Serial Gooner Paul Maldonado-Crespo jailed after exposing himself to multiple women

30-year-old Paul Maldonado-Crespo was reported for indecent exposure several times from August 6th to August 9th. In the first incident on August 6th, one of the victims reported that she was being followed in the Planet Fitness by a blue Honda Civic. The victim stated that the man following her parked his car beside her, so she stopped to look. When she looked, she saw that the man’s genitals were exposed and that he was masturbating while looking at her.

In another case, on August 8th, near South 2nd Street and Madison Street, another victim reported that she was also being followed by a man driving a blue Honda Civic. She stated that when the man approached her, she observed that his driver’s seat was laid back. She also noticed that his genitals were exposed and that he was masturbating while looking directly at her.

The last incident occurred on August 9th in the Kroger parking lot on Madison Street. The victim reported a similar story as the other victims in the previous incidents. However, when she approached the man, he drove off. Throughout the investigation of the incident, Maldonado-Crespo was identified as a possible suspect due to the descriptions given by the victims. Following this, during an unrelated traffic stop, Maldonado-Crespo agreed to speak with law enforcement regarding the case. During an interview where Maldonado-Crespo waived his Miranda Rights, he admitted that he followed and masturbated to the victims of each case. Maldonado-Crespo stated that he did so because he was “horny” and that he “enjoyed the thrill.” After providing a written apology to the victims, Maldonado-Crespo was taken into custody and charged with altering/falsifying/forging auto titles, four counts of indecent exposure, and two counts of summons on August 30th.

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Sincere Brent caught with multiple fake tags during traffic stop over illegal tint

On August 27th, 21-year-old Sincere Brent was stopped in his black 2012 Ford Fusion at the College Street and Hornberger Lane intersection. Officers observed that his window was darker than the legal limit. When officers made contact with Brent and asked for his information, he handed them his driver’s license. However, Brent explained that he had no other information for the vehicle. In an attempt to see if he did have anything, Brent searched his glove box.

Officers saw what looked like falsified temporary tags in the glove box as he did this. During the investigation, officers found that the temporary tag on the vehicle and the other two in the glove box were determined to be fake. It was also found that Brent’s driver’s license was revoked for failing to comply with a financial payment on November 21st, 2023. The Ford Fusion was last registered in Kentucky on August 15th, 2019, but Brent advised that he had purchased the car over a year ago. Brent was then taken into custody and charged with altering, falsifying, forging auto titles, driving on a suspended/revoked license, illegal window tint, driving with no registration, and driving with no insurance.

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