Christopher Garrett uses company credit card for personal gain

40-year-old Christopher Garrett was caught fraudulently using Elite Motors’ company credit card on February 13th, 2023. His employer contacted law enforcement on February 27th, 2023, to alert them that there were unsolicited purchases on the company credit card. Through an investigation, law enforcement found numerous purchases at the address listed under Garrett’s driver’s license. Purchases such as a $96.84 purchase to Publix, a payment of $383.74 to CDE Lightband, a purchase of $14.18 from Walmart, and another payment of $182.64 to Publix amounting to a total of $676.90. Christopher Garrett was taken into custody and charged with embezzlement.

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Alexus Hall punches, throws trashcan at husband during altercation

22-year-old Alexus Hall was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Landon Perry, at the Patriot Park Court apartments on January 17th. Officers received a complaint about a domestic complaint happening at the mentioned location. Once officers arrived, they delayed contacting the residents and listened to their discussion. What officers heard was Hall yelling, “You a fucking bitch.” When contact was made, Hall stated that she and Perry had a physical altercation. Upon contact with Perry, he noted that Hall pushed him while trying to get his son, punched him in the stomach, threw a trash can at him, continuously cussed him out, and pushed him by the throat. Alexus Hall was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Elenor Barretta found passed out in car after drinking 5 beers

26-year-old Elenor Barretta was seen passed out in a Black Kia Sedan at Tracy Lane on January 15th. Once officers were able to wake her, she opened the door and introduced herself. As she introduced herself, officers recognized the scent of alcohol that was on her breath. Officers then observed five empty beer cans in the passenger seat. Barretta was then asked if she had drunk anything that could impair her driving, and she said no. Officers requested Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Barretta consented and performed poorly on them. When officers searched Barretta’s car, they found a green leaf substance that tested positive for THC. Elenor Barretta was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and simple possession.

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Torrey Jackson drunkenly tries walking to Oak Grove from Tippers Neighborhood Pub

29-year-old Torrey Jackson called 911 an unreasonable amount of times on January 13th at Tippers Neighborhood Pub. Officers contacted Jackson at the intersection of Hazelwood Road and Needmore Road after he made four calls to the 911 emergency line. He was warned after the second call that if he called again, he would be arrested. He persisted in making two more calls afterward. Jackson informed the officers that he was walking to his Oak Grove home and had walked from Tippers to Hazelwood Road. So, due to the temperature outside and his level of intoxication, officers deemed him a danger to himself and others. Jackson was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and excessively calling 911.

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Demetria Venoy assaults boyfriend’s coworker at Exxon Hi-Road gas station

38-year-old Demetria Venoy was seen assaulting her boyfriend’s coworker, Devann Hall, at the Exxon Hi-Road on Trenton Road on December 30th. Venoy entered and walked behind the store counter, which she had no legal access to. Once behind the counter, Venoy began to strike Hall. This caused significant swelling to her forehead and bruising to her left eye. Demetria Venoy was taken into custody and charged with burglary on January 12th.

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19-year-old Adasia Wisdom flees scene of accident due to not having insurance

19-year-old Adasia Wisdom was seen leaving the scene of a crash at the intersection of Madison Street and Golf Club Lane on July 6th. Wisdom contacted law enforcement after the incident, and she stated that she fled the scene because she had no insurance on her vehicle. After being advised that she would need to speak with an officer to receive paperwork, she told them she didn’t feel comfortable meeting in person and hung up. Adasia Wisdom was taken into custody and charged with leaving the scene of an accident and no insurance.

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DUI: Soldier Lance Larimer drinks 2 beers before swerving in chevy truck

25-year-old Soldier Lance Larimer was seen in a White Chevy Truck failing to maintain his lane at Fort Campbell Boulevard on January 11th. Larimer was shortly halted in a traffic stop. Upon contact with Larimer, the officer detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage. Larimer admitted that he consumed two beers before he operated his vehicle. The officer was prompted to conduct a field sobriety test, which Larimer consented to. Larimer had difficulty understanding the simple instructions during the field sobriety test and performed poorly. Lance Larimer was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Al Perea shoves wife down stairs during argument over infidelity

37-year-old Al Perea was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Brittny Wade, at Towes Lane on January 14th. The incident began with an argument over infidelity issues in their marriage. During the argument, Perea shoved Wade, knocking her to the ground. Wade got back up, and Perea pushed her to the ground two more times. After the third shove, Wade left the room, but Perea pushed her for a 4th time. This time, Wade fell down the stairs, sustaining an injury to her left hip. Al Perea was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Tyre Callaway punches baby-mama in head multiple times during argument

25-year-old Tyre Callaway was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, at the Peabody Townhouses on January 15th. The situation began with an argument, which escalated. Callaway then punched her in the back of the head multiple times. Officers didn’t observe any injuries. However, the couple does have a history of domestic assault. Callaway was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Shevon Whyte found passed out drunk in Dodge Charger after hitting mailbox

28-year-old Shevon Whyte was found asleep at the wheel of his red Dodge Charger at Oakmont Drive on January 15th. When officers tried to wake up Whyte, he was argumentative and refused to answer questions. Officers observed Whyte to have slurred speech, watery eyes, and the odor of an alcoholic beverage. Officers noticed that when Whyte lifted his head, there was vomit on his lap and his driver-side floor. Whyte was then asked to get out of his vehicle. Whyte stated that he was at his friend’s house on Pembroke Road and admitted to having three shots of an alcoholic beverage. He then added that he was unsure of where he was and did not let anyone drive his car. Attached to Whyte’s vehicle was a mailbox post, which Whyte said he had no recollection of hitting. Whyte was later asked to perform a field sobriety test but denied that, as well as a breathalyzer test and giving blood. Officers discovered that Whyte had custody of twelve minor children, and they were taken to his girlfriend. Shevon Whyte was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Soldier Bethran Ngwa slaps, pulls wife’s hair during argument over his multiple phones

32-year-old Soldier Bethran Ngwa was involved in a physical altercation with his wife, Joan Nsumfor, at Spicer Drive on January 15th. The incident occurred due to the couple’s argument over Ngwa’s phones. The argument escalated when Ngwa slapped Nsumfor on the left side of her face and grabbed her hair, causing abrasion on her left cheek and eyebrow. Officers noted that there seemed to be signs that a struggle occurred in the bedroom and took photos for evidence. Bethran Ngwa was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Travis Skelton flees from police in green Ford Explorer

37-year-old Travis Skelton was involved in a domestic altercation at Heatherwood Trace on January 6th. Once the altercation ended, Skelton left the house in a green Ford Explorer. Officers observed his vehicle leaving the residence and turning onto Kennedy Lane. An officer quickly turned around and began to follow Skelton, turning their emergency on equipment to initiate a traffic stop. Skelton continued toward Westfield Court and ignored the officers behind him. The officer in pursuit attempted to catch up to the vehicle but lost sight of it as Skelton approached the intersection at Kennedy Lane and Westfield Court. The officers on the scene obtained and provided vehicle registration for Skelton’s Ford Explorer. Travis Skelton was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest on January 13th.

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Jerrod Dauenhauer charged with assault after shoving girlfriend

40-year-old Jerrod Dauenhauer was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Shannon Pattilo, at a residence on Charlestown Road on January 6th. Pattilo told officers that Dauenhauer shoved her during an argument they were having around 6:30 p.m. Officers observed the room where the alleged assault happened, and objects in the room had been knocked over. Jerrod Dauenhauer was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Marianna Key charged after pointing a gun at her boyfriend and her own head

24-year-old Marianna Key was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Joseph Copeland, at West Rossview Road on January 6th. The conflict began when Joseph heard the wrench in his motorcycle jacket hit the ground in a separate room. He walked into the bedroom to see Marianna holding his gun to her head. Joseph proceeded to jump on top of Marianna and wrestle the gun away from her, which prompted her to point the gun at him. Joseph was able to get the gun in his possession, but he left the house immediately after. The altercation left minor lacerations to Joseph’s lips.

When officers spoke to Marianna, she stated that she was in the bedroom with the door closed, and Joseph opened the door with a gun in his hand and pointed it at his head. She stated that he then sat the gun down on the bed, jumped on top of her, and grabbed her throat, causing redness in her neck and chest area. Marianna, however, told officers that she never hit Joseph. Due to the inconsistencies in Marianna’s statements and the injuries present on both, officers concluded that Marianna was the primary aggressor. Marianna Key was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Rachel Mummert jailed after calling ex over nearly 200 times

28-year-old Rachel Mummert was charged with stalking her ex-boyfriend, Eurtice Allen, on January 2nd. Law Enforcement made contact with Allen, who stated that he had been receiving a copious amount of threatening calls and texts from Mummert. Allen proceeded to provide them with his cell phone call logs, which showed 149 missed phone calls from her on December 31st and 36 missed phone calls on January 1st. While on the scene, officers were able to observe Mummert attempting to call Allen from an unknown number.

During the call, Mummert told him to “come outside right now, you know why,” and then hung up. Allen then informed the officers that earlier in the night, she had called from an unknown number and made threats to come to his house and shoot him. Allen previously blocked Mummert’s phone number and informed her that he did not want to continue contact with her, but due to the continued harassment, Allen had been placed in fear of further acts of aggression from her. Rachel Mummert was taken into custody and charged with stalking.

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DUI: Natysha Williams speeds down Riverside Drive after drinking

30-year-old Natysha Williams, an employee of Lowes, was seen speeding in a White Nissan at Riverside Drive heading towards Highway 48 on December 30th, 2023. Officers observed Williams doing 57 mph in a 40 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop. Upon contact with law enforcement, Williams opened the door and poured out a red solo cup, which was later found to have contained alcohol. Furthermore, the officers observed that Williams had bloodshot eyes and reeked of alcohol. Natysha slurred her words as she admitted to drinking before driving. Officers then conducted some field sobriety tests, which Williams performed poorly on. Natysha Williams was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, implied consent, and speeding.

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DUI: Darricus Wilson speeds down I-24 in Ford F-150

29-year-old Darricus Wilson was seen speeding in a Black Ford F-150 at Interstate 24 on December 31st. Officers observed the F-150 approaching them at 89 mph in a 70mph zone. They then conducted a traffic stop and identified Wilson as the driver. The officers were immediately greeted with the odor of alcohol emitting from Wilson’s breath. During the conversation, Wilson was also unable to provide proof of insurance. Wilson was then asked to perform some Standard Field Sobriety Tests, which he consented to. Before they started, Wilson admitted that he had consumed a muscle-relaxing pill about 4-6 hours prior. The sobriety tests revealed multiple indicators of impairment. A search of Wilson’s vehicle revealed a loaded handgun in the center console of his car. Officers read Implied Consent to him and requested him to provide a blood sample, but he refused. Officers acquired a search warrant for a blood sample and upon arrival at Sango ER, Wilson verbally refused to provide a blood sample. Wilson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, possession of a handgun while under the influence, speeding, no insurance, implied consent, and tampering with evidence.

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Kaylah Hagler slaps husband in neck during argument

23-year-old Kaylah Hagler was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Tyler Hyle, at West Allen Griffey Road on December 16th. Law enforcement arrived to see the couple still at the residence. Upon contact with Hyle, he said he argued with Hagler but wasn’t sure what it was about. He stated that the argument escalated to the point where they were yelling in each other’s faces. Hyle told them that it got to the point where Hagler slapped him in his neck, causing visible abrasions. He quickly replied that he never touched his wife during the altercation. Hyle added that his mother-in-law had asked for the phone that she paid for back, so he tossed it to her, unintentionally hitting her. Officers asked the mother-in-law, who was present on the scene if she felt assaulted, and she stated, “No.” Hagler told officers that nothing got physical with her and Hyle. She added that they were yelling in each other’s faces, but she didn’t know what they were arguing about. Hagler was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Aaron Schmidt attempts to stab officer in back during altercation

31-year-old Aaron Schmidt was involved in an altercation with officers at Dunbrook Drive on December 20th. Officers received a shots-fired complaint at the mentioned location. Once they arrived, they made contact with Schmidt, who was holding a shotgun. Officers conducted an investigation and detained Schmidt, but they released him shortly after they completed the investigation. He repeatedly asked the officers for their names and badge numbers before his release. One of the officers gave him their name. Schmidt then asked the officer to take a knife and carve his name into his truck, but the officer declined. Once released, Schmidt grabbed a fixed blade from his truck and began to carve into the side of his truck. Officers were walking to their vehicles when Schmidt made the statement, “I’ll just carve it into your back.” One of the officers then heard Schmidt walking behind him in the gravel, and when he turned around, Schmidt was walking toward him with the blade in his hand. Due to the way that Schmidt was walking toward him, the officer pulled his firearm from his holster and aimed it at him. Schmidt quickly dropped the knife and walked back into his residence. Aaron Schmidt was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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19-year-old John Harris charged after trying to shoot person at Days Inn

19-year-old John Harris was involved in a shooting at the Days Inn on Highway 76 on December 17th. Officers received a call from a complainant that they heard a gunshot in the parking lot and that he saw two black males and females leave in a red vehicle. Officers arrived on the scene and found a 9mm shell casing in the parking lot in front of a room. Officers were informed by hotel staff that the room belonged to John Harris. Surveillance footage shows Harris pointing a pistol at a black male’s face and body and then shooting at the male’s feet. The video also showed that during the shooting, there were other bystanders nearby. Officers made contact with Harris at his residence on Kendrick Street. Harris told them that he had gotten into a verbal altercation with a friend and fired the shot in self-defense. John Harris was taken into custody and charged with reckless endangerment on December 20th.

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