Bismark Bossman kicks door down, assaults nephew during argument over rent

48-year-old Bismark Bossman was involved in a domestic altercation with his nephew, Francis Bonteng, at Forest Hills Drive on December 22nd. The dispute began with an argument that Bonteng exited by going into his room and locking the door. Bossman kicked the door down and pushed Bonteng against the wall while choking him. When law enforcement arrived, Bossman was questioned on his side of events. He advised that Bonteng walked away from him to go to his room while he was telling him to leave because he doesn’t pay rent. So he kicked the door open, pushed Bonteng, and told him to leave. Bossman was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Travon Hatcher strangles, threatens to kill woman who wouldn’t have sex with him

25-year-old Travon Hatcher was booked for threatening to kill a woman who wouldn’t have sex with him. Shania Bibby advised that on December 21st, she and Travon had met at her car with the intent of having sex. Shania stated that she then changed her mind and tried to leave the backseat where she was sitting with Travon. Travon grabbed her, pulled her back into the car, and strangled her. Travon held her down with one hand wrapped around her throat until she could not breathe. Shania feared for her life after Travon stated that he would shoot her with the pistol he had in the center console. He then finally let her go, and she ran into the house. Shania showed officers security footage showing the time she entered her home on Fugi Lane. Officers found Travon on Flat Rock Road, where he admitted that he went to Fugi Lane intending to have sex with Shania but stated no assault occurred. Officers noted that they reviewed text messages from Shania from the day after the alleged incident, and the messages had no mention of an assault. Despite this, officers determined Travon Hatcher to be the primary aggressor and charged him with aggravated assault on December 24th.

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Rafael Butler punches girlfriend’s car window after she threatens to leave him in parking lot

29-year-old Rafael Butler was involved in vandalism on Madison Street on December 22nd. When law enforcement arrived, they observed Butler standing by his girlfriend’s vehicle. The vehicle’s passenger window was destroyed, and Butler was bleeding from both of his hands. Upon contact with the officers, Butler stated that he was arguing with his girlfriend and became upset. So when she threatened to leave him in the parking lot, he retaliated by breaking the window. His girlfriend told law enforcement that Butler threatened to assault her shortly after. Butler was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

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Princess Raine hits boyfriend’s vehicle with baseball bat during altercation

30-year-old Princess Raine was jailed on December 24th after assaulting her boyfriend of two years. Princess told police that she and Tawon Shaw argued outside her home on Eagles Nest Lane. Tawon was sitting in his car when Princess confronted him with a metal baseball bat and told him to leave. She admitted to striking Tawon’s vehicle once before he backed up to leave, but he stayed on her property. According to Princess, Tawon ran her over with his car, causing her to fall onto the hood before he reversed and left the property. When police contacted Tawon by phone, he stated that Princess hit his vehicle with a bat multiple times and cracked a light. The damage to the vehicle was estimated to be around $1,000.

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Soldier Matthew Houston strangles wife during argument, tells police he “snapped”

33-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Matthew Houston was jailed on December 24th after assaulting his wife at their home on Parkview Court. Leandra Welch told police that she and her husband were arguing when he pushed her into a wall and strangled her to the point that she couldn’t breathe. Officers observed a red mark on each side of her neck and redness on her face. Mr. Houston stated that he “snapped” during an argument with his wife. He admitted to pushing her, wrestling her to the ground, and slapping her in the face. Houston was determined to be the primary aggressor, was taken into custody, and charged with aggravated assault.

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Dorothea Thurmond tries to stab husband multiple times for not letting her drive while drunk

45-year-old Dorothea Thurmond was jailed for assaulting her husband on Christmas after they had gotten into an argument about her attempting to drive while drunk. Frank Ehigie told police he tried to stop Dorothea by hiding her phone. Dorothea became progressively more upset and began hitting Frank. Frank said his wife even grabbed a knife and tried to stab him before he took the knife and hid it from her as well. According to Frank, Dorothea was slumped over, so he helped her to the couch, but she rolled off onto the floor. She then got off the floor and grabbed another knife in an attempt to stab Frank again. Frank took and hid that knife as well. After hiding the knives, he decided to separate himself from Dorothea by going outside and calling family members. When police spoke with Dorothea, she advised that Frank was hitting her and pushed her to the ground, where she hit her face, which was why she grabbed a knife. Police determined Dorothea to be the primary aggressor and took her into custody. Dorothea was charged with aggravated assault.

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Natravien Landry assaults girlfriend after she turns off his video game console during argument

24-year-old Natravien Landry was jailed Christmas evening for assaulting his girlfriend after an argument about car insurance. Jasmine Mahoney told officers that she became upset and unplugged Landry’s video game console. When she did that, Mr. Landry grabbed ahold of her clothing and pushed her around the room. Mr. Landry admitted to the argument and advised that his girlfriend did unplug his video game console but said he never had any physical contact with her. Police determined Natravien was the primary aggressor, and he was taken to booking.

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DUI: Donalyn Gibbs blocks traffic on Fort Campbell Blvd on Christmas morning

35-year-old Donalyn Gibbs was jailed Christmas morning after officers observed her swerving and blocking traffic in her Nissan Sentra at the intersection of Fort Campbell Boulevard and Sinclair Drive. Police could smell alcohol coming from her breath as she consented to sobriety tests. She performed poorly and blew a .144% BAC on a breathalyzer. A search through NCIC reported no prior DUI history, making this her 1st DUI. Donalyn Gibbs was taken into custody and charged for driving under the influence.

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DUI: Shala Anthony Edwards recklessly drives in circles on Christmas morning

39-year-old Shala Anthony Edwards was booked Christmas morning after reports of a black male driving recklessly in circles on Dublin Drive, honking and hitting a stop sign. When police arrived, they observed the SUV and driver matching the description. They witnessed the SUV park in front of a home on Dublin Drive. Officers watched as Mr. Edwards drove toward Pollard Lane and parked at the stop sign, blocking an entire lane of traffic. When the police made contact with Mr. Edwards, he was slurring his words, and his eyes were staring upward. The officers asked him to turn off his engine and step out of the vehicle, to which he nodded in understanding but rolled his window up instead. The officer knocked on the window, and Mr. Edwards opened the door, dropping his key to the ground as he exited the vehicle. Edwards was smiling as he leaned against his SUV. Officers attempted to investigate Mr. Edwards, but his speech was so slurred they couldn’t understand his answers. He smelled like alcohol and was placed into custody for suspicion of DUI. He refused a blood sample, and a warrant was obtained for a blood draw. Mr. Edwards was transported to Tennova before being taken to booking.

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DUI: Jonathan Cepeda swerves into oncoming traffic on Christmas Day

35-year-old Jonathan Cepeda, an employee of Publix, was booked early Christmas morning after officers observed a blue sedan swerve into oncoming traffic down Dover Road. Officers initiated a traffic stop and observed that Jonathan reeked of alcohol. He admitted to drinking alcohol and performed poorly on sobriety tests. He was taken into custody and blew a .162% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Joyce Faulkenburg assaults husband after he hides in blanket for protection

24-year-old Joyce Faulkenberg was jailed on December 26th after assaulting her husband, Jonathan Faulkenberg, at their home on Princeton Circle. When police arrived, Joyce and her husband Jonathan advised that an argument over property and finances turned physical. Jonathan explained that he wrapped himself up in a blanket for protection, but Joyce grabbed Jonathan by his shirt to rip him out of the blanket. Jonathan’s shirt was torn, and he had redness to his upper body due to his shirt being pulled against him. Joyce Faulkenberg was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

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DUI: Jamye Thomas denies drinking alcohol before swerving into multiple lanes on Fort Campbell Blvd

30-year-old Jamye Thomas was jailed on December 26th after officers observed a gray Nissan Rogue swerving off the shoulder into multiple lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard. Police initiated a traffic stop on Collier Road, where the driver ran over a curb. Officers could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle as they spoke to Ms. Thomas. Ms. Thomas appeared confused and had difficulties locating paperwork. She stated that she had smoked a substance but refused to reveal what that substance was and denied drinking any alcohol. Later, Thomas admitted to only smoking her vape and consented to field sobriety tests. She performed poorly multiple times and was taken into custody. When officers ran her name, they discovered a revoked handgun carry permit. When asked about the handgun, she admitted to having a handgun in the vehicle. However, Ms. Thomas advised the magazine was removed and in a separate location. A check through NCIC confirmed the handgun was not stolen. Jamye Thomas was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and possession of a firearm under the influence.

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Sonja McKinley breaks husband’s nose during altercation, husband tells her “You’re going to jail tonight!”

49-year-old Sonja McKinley was jailed on December 26th after police responded to a 911 call from Jeffrey McKinley, reporting that his wife had punched him in the face. The call taker reported Jeffrey stating, “You broke my nose!” and “You’re gonna learn tonight; you’re going to jail tonight!” Police observed injuries to Jeffrey’s nose and chin. He also spit multiple times in front of officers, revealing injury to his mouth. According to Jeffrey, he and his wife had been drinking and got into an argument. He advised that he and his wife have been married for thirty years and did not want her to get in trouble. Sonja told the police that she accidentally called the police because her phone was broken. McKinley was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Ebony Cue jailed after having “a few beers and a few shots” before driving on expired tags

45-year-old New Providence Middle School Teacher’s Assistant Ebony Cue was jailed on December 26th. Police observed a black Kia sedan driving down Dover Road with a dysfunctional tag light. The officer followed the vehicle and made a traffic stop on Ashley Oaks Drive, where officers discovered that the vehicle’s tags had expired on July 31st, 2023. The driver, Ebony Cue, was observed smelling strongly of alcohol and having a difficult time holding her bloodshot eyes open while speaking to the officers. She admitted to drinking “a few beers and a few shots” and taking several different medications, one being Lexapro. Ebony was asked to perform field sobriety tests, on which she performed poorly and was taken into custody. Once at booking, Ebony blew a .033% on a breathalyzer. Officers later discovered that Ebony had a prior DUI in 2017.

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Maeshia Nelson assaults boyfriend during argument on Christmas Day

29-year-old Maeshia Nelson was involved in an altercation with her boyfriend, Raymond Morales, at Pinkston Court on December 25th. The dispute began with an argument between the couple that escalated when Nelson became aggressive and attacked him. Morales grabbed her wrists to stop her from hitting him. Upon contact with Nelson, officers observed that she was visibly intoxicated. Officers asked her how much Nelson had been drinking, and she stated that she didn’t drink anything. Which she later backtracked. Nelson claimed that Morales attacked her and attempted to strangle her. She also claimed that he punched her multiple times. Nelson did not exhibit any visible signs of injuries, while Morales had a fresh scratch on his right eyelid. Nelson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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19-year-old Matthew Pitts found drunk at Walmart Gas Station

19-year-old Matthew Pitts was found drunk at Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on December 15th. An officer observed that someone parked their car at one of the gas pumps for an unwarranted amount of time. Pitts exited the vehicle when he noticed that the officer parked their car behind him. The officer observed that Pitts was inebriated while he was walking. The officer also observed a half-gallon bottle half-empty in the passenger seat while the keys were still in the ignition. Pitts performed some field sobriety tests, which he executed poorly. Pitts was taken into custody and charged with underage driving while impaired.

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Kiwian Jones caught with 5 grams of marijuana

20-year-old Kiwain Jones was caught with drugs at Mutual Drive on December 18th. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Jones because they observed that his passenger-side brake light was out. Upon contact with Jones, an officer noticed the smell of weed from the vehicle. During a probable cause search, nine packages were found, all weighing around five grams. Jones admitted that the substance was “weed” and knew the measurements of all the bags. Jones was taken into custody and charged with possession with intent.

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DUI: Dustin Mckie-Miller found drunk in a ditch, tells police “My girlfriend was driving!”

28-year-old Dustin Mckie-Miller was found drunk in a ditch on Buttercup Drive in his Chevy Malibu on December 21st. Dustin’s girlfriend, Carly Schroeder, contacted the police and told them that her boyfriend had been drinking all day and was now driving. Dustin was found in the passenger seat of his vehicle with the keys in the cup holder. When officers spoke with him, the odor of alcohol was emitting from his breath. Dustin was asked if he was driving and stated, “My girlfriend was driving!” But that contradicted the video evidence Carly gave law enforcement, which showed Dustin leaving the driveway in his vehicle. Officers asked Dustin if he wanted to perform some field sobriety tests, but he declined and asked for his lawyer. Dustin Mckie-Miller was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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