Xavier Barbee throws rocks & points gun at girlfriend’s neighbor’s home during altercation

Xavier Barbee throws rocks & points gun at girlfriend’s neighbor’s home during altercation

25-year-old Xavier Barbee was seen throwing rocks at his girlfriend’s neighbor’s, Haley Temple, front door on August 18th. When officers arrived at Temple’s Raleigh Drive residence, she stated that Barbee had been throwing rocks at the door. Temple stated Barbee also pointed a gun at her through her window, and then left in a blue car. When Temple pointed it out, officers observed dents in her front door and rocks matching the color of the paint on her door.


Temple also provided officers with a recording of what she filmed after the incident. During the video, officers observed Barbee leaving in a blue vehicle, which further corroborated her statements. Eventually, Barbee was developed as a suspect in the investigation and identified as the perpetrator in a photo lineup. Barbee was later taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 27th.

Xavier Jamon Antonio Barbee of Glenn Ellen Way in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on August 27th, charged with aggravated assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $25,000.

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