Jacqueline Ogren punches husband for watching sex scene in movie

Jacqueline Ogren punches husband for watching sex scene in movie

59-year-old Jacqueline Ogren was watching a movie with her husband on November 8th. When an implicit scene was shown, her husband showed interest in the scene. Ogren became enraged at her husband’s interest in the scene, so she began to punch her husband in the back of the head as well as his back. The following day, Ogren had a verbal altercation with her son, telling officers that he didn’t want to go to work or go to school. During the argument, which became heated at that point, Ogren threw a stitching canvas at him, hitting him and the plate of food he was eating. Ogren was taken into custody and charged with two counts of domestic violence.


Jacqueline Josefa Ogren of Carla Court in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on November 9th, charged with two counts of domestic assault. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $750.

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