Davonia McMiller threatens baby-daddy with knife during argument over infidelity

On April 8th, 36-year-old Davonia McMiller was involved in a domestic incident with her soon-to-be ex-husband, Mario Jackson, at their Needmore apartment residence. Upon officers’ arrival, they spoke with McMiller, who stated that Jackson had come over to pick up their son. She claimed that an argument started between them, then claimed that she felt threatened and pulled a knife on Jackson. McMiller also added that Jackson got into her face and accused her of infidelity. This prompted McMiller to tell Jackson to leave, which he refused. McMiller then picked up a knife and put it up to Jackson’s throat. Jackson tried to take away the knife but failed, slicing both of their hands in the process. Jackson was not on the scene when officers arrived, and the knife could not be recovered. Officers deemed McMiller to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for aggravated assault on April 9th. 

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Hellen Negash evades arrest after driving to church with expired tags

34-year-old Hellen Negash was seen evading arrest at an intersection near Highway 76 on April 6th. Officers initiated a traffic stop with both lights and sirens on because they observed a vehicle with an expired Tennessee license plate. Negash picked up speed and traveled southeast on Highway 76. After officers contacted the vehicle’s owner, Filmon Gebrezgi, Negash’s husband, he stated she was using the vehicle that day to drive to church. Officers also contacted Negash, who admitted to being the vehicle’s operator at the time of the incident. Negash was taken into custody for evading arrest and driving an unregistered vehicle.

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Joshua Bickerstaff indicted by Grand Jury for 2 counts of rape

A Montgomery County Grand Jury has indicted 33-year-old Joshua Bickerstaff for two counts of rape between February 1st, 2022, and December 31st, 2022. The indictment alleges that the victim was a 28-year-old woman. Bickerstaff was taken into custody for two counts of rape on April 6th. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $30,000.

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DUI: Dayquan Redd swerves between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard in Chevy Malibu

31-year-old Dayquan Redd was seen in a silver Chevy Malibu swerving in and out of his lane at Fort Campbell Boulevard on April 6th. When officers conducted a traffic stop, Redd slowed down, turned into the left continuous turn lane, crossed three lanes of oncoming traffic, and stopped. Officers made contact with Redd and noticed a strong odor of alcohol. This prompted officers to request Redd to perform field sobriety tests. Redd consented to the sobriety tests and performed poorly. After a 20-minute observation period, Redd performed a breathalyzer test and scored a .145% BAC. Dayquan Redd was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Antonio Fernandez refuses to leave Auto Zone after not being helped

47-year-old Antonio Fernandez was caught trespassing in an Auto Zone near Fort Campbell Blvd On April 7th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the current manager. She stated she could not help Fernandez with his return and wanted him to leave. Fernandez was repeatedly asked to leave the property and return when the store manager was there, but he refused. Fernandez stated that he was done talking with officers and was not leaving. Fernandez was taken into custody for criminal trespassing.

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Patrick Booker caught with crack pipe at his mother’s house

37-year-old Patrick Booker was caught violating his order of protection at his mother’s house on Abner Drive on April 7th. When officers arrived, they came to see that Booker was asleep in his car. Once Booker rolled over, he revealed that he was lying on a “crack” pipe and a marijuana blunt. Patrick Booker was taken into custody and charged with probation violation, joyriding, evading arrest, simple possession/casual exchange, and unlawful drug paraphernalia.

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Isaiah Batiste keys father’s Hyundai Elantra in Veterans Plaza parking lot

26-year-old Isaiah Batiste was seen vandalizing a 2010 Hyundai Elantra in the Veterans Plaza parking lot on April 8th. The witness who called about the incident led officers to the vandalized car, where officers found Batiste detained by security. Officers then checked the Hyundai Elantra and observed several key markings around it. During the investigation, it was found that the vehicle belonged to Batiste’s father, Brian Batiste. Law enforcement received surveillance footage of Batiste approaching the car, walking around all four sides while moving his arm as if he was keying it. Isaiah Batiste was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

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Amber Shamp assaults husband during argument about “stupid sh*t”

On April 8th, 33-year-old Amber Shamp was involved in a domestic incident with her husband at their Ramblewood Road residence. When officers arrived, they spoke with Michael Shamp, Ambers’ husband. Michael stated that they were drinking but never gave a definitive reason for the argument aside from saying they argued about “Stupid sh*t.” According to officers, Michael had noticeable scratches and marks on his chest.

After speaking with Michael, officers talked to Amber, who claimed they were arguing like usual. However, Amber said during the argument, she had to take a phone call. So she told Michael to shut up, which upset him. Amber also admitted that she was upset, so she ended up scratching and hitting Michael. Amber also had marks on her body but claimed that they were from her toddler and that Michael did not strike her. Officers deemed Shamp to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Hannah Suiter drives recklessly down Trenton Road after drinking 1 margarita

On April 8th, 32-year-old Hannah Suiter, an employee of Frito Lay, was observed driving recklessly on Trenton Road. After locating her vehicle, officers found her parked near a tennis court. When Officers approached her and questioned her about her driving, Suiter admitted to having taken medication earlier that day. However, officers also detected the odor of alcohol coming from her and asked her to step out of the vehicle. At first, Suiter denied having consumed any alcoholic beverages but later admitted to having had one margarita. After failing multiple sobriety tests, Suiter was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Lawanda Culley pulls daughter’s hair, pushes her against kitchen sink during altercation

On April 8th, 63-year-old Lawanda Culley was involved in a domestic incident with her daughter at her Barney Lane residence. When officers arrived, they spoke with Latasha Collins, Culley’s daughter. Collins stated that she and Culley were in a verbal altercation that turned physical. During their argument, Culley slapped Collins numerous times and proceeded to pull her hair before the two were separated. Officers proceeded to speak with Edward Culley Jr., who stated that Lawanda did swing at Collins to strike her, grab her hair, and push her against the sink. Lawanda later admitted to being the one who initiated the physical altercation. So, officers deemed her to be the primary aggressor, and Lawanda Culley was taken into custody for Domestic assault.

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DUI: Nicole Christianson hits fence, falls into ditch after drinking “3 to 4 shots”

27-year-old Nicole Christianson was involved in a single-vehicle car accident at the intersection of Allison Drive and Walnut Street on April 8th. During the investigation of the crash, it was found that Christianson’s car failed to complete a turn, struck a fence, left the road, and fell into a small ditch. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Christianson, who admitted to drinking “3 or 4 shots.” When Christianson was asked on a scale of 1-10 how drunk she was, she stated “3 to 4 out of 10.” This prompted officers to request her to perform field sobriety tests. Christianson consented to the sobriety tests and performed poorly. After a 20-minute observation period, Christianson performed a breathalyzer test and scored a .122% BAC. Nicole Christianson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, failing to exercise due care, and driving with no license and no registration.

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DUI: James Cosgrove drives on suspended license after using Lithium

40-year-old James Cosgrove was involved in an altercation late April 7th. When officers arrived, Cosgrove exited his car after driving to the Citgo gas station. Officers reported that Cosgrove was exhibiting multiple signs of intoxication, so they requested him to execute sobriety tests. Cosgrove consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After the sobriety tests, Cosgrove confessed to using Lithium and having a cocktail. Once he was placed in handcuffs, law enforcement found out that his license was suspended. James Cosgrove was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and driving on a suspended license.

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Sean Grimes Jr. charged with stalking his ex-wife after texting her numerous times

32-year-old Sean Grimes Jr. was caught stalking ex-wife Victoria Grimes at her Silver Fox Lane residence on April 7th. Officers arrived and contacted Victoria, who informed them she had been having an ongoing issue with Sean. On April 1st, Victoria was granted a warrant for harassment against Sean for events that occurred the previous year. Victoria told Sean to “stop texting me” multiple times, but he continued his attempts to contact her. Sean stated through texts that he wanted to talk to their children even though, according to Victoria, he had the ability to call their phones. Sean Grimes Jr. was taken into custody and charged with harassment and stalking.

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Nadaydra Black elbows boyfriend in chest during altercation

34-year-old Nadaydra Black was involved in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Patrick Garland, at their Keeper Court townhome on April 8th. Officers arrived and made contact with Garland, who told them that Black assaulted him on April 5th. Garland stated that Black elbowed him in his chest, leaving bruises. Nadaydra Black was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Cameron White threatens to kill man with gun

23-year-old Cameron White was seen threatening Joshua Boaz with a gun at The Reserve on Royster townhomes on April 7th. Boaz informed law enforcement that White exited his car, pulled out a firearm from his pants, and cocked it back. According to Boaz, White pointed the gun in his direction and threatened to kill him. Officers spoke with a witness of the incident, Christopher Overstreet, who told them that he saw White get out of his car and cock his gun but said that he retreated shortly after. Another witness of the incident, Christopher Dibene, stated that he saw from his balcony “a white male” exit a car and pull out a gun. Cameron White was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 8th.

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DWI: 18-year-old Brady Brown crashes Ford F-150 in ditch

On April 5th, 18-year-old Brady Brown was involved in a car accident. When officers arrived, they found Brown’s Ford F-150 in a ditch. Upon questioning, Brown admitted to having consumed alcohol and driving while under the influence. The officers then asked him to perform several sobriety tests, in which Brown performed poorly. Additionally, Brown provided a fake ID card when asked for his ID. Brown was taken into custody for underage DWI on April 6th.

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Jeanette Ribeiro assaults son during argument

On April 6th, 51-year-old Jeannette Ribeiro was involved in a domestic incident with her son, Michael Ribeiro, at their Thermal Court residence. When police arrived on the scene, they spoke with Michael, who stated that he and his mother had an argument that turned physical when she pushed him, which prompted him to push her back. Michael claimed that Jeannette began throwing numerous strikes at him after he had pushed her back. Officers then made contact with Jeannette, who admitted she pushed her son with the intent to hurt him after their argument. Michale had abrasions and bruises on his shoulder, neck, and underneath his eye. Officers deemed Jeanette the primary aggressor, and she was charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Courtney Autman found crying in woods after crashing her Lexus

40-year-old Courtney Autman was involved in a single-vehicle car crash at Rockwood Heights on April 6th. When officers arrived, they observed a white Lexus with severe damage to the front of the car. Officers found Autman hiding in the woods, crying. Officers reported that Autman stumbled multiple times as she approached police, demonstrating numerous signs of intoxication. Autman refused to perform sobriety tests as well as provide blood or breath tests when she was read implied consent. A search warrant was obtained for Autman’s blood, so she was taken into custody and transported to Sango ER, where her blood was taken. Courtney Autman was then taken into booking, where she was charged with driving under the influence and implied consent violation.

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Jonathan Osborne assaults brother-in-law during argument about US Constitution

On April 5th, 24-year-old Jonathan Osborne was involved in a domestic incident with his brother-in-law Christian Boone at Osborne’s Ishee Drive residence. When officers arrived at the scene, they spoke to Boone, who claimed they were drinking that night and had a disagreement about the US Constitution. Boone also stated that during their argument, Osborne had put him in a chokehold in which he was not able to breathe. Boone stated that Katelyn Osborne, his sister, had to get Jonathan Osborne off of him.

Officers then contacted Jonathan Osborne, who claimed he was in a verbal argument with Boone due to him being too loud. Osborne asked Boone to leave the room or settle down. Jonathan also stated that after Boone continued to yell. This prompted Johnathan to get on top of him to quiet him down. However, Johnathan said he never put Boone in a chokehold. Police deemed Jonathan Osborne to be the primary aggressor, so he was taken into custody for domestic assault on April 6th.

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Lauren Bell steals multiple pairs of Jordans from her friend’s house

23-year-old Lauren Bell was caught stealing from her friend, Deontae Williams, on November 26th, 2023, at his Cobblestone Apartment residence. Officers contacted Williams, who explained that he let Bell stay a few nights at his home. Williams then noticed three pairs of Jordans, a bracelet, and a spare key were missing from his home. Williams also informed officers that Bell was the only person at his apartment when the items went missing. Officers took Bell into custody on April 2nd and charged her with theft.

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