Dexter Stephen jailed for $14,000 in home improvement fraud

57-year-old Dexter Stephen and his coworkers were caught scamming one of their customers on November 20. His customer, Mr.Harworth, signed a contract with them for $26,000 to repair his house on Denny Road that was damaged in a fire. It was supposed to be done on July 31, but that day came, and there was little to no progress. Later on, Harworth, via his cameras, was able to catch on that Stephen and his crew were showing up for a couple of hours and then leaving or not showing up at all. Harthworth later texted Stephen that he wanted all the building materials they bought and the invoices for them. Stephen acknowledged the text that Harworth sent but refused to return any future messages that he sent. Harworth told law enforcement that Stephen only did about $12,000 worth of work and that Stephen owed him another $14,000. Stephen was taken into custody and charged with home improvement fraud.

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Raymond Matthews hits son because he was angry

35-year-old Raymond Matthews was involved in an altercation with his child at Guinevere Court on November 17. Matthews’s son said his father was going around the house to damage items because he was angry. The child said he was trying to stop Matthews before he broke dishes, but Matthews struck him across the face and scratched him. Matthews later told law enforcement that he did hit his son but claimed that he did it in self-defense. Law enforcement didn’t observe any visible injuries but did say that the house seemed like it was ransacked. Matthews was taken into custody and charged with child abuse and neglect.

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Soldier Alex Gonzalez jailed for assaulting his wife after looking through her phone

26-year-old E-3 Soldier Alex Gonzalez was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Giovanna Pureyra, at the Eagle Crest apartment complex on Jack Miller Boulevard on November 18. The dispute started when Pureyra caught Gonzalez looking through her phone. When she asked for her phone back, he pushed her and went to the bathroom with her phone. Pureyra started knocking on the door, and Gonzalez opened the door and pushed her again, causing her to fall to the ground. Pureyra got up, grabbed her dog, and ran to the neighbor’s apartment for help. She told law enforcement that her back hurt, and officers observed red marks on her chest. Gonzalez was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jeffrey Appel admits to having multiple drinks before driving

61-year-old construction worker Jeffrey Appel was involved in a DUI on November 18th. Officers confronted Appel on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard because his tail lights were not working, but officers noticed he was inebriated. Appel told them that he just had multiple drinks at the bar and was going home. He later consented to field sobriety tests and performed poorly on all of them. Appel was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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A naked Keith Ullom pins wife to the bed and demands she has sex with him

64-year-old Keith Ullom was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Phuong Ullom, on November 18 on Marshall Drive. Keith came home after a long night of drinking and found his wife sleeping in a separate bedroom. He then removed all of his clothing, kicked open the door, and climbed on top of her, pinning her, demanding that she should have sex with him. Phuong was forced to push him off of her after telling him multiple times that she didn’t want to have sex. Once she got him off of her, she called the police. While being questioned by the police, Keith told them that nothing happened and he just went to sleep. Ullom was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Danshawn Gatlin caught with marijuana at DUI checkpoint

20-year-old Danshawn Gatlin was stopped at a DUI checkpoint on Tiny Town Road with his friend Christopher Bonner on November 18th. During the stop, officers noticed the smell of marijuana coming from the car. Bonner was identified as the driver. He told officers that he smoked prior to driving but didn’t have anything on him. This prompted officers to conduct a search on both Bonner and Gatlin, and they found a baggie containing marijuana in Gatlin’s pocket. Officers also found that Gatlin had a local warrant for his arrest for a traffic offense. Gatlin was taken into custody and charged with simple possession/casual exchange.

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Jonathan Rosado-Mendez hides in bathroom after assaulting his wife

27-year-old Jonathan Rosado-Mendez was talking to his wife, Marissa Rosado, at their home on Kathleen Court on November 19th when he became combative. Jonathan was inside the master bathroom when Marissa told him to get out so she could get ready for work. This enraged Jonathan, so he followed Marissa once she had conceded the master bathroom and moved to a different bathroom. He began to grab her by her arm and hair, swinging her around the hallway, causing red markings on her arms. Jonathan also attempted to push her down the flight of stairs, yelling at her to get out of his house.

Marissa was able to separate herself from Jonathan to prepare for work, but Jonathan again followed her, grabbed her by her shirt and hair, and threw her all over the room. Marissa found a way to get away from him again and told Jonathan that she was calling the police. Jonathan locked himself in the master bedroom until authorities arrived to assist. Rosado-Mendez was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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19-year-old Devan Whitaker drunkenly walks in road, resists arrest

19-year-old Devan Whitaker was seen visibly intoxicated at Purple Heart Parkway on November 20th. Officers found Whitaker walking in the middle of the left lane. Whitaker was asked multiple times to stop walking in the middle of the road and talk to law enforcement. When other officers approached Whitaker, he began to run into oncoming traffic. Officers chased him and attempted to detain him, but he refused to put his hands behind his back and continued to pull away. Officers believed Whitaker was a danger to himself and possibly others, so he was transported to Montgomery County Jail. Whitaker was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest and public intoxication.

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19-year-old Babysitter Dacie Sledd grabs, slams child on bed

19-year-old babysitter Dacie Sledd was involved in child abuse on November 20. The parents of the child who was abused gave videos to law enforcement of their child’s bedroom. The videos displayed Sledd bursting into the child’s room, yanking his arm, causing him to rise into the air, and slamming him into his bed. Sledd proceeded to slap him on his butt. Another video showcases Sledd grabbing the child, holding him down underneath a blanket, and slapping his behind again. Sledd was taken into custody and charged with child abuse and neglect.

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Casey Greavu jailed after stealing $8 worth of shaving gel from Walmart

29-year-old chronic burglar Casey Greavu was involved in a shoplifting incident on September 23rd. Walmart loss of prevention officer Courtney Lemons states that Greavu was seen shoplifting shaving gel worth almost $8 and walked out of the store. Loss Prevention Officer Lemons conveyed to officers that Greavu had already trespassed in Walmart before and was told not to return to any Walmart in the nation due to burglary incidents on September 12th and August 23rd of 2023. Greavu was taken into custody and charged with burglary.

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Velma Tate punches baby-daddy in face during multiple altercations

35-year-old Velma Tate was involved in two domestic altercations with the father of her child, RL Tate. On November 3rd, RL stated that Velma came to his job and yelled at him, escalating to her scratching and punching him multiple times in the face, causing lacerations to his face. On November 13th, RL stated that Velma came to his house and started to yell at him about her ID. The argument escalated when Velma punched him in the face when he stepped out of his house. Shortly after, RL called the cops, and Velma got in her vehicle and left. Velma Tate was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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Sherdena Snyder dumps leaves on baby-daddy during altercation

31-year-old Sherdena Snyder was involved in a domestic altercation with the father of her child, Carlos Idiokitas, on November 18th. Snyder approached Idiokitas with bags of leaves that she complied from his yard and shoved the bag at him. She then proceeded to dump all of them on his head. Snyder told law enforcement that the interaction was unwanted and offensive to him. Idiokitas provided law enforcement with video evidence from a doorbell camera that proved his account of events. Snyder was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Antonio Flores throws roommate on ground during argument over rent money

23-year-old Antonio Flores was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, India Kolen-Martin, on November 18th. The conflict started with the two discussing rent money, but it escalated when Flores raised his voice in her doorway. Kolen-Martin warned Flores to get out of her face, but her warning was ignored, so she pushed Flores away. This led to Flores pushing Kolen-Martin, throwing her onto her bed. Kolen-Martin attempted to defend herself by swinging her arms and kicking him in the face, which proved effective but became insufficient when Flores threw her on the floor, causing her to hit her head.

Officers questioned Flores about his account of events, but his report was inconsistent and conflicted with Kolen-Martin’s after being given numerous chances to explain his actions. Flores was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Makhere Benson strangles girlfriend during altercation

24-year-old Makhere Benson was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend on November 18th. She reported to law enforcement that Benson put his hands around her neck and squeezed her, which caused red markings. Officers confronted Benson, searched him, and found a Xanax pill in his hoodie pocket. Benson was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault and simple possession/casual exchange. Benson also has a history of assault, including a prior incident in August of 2023.

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DUI: Soldier Rayne Maslona crashes outside his home after drinking at Billy’s Bar

22-year-old Rayne Maslona was involved in a DUI on November 18. Maslona was found on the scene of a crash, leaning on his Cadillac sedan that had crashed into steel beams in front of his residence. When law enforcement confronted Maslona, they were able to discern that he was heavily intoxicated. He told them he had just come from Billy’s bar and had a few beers. Maslona then consented to a field sobriety test, which he performed horribly on. Maslona was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Cheyenne Evilsizer lets ex-boyfriend stay at home, violates release conditions

20-year-old Cheyenne Evilsizer was seen by police engaging in a dispute with her ex-boyfriend Tyzek McCorkle on November 16th. Evilsizer told officers she was letting McCorkle stay at her home and stated he had been staying for the last couple of days. After officers ran Evilsizer through the NCIC, they discovered that she had conditions of release and was not supposed to have any contact with McCorkle, whom she assaulted at a gas station in March 2023. Evilsizer was taken into custody and charged with contempt- violation of COR.

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Soldier Maxwell Freshour strangles wife during dispute over child

25-year-old former US Army Infantryman Maxwell Freshour got into an altercation with his wife, Kaylee Freshour, on November 16th. Kaylee told officers that when she tried to get their son away from him, Maxwell began to strangle her. Before law enforcement approached Kaylee, Maxwell admitted to placing his wife into a chokehold. Maxwell Freshour was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Christopher Townsend caught with gun in APSU dorm

21-year-old Christopher Townsend was caught by his resident assistant keeping a gun in his dorm room. The resident assistant was conducting a health and wellness check while Townsend was not in the room and found empty alcohol containers, which gave them the ability to do an in-depth search of his room. During the investigation, a G30 Glock handgun with three empty 10-round magazines and a 25-round magazine containing five 9mm rounds were found in a backpack inside the closet. Townsend does have a handgun permit but was not permitted by APSU to carry it on campus. Townsend was taken into custody and charged with having a weapon on school property.

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Madison Brooks assaults woman with friend, pulls her hair

19-year-old Madison Brooks was seen with her friend, Akirah Venerable, jumping a woman on Georgia Ave on November 12th. Ms. Thompson was walking home when Brooks approached her and pulled her hair, causing her to fall. When she fell, Venerable got on top of her and began punching her in the face, which caused bruises on her eye and abrasions on her upper lip. Brooks was taken into custody and charged with assault.

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