19-year-old Yael Arcelay jailed after stealing car, tells parents he bought it

19-year-old Yael Arcelay was jailed after stealing a vehicle on December 28th. The victim reported that her vehicle was stolen from her Needmore Road residence. One hour after her initial report, Arcelay’s father called the police to report that his son had returned home with a vehicle he believed to be stolen. Officers then interviewed Arcelay’s mother, who stated that Yael claimed to have purchased the stolen vehicle. Officers ran the vehicle’s VIN through NCIC, showing it to be registered to the victim. Officers located Yael Arcelay at his residence and took him into custody. The car is estimated to be worth approximately $15,000. Yael Arcelay has been charged with theft of a motor vehicle.

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Michael Bertinotti points rifle at ex-girlfriend’s head during argument

30-year-old Michael Bertinotti was jailed after an argument with his ex-girlfriend, Heather Franklin, became physical at their Ermine Drive residence on December 28th. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke to Bertinotti. Bertinotti advised that he and Heather Franklin had a verbal argument in the basement of the residence. Bertinotti insisted that nothing physical had occurred and that he had left after the argument had ended. Officers then contacted Heather Franklin, who advised that she and Bertinotti had verbally argued. Franklin added that she decided to break up with Bertinotti during the argument. Franklin stated that she grabbed her handgun from the bedroom and proceeded to leave the residence. As Franklin was leaving, Bertinotti retrieved his rifle and told her that he had a “bigger weapon.” Bertinotti proceeded to point the rifle at her and put it against her head. Franklin did not sustain any injuries from the incident. Michael Bertinotti was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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DUI: Lauren Arany drinks beer filled thermos while speeding

33-year-old Lauren Arany was booked on December 28th after officers observed her speeding on Richardson Street. Arany was going 32MPH in a 20MPH zone, prompting officers to conduct a traffic stop. When speaking with Arany, officers noticed she had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on her person. Arany consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Arany refused to provide a blood sample after being read implied consent. During a probable cause search of her vehicle, officers found a metal thermos bottle that reeked of alcohol and contained a yellow liquid presumed to be beer. Lauren Arany was taken into custody and charged with DUI, open container violation, speeding, and implied consent.

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Terry Roberson assaults wife after accusing her of wearing lingerie for someone else

33-year-old Terry Roberson was jailed after having a physical altercation with his estranged wife, Erica Roberson, on December 24th. Officers met Erica in the parking lot of Walmart on Wilma Rudolph. Erica noted that she and Terry are currently going through a divorce. Erica advised the Officers that she had come home from grocery shopping when Terry proceeded to go through her belongings. Terry then accused her of buying things, including lingerie, to wear for someone else. Erica stated that Terry began to get aggressive and throw stuff out of her suitcase, making a mess. Terry then took Erica’s phone after she threatened to call the police, causing Erica to fear for her life. Erica tried asking Terry to return her phone. In response, Terry grabbed Erica by her neck and broke the bathroom door by throwing her against it. Terry then left the scene, and Erica contacted the police. Terry Roberson was taken into custody on December 28th and charged with aggravated assault.

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DUI: Natysha Williams speeds down Riverside Drive after drinking

30-year-old Natysha Williams, an employee of Lowes, was seen speeding in a White Nissan at Riverside Drive heading towards Highway 48 on December 30th, 2023. Officers observed Williams doing 57 mph in a 40 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop. Upon contact with law enforcement, Williams opened the door and poured out a red solo cup, which was later found to have contained alcohol. Furthermore, the officers observed that Williams had bloodshot eyes and reeked of alcohol. Natysha slurred her words as she admitted to drinking before driving. Officers then conducted some field sobriety tests, which Williams performed poorly on. Natysha Williams was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, implied consent, and speeding.

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Ja’Tavious Starnes shoves baby-mama off porch during argument

23-year-old Ja’Tavious Starnes was jailed after assaulting the mother of his child, Diamond Tankard, at her Alexander Road residence on December 29th. Officers observed surveillance video of the incident occurring. The footage shows Starnes and Tankard arriving at Tankard’s home and walking to the front door. Within minutes of arriving at the front door, Starnes and Tankard can be heard arguing. Officers then observed Starnes forcefully grabbing Tankard’s phone and shoving her off the porch into the nearby bushes. A check through NCIC showed that Starnes has active conditions of release in Montgomery County, with Tankard being the protected party. Ja’Tavious Starnes was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault, contempt, out-of-county warrants, and fugitive hold.

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19-Year-Old Nathaniel Austin charged after assaulting his stepfather during argument

19-year-old Nathaniel Austin was jailed after fighting his stepfather at their Reed Road home on January 1st. Officers arrived and made contact with Nathaniel Austin and his stepfather, Ronald Parnell. Officers split the pair up for questioning. Austin advised that he was at his parents’ house when he and Parnell got into an argument. Austin stated he made a comment regarding his half-brother, Parnell’s son. In response, Parnell attempted to grab him. When Parnell did this, Austin immediately began swinging his closed fists at Parnell. Parnell and Austin corroborated each other’s stories and officers deemed Austin the primary aggressor. Nathaniel Austin was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Darricus Wilson speeds down I-24 in Ford F-150

29-year-old Darricus Wilson was seen speeding in a Black Ford F-150 at Interstate 24 on December 31st. Officers observed the F-150 approaching them at 89 mph in a 70mph zone. They then conducted a traffic stop and identified Wilson as the driver. The officers were immediately greeted with the odor of alcohol emitting from Wilson’s breath. During the conversation, Wilson was also unable to provide proof of insurance. Wilson was then asked to perform some Standard Field Sobriety Tests, which he consented to. Before they started, Wilson admitted that he had consumed a muscle-relaxing pill about 4-6 hours prior. The sobriety tests revealed multiple indicators of impairment. A search of Wilson’s vehicle revealed a loaded handgun in the center console of his car. Officers read Implied Consent to him and requested him to provide a blood sample, but he refused. Officers acquired a search warrant for a blood sample and upon arrival at Sango ER, Wilson verbally refused to provide a blood sample. Wilson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, possession of a handgun while under the influence, speeding, no insurance, implied consent, and tampering with evidence.

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William Allen calls wife multiple times every day for months, tells her “I am going to “f*cking kill you b*tch!”

37-year-old William Allen was booked on an outstanding warrant from June 29th for stalking his estranged wife. Devona Allen told police that her estranged husband had called her several times on the phone. In one of the conversations, William told her, “I am going to f*cking kill you b*tch! I will take the kids, and you will never see them again!” When officers asked her if she felt her husband would harm her, she stated that she believed he would. While officers were on scene, William called at least 5-6 times within 30-40 minutes. Devona noted that since June 2nd, 2023, William had called every day without fail. Devona added that William also had a tracking device on her vehicle and tracked her to Nashville. William Allen was taken into custody and charged with stalking on December 28th.

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DUI: Nathaniel Taylor drinks 10 Miller Beers before crashing into fence

24-year-old Nathaniel Taylor was jailed on December 28th after crashing into a fence on Kingsbury Road. When police arrived, they observed a silver Buick with a crushed chain link fence beneath it. Officers noted there was vomit on Taylor’s shirt and the floorboard. Taylor admitted to drinking around 10 Miller beers within 30 minutes of the crash. He then performed poorly on sobriety tests and was taken into custody.

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DUI: Clint Larsen has 2 beers before crashing into police vehicle in his Ford F-350

31-year-old Clint Larsen was jailed on December 15th after rear-ending a K9 police vehicle on Merchants Boulevard with his white F-350. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed Larsen with bloodshot eyes and unsteady on his feet. Larsen was asked to perform sobriety tests, but he refused. He was then taken into custody for suspicion of DUI. He later made a spontaneous utterance that he only had two beers before driving. A search of the vehicle yielded a Ruger handgun in the driver’s side door within arms reach and an empty beer can in the back seat. It was later discovered that Larsen had been driving on a revoked license and had two prior DUI’s.

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Zachary Burr drunkenly assaults wife for not having sex with him

28-year-old Zachary Burr was jailed on December 15th for assaulting his wife when she wouldn’t have sex with him. Tess Burr told police that her husband came home from a Christmas party and wanted to have sex, but she refused because he was drunk. He then became agitated, and they started arguing. When Tess went outside for a smoke, Zachary pushed her against the glass sliding door and told her he wished she would die. According to Tess, her husband opened the sliding door, pushed her outside, and slammed the door on her ankle. Zachary told police that he argued with his wife but at no point became physical. Zachary Burr was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on December 16th.

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Lachelle Gatewood punches woman in mouth at Christmas party

26-year-old Lachelle Gatewood was booked for punching a woman in the face at a Christmas party on Snowball Lane on December 25th. Semone Wingfiled-Turrner told police that while at the party, she had gotten into an argument with Gatewood and was punched in her mouth. This resulted in a busted and swollen lip. Lachelle Gatewood was taken into custody and charged with assault on December 28th.

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Tamara Brocks steals over $800 from Advanced Financial via worthless checks

43-year-old Tamara Brocks was jailed on December 16th after writing a worthless check at Advance Financial on Heritage Pointe Drive. Ms. Brocks deposited a check and cashed the same check the next day. Advance Financial lost $897.64 in worthless checks due to this incident. Tamara Brocks was taken into custody and charged with cashing worthless checks.

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Laderrious Carter charged after brutally assaulting girlfriend, sending her to hospital

30-year-old Laderrious Carter was booked for beating up his girlfriend so severely that she ended up in the hospital on December 13th. Police responded to Tennova ER and spoke with Cynthia Lee, who advised that she had gotten into an argument with her ex-boyfriend about infidelity issues. During the argument, Laderrious began hitting her all over her arms and head. Cynthia stated that after the attack, Laderrious struck her in the head with an unknown object that caused a deep gash over her left eye. She added that a week prior, Ladderious punched her in the temple and knocked her out. Laderrious Carter was taken into custody and charged with Aggravated Assault on December 16th.

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Laterris Drake caught with over 3 ounces of marijuana in his vehicle

21-year-old Laterris Drake was jailed on December 17th after police observed a vehicle speeding down I-24. The speed was locked at 81 mph in a 70 mph zone. The officer initiated a traffic stop, but the car didn’t stop and drove off at exit 8, throwing a large bag of marijuana and a Glock handgun out the window. The vehicle finally stopped at the QT gas station on Rossview Road, where he was identified by his state ID. During the search of his vehicle, small “nuggets” of marijuana were found throughout the car, and a small baggy of marijuana was found on the ground underneath, where Drake was handcuffed after he exited the vehicle. All the marijuana found, including the bag that was thrown, weighed in at 93 grams/3.30 oz. It was later discovered that Drake was charged with felony drug possession in May 2023. Laterris Drake was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest, drug possession, possessing a weapon as a felon, and tampering with evidence.

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Katodna Brown caught driving unregistered vehicle, tells police she will drive away anyway

24-year-old Katodna Ronquna Brown drove her Chevy Equinox with suspended tags near 101st Airborne Division Parkway and Trenton Road on the afternoon of December 15th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and approached Brown. Brown made statements alluding to knowing about her suspended tags. Brown advised that she was pulled over and cited for the violation earlier in the day. Officers checked her driving history, and it did not show anything besides the prior incident, so they issued her a warning citation. Brown, however, was told that she could not operate the vehicle due to the infraction and became argumentative. Brown then stated she would simply drive away anyway. Officers left the scene, watched Brown pull out right behind them, and initiated another traffic stop for the same infraction on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard. Katodna Brown was taken into custody for driving an unregistered vehicle.

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DUI: Mark Diaz drinks before driving erratically down Wilma Rudolph Blvd

23-year-old Mark Diaz drove his Chrysler 200 erratically on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard in the early hours of December 22nd. Officers observed this, initiated a traffic stop, and smelled a strong alcoholic odor as they approached Diaz. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and provided a breath sample, resulting in 0.106% BAC. He was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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DUI: Breana Gibson drinks “7 shot-sized bottles of Bacardi” before swerving on Fort Campbell Blvd

24-year-old Breana Gibson was booked on December 23rd after officers observed her swerving on Fort Campbell/Dover Crossing. Gibson was visibly intoxicated, and the odor of alcohol was emitting from her body. She performed poorly on sobriety tests, and a search located seven empty shot-sized bottles of Bacardi. She was taken into custody and blew a .154% BAC on a breathalyzer at booking.

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Sophia Armenti lies to police multiple times about assaulting boyfriend

37-year-old Sophia Armenti was jailed on December 24th after assaulting her boyfriend on Piney Drive. When police arrived on the scene, Armenti and Ryan Taylor both made allegations of assault. Officers noted, “Both parties were at a level of intoxication that would be considered belligerent.” Both parties changed their stories and series of events numerous times. Officers also observed both parties to have similar abrasions and bruises. Armenti stated that Mr. Taylor became upset for an unknown reason and threatened to kill her and her children. She then attempted to leave the living room to check on her children, but Mr. Taylor stopped her and threw her across the room before holding her to the floor and refusing to let her leave. According to Armenti, she finally convinced Mr. Taylor to allow her to use the restroom. Once inside the restroom, she jumped out the window. Police noted that there was no window in the bathroom. She then changed her story and said she left the house when Mr. Taylor went to the restroom.

When police got Mr. Taylor’s side of the story, he said that Armenti became upset for an unknown reason, put herself on the floor, and started to cry. At that point, he tried to leave the house, but she stopped him by shoving him against a wall, trying to hit and scratch him while stating that if he left, she would call the police to get him in trouble. Police noted that Mr. Taylor’s story changed numerous times as well. Police could not determine a singular primary aggressor. Due to both party’s level of intoxication and inability to provide details of the incident, they were both taken into custody and booked into the Montgomery County Jail.

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