O’marieon Moran assaults mother after argument over TV volume

20-year-old O’marieon Moran was involved in an altercation with his mother, Lakita Stripling, at their South Riverside Drive residence on April 5th. Stripling and her daughter asked Maron to turn down the TV because they had work in the morning. This, however, only led to Moran turning the television up louder, which caused an argument between Moran and his mother. During the argument, Moran went outside and smoked a Black & Mild cigar. Stripling did not want Moran smoking at her house, so she told him to put it out.

While arguing with Moran, Stripling approached him and put out the Black & Mild. The two returned inside, where Moran began to use his sister’s cell phone. Stripling made a statement to Moran, so he pointed his middle finger at her. Stripling took Moran’s sister’s phone from him and returned it to her. Moran then became furious and began to push his mother and grab her by the arm. O’marieon Moran was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Carl Keeling booked after hitting officer’s hand while passing traffic stop in Ford E-350

36-year-old Carl Keeling was booked on a citation on April 2nd when officers observed him driving in a white 2015 Ford E-350 on January 2nd. Keeling hit an officer’s hand with one of his side view mirrors while passing by an active traffic stop. Keeling failed to appear in court by February 13th. Keeling was taken into custody for violation of the move-over law.

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DUI: Micah Tomlin rear-ends woman on Highway 76 after driving on suspended license

31-year-old Micah Tomlin was involved in a car crash near Highway 76 on April 1st. Upon arriving at the scene, officers spoke to the crash victim. The victim stated while she was sitting stationary at a red light, Tomlin rear-ended her, causing severe damage to her vehicle. While speaking with Tomlin, officers noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage and several other signs of intoxication. Tomlin consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Through further investigation, officers also found that Tomlin’s license had been suspended on November 12th, 2023. Officers took Tomlin into custody and charged him with driving under the influence, driving on suspended license, implied consent violation, driving with no insurance, and failure to yield on April 2nd.

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DUI: Zachary Jarman crashes car after taking Fentanyl

28-year-old Zachary Jarman was involved in a single-vehicle car wreck on April 1st. Officers made contact with Jarman and observed drugs in his vehicle. After speaking with Jarman, he admitted to drinking and consuming Fentanyl. Jarman consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Zachary Jarman was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, failure to yield, driving with no registration, and driving with no insurance on April 2nd.

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DUI: Keeley Collins wrecks car after drinking multiple cans of Truly

34-year-old Keeley Collins was involved in a car wreck at Lady Marion Drive on April 1st. Officers arrived and made contact with Collins, who stated that she lost control of the vehicle after attempting to make a right-hand turn. Collins believed she was going 20 mph while making the turn. During their conversation, officers noticed multiple instances where Collins demonstrated signs of being intoxicated, and Collins confessed that she had two drinks earlier in the day.

Officers conducted a probable cause search of Collins’s vehicle, which yielded multiple empty and partially full cans of Truly in the front seat, two cups filled with Truly in the center cup holders, and a fully loaded gun in her purse.

Keeley Collins refused to perform sobriety tests, so she was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, implied consent violation, and possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Attorney Joel Ragland embezzles $85,000 from Apex Title & Eric Yow

63-year-old Clarksville attorney Joel Ragland was jailed earlier this month after his business partner, Eric Yow, reported Ragland had been embezzling from the business for the past year. An audit showed over $85,000 worth of missing funds. An investigation was conducted and Ragland was recorded in a conversation in which he admitted to writing multiple checks to his personal bank account. A total of $60,000 was written from the trust of Apex Title to Ragland’s personal checking account. Two more checks were written to Moore Construction from the company’s account to pay back a personal loan owed by Ragland.

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Corey Streeter charged for stalking and harassing ex-girlfriend

38-year-old Corey Streeter was caught stalking his ex-girlfriend, Meghan Winchester, at Anytime Fitness on April 3rd. Winchester stated that after her workout, she noticed a book that belonged to her ex-boyfriend, which also contained a note for her. Streeter walked past Winchester at the Walmart on Madison Street and smiled during a prior situation on March 4th. Winchester had contacted him via email, asking him to stop contacting her. Streeter has been reported multiple times and had an active warrant for harassment at the time of his arrest for refusing to stop contacting Ms. Winchester. Corey Steeter was taken into custody and charged with stalking.

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Jay’Lyen Cole assaults mother and stepfather during argument

18-year-old Jay’Len Cole was involved in an altercation with his mother, Ashley Holt, and his step-father, Mario Holt, at their Grassmire Court residence on April 3rd. During an argument with Ashley, Jay’Len struck her in her chest with his elbow and attempted to strangle her. Jay’Len also punched Mario in his jaw. Jay’Len Cole was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and domestic assault.

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Gabrielle Reynolds harrases woman through text messages

28-year-old Gabrielle Reynolds was caught harassing Kylee Denapoli on March 31st. Denapoli informed Reynolds multiple times to stop contacting her. Despite that, Reynolds continued to text her. Reynolds even went as far as sending Denapoli messages threatening to harm her. Gabrielle Reynolds was taken into custody and charged with harassment on April 3rd.

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Gloria Moorehead lies to police about a gunman

30-year-old Gloria Moorehead was caught giving law enforcement false information at Fieldstone Village on March 21st. A caller, later identified as Moorehead, told dispatch that there was a man inside one of the residences with a shotgun. During the call, she whispered to someone, telling them to be quiet so the man could not hear them. Due to the information that Moorehead gave law enforcement, deputies made entry into the residence with their weapons drawn to take the male into custody. At a later time, it was found that no assault had taken place, nor had any weapons been found. Gloria Moorehead was taken into custody and charged with false reporting.

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Danielle Bryant assaults boyfriend after throwing away his flip-flops

22-year-old Danielle Bryant was involved in a domestic dispute with her ex-boyfriend, Dylan Lefort, at their Fox Creek apartment on April 1st. Law enforcement made contact with Lefort, who stated that he got into a fight with Bryant after she threw his flip-flops in the trash. During the fight, Bryant grabbed Lefort’s phone and went upstairs. Lefort followed behind her, so Bryant threw the phone down the stairs. Bryant and Lefort argued in his bedroom, and Bryant tried to pull him out. Lefort proceeded to push Brant and leave. Danielle Bryant was deemed the primary aggressor, so she was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism on April 2nd.

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Jacquelyn Williams punches boyfriend multiple times during argument

20-year-old Jacquelyn Williams, an employee of Zaxby’s, was involved in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Camren Jackson, at The Residences At 1671 Campbell on April 1st. Law enforcement arrived at the mentioned location and contacted Jackson and Williams. Jackson stated he and Williams were arguing because he left to get groceries and medicine. Jackson stated that Williams threw multiple items at him during the argument, including a cup containing water. Jackson also alleged that Williams pushed him out of the bedroom and punched him numerous times, leaving a cut on his lip. Officers then made contact with Williams, who stated that Jackson got into her face, which made her throw her water at him. Officers deemed Jacquelyn Williams as the primary aggressor. Williams was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Soldier Gabriel Garcia threatens friends with loaded gun during dinner

20-year-old Soldier Gabriel Garcia was seen pulling a gun on his friend, Schow, and his wife, Tiepelman, at his The Flats at Lancaster apartment on April 1st. Schow and Tiepelman were invited to a dinner by Garcia and his wife. During the dinner, Garcia asked Schow to come outside and check out his truck. While outside, Schow brought up an incident that occurred between him and Garcia a few days prior. This caused Garcia to yell at Schow, telling him to “Get the Fuck out of his house.” Seeing how mad Garcia was, Schow returned to the house and gathered his belongings. Garcia followed behind, yelling at the couple to leave his home. Tiepelman went into Garcia’s bedroom to get her shoes and was followed closely by Garcia. While Tiepelman was putting on her shoes, she heard Garcia cock a gun. She ran out of the apartment and yelled to Schow that Garcia had a loaded gun. Garcia proceeded to come out into the hallway where Schow and his wife were while pointing the loaded gun at them. Garcia began yelling, telling them to “Get out of his house or else he’s going to shoot them.” Gabriel Garcia was taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

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18-year-old Shauna Dobbs stabs boyfriend during altercation

18-year-old Shauna Dobbs was involved in a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Jevon Poe, at their Parc at Clarksville apartment on April 1st. Law enforcement was notified that a female had stabbed a black male and was bleeding out. The victim left the scene but was identified by one of his family members as Jevon Poe. The family member also provided officers with Dobbs’ name and told them where she could be found. Poe was later found at Treeland Drive suffering from a stab wound below his armpit. Poe informed law enforcement that Dobbs woke him up and then stabbed him in his bed. Shortly after, officers made contact with Dobbs at the location Poe’s family member provided. She stated that Poe looked like he was reaching for a knife in the midst of an argument, so she grabbed the knife and then swung “back at him.” Shauna Dobbs was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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18-year-old Nevaeh Williamson lies to police about crash involving stolen vehicle

18-year-old Nevaeh Williamson was caught giving law enforcement false information on April 1st. During the investigation of a car theft, Williamson and Leslie Beene-Littles were listed as suspects. While Williamson and Beene-Littles were in possession of the stolen vehicle, they got involved in a car crash. A witness of the collision, Jeffer Burton, informed law enforcement that he assisted Beene-Littles out of the driver’s seat and helped Williamson out of the passenger. However, when officers contacted Williamson, she stated she was the vehicle’s driver. During a follow-up investigation, Williamson and Beene-Littles were detained. Once Mirandized, Williamson admitted that she lied to the officers on the scene and confessed that Beene-Littles was driving during the crash. Nevaeh Williamson was taken into custody and charged with false reporting.

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Kyle Ochoa assaults sister while trying to forcibly remove her from grandma’s house

21-year-old Kyle Ochoa was involved in a domestic dispute with his sister, Karley Ochoa, at their Lark Drive residence on March 31st. Officers came into contact with Karley, who informed them that Kyle had tried to forcibly remove her from their grandmother’s house. Karley does not live at the home but was invited by the homeowner, the sibling’s grandmother. Karley alleged that Kyle hit her in the face and pulled her on her arms, causing abrasions to her right hand, arm, and face. Officers observed the injuries on Karley’s hand, arm, and face. Kyle has a local history of domestic abuse and crimes against society. Kyle Ochoa was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Quintez Brown flees police after shoplifting at Walmart, tells police “What did I do!”

24-year-old Quintez Brown was caught shoplifting from the Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on June 19th, 2023. Officers made contact with Brown, who was stationary inside a grey Honda Accord until he saw them. Officers then attempted to instruct Brown to stop driving multiple times, but he kept driving and yelling, “What did I do!” Officers lost sight of Brown after he turned out of the parking lot. Shortly after losing sight of Brown, law enforcement received a call about the same vehicle running a red light on Fort Campbell Boulevard. The car also swerved into oncoming traffic to get around other vehicles at Providence Boulevard and Peachers Mill. During the investigation of the incident, it was revealed that the car’s registered owner was Ravette Wade. When officers searched “Ravette Wade Davidson County,” they found a court case involving Wade and four different males. Using this, law enforcement confirmed that one of the men was the driver who fled from them. Quintez Brown was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest and reckless driving on March 31st, 2024.

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Kiyana Bryant strangles boyfriend after he denies her “advances” towards him

21-year-old Kiyana Bryant was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Willie Bell, at their Walnut Street residence on March 27th. When officers contacted Bell, he stated that Bryant got upset with him after he denied her “advances” toward him. Bryant mounted Bell and proceeded to strangle him. Bryant also bit Bell before he was able to push her off. Officers spoke with Bryant, who admitted that there was an argument but denied anything physical occurring. Bryant was later asked about the incident again, and this time, she stated that she defended herself after she got on top of Bell and he pushed her away. Kiyana Bryant was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault on March 28th.

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Candice Corbin threatens man with baseball bat after argument, tells police she wanted to kill him

30-year-old Candice Corbin was involved in an altercation with Bobby Majors at Summit Heights on March 31st. Officers contacted Corbin, who stated that an argument between her daughter and Major’s daughter had ensued. Corbin said after the argument, she went to Majors’ house with a bat and threatened him. Corbin swung the baseball bat at Majors but didn’t hit him. Corbin even told officers that she wanted to kill Majors. Candice Corbin was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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Cam’Ron Walker dumps bottle of water on girlfriend’s head during argument

19-year-old Cam’Ron Walker was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Aryaunna Bradley, at their Stillwood Drive residence on March 27th. Officers contacted Bradley, who stated that she and Walker had an argument. During the argument, Walker became increasingly angry and dumped a bottle of water on Bradley’s head while she was holding their child. Walker proceeded to throw Bradley’s items outside, damaging her TV and picture frames. When officers came into contact with Walker, he admitted to pouring water on Bradley and throwing her personal items outside. Cam’Ron Walker was taken into custody and charged with vandalism and domestic assault.

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