Jason Zamora too drunk for downtown Clarksville; sitting with vomit at his feet

Clarksville Police Officer Robert Swanson found 21-year-old Jason Andrew Zamora sitting on a bench with his friend, Danny Falcon, outside Tattoo Technique on Franklin Street just after 1 a.m. Friday. Each man had recently thrown up on themselves and had puddles of vomit under their feet. Zamora ordered a Lyft, which officers confirmed, but after sitting with him for 40 minutes waiting, he eventually declared he wasn’t going to get in the Lyft when it arrived. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Danny Falcon: drunk & vomit covered on a downtown Clarksville park bench at 1 a.m.

Clarksville Police responded to Franklin Street just after 1 a.m. Friday after a caller reported two men were extremely intoxicated on a bench outside of Tattoo Technique, and they had just vomited everywhere. 33-year-old Danny Falcon was identified as one of the men, along with his friend Jason Zamora. Officers say Falcon was so drunk he was unable to provide his identification or assist officers with finding him a safe way home. He was deemed a “public nuisance” and transported to booking.

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Tyrik Taylor: “take me to jail, I put my hands on her” — and they granted his request

When Clarksville police arrived at the Gracey Ave apartment of 22-year-old Tyrik Williams Taylor, he immediately told them to take him to jail because he had “put hands” on his girlfriend, Adrianna Drones, and he didn’t wish to explain the situation any further. The victim advised the two had been arguing for several hours, and she had told Taylor she was taking the children and leaving the residence. As she packed her clothes, she says Taylor pushed her against the bedroom wall, strangling her. The situation continued into the living room, where Taylor reportedly picked up a scooter helmet and struck her with it, knocking her to the floor.

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Kayla Meives charged after using drugs in Sonic stall with young daughter in vehicle

35-year-old Kayla Jo Meives faces child abuse/neglect and drug paraphernalia charges after Clarksville Police were notified she was nodding off while parked in a Sonic stall for over ten minutes with a 7-year-old child in the vehicle. As Officer Andrew Ramirez approached the driver’s side of her vehicle, he noticed she was holding a dollar bill with white powder/residue on it. She quickly stuffed it into her purse before stepping out of the Kia Sorento and admitted it was “more than a dollar bill.” Inside the vehicle, multiple dollar bills with drug residue were found, and a field test on them returned as positive for Fentanyl.

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Lloyd Montgomery charged with placing knife on sister’s face as she slept

Janiecia Montgomery told police she woke up on the morning of September 1st as she felt something on her face, which was a knife placed flat on her cheek. She observed her brother, 20-year-old Lloyd Montgomery, standing in her room. She pretended to remain asleep and waited for him to leave her room. Once he left the bedroom, she woke up her sister, Imarnee, who called 911. Officers arrived at the home and collected the knife as evidence, and took Lloyd into custody for aggravated domestic assault and violating his bond conditions from another case. Lloyd told police he never had a knife and would never hurt his sisters.

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Weston Stephens charged in $4K robbery of friend

Michael Ostrawski says he and his girlfriend returned to his home just before 5 p.m. on July 30th and found his door had been pried open and the frame was broken. A review of the home found approximately $4,000 in cash was missing from a dresser drawer, among others that had been opened and searched. He noted that 26-year-old Weston Ellis Stephens was the only other person to know the location of his cash stash as he’s often loaned him money in the past. Ironically, he had not heard from Stephens in several months until that day, when Stephens called him while he was out with his girlfriend, around 1:30 p.m. During the investigation, Weston stated he had been at his own home all day. Security footage was obtained from the victim’s building which showed Weston Stephens and another white male at the location.

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James Bertram stalks wife, sends her photos from outside her workplace at Youth Academy

Brandi Bertram called police on August 31st to report that her (soon to be ex) husband, 39-year-old James Bertram, had texted her approximately 20 times throughout the day and called her twice during her workday at The Youth Academy – Sango, despite requests to stop. One of the texts stated, “I know you have your watch on,” and demanded a reply. When he received no responses, he went to her workplace and took photographs of her building and sent them to her while stating, “it’s going to be a long few days.”

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Quinton Knox charged with public intoxication after at least one Four Loko

31-year-old Quinton Lamont Knox says he drank a Four Loko before Clarksville Police Officer Kevin Przybocki found him near Beech St & E St late Thursday night. Neighbors called the police after they observed Knox stumbling into the roadway and nearly getting hit by a vehicle. Officers say his speech was slurred so badly that he was unable to form any meaningful phrases. He didn’t have a phone to contact anyone to help him, so he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Valarie Buchanan charged after DUI crash sends her to hospital

44-year-old Valarie Ann Buchanan was jailed this week on an outstanding DUI warrant after a crash that initially sent her to the hospital on June 26th. Officers responded to a crash on Palmyra Road just before 2 a.m. to find a red Honda Accord in a ditch off the roadway. The vehicle and Buchanan both reeked of alcohol, according to first responders. She agreed to perform field sobriety tests but was only able to do one test as she was in the back of an ambulance, and she performed poorly on it. Buchanan had a prior DUI in 2010. Though her bond was initially set at $2,500, Judge Massey-Grimes struck that amount down and released her on her own recognizance (ROR).

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Nicholas Pietka found unconscious behind wheel of car at Hobby Lobby after using drugs

Officer Donta Daniel of the Clarksville Police Department responded to a report of an unconscious male in the driver’s seat of a vehicle at the Hobby Lobby on Wilma Rudolph Blvd on August 28th just after 5:30 p.m. He observed 34-year-old Nicholas Pietka as being unresponsive and busted out the window to render aid to the man as he remained unconscious. Eventually, Pietka came to, and the officer observed a bag of white powder, believed to be heroin, in the vehicle. Pietka admitted to using drugs the night prior and refused all forms of testing. At the time of his arrest for this incident, he was out on bond for a pending DUI case in June.

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John Marihugh charged with 2 a.m. DUI on Madison Street in Clarksville

Clarksville Police Officer Matthew Johnson conducted a traffic stop on a blue Lincoln MKZ just after 2 a.m. on August 29th near the 1900 block of Madison Street. The driver, 36-year-old John Patrick Marihugh, reportedly reeked of alcohol, and when asked how much alcohol he had consumed, he stated “enough” while an open and partially consumed Miller Lite can sat in the driver’s door beside him. Though he agreed to perform field sobriety tests, they had to be stopped for his own safety due to his level of intoxication.

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Fallen King Tattoo owner Fabian Diaz charged after crash in Clarksville

Clarksville Police Officer Robert Conery responded to a crash on August 28th at Tiny Town & Barkers Mill and discovered the 29-year-old driver Fabian Diaz had a suspended license, and his vehicle registration was expired. Diaz was previously charged with driving on a suspended license earlier this year. He was transported to booking and charged accordingly. Diaz is the owner of Fallen King Tattoo Studio in Oak Grove.

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DUI: Kevin Davis blows 0.114% BAC after leaving AJ’s Bar

Clarksville Police Officer David Hauser says he was on routine patrol when he observed 28-year-old Kevin Lee Davis miss a turn onto W. Bel Air Blvd and drive over the curb and proceed on his way. He conducted a traffic stop and says he immediately smelled alcohol coming from Davis, who admitted coming from AJ’s Bar and having a “couple of beers” before driving. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, it was also discovered his license was suspended. David blew a 0.114% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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DUI driver Meagan Goglia flees from CPD, the thought of being behind bars gnawing at her

31-year-old Meagan Goglia successfully fled from Clarksville Police Tuesday on Wilma Rudolph Blvd, after officers attempted to stop the van she was driving as it was swerving across multiple lanes of traffic with no headlights or taillights. As the officer pursued her with lights and sirens activated, she eluded the stop, but not before he got a clear view of her as the driver and the tag number. Later that evening, a deputy noticed the van on Bette Palmyra Road and was aware of the BOLO that had been issued earlier from CPD. Still without any lights, the van was swerving all over the roadway. She stopped for the deputy, who observed her to have vomited all over herself and the vehicle and noted her extreme level of intoxication.

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Raymond Wright faces felony aggravated assault charge after road rage incident

Clarksville Police say 51-year-old Raymond Wright was driving behind another vehicle Wednesday morning on Kraft Street at 8:30 a.m. and began to honk his horn at the vehicle in front of him. He then passed the car, and the car was concerned about his road rage and followed Wright to the Kroger at Dover Crossing to record his tag information. Both cars arrived at the Kroger and pulled near each other, and a verbal argument started between the Wright and the two individuals in the other car. Wright is then alleged to have exited his vehicle and tapped on the other driver’s window with a knife with the blade open in what she perceived to be a threatening manner. Officers retrieved a knife matching the given description from Wright’s vehicle. He is charged with felony aggravated assault.

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Ray Duncanson charged in assault of his mother; says he “got mad” at her

Clarksville Police Officer Justin Bolden responded to a domestic-related call on Jack Miller Blvd just after 7 p.m. Monday and made contact with 22-year-old Ray Charles Duncanson and his mother, Edith Duncanson. Ray stated he got mad at his mother, threw water on her, and back her into a wall. Edith says she was holding the water when her son slapped it out of her hand then grabbed her by the shoulder, forcing her into the wall and causing her to hit her head. Ray Duncanson was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault.

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Maggie Spell Miller charged with driving under influence of marijuana

Clarksville police say 19-year-old Maggie Spell Miller was under the influence of marijuana when she crashed her vehicle at Lafayette and Kirby on August 31st. Officer Lindsey Fowler says she could smell a ‘strong odor’ of marijuana coming from inside the car and observed Maggie to have red, watery eyes, and dilated pupils. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody.

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