Kayla Anise Whitted assaults her husband with her fist and a kitchen chair during dispute

30-year-old Kayla Whitted was jailed Saturday after assaulting her husband, Fornondo Whitted. He says the two were in an argument over their relationship when she punched him in the face, resulting in him restraining her in a bear hug to prevent further assault and injury to himself. He then hug-walked her to the door so the argument to de-escalate the situation. She had other plans, and as he retreated to the other side of the kitchen table she ripped a shelf off the wall onto the kitchen table and broke a glass, which she was was so she didn’t attack him again. She then pushed a chair up against him, and Fornondo pushed it back, and she picked it up and assaulted him with it.

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Justin Corey McDaniel charged with assault of girlfriend after drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonades

36-year-old Justin McDaniel reportedly drank 2 Mike’s Hard Lemonades prior to grabbing his girlfriend by her arms inside a garage on Twin River Road and yanking her out of a vehicle in which she was sitting. Once she was on the ground, she says McDaniel got on top of her, grabbed her wrist, and threw a bucket at her before fleeing inside the house with her phone and keys. When she attempted to call police, he hid her keys and phone and attempted to prevent her from leaving. McDaniel says he was the victim as she came into the garage mad and attempted to hurt him.

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#931BikeLife causing chaos in Clarksville again — Kalin Marshall arrested, Jaylon Rodney WANTED

A group of four-wheelers and dirtbikes performing stunts and driving recklessly across Clarksville has resulted in the arrest of one driver, Kalin Marshall, who is now free on a $50,000 bond, and a warrant being issued for the arrest of Jaylon Rodney, with a $20,000 bond attached. The two are both a part of the larger #931BikeLife group which performs stunts on public roadways in Clarksville and recently fled from police.

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