Carlos Ulysses Aegueta strangles girlfriend during argument over relationship

38-year-old Carlos Argueta was booked on August 30th for assaulting his girlfriend on Terrier Way after an argument about relationship issues. According to Mary Wolfenbarger, their argument turned violent when Carlos lunged at her and strangled her with both hands until she couldn’t breathe. Mary tried to get away from Carlos but tripped over a footstool and fell, causing him to fall on top of her.

Once Carlos was on top of Mary, he wouldn’t let her up. When she was finally able to move, she ran to the front door to escape, but he caught her and slammed the door, so she quickly ran to the backdoor and was able to exit and run to the neighbors for help. No one answered at the first house she went to, so she ran to another neighbor, Nora Manning, who called 911 after hearing Mary screaming for help.

While the neighbor called the police, Mary saw Carlos leaving their house with their 4-year-old son. She ran over to the vehicle Carlos put their son in and hit it repeatedly while screaming to give her son back, but he left before police arrived. Officers later spoke with Carlos over the phone and advised he turn himself in at the station.

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Jesse Jones charged in aggravated assault of wife during an argumnet

42-year-old Jesse Jones was jailed on August 24th after reportedly assaulting his wife during an argument about their marriage. According to Carita Jones, the argument turned physical when her husband began strangling her until she couldn’t breathe, pushing her back into the TV. Carita eventually pushed him off and tried to run out of the house, but Mr. Jones grabbed her by her hair. When police arrived, they observed the bedroom TV looking as if someone were pushed against it, and Carita’s scalp had redness to it. When Mr. Jones was asked what happened, he stated nothing happened, and they just argued.

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Jennifer Owens steals dog & attacks owner, per report

38-year-old Jennifer Owens was booked on an outstanding warrant from September 27th when she allegedly broke into a home on Briar Hill Drive and stole their pit bull. Police spoke with Frank Somner and his girlfriend, Amber Mayfield, who stated they were asleep in their room when they were woken up by a loud noise in the kitchen. Owens and her juvenile daughter had forced their way into the home. Ms. Mayfield noticed her pitbull was taken from the house and put in the back of Owen’s vehicle.

When she tried to save her dog, she was attacked by Ms. Owens and her daughter. Ms. Mayfield says she was punched and kicked while lying on the ground. Ms. Owens then walked back into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and cut Ms. Mayfield on her arm. Finally, she threw a large boulder at Mr. Sumner’s vehicle, cracking his windshield before leaving

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Tyisha Lyles punches boyfriend in face during drunken argument

42-year-old Tyisha Lyles was jailed on August 23rd after assaulting her boyfriend on Dupuis Drive when he wouldn’t get up to pick up one of her friends. Police spoke with Mr. Benny Bird, who stated that he was upstairs asleep in the bedroom when his girlfriend came in and woke him up, stating that they needed to pick up a friend. After being told no, Ms. Lyles reportedly began attacking him, causing several cuts on his forearm. He got up and pushed her back, which only upset her more.

Police say Ms. Lyles punched Mr. Bird in the ear, breaking his skin and causing him to bleed. She punched him in the face several times before they went downstairs and argued. According to Mr. Bird, he became so frustrated he began punching holes in the wall before waiting outside for police to arrive. A check through NCIC showed Ms. Lyles in violation of an active COR with Mr. Bird as the protected party. She also admitted to drinking alcohol, which is another violation of her COR conditions.

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Deshawn Allen pulls gun & threatens to kill girlfriend for ‘playing with his feelings’

23-year-old Deshawn Allen was jailed on August 18th after threatening his fiancée with a gun when he saw text messages from another man in her phone. Jaden Shelby Wall reported to the Sheriff’s Office that on the night of August 13th, She and Allen got into an argument about the text message, and it turned violent when he snatched her into the bedroom by her arms. She jerked to get away from him, and he shoved her with both hands on the bed. Ms. Wall rolled off the bed onto the floor to try to get away from him, but he pulled out a loaded Glock 19 with a 30-round magazine from his backpack and stood over her. While Allen was aiming the gun at Ms. Wall, he told her he was going to kill her for cheating on him and playing with his feelings. Ms. Wall began to cry and begged him to put the gun down. She believed she was going to be shot to death.

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Kira Chrishanna Pace hits man with her car, follows him through multiple yards in chase

32-year-old Kira Pace was jailed on August 15th after hitting her friend with her car on Amber Court. Police spoke with Keyon Bacon, who said he and Pace were in a heated argument inside her car until she began to hit and scratch him. According to Kenyon, he got out of the car once Pace assaulted him, and she drove into him and chased him with her car through multiple yards in the cul de sac before leaving the scene. Kenyon further explained that he and Pace are just friends and do not live together or have a sexual relationship.

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Tippers’ employee Allysa Reister bites & spits on a paramedic trying to help her

26-year-old Allysa Reister passed out and was found unresponsive at Tippers, where she works, before she reportedly bit a paramedic. Officers arrived at Tippers on May 27th and found Allysa with EMS very intoxicated on an unknown substance, unable to walk. After EMS determined that she was a danger to herself, they and CFR personnel attempted to place her on a gurney to transport her. She resisted and attempted to bite a paramedic, but first responders got her into the ambulance. While in the ambulance, the paramedics tried to get Allysa’s vitals when she bit the paramedic’s left arm. Police reported that it caused immediate bruising and drew blood. During transport, she slipped her feet restraints, kicked machines in the ambulance, and spit on the paramedic. A warrant was issued for her arrest the following day, and she was booked on that warrant this week.

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Henry Sifre charged in assault of wife; who gouged his eyes in self-defense

45-year-old Henry Sifre was jailed on August 6th after his wife called 911 the night prior, reporting that she’d been hit. The operator heard a woman crying and stating something about being hit, and police were sent to Kettering Court. When officers arrived, they saw Sifre and his wife, Yvonne Hertlein, outside, screaming at each other. When Yvonne saw the police approaching, she screamed for them to keep Sifre away from her. She told police that Sifre and his friend were watching a boxing match.

When Sifre’s friend left, he came into the room where Yvonne was in bed watching tv and fell asleep next to her. When he woke up, they got into an argument, and he came toward her aggressively, so she grabbed a toothbrush to defend herself. Sifre threw her on the bed, got on top of her, and began strangling her. Yvonne struggled to breathe and dug her fingers into Sifre’s eyes to try to get him to let her go. When she did this, he bit her right index finger, but she was able to break free and make her way outside to her car. Sifre followed her, screaming at her, then took her keys and pulled her out of the car by her hair.

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Jahmire McKoy puts woman in choke-hold, bends fingers back to take her phone

20-year-old Jahmire McKoy was booked on August 1st after assaulting the mother of his child when an argument turned violent. Police responded to Cory Drive and spoke with Shaquantiana Dillard, who said she and McKoy had gotten into an argument about him moving out of the apartment. During the argument, he pushed Dillard, put her in a chokehold until she couldn’t breathe, and bent her fingers backward to pry them off of her phone. Dillard’s sister called 911 and corroborated her story. McKoy was gone when police arrived, and Dillard told police he had been drinking and smoking the night before. Police discovered that McKoy has a domestic history but not with Dillard. She did state that he has been physical with her in the past.

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Cody Miracle assaults woman who denied him sex, police say

29-year-old Cody Miracle was jailed on July 29th for assaulting his child’s mother when she wouldn’t have sex with him. Mariann Key told police that she had met up with Cody to speak about the COR on file, with their child being the protected party. According to Mariann, Cody became irate during the conversation and told her that she couldn’t leave until she had sex with him. He began removing her clothes and she tried to call the police so he snatched her phone and broke it. Cody then pinned her down by her hands and neck. When police arrived at his house on Jeffrey Drive, he barricaded himself in the home and refused to answer the door.

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Derrick Gordon charged with pushing girlfriend off chair, strangling her

24-year-old Derrick Gordon was jailed on July 29th after strangling his girlfriend during a drunken argument on Grassmire Drive. Ashlee Mangum stated to police that the argument turned violent when Gordon pushed her out of the chair she was sitting in, then got on top of her while she was on the ground and began to strangle her until she couldn’t breathe.

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Olivia Rodriguez charged in assault and strangulation of husband during argument

22-year-old Olivia Rodriguez was jailed on July 27th after a warrant was secured for her arrest on July 22nd after she allegedly assaulted her husband after an argument at their home on Professional Park Drive. According to Jared Myers, he was sitting on the bed and lost control of the children’s toy he was playing with, and it hit Olivia in the foot. She became angry and slapped Jared in the face, so he pushed her off, and then she punched him in the face. She then got on top of him and began strangling him with both hands around his neck. Jared had no physical injuries, and Olivia was not present during the investigation.

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Amos Williams fires shots into the air during fight at The Dutchman’s Laundromat

34-year-old Amos Williams was jailed on July 23rd after a fight broke out in the parking lot of Dutchman’s Laundromat. Latoshia Walls, Victoria Sanders, and Alissia Rives stated that they were involved in a fight when Williams pulled out a gun fired four shots in the air, and then pointed the gun at them. Shell casings were found in the parking lot, and witnesses were able to describe the vehicle Williams left in. Police found a vehicle matching the description and spoke with Williams, who stated he was trying to break up a fight that his sister was involved in and saw another male reaching for a gun, at which point he went to his car to grab a gun and fired rounds in the air. A gun was found under the seat Mr. Williams was sitting in, along with casings and a loaded magazine.

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Soldier Matthew Thornton charged with assaulting wife with vehicle during argument

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Matthew Thornton was jailed after hitting his wife with his vehicle. The couple had an argument on June 18, during which he grabbed the phone from his wife, Bailey Thornton. She says she tried to retrieve the phone as her husband got into his vehicle, but he placed the vehicle into reverse, causing the passenger door to impact her body. She says after she was hit by the door, she jumped out of the way and was worried he was going to run over her. Officers documented minor injuries to the victim.

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Tammee Dees charged in baseball bat assault of neighbor

26-year-old Tammee Dees was jailed after an altercation on June 7th at Summit Heights Apartment complex. Rena Osborne told police she had gotten into a fight with her next-door neighbor Tandra Pickett. While at Pickett’s door, Osbourne saw a baseball bat, so she went back into her apartment to grab a knife for protection because she knew Pickett had threatened people with guns in the past. Osborn said she went to her car to leave the situation, but once at her car Tammee threw the bat at her. When Osborne went to grab the bat, Tammee tried to grab the knife Osborne was carrying, and they both ended up with slices to their hands and wrists.

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Archie Maxie jailed for domestic assault after argument with mother of his child

32-year-old Archie Maxie was jailed last week after police responded to Trenton Road and spoke with Brianna Goods, who said she had been staying with Maxie for the past four days to work out their relationship issues. Maxie and Goods share a child in common. According to Goods, she and Maxie got into an argument, and he cussed her out and told her to leave. Goods said Maxie then grabbed her arm to force her out of his apartment. She told police she slapped him afterward for hurting her.

When the police spoke with Maxie, he said that he and Goods had an argument, and he told her to leave. He then grabbed her arm to escort her out, and she slapped him before leaving. Maxie was transported to booking, and it was later discovered that there was an order of protection against him with Goods as the protected party.

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Toya Canty jailed after stabbing boyfriend in chest; he was life-flighted to Vanderbilt

32-year-old Toya Canty was jailed on May 16th for stabbing her boyfriend in the abdomen after an argument at their home on Eldos Trace Circle. When police arrived, Isaiah Jackson was in critical condition; they performed first aid until he was life-flighted to Vanderbilt Hospital. Canty was immediately taken into custody and questioned at the precinct. She told police that she and Jackson were arguing, and he followed her around after asking to be left alone because she was upset. She claims he then pushed her to the ground and stomped her face with his work boots. Officers only observed a small cut and a ripped shirt strap but no injuries corresponding to Canty’s statement.

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Akia Smith pulls butter knife on boyfriend during argument about money

28-year-old Akia Smith is charged with domestic assault after she reportedly pulled a butter knife on her boyfriend, Demarcus Love, after she accused him of stealing her money. The argument happened in the early morning hours of May 14th after the couple returned home from Nashville and began to argue about the money they had made overnight. He had initially chest bumped her, causing her to first call the police. Love says he was in fear of bodily injury when she refused to put down the knife. The incident was recorded on the victim’s cell phone.

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