Maurice Smith assaults wife for wanting to end their marriage

27-year-old Maurice Smith was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Channie Smith, at their Ashford Place apartment on April 13th. Channie contacted law enforcement and stated that she and Maurice had been arguing most of the day. Channie added that Maurice was upset that she wanted to end their marriage. During the argument, he followed her upstairs and continued to argue with her. Maurice began throwing items around the room when they reached their bedroom.

Channie then went into the bathroom, where Maurice followed behind again and used his arm to push her against the door. Maurice attempted to take Channie’s phone out of her hands but ended up scratching her. Channie then almost fell into the bathtub, but when she agreed not to call the police, Maurice released her. Once Channie returned to the bedroom, Maurice followed her and kept arguing. Maurice refused to calm down and, at one point, grabbed Channie’s hand to pull off her wedding ring. Maurice Smith was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault on April 16th.

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Stephan Williams sexually assaults his neighbor picking her child up from bus stop

28-year-old Stephan Williams was seen sexually harassing his neighbor, Trista Anderson, at the Belle Forest at Memorial apartments on April 15th. Anderson contacted law enforcement and stated that while she was waiting on her child to get off the bus, Williams placed his hands under her butt in a “grabbing motion.” Anderson also stated that Williams mentioned having sexual intercourse with her while her husband was away from home. According to Anderson, she did not give him consent to touch her. Stephan Williams was taken into custody and charged with sexual battery.

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Wild Flour Bake Shop owner Paul “PJ” Norton charged with rape after having relations with minor employee

According to Montgomery County law enforcement, the 42-year-old owner of Wild Flour Bake Shop, Paul Joseph Norton, was involved in statutory rape at the La Quinta Hotel on April 15th. On April 12th, law enforcement received an anonymous tip that Norton was having relations with a 17-year-old employee at his bakery. On April 15th, Investigators spoke with the anonymous caller again, who claimed the two had stayed at the La Quinta Hotel. Officers received camera footage of Norton and the victim going into a hotel room together and kissing each other outside of the hotel. The anonymous caller also stated that the employee personally told them that they were having a sexual relationship with Norton, which is why Norton rented the hotel room. Paul Norton was taken into custody and charged with aggravated statutory rape.

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DUI: Joel Magnuson crashes motorcycle near Tiny Town Road after having 1 beer

37-year-old Joel Lee Magnuson, a Slicks Bar and Grill employee, had a motorcycle accident near Tiny Town Road and Cainlo Drive in the early hours of April 15th. Upon arrival, officers observed him trying to pick up his damaged bike and approached him. Officers noticed Magnuson reeked of alcohol and had difficulty standing up. Magnuson told them he had one shot and one beer before driving toward his Cainlo Residence and crashing. He could not take sobriety tests because of a medical issue with his legs. Then, Magnuson was detained and read implied consent, where he refused to provide a blood sample. This prompted officers to obtain a search warrant for a blood draw. Per NCIC, Magnuson had two prior DUIs on May 2008 and January 2013. Magnuson was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

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Alexander Torrez found passed out drunk after drinking 5 beers near Fairfield Inn

On April 15th, 28-year-old Alexander Torrez was seen drunk and sleeping near Westfield Court. When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Torrez, who was sleeping on the ground. Officers spoke with Torrez, who stated he had five beers that night. Officers could smell the alcohol on his breath and noticed his slurred speech. Torrez also believed a piece of paper was a hotdog, making officers concerned for his safety. Officers took Torrez into custody and charged him with public intoxication.

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DUI: Drayton Bergmann drives into oncoming traffic after having 4-5 beers at friend’s house

On April 14th, 28-year-old Drayton Bergmann was caught driving under the influence on Liberty Parkway. Officers spoke with someone who called about a vehicle swerving in and out of lanes and driving into oncoming traffic. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Bergmann’s Vehicle driving into other lanes of oncoming traffic, which led to officers initiating a traffic stop. Officers then approached the vehicle and made contact with Bergmann. Bergmann appeared to have red, watery eyes and a smell of alcohol on his breath. Bergmann then admitted having 4 to 5 beers at his friend’s house. Officers asked Bergmann to do sobriety tests, which he accepted and performed poorly. Bergmann was then taken into custody for DUI on April 15th. 

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Jabar Moten assaults neighbor during argument over fork

34-year-old Jabar Moten was involved in an altercation with Susan Radford at the Golf View Apartments on April 14th. Moten told law enforcement he was having dinner with his girlfriend, Brittany Russell, in apartment B. While they were eating, Radford, who lives next door in apartment A, came in through the apartment’s back door. This led to Radford arguing with Moten about being in Russell’s apartment. When Radford saw the fork Moten was using, the argument escalated in volume, with Radford stating that the fork was hers. As the argument escalated, Radford took the fork off his plate. Moten stated that he then tried to get Radford out of the apartment. According to Moten, this is when Radford attempted to stab him multiple times with the fork. Moten went on to say that she connected on the second attempt to stab him, so he pushed her, and she fell on the sidewalk. Ms. Russell corroborated Moten’s version of events.

Officers later contacted Radford, who stated that Moten invited her to Russell’s apartment. Radford went on to corroborate that the argument over the silverware happened. Radford noted that she took the fork and put it in the sink. According to Radford, Moten grabbed the fork and threw it at her, which led to her grabbing it off the ground. When she looked up, Moten was charging at her, so she tried to push him away. However, Moten still picked her up and threw her on the ground. The caller of the incident, Rob Mckey, corroborated with Radford’s version of events. Jabar Moten was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on April 15th.

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Quaimane Martin lies to police about his identity, caught with Fentanyl pill

34-year-old Quaimane Dimitri Martin was involved in a domestic dispute at his Ziva Lan apartment around 9:53 p.m. on April 14th. When officers arrived, they met with Martin and asked for his name and date of birth, to which he replied, “Quaimane Davis,” adding that his birthdate was June 1st, 1989. After they could not find a match in the NCIC, they asked him again, and he stated his last name was Martin. Then, they discovered a match on file for “Quaimane Martin,” with a date of birth of June 20th, 1989. Officers also found an active warrant for speeding and driving on a suspended license. After they detained Martin, officers searched him and located a small pill inside a pack of cigarettes, which tested positive for fentanyl. Martin was taken into custody for simple possession and criminal impersonation on April 15th.

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Gregory Hayes yells racial slurs, spits on officers after stealing at Marathon gas station

On April 13th, 60-year-old Gregory Hayes was caught stealing, assaulting a police officer, and yelling racial slurs at a Marathon gas station on North Riverside Drive. The clerk of the Marathon activated a silent alarm after Hayes stole a beer and snack cake. Officers encountered Hayes on North Riverside Drive walking with the stolen items in his backpack. Hayes began shouting racial slurs at the officers. Initially, Hayes clenched his fist and approached the officers but immediately backed away. Officers then noticed a hatchet by Hayes’s foot and put it on the hood of their car. Officers then told Hayes to turn around and place his hands behind his back to detain him, and Hayes proceeded to walk towards the hatchet.

Hayes was then transported to the Marathon to ask if they would like to press charges for shoplifting or trespassing. Hayes was trespassed and was taken out of cuffs. Hayes then immediately began flipping the cashier off and yelling racial slurs. Hayes also threatened to kick officers in the balls and spat on their patrol car. Hayes was then taken into custody again. While in the back of the police car, he spat on an officer out the window. Hayes was charged with disorderly conduct and simple assault against a first responder.

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Rose Massie drunkenly assaults woman, tells police she doesn’t know where she is

65-year-old Rose Marie Massie had a scuffle with Renne Dotson on April 13th. Officers arrived and spoke with Dotson, who advised them that Massie approached and hit her in the face, leaving visible redness. While officers were talking with Dotson, they noticed Massie reeked of alcohol. Massie then admitted to drinking and was unaware of her location. Massie was deemed a danger to herself and others and was taken into custody for assault and public intoxication.

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18-year-old Jaisaun Ousley caught with illegal firearm during traffic stop

On April 13th, 18-year-old Jaisaun Ousley was caught in a vehicle with a firearm and marijuana after speeding near I-24. Officers noticed a vehicle speeding and initiated a traffic stop. When officers made contact with the four occupants, they asked if there was any marijuana in the vehicle. All four occupants of the car became nervous. The driver handed Officers a gram of marijuana. Ousley, in the rear passenger seat, claimed that they were about to smoke. Officers then asked everyone to step out of the vehicle. As Ousley was getting frisked, he admitted that he was in possession of a firearm inside his waistband. Officers removed Ousley’s firearm and searched the vehicle. During their search, officers found 101.35 grams of marijuana, a Glock 19 separate from Ousley’s firearm, sandwich bags, and a scale. Reggie Lyle, another occupant of the car, admitted to the Glock 19 and marijuana. Ousley was taken into custody for possession of a firearm. 

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Robert Johnson assaults girlfriend after damaging her property during altercation

45-year-old Robert Daniel Johnson had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Sarah Meeks, at her Acorn Drive residence on August 29th, 2023. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Meeks, who stated Johnson had entered her house and started damaging her property. As Johnson did this, she confronted him. Meeks said he responded by retrieving a knife from the kitchen and chasing her outside. Officers noticed a clear sign of struggle inside the residence, including a broken mirror in the bedroom. Officers also noticed contents from the kitchen drawer scattered across the floor.

Then, officers approached Johnson, who they found standing in front of his parked vehicle on the road. Officers as questioned Johnson about the knife, he grabbed it from the driver’s side door compartment for them. Johnson was deemed the primary aggressor. Then, a warrant was issued for his arrest on August 31st, 2023. On April 12th, 2024, he was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and two counts of contempt.

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Thomas Mitchell backhands wife after she doesn’t answer his calls

On April 12th, 43-year-old Thomas Mitchell was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Meleteia Mithcell, at a Point Circle apartment residence. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Meleteia, who stated Thomas had called her multiple times while he was at a bar. Meleteia said she did not pick up the calls, which upset Thomas. Meleteia then claimed Thomas came home and laid on top of her while she was in bed. Meleteia stated that Thomas then slapped her in the mouth with the backside of his hand. Thomas was taken into custody for domestic assault. 

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Katheryne Gamble pours water on boyfriend after telling him to sleep on couch

49-year-old Katheryn Sanrozia Johnson-Gamble had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend and roommate, Julius Bailey, at their New South Drive apartment on April 12th. Upon arrival, officers were advised that Johnson-Gamble was upset that Bailey had been out earlier that night and would not respond to her texts or calls. Then, Bailey laid down in bed, but she wanted him to go to sleep on the couch. While he was lying on the bed, she grabbed a cup of water and poured it on him. Johnson-Gamble was deemed the primary aggressor and then was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Centarius Williamson punches girlfriend in face during argument over her cell phone

On April 11th, 35-year-old Centarius Williamson was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Marsheta Wallace, at their Ballygar Street apartment residence. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Wallace. Wallace stated that she and Williamson were arguing about the use of her cell phone, which turned physical. Wallace claimed that Williamson shoved her to the ground and began punching her in the face and torso. Officers noticed bruising on Wallace’s eye. Williamson was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Shantel Mitchell assaults girlfriend with her daughter during argument

37-year-old Shantel Tiffany Laura Mitchell had a domestic incident with her girlfriend, Daysjah Terry, at her Oakmont Drive residence in the early morning hours of April 11th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Terry, who stated she argued with Mitchell. During the argument, Mitchell threw random objects at her and pushed her onto the bed, holding her down. After this, Terry said Mitchell grabbed her hair and started hitting her. Terry added that Mitchell’s daughter joined in and began to hit her also. Officers observed visible marks on Terry’s face and neck as they deemed Mitchell the primary aggressor. Mitchell was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Bobby Spires Jr. assaults his wife while driving down 101st Airborne Division Parkway

43-year-old Bobby Spires was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Davina Collier-Spires, at 101st Airborne Division Parkway on April 13th. Law enforcement received a call that several people were fighting on the side of the road near a black pickup truck. When officers contacted the couple, Bobby tried to explain the incident. Bobby stated that he was in the back seat of the vehicle when Davina reached into the back and punched him in the face. Bobby had a swollen cheek to corroborate his statement. Bobby then stated that the driver of the vehicle, his mother, pulled over, and he and Davina exited the car and struggled for custody of their juvenile daughter. While Officers questioned Bobby, they noticed he stated, “I had pulled over,” contradicting his claim that his mother was driving.

Officers then spoke with Davina, who said Bobby was driving the vehicle, not his mother. Davina stated that she was scared of how Bobby was driving and reached into the back to comfort their daughter. Davina also claims Bobby physically held her in the front and refused to pull over upon request. Davina then claims to have climbed in the back with the child, causing Bobby to pull over. Davina stated Bobby then opened the back door, pulled her out while she was holding their child, and threw her onto the grass. This caused multiple abrasions to Davina’s neck and arms. Bobby’s mother corroborated his statements. Officers then spoke with two witnesses on the scene who stated they observed the defendant pull the victim from the vehicle. Officers deemed Bobby to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Briana Shaffer speeds down Riverside Drive after drinking & smoking

On April 14th, 26-year-old Briana Shaffer was seen Speeding on Riverside Drive. When officers noticed Shaffer, they initiated a traffic stop near a parking lot on South Riverside Drive. Upon officers approaching Shaffer’s vehicle, they smelled a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the car. Officers then spoke with Shaffer and noticed she had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. This prompted officers to search the vehicle, where they found a marijuana blunt in the center console with an estimated weight of 1.26 grams of marijuana. Officers also observed two Styrofoam cups that had alcohol inside of them. Shaffer stated they were filled with beer and margaritas but claimed they were both her passenger, Ashley Philips’, drinks. After officers had conducted a search of the vehicle, they performed sobriety tests on Shaffer, which she failed. Officers took Shaffer into custody for Driving under the influence and simple possession of drugs.

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Demarko Hayes assaults wife & her son during altercation

On April 14th, Demarko Hayes was involved in a domestic incident with his wife, Sarah Hayes, at their 3 Summit Heights residence. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Sarah, who stated Demarko threw water at her and then pushed her face back. Sarah then stated that Demarko grabbed her arms with his hands and started shaking her, which made Sarah hit her head against the wall. Sarah claimed that her son jumped between them during this to push Demarko off her. Demarko then began scuffling with her son on the floor. Demarko told officers that nothing had occurred. Demarko was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault. 

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Jacob Farley speeds down Highway 374 on revoked license

21-year-old Jacob Farley was seen speeding on Highway 374 on April 13th. Farley was observed by officers who stated that Farley was going 75mph in a 55mph zone. Farley then slowed down when he spotted officers. Officers then conducted a traffic stop on the exit ramp of Highway 374 and Dover Road. As officers introduced themselves, Farley informed them of his DUI that happened in Kentucky, which led to his license being revoked on March 5th. While officers spoke with Farley, they noticed an open case of Modelo beer that was open with several drinks inside. Farley was then asked to exit the vehicle, and as officers searched the vehicle, they noticed an open Modelo Container and a firearm. Farley was taken into custody for Driving on a suspended license, Speeding, and having an open container of alcohol on April 14th. 

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