Linda Casper assaults juvenile son during dispute over college

37-year-old Linda Casper was involved in a domestic altercation with her 17-year-old son at Appleton Drive on December 7th. Officers arrived at the location to see Casper’s juvenile son flagging them down, who told them that he got into a physical altercation with his mother. He said to them that in the course of an argument, his mother slapped him on his head, pushed him in the chest, and grabbed him. When officers contacted Casper, she said she was upset with her son over his choices regarding college. Casper admitted that she pushed her son in the chest and then grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him with it. Casper’s son showed officers video evidence of Casper clearly slapping him on the left side of his face. Casper was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Brandon Plunk caught trespassing at Walmart

34-year-old Brandon Plunk was seen trespassing at a Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on December 7th. Officers made contact with Plunk, who was acting in distress at a Walmart parking lot. When they conducted a background check on Plunk, it revealed that he had been banned from this Walmart on December 5th. Plunk was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

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Jeremy James charged with harassment after texting baby-mama through daughter’s tablet

28-year-old Jeremy James was involved in an altercation over the phone with his ex-girlfriend, Desiree Dawson, at Lancaster Road on December 6th. The issue began with James not being allowed to see their daughter because he did not provide his address to court. This led to Dawson receiving multiple messages from James saying he would call CPS. He also begged her to meet her one-on-one with no one else present, which led to Dawson changing her number. James then resorted to texting Dawson on their daughter’s tablet. He told her that she could not prevent him from seeing their daughter and that there would be consequences if she did. He also began texting and making threats towards Dawson’s current boyfriend, Thaddius Glynn, as well as calling her job. After multiple attempts, Dawson could not receive an order of protection because she could not provide the court with his address. James was taken into custody and charged with harassment.

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Ayesha Clayborn argues with her boyfriend, violates conditions of release

20-year-old Ayesha Clayborn was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Roshaun Anderson, at Trenton Road on October 30th. The couple was observed arguing in a parking lot, but no assault occurred. The couple was involved in a prior dispute leading to Clayborn having a COR, which she violated by being around Anderson. Clayborn was taken into custody and charged with contempt and domestic assault. The couple has a previous history of domestic violence as well.

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Shayne Reyes slaps sister for not giving him phone charger

27-year-old Shayne Reyes was involved in a domestic altercation with his sister, Angeline Brookhouser, at Bob White Drive on December 4th. Brookhouser told officers that Reyes slapped her for not giving him a phone charger when he asked for one. Reyes later admitted that he did smack her in the face but said that his sister was being disrespectful with her words. Reyes was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Michael Johnson traps wife in bathroom during argument

26-year-old Michael Johnson was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife at Cabana Drive on December 4th. The couple was arguing, and she refused to talk to Johnson and left to use the bathroom. Johnson began to pressure her to talk back to her, blocking her from leaving the bathroom. He also took her phone and refused to return it to her. Johnson was taken into custody and charged with false imprisonment on December 5th.

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Raymond Smith sends sex tape to ex-girlfriend’s family on Facebook

46-year-old Raymond Smith was caught illegally sharing sexual videos of him and his ex-girlfriend, Tonesha Williams, at Cave Road on November 28th. When officers arrived at her apartment, she told them that Smith, whom she had recently separated from, shared videos of them committing sexual acts to her family members and coworkers via Facebook messenger. Smith was taken into custody and charged with unlawful exposure.

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Almeco Rose threatens ex-girlfriend with knife, tells her “You will suffer!”

34-year-old Almeco Rose was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Kira Bailey, at Wynwood Drive on December 2nd. The dispute began when Rose arrived at Bailey’s residence uninvited while she was with her friend Xavian Williams. Williams was able to leave the home before Rose could see who was inside with her. When Rose entered the house, he became increasingly agitated that he could not find who was inside, which prompted him to grab a knife from her kitchen. He then proceeded to point the knife at Bailey and said, “You will suffer!” Rose then grabbed her phone and threw it outside, causing the screen to crack. He was later arrested on the 6th. Rose was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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Tambria Currie bites ex-boyfriend, breaks his window, texts him “I just broke your window bitch”

30-year-old Tambria Currie was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Brian Pringle, at Amberjack Court on December 5th. Pringle was at Currie’s apartment trying to get the items he left. While fetching his belongings, Currie became agitated and told him to hurry up and pack his stuff. She then began to throw his things at him and continued to tell him to hurry up. While Pringle was still packing, Currie began to punch him. He then attempted to restrain her to prevent her from punching him, so she bit his arm through his sweatshirt. When Pringle finished gathering his belongings, he left for his home but stopped at the gas station for water. Pringle states he then received a text from Currie that said, “I just broke your window bitch” The window of his home was valued at $500. Currie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

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Rhonda Carson slaps husband in face during argument

24-year-old Rhonda Carson was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Michael Evans, at North Senseney Circle on December 7th. The couple’s dispute became physical when Carson slapped Evans on the right side of his face. Evans advised law enforcement that he believed that Carson was trying to hurt him, but they did not observe any sign of injury to his face. When Carson spoke to law enforcement, she told them the altercation was verbal and never became physical. A witness who was at the couple’s residence at the time stated that she didn’t see anything at the time but believed that she heard someone get hit. Carson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Christopher Elder drunkenly jumps into oncoming traffic multiple times

38-year-old Christopher Elder was seen visibly intoxicated at Trenton Road on December 1st. Officers got a description of Elder as a white male in a plaid shirt, jeans, and a backward hat walking down Trenton Road, jumping in front of vehicles. He made contact with Elder on Trenton Road near Mcgee Court. This time, officers witnessed him jumping in front of oncoming traffic. Once in front of Elder, the officer could easily deduce that he was inebriated and believed Elder was a threat to himself and the people around him. The Elder was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Mikuavion McCullen urinates on bedroom floor, assaults girlfriend during dispute

21-year-old Mikuavion McCullen was involved in a domestic altercation at Union Hall Road with his girlfriend, Anisah Garrett, on December 1st. The dispute started with McCullen urinating on the floor in the bedroom. Garrett attempted to help clean up the mess by grabbing a bucket, but this only brought the argument into the living room. McCullen proceeded to push her into the wall and then “threw her around the room.” Garrett retaliated by hitting McCullen in the face during their fight, causing minor damage to his lip. Officers then made contact with McCullen, who stated that it was possible that he did urinate on the floor, but no assault happened. McCullen was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Blake Benson assaults ex-girlfriend multiple times during altercations

26-year-old Blake Benson was involved in two domestic altercations at West Henderson Way and Constitution Drive with his ex-girlfriend, Makayli Gordon, on December 1st. When officers arrived, Gordon was at the residence and told them that Benson had shoved her to the ground at two separate locations on separate occasions. Gordon also added that he “backhanded” her. Benson has three priors for domestic assault but none in Montgomery County and is on probation in Rutherford County for domestic assault. Benson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Robert Joyce drinks “3 rum and cokes” before driving, caught with 12 grams of marijuana

56-year-old Robert Joyce was seen driving outside of Jiffy Lube on Fort Campbell Boulevard when a call to the police department reported that he was drunk driving on November 29th. Joyce told the arriving officers that he was trying to get his oil changed, but they noticed that there was an immediate smell of marijuana and alcohol coming from the truck. The officers then observed that Joyce was clearly inebriated. When asked, Joyce said he had three rum and cokes with a shot and a half per drink. But when told to give them a number between one and ten for how drunk he was, Joyce said that he was only a two. He also admitted that he was smoking weed three hours prior and that there was weed in his car. Joyce then consented to do field sobriety tests but was not able to perform all of them due to his arthritis. The tests Joyce was able to do were executed poorly. Officers found around 12 grams of weed in Joyce’s truck. Joyce was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and simple possession or casual exchange.

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Jerry Saunders attempts to evade arrest, hides behind building

28-year-old Jerry Saunders was seen evading arrest at Nolan Road on November 29th. Officers received a report that there was a domestic altercation occurring at Saunders’s home. When they made contact with Saunders, they noticed that he smelled of marijuana and that there wasn’t anyone else in the area. But when officers attempted to search Saunders, he tried to run away and hide behind the building. After a short chase, officers were able to detain Saunders. Officers followed Saunders’s escape route and found a Model 200 .38 Caliber Revolver behind the building. During the arrest, Saunders was found with a holster on his right pocket matching the dimensions of the revolver. Saunders was taken into custody and charged with unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon and evading arrest.

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Jonathan Jackson shoves girlfriend into couch during dispute over infidelity

30-year-old Jonathan Jackson was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Zentasha Williams, at Windmill Drive on November 29th. The altercation started with an argument involving allegations of cheating. This led to Jackson aggressively approaching Williams, escalating the dispute to become physical. Williams pushed Jackson away because of trauma she had involving past domestic violence history. The argument then continued until Jackson shoved Williams onto and over the couch. When law enforcement arrived and spoke with Jackson, he told them nothing physical happened. Jackson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Sarah Ware punches, scratches boyfriend during altercation

37-year-old Sarah Ware was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Brennon Hall, at Watertown Place on November 28th. When law enforcement arrived, they made contact with Hall, who said that his girlfriend punched him. He stated that Ware punched him in the face and scratched him, which caused a small cut on his nose and scratch marks on his neck. Ware was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Stephanie Whitaker slaps husband multiple times during argument

28-year-old Stephanie Whitaker was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Christopher Whitaker, at Donna Drive on November 28th. Christopher’s ex-wife, Aaliyah Whitaker, went to his house to pick up her children. After she and Christopher got the children into the car, she witnessed Stephanie slap a drink out of Christopher’s hand and proceed to hit and push him into the doorway. When officers contacted Christopher, he was reluctant to give any details but did admit that Stephanie slapped him multiple times. Stephanie told law enforcement that the two were arguing with each other and “pushed each other.” The two of them refused to write a statement about what had happened. Stephanie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Katherine Root caught driving with expired tags, suspended license, and no insurance

33-year-old Katherine Root was stopped at Wilma Rudolph Boulevard and Summitcrest Drive for a traffic stop on November 28th. When Officers ran her plate, they discovered a sticker that displayed an expiration date of October 23rd 2023 on the tag, and when they ran the registration, the tag was said to have expired on April 23rd 2023. When officers ran Root’s information through the system, they discovered that her TN license was suspended for prior driving incidents, with this being her 3rd offense. Root was taken into custody and charged with driving on a suspended license, no registration, and no insurance.

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Letita Hamer punches, slaps ex-husband during dispute over divorce

48-year-old Letita Hamer was at her house with her ex-husband, Patrick Hamer, on October 24th when she went into the room where he was sleeping to discuss why he was sleeping in a different room. Patrick tried to leave their home to avoid the conversation, but Letita blocked him in the room with her body. In the scuffle to escape the room, Letita grabbed his keys and hid them from him. Patrick thought that she had put them under the bed, so he went back into the bedroom to grab his belongings, and she began to kick and push him to prevent him from getting his items.  This led to a continuation of the argument, which prompted her husband to attempt to grab his things again, but this time successfully. Only to be put in a headlock and punched and slapped in the face, which led to visible markings on his face. Letita was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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