Andrew Renteria threatens officers and medical staff at Tennova

21-year-old Andrew Renteria was transported to Tennova Main on February 17th after his friends informed law enforcement that he was either going to hurt them or himself. While at the hospital, Renteria was verbally aggressive and threatening to officers and hospital staff. He was then sat in a chair and told not to move, but he continued to stand regardless and even tried to wander around the hospital. When Renteria was told to sit back down, he refused, so an officer grabbed him by his arm to lead him back to the lobby area of the hospital. Renteria retaliated by pulling away from the officer, pushing him, and using his body weight. Hospital security aided in restraining Renteria. Andrew Renteria was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest.

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Shioniqua Scott jailed after caught with 14.175 grams of marijuana

24-year-old Shioniqua Scott was in a vehicle with Charles Lyons while he was speeding at the intersection of Outlaw Field Road and Jack Miller Boulevard on February 17th. Upon contact with Lyons and his passenger, Shioniqua Scott, officers noted that there was a distinct smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Lyons explained that he smoked in the car earlier in the day, but that only led to a search. The search yielded three bags of marijuana weighing 14.175 grams, digital scales, plastic sandwich bags, air sealant bags with residue, a Glock 9mm, cigarillos, and multiple cell phones. Lyons nor Scott claimed the illegal goods. Both Shioniqua Scott and Charles Lyons were taken into custody and charged with unlawful drug paraphernalia, marijuana possession, and a firearm during a felony.

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Chad Varnadore slams girlfriend’s face into floorboard driving home from Electric Cowboy

24-year-old Chad Varnadore was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Taylor Warren, at Alvin Road on February 17th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location regarding Warren falling down the stairs. Once they arrived, they contacted Warren, who stated that Varnadore “did this to her face while driving home from the bar.” Officers noted that Warren’s injuries were consistent with intentional injury and not falling down the stairs. Varnadore admitted to grabbing her head and slamming it into the floorboard while driving from the troubled Electric Cowboy. Chad Varnadore was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Indea Roberts drinks at the Pinnacle before nearly hitting another vehicle

20-year-old Soldier Indea Roberts was seen in a white Toyota swerving in and out of her lane on February 17th. Officers witnessed Roberts increasing and decreasing speed rapidly to the point of nearly colliding with the vehicle in front of her. A traffic stop was conducted, and an officer made contact with Roberts, who was emitting a very strong scent of alcohol. Roberts also showed clear signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Shortly after, Roberts admitted she just left the Pinnacle and did have drinks. Roberts then consented to perform sobriety tests but executed them poorly. Indea Roberts was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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William Sullivan tells police he “lost it” after strangling his wife

39-year-old William Sullivan was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Lexus Sullivan, at Clearview Drive on February 16th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and came into contact with William, who stated that he was in an argument with Lexus when he “lost it.” William expressed that he pulled her hair, slung her to the ground, and strangled her. Most of Lexus’s statements corroborated his, but she said that he threw her to the ground and hit her in the face before pulling her hair. William Sullivan was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Timothy Harrison cuts valve stem off cop car tells officer “you cut me off”

30-year-old Timothy Harrison was caught vandalizing the left tire of an officer’s vehicle at Dover Road on February 16th. The officer observed Harrison walk behind his car at a red light and bend down near his rear left tire. When the officer got out and approached Harrison, he found that he was trying to cut his valve stem with diagonal cutters. Harrison was asked what he was doing, and he told him, “You cut me off.” He attempted to return to his vehicle but was stopped and taken into custody.

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Joshua Gadbaw breaks through a wall to sleep in room with his wife

28-year-old Joshua Gadbaw was caught inside an empty room at the Clarksville Heights Apartments on February 16th. A member of the maintenance personnel, David Paden, stated that during a walk-through of an empty apartment, he found two individuals, later identified as Joshua Gadbaw and his wife Amanda Melton, sleeping in one of the bedrooms. Paden then communicated that he checked the apartment beforehand at 7–8 p.m. and locked all the doors, but when he came back, the back door was open, and there was damage to the drywall, evaluated at $300-400. The damage to the living room’s drywall was done to gain access to the apartment. Joshua Gadbaw was taken into custody and charged with aggravated criminal trespass.

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DUI: Travis Elsperman tells police he had 6-7 drinks before driving

22-year-old Travis Elsperman was seen in the parking lot of the Electric Cowboy asleep in the driver’s seat of his car on February 16th. Once officers made contact with Elsperman, he told them he had six to seven beers. An officer noted that Elsperman smelt like an alcoholic beverage and showed clear signs of intoxication. Elsperman stated that he started falling asleep once he tried to drive out of the parking lot, so he stopped. He was shortly asked to perform sobriety tests and executed them poorly. Travis Elsperman was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence. At booking, he blew a .105% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Dillion Broadhead caught with 38 grams of marijuana

19-year-old Dillion Broadhead was seen in a gray Jeep Patriot speeding by officers at the Cumberland Heights Road and Zinc Plant Road intersection on February 15th. Officers observed making a left at Cumberland Heights Road at a high rate of speed without a functioning tag light. A traffic stop was attempted, but a pursuit ensued when Broadhead gained more speed and took off. During the chase, Broadhead was spiked and came to a halt at the Villiage Liquors liquor store, where he and the juvenile driver fled on foot but were located shortly after. A probable cause search of the vehicle yielded a bag containing 38 grams of marijuana. Later, during an interview, Broadhead admitted that he knew the driver was a runaway but didn’t report it and stated his knowing was the reason for driving away. Dillion Broadhead was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest, possession of drugs, and harboring a runaway child.

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DUI: Brianna Ortiz swerves on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard after drinking 5 margaritas

22-year-old Brianna Ortiz was seen swerving in a red Infinity Sedan with no lights at Wilma Rodolph Boulevard on February 12th. Upon contact with Ortiz, officers noted a strong smell of alcohol coming from her person, as well as other signs of intoxication. Ortiz was asked and agreed to perform sobriety tests but executed poorly. Ortiz openly admitted that she had recently left “El Brasero” after having five margaritas. Brianna Ortiz was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Patience Carbone damages woman’s phone, bites ex-boyfriend’s nipple during dispute

25-year-old Patience Carbone was involved in a domestic dispute with her ex-boyfriend, Tyler Stark, at Whitfield Road on February 11th. Due to breaking up the day prior, Carbone went to the mentioned location to get her belongings from Stark. Carbone still owned a spare key to the apartment, and upon entering, she found a female friend of Stark’s and became furious. Carbone tossed pizza sauce on the floor, grabbed the woman’s phone, and ran outside. Stark followed her out of the house to get the phone. At some point during the incident, Carbone bit Stark, leaving a bleeding bite wound on his pectoral/nipple area. Carbone also threw the woman’s phone on the road, damaging the phone, which was valued at $1,100. Patience Carbone was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

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Galashay Weaver threatens ex-boyfriend with gun during altercation

22-year-old Galashay Weaver was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, James Bullard, on February 10th. Weaver showed up at Bullard’s residence and kicked on his front door, leaving a footprint on it. Weaver proceeded to take a small cooler that was outside his home and threw it at the door as well. Attempting to scare Bullard, Weaver reached into her purse and pulled out a handgun. Weaver proceeded to leave shortly after. Galashay Weaver was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Jace Downey caught with minor at Governor’s Square Mall

20-year-old Jace “Fredo” Downey was caught aiding a minor in running away from home at Blue Spruce Drive on February 10th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with Downey’s aunt. She told officers that Downey was at Governor’s Square Mall with a girl who stayed the night. Once at the mall, officers made contact with both the minor and Downey. Downey stated that he picked up the minor this morning at a Kroger, but the minor said she stayed the night at his residence. The minor’s mother was able to provide messages on her daughter’s phone displaying messages from “Fredo” to the minor about seeing each other on the night of February 9th. Jace Downey was taken into custody and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

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18-year-old Daniel Newton caught with 14 grams of marijuana

18-year-old Daniel Newton, an employee of Jersey Mikes, was caught with marijuana at Danbury Drive on February 10th. Officers responded to a call for service concerning a suspicious vehicle at Macon Lane and Danbury Drive. An officer contacted the car’s occupants, Amaree Lafortune, Daniel Newton, a juvenile, and Morgan Smith. During the interaction, the scent of marijuana emitting from the vehicle prompted a search. The search yielded a vacuum bag, a drawstring bag, and a fanny pack that also contained a plastic bag and more suspected marijuana. A search of Newton’s person revealed $445 in cash. Under Miranda, Newton claimed ownership of the marijuana. The total weight of marijuana found in the vehicle was 14.175 grams. Daniel Newton was taken into custody and charged with marijuana possession and the selling of a controlled substance.

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Kevin Mesa strangles multiple coworkers during argument at gathering

29-year-old Kevin Mesa was involved in an altercation with his co-workers, Marissa Johnson and Alexis Bryant, at a get-together on Edmondson Ferry Road early February 10th. Johnson and Bryant hosted a get-together at their home. During the gathering, Mesa got into an argument with Johnson. The argument escalated to Mesa putting Johnson in a chokehold. Johnson stated she could not breathe, so Bryant intervened to get Mesa off of Johnson. Due to this, Mesa then put Bryant into a chokehold as well. Johnson began to strike Mesa in the head with a fist, causing him to let go of Bryant. Mesa and his wife then left the residence. Johnson stated that she also could not breathe when she was held in a chokehold by Mesa. Kevin Mesa was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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Hannah Leos booked after drunkenly yelling at police officers

29-year-old Hannah Leos was found at the scene of a crash at Westfield Court on February 10th. Contact was made with Leos, who was outside the nearby apartment complex. Leos began yelling at police in the middle of the road. Leos was visibly intoxicated and continued to yell loudly during regular sleeping hours. Leos also started to approach officers in a threatening manner and did not stop when told to. Hannah Leos was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication on February 10th.

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DUI: Jake Heidt swerves between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard

32-year-old Jake Heidt was seen in a grey Dodge Truck swerving between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard on February 10th. Once officers made contact with Heidt, they noted the odor of an alcoholic beverage. Heidt exhibited clear signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes. Heidt consented to perform field sobriety tests but performed poorly. Jake Heidt was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Derek Nicholson violates release conditions after hitting girlfriend in nose during argument

24-year-old Derek Nicholson was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Alexis Harman, at High Street on February 5th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, Nicholson was seen running away into the woods behind the house. Harman made contact with the officers and told them that Nicholson had hit her in the nose. Harman stated this assault was during an argument regarding her phone, leaving her with bloody nostrils. A witness also confirmed that Nicholson struck her in her nose. Officers later learned Nicholson has an active COR with Harman, which he violated by assaulting her. Derek Nicholson was taken into custody and charged with contempt and aggravated assault.

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Dom’Kaalel Jackson jailed after kidnapping girlfriend and infant child

23-year-old Domkaalel Jackson was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend, Erionna Kilgore, at Dotsonville Road on December 27th, 2023. Law enforcement responded to a caller reporting a suspicious person was near their home. Before arriving at the mentioned location, the suspicious person advised that she had jumped out of a vehicle with her 10-month-old child because her boyfriend said that he was going to kill her. Officers arrived and made contact with Kilgore and her child, who had scratches and marks on their elbows and knees. When asked about the injuries that she sustained, Kilgore stated that Jackson hit her several times while he was driving. When Kilgore asked Jackson to stop the car, he told her no and said that he was going to kill her. A separate officer found Jackson’s vehicle and discovered that Jackson was driving on a suspended license. The officer turned their emergency lights on and attempted to stop the car. Jackson refused to pull over, leading to a short-lived pursuit. Domkaalel Jackson was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest, kidnapping, driving under a suspended license, and aggravated domestic assault on February 7th.

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