Natasha Johnson punches ex-husband, attempts to crash car during argument

Natasha Johnson punches ex-husband, attempts to crash car during argument

38-year-old Natasha Johnson was jailed on January 18th for assaulting her ex-husband. Clifford Johnson told police he was picking up his daughter from a dental appointment. While driving, he and Natasha began to argue in the car. Natasha then threw a cup at Clifford, which hit him in the shoulder. She then threw a second cup at him, but she missed, and the metal cup cracked the windshield. Clifford told police that Natasha then punched him in the face multiple times. Then, Clifford ended up running off the road and nearly into the grass on 101st due to Natasha grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it downward. Clifford stated that Natasha then grabbed his glasses and broke them in her hands.

According to Natasha, she punched Clifford three or four times in the face, but she never hit him with the cup because she missed, and it hit the windshield. Natasha also admitted to grabbing the steering wheel and advised that she intended to damage his car. Due to their child being in the backseat during the time of this reckless behavior, it was determined that the child was placed in danger.


Natasha Johnson of Dugger Drive in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on January 18th, charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and vandalism. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $5,500.

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