Jeremy Smith assaults sister, pulls hair over ice cream

24-year-old Jeremy Smith was arguing with his sister, Jessica Norman, about ice cream when he reportedly became aggressive on November 12. Smith was in an altercation with Norman when he suddenly hit her and pulled her hair. There was no sign of injury, and he had no known history of domestic violence. Smith was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jessica Norman assaults brother over ice cream

26-year-old Jessica Norman was arguing with her brother, Jeremy Smith, about ice cream when she reportedly became aggressive on November 12th. Norman was arguing with Smith when she suddenly hit him. There was no sign of injury, and she had no known history of domestic violence. Norman was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Jamelin Love chokes wife, puts her in headlock

22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Jamelin Love became violent after screaming at his wife. While Love’s wife was in the closet, he got into her face and began yelling at her. Love then turned his wife around and placed her into a headlock, causing visible red marks. She later told the police that he was trying to choke her and that she couldn’t breathe. Love was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Alexis Short assaults family, bites her mother during dispute

21-year-old Alexis Short believed that her boyfriend was being promiscuous on November 12 when her mother, Holly Donahue, tried to console her but only made her angrier. Donahue, seeing this, removed her child from the area because everyone involved was intoxicated. Short then began to push her mother and her brother, biting her mother on the hand, leaving a mark. Short briefly left the area before deputies could arrive, but moments later, she returned to the house and was taken into custody but was later released under Conditions of Release. Sometime after, an officer committed a traffic stop. While running her information through the records, they confirmed that she had an active COR prohibiting her from having contact with her juvenile brother. Despite this, her brother was the other party in the passenger seat with her. Short was taken into custody and charged with two counts of domestic violence and a COR violation.

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Janay Spann punches child in face on school grounds

35-year-old Janay Spann was caught abusing her child on school grounds on November 6th. Spann was captured by surveillance footage and an eyewitness hitting her 15-year-old daughter in the face with a closed fist as well as grabbing her by the neck and pushing her toward the school. Spann was taken into custody and charged with child abuse.

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Alexandria Moody assists child in fight, assaults cousin

35-year-old Alexandria Moody found her child in a fight with her cousin at Governor’s Square Mall on October 28. Moody’s cousin and child started arguing and decided to take the argument outside, where Moody was sitting in her vehicle. They both had a mutual agreement to engage in a fight when Moody exited her vehicle and assisted her child, hitting her cousin in the face. Moody was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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Cherika Kelly and her child break into woman’s home, attempt to taser her

36-year-old Cherika Kelly and her children got into a confrontation with Brichelle Ellis and her children on November 5th. After that altercation, Kelly and her juvenile child appeared at Ellis’s residence and sparked another dispute. Kelly and her child entered the home despite Ellis telling them they could not. Kelly entered and pulled out a taser with which she attempted to taser Brichelle. Kelly’s child swung at one of Ellis’s children to hit her. After the confrontation ended, Kelly and her child left to go across the street to hide. Kelly was taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary.

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Dustin Waikel comes home drunk, punches his wife

50-year-old Dustin Waikel came home extremely intoxicated at around 5 a.m. on November 8th and assaulted his wife, Sadia Waikel. Sadia told officers that he had already been drinking all night, but when he saw her, he began to punch her in her broken hip as well as her chest. Waikel was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Emily Trageser speeds down Highway 76 in BMW

43-year-old Emily Trageser was found by officers in a silver BMW speeding on Highway 76 on November 7th. Trageser was caught doing 79 MPH in a 50 MPH zone. When they made the traffic stop, the officer observed that she showed many signs of being intoxicated, one of them being the smell of alcohol coming from her. Trageser told the officer that she had some wine 2 hours before the traffic stop, so they asked her to perform field sobriety tests as well as a breathalyzer, which she performed poorly on both. Trageser was taken into custody and charged with DUI and speeding.

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DUI: Lindsey Campbell drinks whiskey before driving

34-year-old Lindsey Campbell was found on the scene of a wreck without injuries at Denny Road and Highway 41 A Bypass on November 7th. When Officer R. Swanson confronted Campbell, he observed that she seemed heavily intoxicated, and she advised that she had drunk some whiskey. Campbell then consented to perform some field sobriety tests as well as a blood draw. Campbell has a history of DUI charges, one in 2014 and another in 2019. Campbell was taken into custody and charged with her third DUI.

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Austin Mellender breaks into girlfriend’s house, assaults her

19-year-old Austin Mellender was at his girlfriend’s house when her mother asked him to leave. Mellender’s girlfriend got him out of the house and locked him out. This caused Mellender to become enraged and yank the door open, which caused damage to the door. Once inside, he assaulted his girlfriend and exited the house before law enforcement arrived. Mellender came into contact with law enforcement and refused to meet with them. Mellender was taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary. Austin Mellender has a history of charges including: fraud, felony theft, simple possesion, evading arrest, etc.

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Marcus Simpson harasses, threatens baby-mama over text

22-year-old Marcus Simpson was caught spamming the mother of his child, Alyssa-Anne Romero, with threatening messages. Romero constantly told Simpson to end all communication with her but refused and continued sending messages to her. Romero, afraid for her safety and the safety of her child, contacted the police. Simpson was taken into custody and charged with harassment.

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Bradford Roberts points gun, threatens multiple people during “fistfight”

21-year-old Bradford Roberts was at a parking lot on North 2nd Street where some individuals were having a “fistfight” on November 3rd. Roberts then proceeded to pull out a gun and point it at them, yelling and making threats. Roberts followed up by hitting their windows with his gun and yelling for them to leave. When officers arrived on the scene, Roberts was still there and openly admitted to doing everything. Roberts was taken into custody and charged with four counts of aggravated assault.

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Alaxandria Brown assaults husband holding baby with laundry basket

31-year-old Alaxandria Brown was arguing with her boyfriend, Anthony Phillips, when police found her locked out of her house on November 4th. Brown told Officers that she was trying to leave the house with her belongings when they began arguing about their relationship. Phillips then took Brown’s items and put them outside as the argument flared, prompting Brown to pick up a laundry basket and swing it at him while he was holding the baby. Phillips told Brown that her clothes were outside, and when she went out, he locked her out. Phillips did not own a phone to call 911, but Facebook video called her boyfriend, asking him to call the police. Officers entered the home to find clothes scattered across the living room floor like they were thrown around. Brown was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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Soldier Manasses Melo annoys patrons, kicked out of Electric Cowboy

25-year-old Soldier Manasses Melo was found by officers at the troubled Electric Cowboy, causing a disturbance. When Officers contacted security, Security stated Melo was annoying the customers and the general public. When officers encountered Melo and began speaking with him, he was heavily intoxicated. Melo was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Makayla Glover punches, bites friend during scuffle at Wal-Mart

20-year-old Makayla Glover was at Wal-Mart when she got into an altercation on November 1 with two acquaintances, Ms. Shepherd and Shaan Schoonmaker, whom she had met prior. Glover got into the face of Shepherd, and Schoonmaker stepped in to break it up before anything happened, but shortly after, he was punched and bitten by Glover. Glover was taken into custody and charged with assault.

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Joey Poindexter assaults man with wooden boat paddle because he was “up on the boat against my wife”

44-year-old Joey Poindexter was on the bank of the Cumberland River when a prolonged incident occurred. This incident consisted of arguing with intermittent physical altercations, including Joey Poindexter, Stephanie Poindexter, Mikhail Petrov, and Irina Petrova, but Mrs. Poindexter and Mrs. Petrova were the center focus during this altercation. When Mr. Petrov tried to remove his mother from the situation, Mr. Poindexter took a wooden boat paddle and attacked Mr. Petrov at least two times. One of the attacks hit him in the head, causing a large laceration. Mr. Poindexter told police officers that Mr. Petrov was “up on the boat against” his wife and that he hit him to defend his wife, which video evidence contradicts. Poindexter was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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Haley Hall holds mother down on bed and bites her

21-year-old Haley Hall tried to get her mother’s phone from her but became very aggressive. Police responded to a domestic violence call on Andersonville Drive and spoke to the mother of Haley Hall. According to Hall’s mother, Hall pounced on her, holding her down on the bed and biting her hand during the altercation leaving red marks. Haley left the house before the police arrived. Haley Hall was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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