Tennessee Valley Brewing Company joins growing list of shuttered downtown businesses

The Tennessee Valley Brewing Company, which currently occupies the space at 125 Franklin Street, has announced it will be permanently closing its doors on October 14. The downtown Clarksville building they currently lease has hosted a series of failed businesses in a short few years. Prior to TVBC taking over the space in April 2023, Mickey’s Downtown closed shortly after health inspectors found cockroaches crawling on kitchen walls & in coolers in November 2022. Before that, failed businessman Dar Place operated Kimo’s Hawaiian Grill. Just before Kimo’s, the building hosted Roux – a restaurant that was closed after the owner was indicted on child pornography charges.

The owners posted the announcement on Facebook Sunday afternoon, explaining their move to downtown was supposed to bring in more customers — and that never came to fruition. The business, which is just over six years old, will serve its last beer on October 14. Many downtown businesses have closed recently, including Tarboosh and 105 Social – both of which sought the college-aged crowd. Many locals have cited parking as the primary reason they no longer frequent downtown businesses – a problem that is only expected to get worse with the arena now open, without any additional parking currently available.

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Blanca Medina charged with punching boyfriend in face, breaking his tablet & window

On September 2nd, Officers responded to a call regarding a domestic assault at Union Hall Rd. Upon arrival, Tobin Brown stated that 24-year-old Blanca Valdovinos-Medina became upset while under the influence of alcohol and punched him in the face. She then went outside the residence, threw a rock at the window, causing the glass to shatter, and broke his tablet.

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Tawin White charged with DUI after driving on two flat tires

67-year-old Tawin White was driving her vehicle with both her passenger side tires flat and the side of her car heavily damaged down New Providence Blvd on September 21st. Clarksville Police Department Officer LaJoie conducted a traffic stop and smelled alcohol on Tawin. She said she had two drinks earlier while with her friends and was unsure what she hit with her vehicle. Officer LaJoie stated that she had signs of intoxication, she had urinated on herself, and he could not have her perform sobriety tests nor read her implied consent due to the language barrier. She was then arrested for her first DUI.

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Nicolas Hunter charged with lying to police about his “stolen” car

On the night of August 26th, Detective Headley responded to a false reports call at N. Riverside Drive. Headley was investigating a stolen vehicle reported by 23-year-old Nicolas Hunter before determining he made false statements to officers regarding his whereabouts the night the vehicle was involved in a hit-and-run and reported stolen. Hunter knowingly provided false information to the police. He was additionally held on outstanding warrants out of Kentucky.

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Luis Delvalle assaults officer after drinking at Revel House in Clarksville

In the early morning hours of September 21st, 23-year-old Luis Delvalle was found at a Mapco on top of his friend after his car, parked at the Revel House, would not start, and he rode there with them. Clarksville Police Department Officer Binkley pulled the two apart and told Luis to sit in the back of the car. Luis could not stand alone and had slurred speech before Officer Binkley asked him questions he could not answer. While the officers spoke to Luis, he became aggressive, so they attempted to handcuff him, but he resisted. After he was handcuffed, Officer David searched him, and Luis kicked him in the leg.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Garrison Meadows crashes car after fleeing from police

21-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Garrison Meadows was booked on September 2nd when police observed a pickup truck speeding down Dover Road, going 68 mph in a 45mph zone. Police followed the truck as it sped through the Circle K parking lot. This was when the police turned on their emergency equipment to make a traffic stop, but the vehicle picked up speed, leaving the officer behind on Lafayette Road. Further down the road, the officer found the truck in a yard crashed into a parked vehicle. Meadows was identified as the injured driver in the front seat. There was also an injured female in the passenger seat and an unresponsive male in the backseat. Meadows admitted to drinking but refused to perform sobriety tests and was transported to Tennova ER.

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Soldier Ashleigh Nelson refuses to leave boyfriend’s house; causes disturbance

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Ashleigh Nelson was jailed on September 11th after refusing to leave her boyfriend’s house on Wallace Boulevard. The complainant advised that his on-and-off girlfriend was initially invited over but wouldn’t leave. Police arrived and told Ms. Nelson that she needed to leave. She gathered her belongings and agreed to exit the apartment but became irate in the process and decided she wasn’t going anywhere. She spoke on the phone so loudly that the neighbors began to come outside. Ms. Nelson began to knock on her boyfriend’s door again and was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

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DUI: Fort Campbell Soldier Glendon Savage found passed out & vomit-covered inside vehicle

22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Glendon Savage was found passed out in a vehicle that was hanging halfway off the right side of Ringgold Rd with vomit all over his legs in the early morning of September 17th. Police woke him up, and he admitted to drinking “a lot.” He agreed to perform sobriety tests but could not due to his level of intoxication, so police placed him into custody. After he agreed to a blood draw, it was conducted at Tennova Medical Center. This is his first DUI charge.

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Christopher Dibene pours tajin spice on girlfriend in search for cough drops

34-year-old Christopher Dibene was jailed on September 12th for assaulting his girlfriend after an argument over cough drops turned violent on Royster Lane. Angel Heard stated that Dibene was aggressively looking for his cough drops, throwing things around to find them, and his behavior scared her. Amid searching for the cough drops, Dibene poured a bottle of Tajin spice on her head. According to Heard, that’s when she separated herself to call the police. Officers observed the Tajin and determined Dibene to be the primary aggressor.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Ki’Eric Hicks charged after drunken hit-and-run

24-year-old Ki’Eric Hicks admitted to driving a Dodge Charger that was involved in an accident with a Jeep on Neptune Dr. on September 17th. Police noticed damage to the front end of the Charger and the rear end of the Jeep. Inside the Charger, officers found a .45 caliber Citadel handgun and two Crown Royal airplane bottles. Ki’Eric had signs of intoxication when he walked up and spoke to the police. He refused to perform sobriety tests and consented to a blood draw.

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DUI: Soldier Nathan Heinzelman blows 0.144% BAC after “four shots of Ciroc”

Clarksville Police Department Officer Atwell observed an Acura traveling northbound on Fort Campbell Boulevard doing five miles an hour under the speed limit. It having trouble staying in it’s lane, veering left and right multiple times on the morning of September 17th. Officer Atwell initiated a traffic stop at Fort Campbell Blvd. and Lady Marion Road and observed the driver driving slowly towards the shoulder, although there was no traffic to yield, and ran into a concrete curb with the passenger side tires before stopping. Atwell then asked the driver, 20-year-old-soldier Nathan Heinzelman, if he had been drinking, which he denied.

He agreed to field sobriety tests and performed poorly, then was placed in custody for driving under the influence. Heinzelman was mirandized and asked again if he had been drinking and agreed to have four shots of Cîroc. Officer Atwell read the Tennessee Implied Consent to Heinzelman and agreed to perform a breath test, which resulted in 0.144% BAC. He was charged with Underage DUI.

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Police tackle Kiyanna Allen to ground after she catches her boyfriend with another woman

On the morning of September 17th, Clarksville Police Department Officer Godwin responded to a call of a fight in progress at Palmer Drive from an uninvolved resident in the apartment complex. Upon arrival, Officer Godwin observed 28-year-old Kiyanna Allen in the parking lot, yelling towards the apartments. It was reported that Allen was upset and witnessed her boyfriend entertaining another female. When Allen witnessed her boyfriend and the other female outside, she sprinted across the street to confront the two. Allen had to be tackled to the ground in order to stop assaulting them. Allen was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

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DUI: Army Engineer Juston Silcox vomits on himself, inside car, after “two drinks”

33-year-old Geospatial Engineer Technician Juston Silcox was jailed on September 16th after police observed a gray pickup truck speeding down Fort Campbell Boulevard. Silcox was driving 63 mph in a 45 mph zone. His eyes were watery, and he had thrown up on himself. He told officers he had two alcoholic drinks and consented to sobriety tests. He performed poorly and was taken into custody. When officers searched his vehicle, they observed vomit all over the inside and outside of the car door.

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DUI: Kayla Collins blows 0.257% BAC on way home; had”two beers at work”

On September 17th, on Warfield Blvd., Officer Williams observed a blue Honda driving on the far-right shoulder that matched the description from a recent call to 911 regarding reckless driving. Officer Williams conducted a traffic stop once he followed the blue Honda and witnessed it struggle to maintain its lane. During the traffic stop, 29-year-old Kayla Collins, driver of the blue Honda, stated she was on her way home from work while showing visible signs of impairment and forgetting to retrieve her I.D after Officer Williams asked for it. She then stated she had two beers while at work before consenting to provide a breath sample, where the reading was .257% BAC, more than triple the legal limit.

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Thruple Throwdown: Michele Harris assaults girlfriend in front of their boyfriend

38-year-old Michele Harris argued with her girlfriend, whom she slapped despite their boyfriend stepping between them to break it up. Police spoke to the girlfriend, Stephani Douthit, who told them the scenario and stated they were arguing before Michele slapped her. After she was slapped she said that she pushed Michele and their boyfriend, Nicholas Smith, away from her and went outside to their porch. At that time, Michele stepped in front of her, stretched her arms out to block the doorway, preventing Stephani from exiting. Michele admitted to slapping Stefani but denied blocking the exit. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken to the Montgomery County Jail.

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Alishaa ‘Peachy’ Dabney jailed after police pursuit; marijuana in a stitch satchel

24-year-old Alishaa Dabney, AKA Peachy, was jailed on September 14th after a vehicle pursuit in her Audi A4 on Lafayette Road after she failed to stop at a stop sign. Once the officers activated emergency equipment, Dabney sped away until eventually coming to a complete stop on Anita Court. While placing Ms. Dabney into custody for the chase and traffic violation, officers observed a male passenger in the vehicle. He stated that he told Ms. Dabney to stop several times during the chase, but she refused. A strong odor of marijuana was coming from the vehicle, according to police. A search yielded a “Stitch” satchel bag containing 24.9 grams of marijuana and two loaded guns, one of which didn’t have a serial number. Dabney was sluggish and had bloodshot eyes. She admitted to being under the influence and to being in possession of marijuana and firearms.

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Randy Harris jailed after lying to police about who was driving during a crash

42-year-old Randy Harris was jailed on September 5th after lying to police about the details of a crash on Fort Campbell Boulevard. He told police that he was the driver during the crash, but it was later discovered that he was the passenger. Harris was trying to cover for the driver, a female with a suspended license and a warrant for burglary.

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Soldier Tahjier Clayton pushes wife off couch, to the door, when she refuses to leave

26-year-old Infantryman Tahjier Clayton was jailed for assaulting his wife after an argument on Sinclair Drive on September 7. Police responded to the apartment building and spoke with Mariah Clayton, who said that during the argument, her husband wanted her to leave, but she refused and was pulled off the couch by her shirt and pushed toward the door. She refused to write a statement.

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