Arturo Meza speeds away from police through neighborhood during attempted traffic stop

19-year-old Arturo Meza was seen in a white Dodge Ram failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign on Millington Drive on August 27th. Officers observed this and turned on their emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop. Despite this, Meza turned into a nearby neighborhood and started speeding up. Officers reported that Meza was going faster than the neighborhood speed limit of 25 mph and was traveling on the wrong side of the road.

Once officers followed Meza onto Fallbrook Lane, they turned off their emergency lights and continued to follow him. The vehicle was then observed making a left turn onto Priest Drive. When officers attempted to make the left turn, they could no longer see the truck. As officers drove past Tulip Court, they observed the white truck parked outside a residence. When officers made contact with Meza, he stated that he did not hear any sirens or see any lights. After officers reviewed their dashcam footage, Meza was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest.

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