Ashlee Knight assaults boyfriend with candle during altercation involving cat

Ashlee Knight assaults boyfriend with candle during altercation involving cat

18-year-old Ashlee Knight was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Anthony Salem, at a Keystone Drive residence on June 24th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Knight, who stated that she and Salem were having an argument. Knight stated the argument that turned physical, which was common for them. Knight informed officers that Salem was yelling at her and grabbed her by the arms before throwing her onto the bed. Officers then spoke with Salem, who claimed that he was trying to put their cat in the room that Knight was in. In response to this, Knight tried to close the door on him and proceeded to hit him in the head with a candle.

Officers then noticed a bump on Salem’s head, consistent with him being hit by said candle. Salem claims that he then continued into the bedroom, where he grabbed Knight by the arms and threw her onto the bed. This is when Salem’s mother, Jennifer Dickinson, stepped in and attempted to separate the two. Dickinson was the only other person who had witnessed the altercation and told officers that she was woken up by the two arguing, which was common for them. Dickinson says she went to the bedroom where both parties were to separate the two. Dickinson then told them that they both needed to leave the house. They both proceeded to leave the residence. Knight waited across the street outside, and Salem left with a friend. Other officers were able to contact Salem and bring him back to the residence to get his side of the story. Knight was then deemed the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.


Ashlee Lynn Knight of Ross Lane in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on June 24th, charged with domestic assault. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $3,000.

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