Antavius Tallie punches baby-mama during argument, gets tased in return

26-year-old Antavius Tallie was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Anesha Warfield, at Caldwell Lane on December 9th. The two had an argument that shortly turned physical. Tallie choked, pushed, and punched Warfield, causing her to have a black eye, a cut on her chest, and a cut on her finger. Warfield was able to grab her taser and defend herself. Tallie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jose Reyes slaps girlfriend during argument over childcare

24-year-old Jose Reyes was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend at the Parkview Place Apartments on Ringgold Road on December 10th. The dispute started when an argument over the care of their children turned physical. During the argument, Reyes’s girlfriend accidentally touched his chin, and Reyes retaliated by slapping her, leaving cuts with blood below her right ear. Reyes was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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James Leach strangles coworker while on smoke break at LX Pantos

29-year-old LX Pantos employee James Leach was involved in an altercation with Deborah Rifkin on December 7th. The dispute started when Leach came behind Rifkin while she was on a smoke break and, wrapped his arms around her from behind, and began to strangle her. Rifkin told law enforcement she could not speak during the incident and later developed hoarseness throughout her shift due to the strangulation. Officers observed that Rifkin did have a raspyness in her voice. Coworkers reported that she sounded fine at the start of her shift, but when she was about to leave, it sounded like she was losing her voice.

LX Pantos provided law enforcement video footage of what happened outside the employee entrance. Leach approached Rifkin from the front and opened his jacket. He then steps around the left side of her and positions himself behind her, wraps his right arm under her right arm, wraps his left arm over her left shoulder and around her neck. In the video, his left hand was visibly proximate to Riskin’s right shoulder. Rifkin appears to struggle; she leans forward, Leach leans forward with her, and then she appears to break free suddenly. Leach was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on December 12th.

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Antonio Jones drives with broken brake light, caught with drug paraphenlia

21-year-old Antonio Jones was stopped in a white Ford Fusion for his brake light not being functional at Madison Street on December 11th. When the officer made contact with Jones, he could smell the odor of marijuana coming from his vehicle. Jones told officers that he smoked in the car in the past. A search of the vehicle yielded three clear containers with marijuana residue, as well as a grinder with marijuana. When officers ran Jones’s name through the National Crime Information Center, they found Jones’s driver’s license was suspended for failing to appear in court on May 7th, 2021. Jones was taken into custody and charged with charged with unlawful drug paraphernalia, suspended license, unregistered vehicle, and no insurance

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Travis Little drunkenly threatens uncle with handgun during argument

39-year-old Travis Little was involved in an altercation with his uncle, Terry Reed, at Abby Creek Drive on December 11th. The conflict started with an argument that escalated to Little walking to his apartment and returning with a handgun. Little proceeded to point the firearm at Reed. Little then left but returned once law enforcement arrived. He returned visibly intoxicated with a handgun in his pocket. When questioned about the situation that happened earlier, Little said that he never pointed the gun at Reed but admitted that he had been drinking. During a search of Little, the officer located a pair of metal knuckles. Little was charged with aggravated domestic assault, possession of a handgun while under the influence, and prohibited weapons.

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Curtis Lilly found passed out, unresponsive on side of the road

35-year-old Curtis Lilly was seen lying on the ground on the side of the road at Providence Boulevard and Quarry Road on December 11th. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Lilly lying down face-first on the ground, unresponsive. Eventually, he regained consciousness, but he was perplexed and couldn’t stand on his own. Officers radioed in Medics, but once there, they couldn’t find anything wrong with him. Lilly had a hard time trying to remember where he was, but he did remember to ask not to go to the hospital. That led to officers running his information through the National Crime Information Center and finding out that he had two local warrants on file for driving on a suspended license and an extraditable warrant from Robertson Count for Failure to Appear. They also found out that he was convicted of aggravated robbery and aggravated assault in 2009. While searching Lilly, officers asked if he had any weapons or illegal substances on him. Lilly told them that he had a gun in his backpack for protection and admitted that he was a convicted felon. Due to being a convicted felon, he is not allowed to possess or own a firearm. Officers noticed that the serial number on the pistol had been erased off the side. While in the back of the patrol car, Lilly began to seize and become unresponsive again, so the officers transported him to Tennova for medical treatment.

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DUI: Danelle Dameron drinks before crashing motorcycle

30-year-old Danelle Dameron, an employee of Billy’s Bar and Grill, was found in a single-vehicle crash involving a motorcycle at the intersection of Fort Campbell and Dover on December 12th. When officers arrived, they made contact with Dameron. She was unable to walk in a straight line. When asked if she had anything to drink, Dameron responded, “No.” Dameron then consented to perform field sobriety tests, which she performed poorly on. She also consented to get blood drawn at Tennova Main for medical clearance. It was revealed via a search through the National Crime Information Center that Dameron had a prior DUI conviction in November 2020. Dameron was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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DUI: Adrea Hicks caught with marijuana in glove box

27-year-old Adrea Hicks was seen speeding and failing to maintain her lane at Fort Campbell Boulevard and Cunningham Lane on December 11th. When officers conducted a traffic stop, they made contact with Hicks and observed an open container of alcohol at her feet. Hicks was then asked to give police her paperwork for the car. This was when officers noticed a bag of marijuana in the glove box as she opened it. A test was conducted on the marijuana that tested positive for THC. Officers ran Hicks through the National Crime Information Center and found that she had a suspended license with a warrant for Failing to Appear. Hicks was then asked to perform some field sobriety tests, on which she performed poorly. Hick was taken into custody and charged with simple possession, driving under the influence, open container, and driving on a suspended license on December 12th.

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18-year-old Je’Corion Jenkins steals $300 from man at gunpoint

18-year-old Je’Corion Jenkins was involved in a robbery at Keystone Drive on November 11th. The victim, Deavion Bennett, arranged to sell an old iPhone to Jenkins, who he knew as Corion. When he arrived at the set location, he saw Jenkins standing in the roadway. Bennett parked his car, and Jenkins entered. After he entered the car, Jenkins pulled out a black handgun and demanded that he give him everything he had. Bennett handed him his wallet containing $300. Jenkins took the $300 and left the vehicle on foot. Bennett was shown a photographic line-up and identified Jenkins as the person who robbed him. Through a further search, law enforcement discovered that the deal’s meetup spot was Jenkins’s listed address. Jenkin was taken into custody and charged with aggravated robbery on December 11th.

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Dwight Stanton violently shakes wife, tells her “Just Stop talking.”

69-year-old Dwight Stanton was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Belinda Stanton, at Conrad Drive on December 11th. The conflict began when, during an argument, Dwight grabbed Belinda by her shirt. Stanton violently shook her and said, “Stop, Stop, Just Stop talking.” When law enforcement arrived, Dwight admitted to grabbing Belinda and saying those words. He also stated that she always complained about the past and just wanted her to stop talking. Officers did not observe any scratch marks on Belinda. Dwight Stanton was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Breant Kendall assaults baby-mama during argument over relationship

21-year-old Breant Kendall was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Alexis Peters, at South 12th Street on December 11th. The two argued over their relationship late on the night of December 10th. The argument escalated when Kendall grabbed Peters by her sweatshirt and then pushed her against the wall, causing bruising to the left side of her leg. Peters stated to law enforcement that this left her in fear, which made her leave the apartment. When law enforcement contacted Kendall, he said that he and Peters had only gotten into an argument and that nothing physical happened. Kendall was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Santasia Qasid assaults husband during dispute over money

27-year-old Santasia Qasid was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband at the Parc at Clarksville Apartments on Needmore Road. Her husband talked to law enforcement on December 12th, stating that Qasid hit him and tried to choke him over an argument with money, causing a small scratch on the lower portion of his neck on December 11th. Qasid was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Joseph Lowe wakes up in bad mood, kicks wife in head during argument

65-year-old Joseph Lowe was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Regina Louder, at Gracey Avenue on December 12th. Ms. Louder advised Lowe woke up in a bad mood that morning, leading to him and Louder arguing over reasons. During one of the arguments, Lowe kicked her in the head. As that same argument went on, Lowe grabbed Louder by the throat, attempting to choke her. He then went on to hit her in the face two times, which caused her left cheek to swell. When law enforcement spoke with Lowe, he said that they did argue, but no physical violence happened. Lowe was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic violence.

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Camille Rodriguez-Colon assaults baby-daddy during argument

23-year-old Camille Rodriguez-Colon was involved in a domestic altercation with the father of her child, Kevin Hernandez, at West Allen Griffey Road on December 12th. The altercation started when Hernandez was trying to leave after the two argued. But before he could, Rodriguez-Colon stood in front of the door and grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, which left fresh scratch marks on his arm. Hernandez attempted to call the police, but Rodriguez-Colon took his phone from him. Once law enforcement entered the apartment, Rodriguez-Colon admitted to everything and agreed that if she had allowed Hernandez to go, then nothing would have happened. Rodriguez-Colon was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and interference with emergency calls.

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Bryan Hite threatens woman with hammer after she tells him to “keep the noise down”

57-year-old Bryan Hite was involved in an altercation with Iyajnah Williams at Golf Club Lane on December 12th. Williams sent a text message to Hite and asked him to “keep the noise down.” She stated that around 6:41 p.m., Hite approached her residence and began yelling at her with a hammer in his hand, pointing it at her. Williams told law enforcement she couldn’t recount what Hill was saying because it put her in fear. The two of them were only a few feet apart during the exchange. Hite was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault. This incident continues into another altercation involving Williams and Hite 20 minutes later the same day.

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Iyajnah Williams threatens to cut man with knife after argument

24-year-old Iyajnah Williams, an employee of FedEx, was involved in an altercation with Bryan Hite at Golf Club Lane on December 12th. Hite stated that following an argument in front of Williams’ apartment, she went to his apartment’s doorstep with a knife and began yelling at him. She started to waive the knife, point it in his direction, and threatened to cut him with it. Hite said that this put him in fear for his life. Williams was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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DUI: Matthew Trapp drinks can of Truly before speeding past officers

36-year-old Matthew Trapp was found driving under the influence at Fort Campbell Boulevard and 101st Airborne Division Parkway on December 9th. Officers were diverting traffic when Trapp blew past them in a Toyota sedan. Upon making contact with Trapp at a light, the officer observed an open can of Truly in the center console. While speaking with him, the officer observed that Trapp was inebriated. The officer asked him to step out of the vehicle and placed him in custody. Due to heavy traffic and a tornado touching down earlier, no field sobriety tests were conducted. The passenger in the car with Trapp, Christina Dolphin, stated that the can of Truly was his and that they were coming from a bar. Trapp was read his Miranda rights but refused to answer any questions or provide a breath sample.

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61-year-old Terri Phillips gets work done on car, steals it back to avoid paying

61-year-old Terri Phillips was caught stealing her vehicle from A&H Transmissions at Lafayette Road on November 13th, 2020. Christopher Cherry, the owner of A&H Transmissions, stated that Phillips dropped off her car on November 9th, 2020. He said that her vehicle was repaired and completed on November 12th, 2020 and that employees contacted her to tell her that her vehicle was ready to be picked up. The bill was stated to be $3,504. Phillips said she would pick up her car later that evening but never came. On November 13th, 2020, employees noticed Phillips’s car was no longer in the lot. Cherry provided law enforcement with security footage of a white female with several identifying features of Phillips getting into the vehicle and leaving with it. Phillips was taken into custody and charged with theft of services.

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David Ralston sexually assaults friend, found shoeless behind Rookies Sports Bar

34-year-old David Ralston was involved in multiple altercations outside of Wise Guys Bar in the early hours of December 9th. Christine Lisle was asked by two males, one being Ralston and another being her friend, to take them to Wise Guys Bar from Billy’s Bar and Grill on Dover Road. Both men sat in the back seat, and Ralston sat behind her. He began to grab her breast multiple times while she was driving. Lisle and her friend told Ralston to stop several times, but he only stopped after she slapped him. Her friend told Ralston to get out of the car. When he confronted him outside of the car, Ralston struck him multiple times and took him to the ground. He attempted to defend himself shortly after, but Ralston ran into the woods. Witnesses saw these events and called the police, reporting that there were two individuals in the woods by Rookies Bar. Upon officers making contact with Ralston behind Rookies, officers observed that he was shoeless, rolling around on the ground, and yelling. While speaking with him, there was a strong odor of alcohol emitting from his person. The officers deemed Ralston to be a danger to himself and others. Ralston was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication, assault, and sexual battery.

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Soldier Malik Smith kicks wife in face after returning from PT in bad mood

20-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Malik Smith was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend at Mcgee Court on December 9th. The dispute began when Smith returned home in a bad mood after physical training. This led to the couple engaging in an argument. The argument escalated when Smith restrained her on the bed and then kicked her in the face. Smith then told her to leave the residence. Smith persisted in hurting her by pushing her into the wall with his hand around her throat. She left shortly after. Upon contact with Smith, he stated that the two did argue. He advised that they had consensual sex. However, he attests that no physical altercation happened and noted that the two messaged each other, concluding that his girlfriend would leave the apartment.

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