Shirnekqua Bynum “bopped” her child in the head after giving them medication

Shirnekqua Bynum “bopped” her child in the head after giving them medication

25-year-old Shirnekqua Leannzarae Bynum had a domestic incident with her minor daughter, BB, at Tennova Hospital around 8:16 p.m. on June 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the nurse, Victoria Roberts, who stated that she gave Bynum medication for BB to ingest, during which Bynum told BB, “If you do not swallow this, you are going to regret it,” before “bopping” her in the back with her hand. Then, Bynum laid BB down on her lap to give her the meds, during which BB sat up and spit it out on her, to which Bynum responded by slapping her in the face and pushing her onto the floor. A nurse technician, Pamela McCurdy, witnessed this and corroborated Roberts’ statements. Bynum was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.


Shirnekqua Leannzarae Bynum of Bennett Dr in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on June 18th, charged with domestic assault. She is free on a $500 bond.

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