Jaden Mondaine slams girlfriend into mirror, snatches her wig off during altercation

Jaden Mondaine slams girlfriend into mirror, snatches her wig off during altercation

24-year-old Jaden Christian Mondaine had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Kamillion Tyson, at their Dalton Smith Court apartment around 11:00 p.m. on April 24th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Tyson, who said she was cleaning after everyone had eaten dinner. As Tyson was doing this, Mondaine started cursing at her and grabbed her phone to look through it. She said he pushed her into the couch when she asked for her phone. Tyson got up, trying to retrieve her phone, then Mondaine slammed her against a mirror and snatched her wig off. Tyson said she would call the police while struggling to get her phone. Mondaine responded to this by grabbing her neck and pushing his thumbs, which left minor bruising. Mondaine was taken into custody for domestic assault on April 25th.


Jaden Christian Mondaine of Dalton Smith Court in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on April 25th, charged with aggravated assault and vandalism. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $12,000.

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