vomit scattered around the hotel room. Hutcherson’s family members were contacted to pick him up, but nobody answered their phone. Justin Hutcherson was deemed a danger to himself if he was let out in public, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Dominique Andrews punches ex-boyfriend over argument about suitcase

25-year-old Dominique Andrews was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Ty Ree Townsend, at her home on Parkway Place on March 9th. Townsend informed officers that he went there to pack up the rest of his items from Andrews’s home. He stated that while he did so, Andrews argued with him about the ownership of a suitcase. Townsend advised that Andrews got upset and punched him in the head and grabbed him by the hoodie.

Officers then came into contact with Andrews, who stated that Townsend was putting items in her suitcase, so she tried to get it back. Andrews admitted that she slapped Townsend but did not punch him. She also alleged that Townsend punched her away from the suitcase, which she says is the reason she grabbed his hoodie.

Law enforcement deemed Dominique Andrews as the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Jah’Shin Roberson drives after consuming alcohol and Adderall

29-year-old Jah’Shin Roberson was stopped for his non-functioning headlight at North Riverside Drive on March 9th. When officers made contact with Roberson, they observed that his eyes were bloodshot and that he was slurring his words. He admitted that he had two beers and two shots in the last hour and that he had taken 20mg of Adderall in the past two hours. Roberson then consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Carrie Johnson slaps mother in face during argument

39-year-old Carrie Johnson was involved in an altercation with her mother at their Turner Lane residence on March 10th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they contacted Carrie’s mother. Carrie’s Mother alleges that she and Carrie were arguing, and Carrie slapped her in the face. Carrie Johnson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Stacy Eidson punches husband during dispute

33-year-old Stacy Eidson was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Joshua Eidson, at their Airport Place apartment on March 10th. Joshua informed officers that he and Stacy were in an argument that escalated when she pushed him. Joshua then stated that he tried to go downstairs, but Stacy punched him in the chest. Stacy Eidson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Joshua Eidson throws wife to the ground during argument

30-year-old Joshua Eidson was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Stacy Eidson, at their Airport Place apartment on March 10th. Stacy stated that after a physical altercation upstairs, she and Joshua went downstairs, and she slammed a closet door, which upset Joshua. He grabbed Stacy by her arms and threw her on the floor. Joshua Eidson was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Myarie Shannon fights brother over argument about dirty coffee maker

21-year-old Myarie Shannon was involved in an altercation with his brother, MyGarrionne Shannon, at Spicer Drive on March 10th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with Myarie. Myarie stated that he and his son were sitting on the couch watching TV in the living room when MyGarrionne got mad that the coffee maker was dirty. Myarie said that was when he approached MyGarrionne to see why he was cussing and who he was talking to. Myarie then alleged that MyGarrionne hit him, and they began to fight. However, MyGarrionne stated that he was in the kitchen, expressing his dissatisfaction with how dirty the coffee maker was when Myarie approached him. MyGarrionne alleged that this was when Myarie started to “swing” at him. MyGarrionne proceeded to punch Myraie, and a fight ensued. Myarie was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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John King intentionally crashes into car multiple times before cutting it off

43-year-old John King was involved in a car crash at the intersection of Hazelwood and Needmore Road on March 10th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with the victim. The victim provided footage of the incident from their dashcam. The video displayed King’s black Chevrolet pickup truck ramming into the victim’s car multiple times before cutting in front of it. The victim believes that King was attempting to cause serious harm to them. John King was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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Alaska Williams speeds down Fort Campbell Boulevard on suspended license

27-year-old Alaska Williams was seen speeding in a Honda Civic at Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 10th. Williams was observed doing 57mph in a 45mph zone. A state trooper also observed Williams doing 74mph in a 45mph zone. When Williams was stopped, she informed law enforcement that she had a suspended license for failing to pay fines on December 29th, 2023. Williams also stated that she had the potential for a license if she set up a payment plan to pay her fines. Alaska Williams was taken into custody and charged with driving on a suspended license.

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DUI: Jeffery Abel drives recklessly on Fort Campbell Boulevard

31-year-old Jeffery Abel was seen in a white Mercury Grand Marquis driving recklessly down Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 10th. Officers made contact with Abel and noticed that his eyes were watery. A probable cause search of his vehicle was conducted, which yielded a single dose of Narcan in his glove box. Abel consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Jeffery Abel was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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