Ashley Estes threatens to kill neighbors with gun & rainbow knife while looking for her husband

Ashley Estes threatens to kill neighbors with gun & rainbow knife while looking for her husband

35-year-old Ashley Estes was seen threatening people with a knife & gun at the Bennett Drive townhomes on August 26th. When officers arrived at the scene of the incident, Ana Mondragon and her boyfriend, Emmanuel Henandez, reported that a white woman had come to their residence yelling at them. Mondragon told officers that the woman had a rainbow-colored knife in her left hand and a small black handgun in her right hand. Mondragon stated that the woman began screaming at her, asking for someone named Jack. Following this, the woman pointed the knife at her and told her, “If Jack is over here. I’m going to kill you!”


When officers spoke with Hernandez, he stated that he couldn’t see the handgun but that he did see the woman point a knife at them while asking for “Jack.” Officers then made contact with the woman who matched the description and identified her as Ashley Estes. Officers reported that Estes was largely uncooperative with police investigation. However, Estes said she went behind her apartment to look for her husband, Jack. Estes admitted that she owned a small black Taurus 380, but officers could not locate the knife. Estes told officers that she didn’t threaten any neighbors. However, she was still taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault on August 27th.

Ashley Elizabeth Estes of Darlene Drive in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on August 27th, charged with two counts of aggravated assault. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $15,000.

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