DUI: Rogeric Swader falls asleep in Chevy Impala after consuming Fentanyl

59-year-old Rogeric Swader was seen in a black Chevy Impala falling asleep at Plymouth Road on March 2nd. When officers arrived, Swader could be seen throwing his arms around and yelling inside the vehicle. Once officers asked Swader to step out of the car, he exhibited involuntary outbursts of movement. Swader had trouble answering simple questions and forming sentences. Officers noted that Swader had pinpoint pupils as well. When asked where he came from, Swader explained that he had just gotten off work but didn’t know where he was. Swader consented to a probable cause search of his car. The search yielded a wallet with fentanyl residue inside it. Sobriety tests could not be performed due to the Swader’s failure to maintain balance and involuntary movements. Rogeric Swader was taken into custody and charged with simple possession and driving under the influence.

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Joe Jackson assaults fiancé, breaks her phone after she sprays dog in face

23-year-old Joe Jackson, an employee of Jostens, was involved in a domestic altercation with his fiancé, Asia Parks, at their residence on Abby Creek Drive on March 4th. When officers contacted them at the mentioned location, they were both still upset. The altercation stemmed from Parks spraying anti-itch medicine on the dog, which got into the dog’s eyes. Jackson became upset, so Parks went into the bedroom to separate herself from him. Jackson followed her into the room and started arguing with her. Parks walked to the front door to separate herself from Jackson again. As she turned her back to Jackson, he pushed her. Parks returned to the bedroom after sitting on the balcony for some time. When she entered the bedroom, Jackson got in her face to the point that his forehead was touching hers. Parks proceeded to pull his hair and place her hands around his neck. She informed law enforcement that she did this because he would not leave her alone after she asked him to multiple times. Toward the end of the incident, Parks stated that Jackson had her iPhone 11 in his pocket and refused to return it to her. When Parks went into his pocket and got her phone back, Jackson grabbed the phone out of her hand and threw it on the ground. This caused the phone to break, causing $300 worth of damage. Joe Jackson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

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Dashane Murray punches cousin in face during argument at Culver’s

20-year-old Dashane Romario Murray had a domestic incident with his cousin, Anthony Jones, at Culver’s on Hampton Place on March 3rd. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Jones, who advised that Murray arrived while he was working. Murray asked Jones to talk outside about Shanyia Morris, Murray’s roommate. During this, an argument ensued, and when it escalated, Jones put his arm out to put distance between them. Murray then punched Jones in the face, causing him to bite his tongue. Murray left before the officers arrived. Morris witnessed the incident and told detectives that Jones pushed away from Murray, and then they fought, adding that she tried but was unable to break it up. Murray was taken into custody for domestic assault on March 4th.

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19-Year-Old Christopher Garcia caught sneaking into juvenile girlfriend’s home

19-year-old Christopher Garcia was caught sneaking into his juvenile girlfriend’s house at Mallard Drive on February 21st. The juvenile’s father, Benjamin Bryan, called 911 after he found an adult male with his daughter. The adult male was later identified as Christopher Garcia. Bryan chased Garcia out of the house and made it clear to him that he was not welcome on his property.

On March 4th, Bryan went into his daughter’s room to tell her goodbye before going to work. However, when he opened the door, he found Garcia asleep in her bedroom. Officers arrived and made contact with Garcia in the front yard of the mentioned location. Garcia confirmed that he snuck into the home and stated that he knew that he was not allowed on the property. Christopher Garcia was taken into custody and charged with trespassing.

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DUI: Soldier Omar Harris drives off highway after trying to take “shortcut”

33-year-old Soldier Omar Harris was found in the grass on the side of Highway 374 on March 4th. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Harris. When officers questioned Harris, he told them he was trying to take a “shortcut.” Harris consented to sobriety tests but performed poorly and was deemed unfit to operate a motor vehicle. Officers asked him if he would supply a breath sample, but he declined. After being read implied consent, officers asked Harris for a breath sample again, but he continued to refuse. Omar Harris was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Lee Ayala charged with reckless driving after popping wheelie on Fort Campbell Boulevard

28-year-old Lee Ayala was jailed on March 4th when police pulled him over for popping a wheelie on Fort Boulevard. Police were parked at Tiny Town Road and Fort Campbell Boulevard conducting speed enforcement when they saw Ayala pop a wheelie on a red motorcycle. Officers observed Ayala speed away, weaving through traffic at 82 mph, placing other motorists in danger. Ayala was taken into custody for reckless driving.

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Royce Tiller charged for involvement in 2019 shooting at Goodyear Auto Service

32-year-old Royce Tiller was involved in a shooting that occurred at the Goodyear Auto Service on Fort Campbell Boulevard on April 3rd, 2019. During the investigation, officers recovered a Taurus 40 caliber handgun behind the dumpster. Witnesses of the shooting stated that they observed a man pull into the parking lot, grab something from his trunk, and then walk toward the dumpster before returning to his car. The man was identified as the victim of the shooting, Royce Tiller, whose blood was seen leaving a trail from his vehicle to the dumpster. On April 4th, 2019, law enforcement spoke with Tiller. Tiller admitted to hiding the handgun in the dumpster. He said he did so because he was listed as a convicted felon out of Colorado on February 17th, 2011. Royce Tiller was taken into custody on an outstanding warrant for the 2019 shooting and charged with unlawful carry on March 1st.

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DUI: Soldier Christopher Maggitt drinks before speeding on Fort Campbell Boulevard

24-year-old Soldier Christopher Maggitt was seen inside a black sedan swerving between lanes at various speeds at Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 3rd. Officers observed the car drifting out of its lane and quickly jerking back. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Maggitt, who looked visibly intoxicated. Maggitt consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Then, after being informed about implied consent consented to a breathalyzer. Christopher Maggitt was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence on March 3rd.

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Christine Jackson forces way into ex-boyfriend’s home, hits him in face

31-year-old Christine Jackson was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Jeff Price, at Trough Springs Road on March 2nd. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they made contact with Price. Price stated that Jackson appeared at his home and started banging on his door. When he answered it, Jackson forced her way in and had a conversation with him. During the conversation, Jackson became very erratic and started screaming at Price. Shortly after, Jackson struck him in the face before he was able to get her out of his home. Christine Jackson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Soldier Hunter Hodgkiss found passed out in car after drinking at Electric Cowboy

21-year-old Soldier Hunter Hodgkiss was found sleeping in his vehicle at the troubled Electric Cowboy on March 2nd. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Hodgkiss. Officers noted Hodgkiss could not hold his head up while talking. Hodgkiss stated that he called a buddy for a ride, but when officers called that friend, they said they never received a call. When officers asked Hodgkiss who he came with, he pointed inside the vehicle and said, “Just the guy in there.” No one else was inside the car. Officers deemed Hodgkiss a danger to himself or others, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Randall Majors booked after fight at O’Connor’s Pub, tells officers he’s “going to walk home.”

50-year-old Randall Majors was involved in a fight at O’Connor’s Pub on Tylertown Road on March 2nd. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Majors, who seemed visibly intoxicated. When asked if someone could pick him up, Majors told officers he couldn’t get a ride but stated he was “going to walk home.” Officers believed that Majors would be a danger to himself, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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DUI: Justin Fry swerves between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard after drinking 3 16oz Beers

35-year-old Justin Fry was seen inside a black sedan swerving between lanes at various speeds at Fort Campbell Boulevard on March 2nd. Officers observed the car drifting out of its lane and quickly jerking back. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Fry, who looked visibly intoxicated. Fry admitted to consuming three 16oz beers. After performing poorly on sobriety tests, Fry was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Janelle Green found in middle of roadway drunkenly waving down cars

33-year-old Janelle Cheriffe Green had her car parked with its hazard lights on in the middle roadway on High Street and Crossland Avenue in the early hours of March 2nd. When officers arrived, Green was walking in the street, waving down cars that passed by. Officers approached Green and noticed she reeked of alcohol. Green admitted to consuming alcoholic beverages and then informed officers that she had nowhere to go. Officers deemed her a danger to herself and placed her in custody for public intoxication.

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Jastalina Taylor hits boyfriend with vase during argument

24-year-old Jastalina Taylor was involved in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Gianni Restrepo, at Tylertown Road on March 4th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they made contact with Taylor. Taylor stated the only thing that happened was an argument. Officers then spoke to Restrepo on the subject. Restrepo said that during the argument, Taylor hit him in the arm with a vase. Restrepo also stated that Taylor hit him in the side of his head and his nose. Jastalina Taylor was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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APSU Track-and-Field Athlete Jade-Ann Smith and friend assault woman at Castle Heights

19-year-old Jade-Ann Anastasia Smith, an APSU Track-and-Field athlete, was taken into custody for assault on March 1st. Smith and her friend Celeania Rollerson were involved in the assault of Ke’Shia Taylor at Austin Peay State University’s Castle Heights dorm on February 29th. Taylor was leaving her boyfriend’s room when Smith and Rollerson attacked her. Taylor’s injuries consisted of a cut on her right ankle and soreness on her right shoulder and forehead. Taylor’s friend and witness of the situation, Eniyah Wilson, stated that she saw both Smith and Rollerson kicking and punching Taylor. Smith and Rollerson were taken into custody and charged with assault.

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APSU Track Athlete Celeania Rollerson and friend assault woman at Castle Heights

18-year-old Celeania Rollerson, an APSU Track athlete, was taken into custody for assault on March 1st. Rollerson and her friend Jade-Ann Smith were involved in the assault of Ke’Shia Taylor at Austin Peay State University’s Castle Heights dorm on February 29th. Taylor was leaving her boyfriend’s room when Rollerson and Smith attacked her. Taylor’s injuries consisted of a cut on her right ankle and soreness on her right shoulder and forehead. Taylor’s friend and witness of the situation, Eniyah Wilson, stated that she saw both Rollerson and Smith kicking and punching Taylor. Rollerson and Smith were taken into custody and charged with assault.

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19-year-old Emily Howell pulls boyfriend’s hair, strikes him repeatedly during altercation

19-year-old Emily Howell was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Jermaine Sanders, at Cross Ridge Drive on March 3rd. When officers made contact with Sanders, he stated that Howell pulled his hair and struck him repeatedly. Shortly after, Howell admits that she started the altercation by pushing Sanders. Sanders’ mother provided law enforcement with video evidence of Howell assaulting her son. Emily Howell was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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18-year-old Clayton Key punches girlfriend during dispute in Castle Heights Dorm

18-year-old Clayton Key, a student at Austin Peay State University, was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Ke’shia Taylor, at his Castle Heights room on February 28th. While Taylor was inside Key’s room, she tried to let her friend, Eniyah Wilson, inside. Key insisted that she didn’t come inside. As Taylor persisted in letting Wilson in, Key continued denying her by grabbing her. After multiple occurrences of Key grabbing her, Taylor decided to push him off her, but this only led to Key slapping her. Taylor recovered and struck him in the testicles. Key, after being hit in the testicles, punched Taylor in the face. Clayton Key was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Marquis Stowe hits girlfriend in face during January dispute

26-year-old Marquis Jabbar Joel Stowe, an employee for Clarksville Professional Gutters, had a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend, Chelsey Cotten, at a North Meadow Drive residence on January 17th. In the early hours of March 1st, officers responded to a call regarding vandalism at the Barry Drive townhouses. When they arrived to investigate a separate incident, Cotten advised them that Stowe had struck her in the face on January 17th and provided them with pictures of the injuries she sustained and conversations with him discussing the attack. They questioned Stowe, who stated that the assault never occurred. Stowe was taken into custody for domestic assault on March 1st.

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