DUI: Rebekah Pannell passed out drunk in Ford Focus after drinking at Electric Cowboy

21-year-old Rebekah Pannell, an employee of Buffalo Wild Wings, was found sleeping in a Ford Focus with the vehicle still in drive at the intersection of Needmore and Trenton Road on February 24th. After knocking on the driver’s side window multiple times, Pannell woke up and was instructed to step out of the vehicle. Once Pannell opened the door, officers observed that she had bloodshot eyes and smelt like alcohol. Pannell stated that she could not perform any field sobriety tests because she was having trouble balancing. Pannell added that she was at the troubled Electric Cowboy and had drank two or three rum and cokes. An officer told Pannell that he would like her to try to execute some field sobriety tests to see if she was okay to drive. Pannell agreed to perform the sobriety tests and performed poorly. Officers arrested Pannell and searched her vehicle, which yielded empty Cayman Jack Margarita containers in the center console and a case of Cayman Jack Margaritas in the passenger floorboard. After being informed about implied consent, Pannell agreed to provide a blood sample and was transported to Tennova Medical Care. Rebekah Pannell was taken into custody for driving under the influence and open container on February 24th.

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DUI: Miyah Hall crashes car after drinking one margarita

29-year-old Miyah Hall was involved in a car crash at Cumberland Drive on February 24th. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol and marijuana as they approached her. Hall was found in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Hall told officers that she was not the driver of the vehicle. While EMS checked Hall out, Hall told them she was driving home after meeting her boyfriend. Once the officers conducted a probable cause search of her vehicle, they located marijuana and multiple open containers. Hall could not perform field sobriety tests due to the injuries she sustained during the crash. Once EMS transported her to Tennova, Hall admitted to a doctor that she had a margarita before driving. Miyah Hall was taken into custody and charged with simple possession, open container, and driving while under the influence.

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19-Year-Old Walter Gooch robs former Northeast High School classmate outside his home

19-year-old Walter Gooch was involved in the robbery of a former Northeast high school classmate at Ballygar Street on January 14th. While the juvenile victim was walking home from a friend’s house, he observed a white charger parked outside his house. The juvenile victim then saw four black males knocking on his door. The men noticed the juvenile victim looking at them and began to chase him. They chased the juvenile victim around the back of his home and to the intersection of Ballygar Street and Ellsworth Drive. However, one of the males pushed him to the ground and hit him four times across his head. One of the males grabbed his iPhone 8 Max, then all four men ran away. The victim informed officers that he recognized the male hitting him from school but only knew him as Walter. Gooch was listed as a possible suspect and was included in a photo lineup where he was identified as the assailant. Walter Gooch was taken into custody and charged with robbery.

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Christopher Boykin steals man’s 2007 Mercury while he’s paying for gas

24-year-old Christopher Boykin was involved in the carjacking of a 2007 Mercury on December 13th, 2023. The victim informed law enforcement they were giving Boykin and two others a ride. When the victim stopped to get gas, he went inside to pay the attendant and saw the vehicle swerve off while he was inside. The next day, his car was found abandoned by Metro Nashville Police. The victim, the registered owner of the 2007 Mercury, stated that a red iPhone 12 was missing from the vehicle, as well as various DeWalt tools. On the same day the car was stolen, Boykin sold an iPhone 12 to an EcoATM in Nashville. Christopher Boykin was taken into custody and charged with theft of a motor vehicle and theft of property.

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Bryana McClendon punches woman who tried bribing her boyfriend to hangout

25-year-old Bryana McClendon was involved in an altercation with her boyfriend’s friend, Dixie Lyons, at the Days Inn Motel on January 21st. Lyons provided law enforcement with messages between her and her friend, Jeremiah Stacy, offering him money to hang out with her. Unbeknownst to Lyons, Stacy brought his girlfriend McClendon with him. Once Lyons opened the door, Mclendon punched her in the face, crossing the door threshold to do so. Officers observed bruising on Lyon’s face. Bryana McClendon was taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary.

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Noe Martinez pushes girlfriend down the stairs after argument

41-year-old Noe Martinez was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Irene Torres, at Sugarcane Way on February 12th. During an argument between Martinez and Torres, Martinez became aggressive and pushed her several times. Martinez continued to push her on the way down the stairs and pushed her on her bed in the basement. Once on the bed, Torres was forced to start kicking and scratching Martinez to get him away from her. According to Torres, Martinez began throwing her belongings out of her room and into the hall. Officers arrived to find Torres waiting in the garage without any visible signs of injury. Noe Martinez was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Maria Hernandez won’t leave baby daddy alone

30-year-old Maria Amezquita Hernandez was booked on an outstanding warrant from November 1st 2023. Guillermo Gonzalez, who shares children with Hernandez, advised officers about an incident that occurred on October 18th, stating that she contacted him via social media and text messages, initially about the children, and then started to degrade and belittle him. He explained to officers that he requested Hernandez not call or text him unless it was regarding their kids.

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Anna Colon assaults ex-boyfriend during argument about their breakup

30-year-old Anna Colon was involved in an altercation with her roommate, Christopher Paulino, at the Garnet Villiage Townhouses on February 10th. Officers arrived and made contact with Paulino, who expressed that over the past months, he and Colon have been arguing about separating. They both agreed to live with each other but live in their own space. Paulino stated that on this day, Colon began an argument about them breaking up. She started to yell and hit him along with his belongings. Paulino pulled out his phone and began recording once the situation relaxed. Colon continued yelling and arguing with him when she realized he was recording, which led Colon to shove Pailino and snatch the phone out of his hands. Anna Colon was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Caden Ashby caught with 2.4 grams of magic mushrooms

18-year-old Caden Ashby was stopped in his black Chevrolet Tahoe on February 11th due to a defective brake light. During the traffic stop, Ashby consented to a search of his car, which produced a black .22 revolver along with 2.4 grams of a mixed white and grey powder-like substance. When Ashby was asked about the substance, he said that it was mushrooms. Caden Ashby was taken into custody and charged with light law, unlawful carry, and possession of drugs.

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DUI: Michael Trottman backs into guard rail after having one drink

Officers found 45-year-old Michael Trottman attempting to push the back end of his vehicle off the guard rail at Kennedy Lane on February 17th. The car was still in drive, with the driver’s side back tire moving fast. Trottman explained that he was backing up from the travel lodge entrance when he backed up onto the guard rail, lifting his back tires off the ground. Officers smelled a powerful odor of alcohol coming from Trottman’s body, and Trottman was having a hard time standing up straight without losing balance. Trottman told officers that he had one drink with a friend and consented to sobriety tests. Trottman then performed poorly and stated that he couldn’t do it even if he were sober. Trottman was then taken into custody, and an open bottle of vodka was found on the passenger floorboard.

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Jessica Sullens shatters man’s front door after catching him with another woman

31-year-old Jessica Sullens was seen breaking a man’s door handle after showing up unannounced at his residence at Winding Bluff on February 19th. The male victim stated that after Sullens left a bar, she went to his house without prior notice. Once Sullens was inside, she became upset because she had seen him with another woman. He asked her to leave, but as she exited the door, she broke the door handle off and threw it at the front door, shattering the glass. When officers made contact with Sullens, she stated that she was invited over and gave them evidence of the victim doing so. However, she was still taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

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Starlyn Reed assaults boyfriend during argument

28-year-old Starlyn Faith Reed had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Tim Thompson, at their Winterhaven Court residence on February 17th. On February 19th, Thompson called the police, advising them that he and Reed had argued, during which she approached and started pushing him out of their bedroom. Then, when the officers arrived, Thompson told them he had to grab her elbow and spin her around to get her to stop pushing, adding that he felt “assaulted.” Reed corroborated Thompson’s statement, admitting she got angry and wanted him to leave. She was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Walter Jackson strangles girlfriend with electrical cords

37-year-old Walter Jackson was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Jerrisha Murray, at Cheshire Drive on February 17th. After Murray arrived at Jackson’s house, she walked upstairs to his room, where they talked about going to her son’s ballgame. During their discussion, Murray mentioned that he needed to mow the grass, making him argumentative and angry. The argument escalated to Jackson punching her in her right eye, leaving it swollen shut. Once she fell to the floor, Jackson grabbed a cord from an electronic device and strangled her with it. Murray was able to get loose and run downstairs. As she ran downstairs, Jackson threw her phone at her head and followed her down the stairs, where he proceeded to punch her 5 to 6 times before she left. She drove to Old Russellville Pike, where her friend called for an ambulance.

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Michael Posey causes over $1000 in damages to girlfriend’s car

21-year-old Michael Posey was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend, Zilayzha Gilliam, at the Cumberland Manor Apartments on February 20th. When officers arrived, they observed Posey in a gold Nissan Versa with the front bumper hanging off the frame. Officers told Posey to exit the vehicle. He complied, but once he got out, he took off, and a short foot chase commenced. An officer chased Posey to Gilliam’s apartment, where he was taken into custody. While the officer was there, Gilliam informed him that she and Posey were in an argument. During the argument, Posey told her that he was going to “mess up her car.” The officer observed that Gilliam’s car seemed to have damage that would amount to more than $1000. Multiple witnesses stated they had seen Posey ram his vehicle into another.

Two hours after the arrest, officers caught Posey throwing a chair against the wall inside the interview room. As a result, the chair leg was bent, and several holes were created in the wall.

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Michael Parker assaults girlfriend after drinking lots of tequila

50-year-old Michael Parker was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Marisa Ebersole, at Dalton Smith Court on February 21st. Officers arrived and made contact with Ebersole, who stated that Parker had physically assaulted her after drinking heavily. When Ebersole arrived at the residence, Paker became confrontational with her because she wouldn’t allow him to use her vehicle. The brief confrontation escalated when Parker forcibly ripped her keys from her bracelet. The neighbors, Hope Amanatidis and Cody Bellman, came outside to investigate the commotion that Parker was causing, and he became confrontational with them as well. Parker charged at Hope and verbally threatened her. He did the same thing to Cody, but he struck him in the chin as well. In response, Cody took Parker to the ground and detained him until law enforcement arrived. Michael Parker was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and disorderly conduct.

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Clarksville Teacher Chreece Trammell punches mother in her face after heated argument

46-year-old Moore Magnet Stem Elementary School teacher Chreece Trammell was involved in an altercation with her mother, Linda Lee, at their Foxfield Drive residence on January 11th. Officers arrived at their home and made contact with Lee, who informed them that Trammell punched her in the face after asking her to get a coffee pot from the attic. Trammell told her that she couldn’t have the coffee pot upstairs with her and that it didn’t belong to her. Lee told her that it did and got up to get it herself. This only led to Trammell getting in her face and yelling vulgarities. Their argument became so agitated that Lee’s 13-year-old grandson got between them to calm the situation, but Trammell reached over him and punched her mother in the face. Chreece Trammell was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Jay Scott found driving recklessly at Kroger

33-year-old Jay Scott was seen in a silver Kia sedan driving recklessly in a parking lot at Lowes Drive on February 16th. Scott’s vehicle was found unoccupied near the front entrance of Kroger. Officers observed an open container of alcohol in the cupholder. They attempted to look for Scott but couldn’t locate him until the Kia was seen backing out of the parking space. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Scott. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and then, after being informed of implied consent, refused to provide a blood sample. Jay Scott was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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