DUI: Aaron Ruiz scores 0.165% BAC after speeding out of Electric Cowboy parking lot

DUI: Aaron Ruiz scores 0.165% BAC after speeding out of Electric Cowboy parking lot

22-year-old Aaron Ruiz was seen speeding out of the troubled Electric Cowboy parking lot, nearly hitting a few of the security guards and another individual in the early hours of July 20th. Officers were investigating at an unrelated call when they witnessed this and flashed their lights at Ruiz, making him stop his truck.

The police approached Ruiz, and after he handed them his driver’s license, he admitted to having four to five beers. Ruiz then consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Ruiz was then advised of implied consent, to which he agreed and provided a breath sample that returned a 0.165% BAC. Ruiz was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.


Aaron Ruiz of Yucca Drive in Sunland Park, NM, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on July 20th, charged with driving under the influence. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $500.

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