Hannah Leos booked after drunkenly yelling at police officers

29-year-old Hannah Leos was found at the scene of a crash at Westfield Court on February 10th. Contact was made with Leos, who was outside the nearby apartment complex. Leos began yelling at police in the middle of the road. Leos was visibly intoxicated and continued to yell loudly during regular sleeping hours. Leos also started to approach officers in a threatening manner and did not stop when told to. Hannah Leos was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication on February 10th.

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DUI: Jake Heidt swerves between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard

32-year-old Jake Heidt was seen in a grey Dodge Truck swerving between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard on February 10th. Once officers made contact with Heidt, they noted the odor of an alcoholic beverage. Heidt exhibited clear signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes. Heidt consented to perform field sobriety tests but performed poorly. Jake Heidt was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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DUI: Soldier Josef Hassanin drinks beer before nearly crashing into police car

21-year-old Soldier Josef Lahib Hassanin nearly struck a patrol car while turning on Tiny Town Road in the early hours of February 10th. Officers observed this and then conducted a traffic stop at the Tiny Town RV Park. Officers approached the driver’s side and noticed an empty beer on the passenger floorboard. Hassanin consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Hassanin then agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.173 BAC%. Hassanin was taken into custody for an open container violation and driving under the influence.

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John-Caleb Woodberry deemed too drunk for Tippers Neighborhood Pub

29-year-old John-Caleb Chris Woodberry was taken into custody for public intoxication on February 8th. Officers responded to Tippers Neighborhood Pub and observed Woodberry outside with the staff. Woodberry refused medical treatment and became belligerent with the Tippers’ employees who were trying to assist him. Woodberry then threatened to hit one of the employees as well. Due to his level of intoxication, Woodberry was deemed unable to care for himself and was taken into custody on February 10th.

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Hailey Martinez holds husband hostage during argument

20-year-old Hailey Ann Martinez had a domestic dispute with her husband at their shared Madison Street apartment on the night of February 9th. Her husband spoke with officers when they arrived, advising that he and Martinez argued. Her husband stated he tried to leave, but Hailey blocked the doorway in the living room for 10-12 minutes. Her husband advised that this made him feel that he was being held hostage. Then, her husband said he moved Hailey to the right, opened the door, and left. Officers deemed Martinez as the primary aggressor, and then she was taken into custody for false imprisonment on February 10th.

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Derek Nicholson violates release conditions after hitting girlfriend in nose during argument

24-year-old Derek Nicholson was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Alexis Harman, at High Street on February 5th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, Nicholson was seen running away into the woods behind the house. Harman made contact with the officers and told them that Nicholson had hit her in the nose. Harman stated this assault was during an argument regarding her phone, leaving her with bloody nostrils. A witness also confirmed that Nicholson struck her in her nose. Officers later learned Nicholson has an active COR with Harman, which he violated by assaulting her. Derek Nicholson was taken into custody and charged with contempt and aggravated assault.

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Dom’Kaalel Jackson jailed after kidnapping girlfriend and infant child

23-year-old Domkaalel Jackson was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend, Erionna Kilgore, at Dotsonville Road on December 27th, 2023. Law enforcement responded to a caller reporting a suspicious person was near their home. Before arriving at the mentioned location, the suspicious person advised that she had jumped out of a vehicle with her 10-month-old child because her boyfriend said that he was going to kill her. Officers arrived and made contact with Kilgore and her child, who had scratches and marks on their elbows and knees. When asked about the injuries that she sustained, Kilgore stated that Jackson hit her several times while he was driving. When Kilgore asked Jackson to stop the car, he told her no and said that he was going to kill her. A separate officer found Jackson’s vehicle and discovered that Jackson was driving on a suspended license. The officer turned their emergency lights on and attempted to stop the car. Jackson refused to pull over, leading to a short-lived pursuit. Domkaalel Jackson was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest, kidnapping, driving under a suspended license, and aggravated domestic assault on February 7th.

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Brandon Heckert caught stealing iPhone at Manna Café

26-year-old Brandon Heckert was caught stealing a phone at Manna CafĂ© on February 6th. Heckert used a person’s phone while at Manna CafĂ© but left without returning the phone. According to the owner, the phone was an iPhone valued at $700. Brandon Heckert was taken into custody and charged with theft of property.

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Victoria Johanns caught in Indiana after stealing rented Toyota Camry

23-year-old Victoria Johanns was caught stealing the 2022 Toyota Camry she rented from Enterprise at East Divison Street, Evansville, Indiana, on February 1st. Johanns rented the Toyota Camry on October 31st, 2023, and was expected to return the vehicle on November 5th, 2023, but failed to do so. Enterprise later sent Johanns a letter informing her that the car had to be returned by December 27th, 2023, but she never returned the vehicle. On February 1st, a GPS ping was conducted on the Toyota Camry, which showed that Johanns was at the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Evansville, Indiana. Evansville PD was provided the location and were requested to locate the vehicle, which they found in the hotel’s parking lot. Officers also confirmed that Johanns had a room at the location. Victoria Johanns was taken into custody and charged with motor vehicle theft.

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Tyeisha Pace assaults boyfriend with lightbulb during argument

24-year-old Tyeisha Pace was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Lamont Lockhart, at the Baltimore Drive Townhouses on February 6th. Officers arrived and contacted Lockhart, who stated that he and Pace had an argument that got physical. Lockhart advised that Pace punched him in the face, hit him with a lightbulb, and hit him in the face with a cup containing milk. This led to Lockhart sustaining numerous injuries, including a bruised and swollen lip, a contusion/bruise behind his ear, and marks on his neck. Officers also noted that Lockhart was drenched in milk. When officers spoke with Pace, she stated there was a dispute, but it didn’t get physical. Tyeisha Pace was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Terence Hilton has 3 “vodka drinks” before falling asleep on Ted Crozier Boulevard

27-year-old Terence Hilton was found asleep in his black Lincoln sedan in the middle of the roadway at the intersection of Dunlop Lane and Ted Crozier Boulevard on February 6th. Officers woke Hilton and instructed him to exit the vehicle. Hilton displayed clear signs of being intoxicated. Hilton then consented to Sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. During a search of Hilton’s car, officers found an Angry Orchard Hard Cider bottle under the driver’s seat and some empty THC packaging. During a post-Miranda Warning, Hilton stated he had consumed 3 “vodka drinks” 45 minutes before officers found him. Terence Hilton was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Toni Akin jailed for animal cruelty after husband beats dog with shovel

24-year-old Toni Akin and her husband, John Simmons, were involved in brutalizing dogs at Donna Drive on February 5th. Law enforcement received information that two dogs at Simmons’s residence on Donna Drive were getting abused. One of the two dogs is a husky mix breed named Bandida, which was said to have sustained tremendous injuries, causing the dog to be unresponsive but still conscious. The other dog is a pit bull named Hercules, who was said to have been hit in the head with a shovel by the owner, causing swelling, bruising, and bleeding. Officers made contact with Debra Sterback, who lived next door to Simmons. Sterback stated that she looked outside her bedroom window and saw Simmons dragging the husky out of the house on a leash and that the dog looked lifeless. Sterback also remarked that Simmons attached the leash to a lead and left the dog outside. Sterback then advised that she visually witnessed Simmons go towards the back of the house, retrieve a spaded shovel, walk towards the edge of the property where the pit bull was leashed, and then hit the dog on its head.

When officers observed the dogs, both showed evidence of injuries consistent with strikes on the head. Both dogs had welts and bruising on the top of their head, along with dried blood. An officer advised that the husky needed emergency medical attention immediately. Akin acknowledged this and left with Simmons and the dog, stating they would take it to Hillldale Veterinary Clinic. Law enforcement contacted all the local clinics in Montgomery County and found that no one had brought in a husky. Akin was contacted and asked whether or not the husky received care, and she told them that she had taken the husky to Belmont Veterinary Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. However, when law enforcement reached out to Belmont Veterinary Hospital, officers were told that no one had brought in a husky. Akin also refuses to provide animal control with any veterinary records or provide the husky for inspection…

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Christopher Guadarrama pinches ex-girlfriend’s eyelashes during altercation

23-year-old Christopher Guadarrama was involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Rosalia Alvarado, at the Garnet Village Townhouses on Huntco Drive late February 3rd. Alvarado informed law enforcement that she left their child in the care of Guadarrama while she went to pick up his sister. When Alvarado returned to their apartment, she heard their child crying and questioned Guadarrama about how long the child had been crying. Guadarrama began yelling and cursing at her, then left the home. After Guadarrama left, Alvarado locked all the doors of the house. Shortly after Alvarado did this, Guadarrama started banging on the door and windows until he was let back inside. Once Guadarrama was allowed back inside, he continued to yell and curse at Alvarado, even accusing her of being drunk. Guadarrama then took multiple wine bottles to the back porch and broke them. When Guadarrama came back inside, he became more physical with Alvarado by pinching her eyelashes, poking her in the eye, and pushing her to the floor. Once Alvarado was on the floor, Guadarrama mounted her, forcing Alvarado to push him off of her. Guadarrama then slapped Alvarado in the face after she pushed him off. Christopher Guadarrama was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on February 9th.

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Amber James assaults daughter before her Taco Bell job interview

40-year-old Amber James was involved in an altercation with her daughter, Kyron Brown, at the Taco Bell on Madison Street late February 9th. Officers made contact with Brown, who stated that while she was on the way to a job interview at Taco Bell, she got into an argument with James. Brown advised that James struck her in the stomach and her face, knocking her glasses off. James was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on February 9th.

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Spencer Gibson jailed for stalking wife after multiple vandalism incidents

31-year-old Spencer Gibson was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Denisha Cox, at McDaniel Road on September 15th, 2023. During an argument, Gibson started to grab his belongings and pack his stuff. While he was gathering his items, he told Cox that he would “break her teeth and beat her up.” Gibson then threw a candle, shattering a TV in their bedroom. Then, Gibson entered the living room and flung a toy into another TV. Gibson attempted to hit Cox, but she moved back and walked out. This led to Gibson throwing the house key at her and leaving the residence.

On September 26th, Cox reported that Gibson shattered the rear glass window of her grey Chevy Malibu. Cox informed law enforcement that she received a message from Gibson the next day on her daughter’s phone, stating, ” Your mom won’t be happy when she gets home.” When Cox arrived, she found that Gibson had poured bleach on all of her clothes and the clothing of one of her children. Cox noted that Gibson hadn’t lived at their home for “a few weeks” and had left with his property.

On November 11th, Gibson returned after trying to contact Cox all day and trying to start another argument. Gibson arrived at her residence and attempted to use his key to open the door, but Cox locked the deadbolt, causing Gibson’s key to break off in the door. This agitated him, leading him to say he would vandalize her car. Instead of doing that, Gibson threw a rock at her front window, shattering it. Spencer Gibson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault, aggravated burglary, stalking, and vandalism.

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Amanda Knight hits grandmother’s pacemaker during argument

29-year-old Amanda Knight was involved in an altercation with her 72-year-old grandmother, Diana Leudenberg, at Walmart on February 9th. Officers made contact with Leudenberg, who stated that she had an argument with Knight. While Knight was driving, she struck Leudenberg in her chest, where her pacemaker was located. While searching Knight’s vehicle, officers found a grinder with green residue inside. Amanda Knight was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and unlawful drug paraphernalia.

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DeAngelo Richardson hides inside house after being evicted

32-year-old DeAngelo Richardson was found hiding at Chisum Court after being evicted on February 9th. Officers arrived to serve an eviction order of protection on Richardson. Law enforcement received information that Richardson’s car was still in the garage of his house. Movement was heard inside the house after knocking and ringing the doorbell multiple times. More information was provided to officers that one of Richardson’s phones had its location on and was pinged as inside the home. An officer repeatedly spoke with Richardson on the phone and advised him to answer the door, but he refused. After continuously negotiating with Richardson, the officer eventually got him to open the door. DeAngelo Richardson was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest and contempt.

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Davone Starks punches girlfriend in eye, caught with Percocet in pocket

26-year-old Davone Starks was involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Diamond Tankard, at Alexander Boulevard. Tankard called 911 as soon as Starks showed up at her residence. Tankard told officers that Starks punched her in the eye, leaving a mark. Once Starks made contact with law enforcement, he informed them that he had a Percocet that was prescribed to him in his pocket. A search of Starks yielded a folded-up dollar bill that contained a white powdery substance. Starks also could not prove that he was prescribed Percocet. Davone Starks was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and simple possession/casual exchange. The couple also has a previous history of domestic violence.

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