DUI: Joseph Griggs hits concrete barrier during traffic stop over window tint

DUI: Joseph Griggs hits concrete barrier during traffic stop over window tint

24-year-old Joseph Griggs was stopped for his window tint and an obstructed plate at the Crossland Avenue and Shearon Lane intersection on August 15th. While Griggs was pulling into Circle K for the traffic stop, he pulled in too far and bumped into a concrete pillar. Once officers came into contact with Griggs, they reported that they smelled the odor of alcohol coming from his breath. A test of Griggs’ window tint revealed that it was 17%.


When officers asked Griggs for his ID, he handed them his passport and credit card. Officers again reported that they observed signs of impairment, so they prompted Griggs to perform sobriety tests. After refusing to participate in the sobriety tests, Griggs was taken into custody and charged with illegal window tint, driving under the influence, implied consent violation, and failing to display registration plates.

Joseph Lex Griggs of Cumberland Drive in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on August 15th, charged with DUI, implied consent violation, no registration, and window tint. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $2,500.

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