Clarksville Rapper “Smurf G Da Boss” swings wife around living room by hair during argument – Adam Hamilton

37-year-old Clarksville Rapper “Smurf G Da Boss” aka Adam Hamilton was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Passionell Sims, at their Walnut Street residence on February 17th. After an argument with his mother over the phone, Hamilton told Sims to leave the residence. When Sims didn’t do this, he stood over her and started yelling profanities in her face. Sims pushed Hamilton to get up and put some distance between them. This led to Hamilton grabbing her by the hair and swinging her around the living room. Sims proceeded to retreat to the bathroom for safety. However, Hamilton followed her and again grabbed her, pushing her into the wall. Sims was able to separate herself from Hamilton and go back into the living room to get her phone. While Sims was getting her phone, Hamilton left the residence on foot. Adam Hamilton was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Anjelica Harmon involved in hit-and-run after drinking at Mike’s Bar and Grill

27-year-old Anjelica Harmon was involved in a hit-and-run at the intersection of McClardy Road and Sharptail Trail on February 22nd. Harmon’s gold Toyota Sienna was found at Bobcat Drive with front-end damage, which matched the description of the damage on the scene. Officers made contact with Harmon and noticed a strong odor of alcohol on her person. Harmon consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Harmon then admitted to drinking alcohol at Mike’s Bar and Grill before driving. Anjelica Harmon was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving without a license.

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DUI: Pearlette Godfrey found asleep in her Nissan Kicks on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard

44-year-old Pearlette Godfrey was found asleep inside a 2020 black Nissan Kicks at the intersection of Wilma Rudolph and Holiday Drive on February 21st. When officers approached Godfrey, she was found sleeping with her foot on the brake and the vehicle in drive. Once officers knocked on the window and woke her up, she struggled to roll the window down and open the door. Godfrey was asked if she was okay, and she admitted to drinking at a party earlier in the evening. Godfrey consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Godfrey was then informed about implied consent and provided a blood sample. Officers conducted a probable cause search of her vehicle and located a loaded Taurus curve in an orange gun case under the driver’s seat. Pearlette Godfrey was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while intoxicated.

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Jawwad Suhail booked after being too drunk to get ride home

37-year-old Jawwad Suhail was found intoxicated at Ambleside Drive, where he was trespassed because of a domestic case that occurred earlier on February 22nd. Officers made contact with Suhail and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached him. Suhail then admitted to drinking alcohol and also to being drunk. Suhail could not find a ride home in a reasonable amount of time and was deemed a danger to himself. Jawwad Suhail was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Carson Ashby breaks windows, assaults brother during altercation

22-year-old Carson Ashby was involved in an altercation with his juvenile brother at their father’s shared residence on Indian Creek Road on February 21st. Deputies arrived at the named location regarding a caller who said they saw Ashby throwing things through the windows and fighting someone. Once deputies made contact with Ashby, he was too upset to talk at the time. However, Ashby’s brother told officers that Ashby had been drinking and was upset, so he started busting windows at the residence. Ashby’s brother tried to calm him down, but that was when he and Ashby got into an altercation. When Deputies attempted to detain Ashby, he resisted by grabbing the patrol car door and tensing up his arms. The broken windows were valued at $500. Carson Ashby was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault, resisting arrest, contempt, and vandalism.

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DUI: Madison Barger drinks before crashing car in someone’s front yard

34-year-old Madison Barger lost control of her car and ended up in the yard of a Greenwood Avenue residence early February 20th. When officers arrived, they noticed an odor of alcohol coming from Barger. EMS personnel checked Barger out for injuries, during which she started swaying back and forth. Officers approached Barger’s vehicle and noticed opened packages of Delta 8 gummies in the passenger seat. Due to probable cause, they informed Barger of implied consent, but she still refused to provide a blood or breath sample. Officers searched Barger after they detained her, and she fell backward onto them. During a search of Barger’s vehicle, officers found Delta 8 gummies, THC gummies, and THC dab vape pen with a ¾ full cartridge attached to it. Barger was transported to Sango ER after officers obtained a warrant for a blood sample. Madison Barger was taken into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and simple possession.

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Marjae Williams jailed after driving repossessed Chevy Malibu off tow truck

28-year-old Marjae Cortezia Williams refused to let Christopher Burnett, a DC Towing and Recovery Truck driver, repossess her 2016 Chevrolet Malibu at her Dunbar Cave Road apartment in the early hours of February 20th. Burnett alerted the authorities, reporting that the American Credit Acceptance gave DC Towing notice to repossess the Mailbu. Burnett then located, connected to, and lifted the car 2 feet into the air. Williams then entered the vehicle and drove it off the tow support, causing damage and hindering him from repossessing it. David and Carolyn Gillard, who work for DC Towing, explained how Williams drove off the tow support and backed into a telephone pole. They explained that this caused the guide wire to break. Then, they watched Williams leave by driving recklessly through the side grassy area of an adjoined, densely populated apartment complex. Williams failed to provide any identification or insurance at the scene. Williams was taken into custody for reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident involving damage, and hindering secured creditors on February 20th.

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Arianna Hamilton caught with 2.6 pounds of marijuana

23-year-old Arianna Hamilton was involved in a bust at Glenkirk Drive on February 15th. Officers executed a search warrant at the mentioned location and made contact with residents Tyson Mckinney, Arianna Hamilton, and Termariontez Goodner. 2.6 pounds of marijuana, THC syrup, a bag of pills marked M/30, two unloaded handguns, one loaded handgun, multiple gallon bags with marijuana residue, digital scales, corner baggies, numerous cellphones, USD, marijuana blunt portions, and other items in the ingestion of marijuana were found. Arianna Hamilton was taken into custody and charged with cocaine possession, marijuana possession, drug paraphernalia, and a firearm during a felony.

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Asonte Steele can’t remember assaulting her husband with margarita can

27-year-old Asonte Steele was involved in a domestic dispute with her ex-boyfriend, Michael Harris, at the Cobalt Drive apartments on February 18th. Officers attempted to contact Steele about what happened, but all she ever said was that she could not remember. However, officers ran into Harris, who told them what had happened. Harris stated that Steele opened the bedroom door with a butter knife, and when she went into the room, threw a pill bottle and a clothing iron at him. He attempted to grab her to stop her from throwing anything else at him, but she ended up falling on the floor. Once Steele got off the floor, she picked up a margarita can and tried to throw it at him. She instead hit herself in the forehead. An officer asked Steele to write a statement, but she refused and demanded to be taken to jail. Asonte Steele was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Tabitha Holesha snatches husband’s keys to keep him from leaving

22-year-old Tabitha Joan Holesha had a domestic altercation with her husband, Noah Holesha, at their Donna Drive residence on the night of February 19th. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Mr. Holesha, who stated that he was packing and putting his belongings in his truck to leave when she kept removing and claiming things as hers. He said she snatched his truck keys to keep him there, resulting in a cut on his finger, and then she kept going after his things, causing some to fall onto the floor. Mr. Holesha said it was at this time that he told her he was calling the police and left to wait at the neighbor’s house. Mrs. Holesha spoke with officers, initially telling them that she only tried to grab the iPad from him and that he threw her on her back. Then, she changed her story, adding that he fell on her after she tried to grab the items, claiming not to remember those details at first. She was deemed as the primary aggressor and then was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Jamya Brewer assaults sister after argument over car heater

20-year-old Jamya Brewer was involved in an altercation with her sister, Daronda Narris, at Cunningham Lane on November 22nd, 2023. Brewer got into an argument with Narris over the heat being on in the vehicle. Harris told Brewer that she was getting tired and swapped seats with her. Once they came to a stoplight, Brewer hit her on the left side of her face. Jamya Brewer was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Andrew Renteria threatens officers and medical staff at Tennova

21-year-old Andrew Renteria was transported to Tennova Main on February 17th after his friends informed law enforcement that he was either going to hurt them or himself. While at the hospital, Renteria was verbally aggressive and threatening to officers and hospital staff. He was then sat in a chair and told not to move, but he continued to stand regardless and even tried to wander around the hospital. When Renteria was told to sit back down, he refused, so an officer grabbed him by his arm to lead him back to the lobby area of the hospital. Renteria retaliated by pulling away from the officer, pushing him, and using his body weight. Hospital security aided in restraining Renteria. Andrew Renteria was taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest.

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Shioniqua Scott jailed after caught with 14.175 grams of marijuana

24-year-old Shioniqua Scott was in a vehicle with Charles Lyons while he was speeding at the intersection of Outlaw Field Road and Jack Miller Boulevard on February 17th. Upon contact with Lyons and his passenger, Shioniqua Scott, officers noted that there was a distinct smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Lyons explained that he smoked in the car earlier in the day, but that only led to a search. The search yielded three bags of marijuana weighing 14.175 grams, digital scales, plastic sandwich bags, air sealant bags with residue, a Glock 9mm, cigarillos, and multiple cell phones. Lyons nor Scott claimed the illegal goods. Both Shioniqua Scott and Charles Lyons were taken into custody and charged with unlawful drug paraphernalia, marijuana possession, and a firearm during a felony.

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Chad Varnadore slams girlfriend’s face into floorboard driving home from Electric Cowboy

24-year-old Chad Varnadore was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Taylor Warren, at Alvin Road on February 17th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location regarding Warren falling down the stairs. Once they arrived, they contacted Warren, who stated that Varnadore “did this to her face while driving home from the bar.” Officers noted that Warren’s injuries were consistent with intentional injury and not falling down the stairs. Varnadore admitted to grabbing her head and slamming it into the floorboard while driving from the troubled Electric Cowboy. Chad Varnadore was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Indea Roberts drinks at the Pinnacle before nearly hitting another vehicle

20-year-old Soldier Indea Roberts was seen in a white Toyota swerving in and out of her lane on February 17th. Officers witnessed Roberts increasing and decreasing speed rapidly to the point of nearly colliding with the vehicle in front of her. A traffic stop was conducted, and an officer made contact with Roberts, who was emitting a very strong scent of alcohol. Roberts also showed clear signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Shortly after, Roberts admitted she just left the Pinnacle and did have drinks. Roberts then consented to perform sobriety tests but executed them poorly. Indea Roberts was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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DUI: Soldier Dawson Woods drives into a ditch after drinking “6 tall boys”

25-year-old US Army soldier Dawson Garrett Woods drove his car into a ditch after hitting a mailbox at a Woodlawn Road residence on February 19th. Officers arrived and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Woods, who admitted to consuming 6 “tall boys” before driving. They conducted a probable cause search of his vehicle and located several opened containers on the passenger side floorboard. Woods consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and then, after being informed about implied consent, agreed to provide a blood sample. He was taken into custody for an open container violation, driving under the influence, and failing to exercise due care.

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Amaya Simmons denies attacking her husband

27-year-old Amaya Shantell Simmons, a realtor for Sweet Home Realty and Property Management had a domestic dispute with her husband, Michael Simmons, at their Governors Run residence in the early hours of February 19th. Mr. Simmons called the authorities, stating he had a ripped shirt and was hit by his wife, but when officers arrived, he refused to provide a statement consistent with being attacked. Due to the lack of cooperation, officers left but were called by Donna Simmons less than 30 minutes later, who advised them that Amaya started hitting Michael as soon as they departed. They spoke with Mr. Simmons, who told them he refused to cooperate because he did not want her to go to jail, but he could not keep covering for her. Amaya told officers that nothing happened as they deemed her the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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William Sullivan tells police he “lost it” after strangling his wife

39-year-old William Sullivan was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Lexus Sullivan, at Clearview Drive on February 16th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and came into contact with William, who stated that he was in an argument with Lexus when he “lost it.” William expressed that he pulled her hair, slung her to the ground, and strangled her. Most of Lexus’s statements corroborated his, but she said that he threw her to the ground and hit her in the face before pulling her hair. William Sullivan was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Timothy Harrison cuts valve stem off cop car tells officer “you cut me off”

30-year-old Timothy Harrison was caught vandalizing the left tire of an officer’s vehicle at Dover Road on February 16th. The officer observed Harrison walk behind his car at a red light and bend down near his rear left tire. When the officer got out and approached Harrison, he found that he was trying to cut his valve stem with diagonal cutters. Harrison was asked what he was doing, and he told him, “You cut me off.” He attempted to return to his vehicle but was stopped and taken into custody.

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