Ryan Rimmer assaults boyfriend during argument over family issues

38-year-old Ryan James Rimmer had a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Jorge Luevano, near North 2nd Street late January 28th. Officers responded to a possible crash involving a blue Toyota Tacoma and spoke with Luevano when they arrived. Luevano advised officers that he and Rimmer had argued about family issues on returning from Springfield. Then, when they were driving on Madison Street, Rimmer struck him in the mouth with an open palm. Rimmer hit him on the head two more times as they went down University Avenue. When the altercation ended on North 2nd Street and Georgia Ave, Luevano stopped his vehicle, and Rimmer exited the truck. Luevano then alerted the authorities, providing them with Rimmer’s description. Officers located Rimmer, who denied the allegations that Luevano made. Rimmer was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Amber Soto pulled over for illegal window tint, caught drunk driving

29-year-old Amber Tiffany Soto was suspected of having illegal tint on her vehicle as she drove on North Riverside Drive near North Second Street in the early morning of January 28th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached the driver’s side. Officers asked her how much she had to drink, and Soto admitted that she had some shots before going to the bar. Soto consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and agreed to provide a blood sample after being informed of implied consent. Soto was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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DUI: Lindsey Crawford crashes on Highway 76, tells police she “might have been going the wrong way.”

37-year-old Lindsey Crawford was seen driving in the opposite lane of Highway 76 on January 10th. When officers made contact with Crawford, they observed that she was unsteady on her feet and slurring her words. Crawford stated that she “might have been going the wrong way.” which witnesses corroborated. Crawford was traveling south in northbound lanes on Highway 76, leading to an inevitable crash. Officers requested Crawford to perform some field sobriety tests, which she consented to. Lindsey Crawford performed poorly on sobriety tests, was taken into custody, and was charged with driving under the influence.

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Darrell Cornett jailed for public intoxication after yelling, kicking doors at Clarksville’s 3rd Base

44-year-old Darrell Gray Cornett had an altercation at Clarksville’s 3rd Base on South Riverside Drive late January 27th. When they arrived, multiple witnesses told officers that Cornett had been causing problems, yelling and kicking doors. Cornett was visibly intoxicated when he spoke to officers, stating he could not remember what had happened. Officers stepped closer to him to hear what he was saying. This caused Cornett to nearly fall, catching himself on the back porch railing. Cornett was taken into custody for public intoxication. Officers deemed him to be a danger to himself and others, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication on January 28th.

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Cortney McKenzie makes multiple false 911 calls, tells police “I guess I’m going to jail.”

35-year-old Cortney Pershae McKenzie called 911, telling them that her ex-boyfriend, John Sanders, “choked” and robbed her at an apartment on Providence Boulevard around 6 p.m. on January 26th. Officers arrived and spoke with Sanders, who told them he had gotten a text from the property owner, Jason Wilson, telling him he needed to be out of the residence that night. He said that McKenzie was staying the night with him, and when he told her she had to leave, she began to yell and call the authorities. When they spoke with McKenzie, she kept saying that Sanders was going to jail and leaving the room. Then, officers asked her for her wallet, which she provided. This prompted officers to ask why she told dispatch that Sanders had stolen her wallet, knowing she had the wallet in her possession; McKenzie replied, “I guess I’m going to jail.”. She continued to make contradictory statements as the responding officer remembered a previous incident at the same residence on December 31st. During that incident, McKenzie made similar claims of domestic assault against Sanders that were unfounded. This demonstrated a routine behavior of contacting the police to get Sanders arrested so she could live there alone. During the December 31st incident, Wilson informed them that she had not been a resident since November 8th and was only there tonight as Sanders’s guest, whom Wilson had housesitting for him. McKenzie was taken into custody for filing false reports.

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Soldier Trevor Zandt assaults girlfriend during multiple altercations

27-year-old US Army Soldier Trevor James Zandt had an altercation with his girlfriend, Mackenzie Underwood, at their Falkland Circle residence on January 19th. Underwood spoke with the authorities on January 26th due to another altercation, advising them of both incidents. Underwood stated that she and Zandt argued for most of the day on January 19th. Later that day, Zandt came up behind her in the kitchen, placed his arm around her neck in a chokehold, and strangled her. She provided a picture from the day after showing a bruise on her neck. Underwood then explained the altercation that occurred earlier that day, advising that Zandt grabbed her legs and attempted to pull her out of her vehicle. Underwood and Zandt both told officers about an unreported domestic history between them. Zandt was taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault on January 26th.

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DUI: Jeremy Harvey drinks vodka before driving car into ditch on Hot Shot Drive

49-year-old Jeremy Todd Harvey drove his white Chevy SUV into a mailbox at a Hot Shot Drive residence on January 26th. The complainant stated Harvey ran his car into a ditch and hit a mailbox before pulling into a driveway a couple of houses down from the incident. Officers arrived and noticed Harvey in the driver’s seat of a white Chevy SUV, backing into his garage, matching the description. Harvey admitted to officers that he had been driving and backed into a ditch. Then, Harvey told them he had drunk Vodka earlier in the day before consenting to sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. Officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated, and he was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Glen Carmen drunkenly throws gun at father during argument

33-year-old Glen William Carmen had an altercation with his father, Charles Carmen, at their Overton Drive residence on January 21st. Charles went to the Cunningham Lane precinct on January 26th, advising them of what happened. Charles reported that he and Glen argued, and then Glen went into his room, grabbed a handgun that was in a holster, and threw it at him. Charles stated the handgun hit the chair he was sitting in and his stomach, placing him in fear. Later, Glen spoke with officers and told them he was very intoxicated during the incident. Glen also advised that he did not remember what happened. Officers deemed Glen as the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Andrew Williams flees scene of accident due to driving without license

20-year-old Andrew Sydney Heustis Williams was the at-fault driver in an accident that occurred near Wilma Rudolph and Westfield Court on January 13th. Williams fled the scene before officers arrived, but they were able to identify him. The NCIC confirmed that he had a suspended license for failure to pay fines or costs, active since August 6th, 2023. Williams was taken into custody for leaving the scene of an accident, failing to exercise due care, and driving on a revoked/suspended license on January 26th.

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Marcus McKinney jailed after crashing into a parked car

39-year-old Marcus McKinney was involved in a car crash at Drayton Drive on January 26th. Law enforcement received a report that a black truck struck a parked car and drove away. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they observed the black truck still driving around the neighborhood with noticeable damage. Officers made contact with McKinney, who showed clear signs of intoxication and admitted to consuming alcohol. When he was asked to perform field sobriety tests, he refused. He also declined to provide a blood and a breath sample, so a warrant was secured. When officers attempted to execute the warrant for the blood sample at Sango ER, medical staff advised that they would not take a sample if McKinney had to be held down due to safety. Officers then explained to McKinney that if he refused to comply, he would be tampering with evidence and would be charged accordingly. Marcus McKinney was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, due care, and implied consent.

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Jacey Forsgren drunkenly throws cup of water at Smoove’s Grill security guard

24-year-old Jacey Forsgren was booked on an outstanding warrant from June 17th, 2023, when she threw a cup of water at a security guard at Smoove’s Grill on Fort Campbell Boulevard. Joseph Smith told police that he was asked to check on a female who had vomited in the bathroom. Mr. Smith found Forsgren in the parking lot. Smith was speaking with Forsgren when she became agitated and threw a cup of water at him. Forsgren admitted to being drunk and throwing the cup of water at Mr. Smith. Jacey Forsgren was taken into custody for assault on January 26th.

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Chriswana Thibodeaux drives drunk into a ditch on Rollow Lane

33-year-old Chriswana Thibodeaux was involved in a vehicle crash at Rollow Lane on January 25th. While traveling on Rollow Lane, Thibodeaux went off the right side of the road, struck a culvert, and then continued into a ditch on the left side. When law enforcement arrived and made contact with Thibodeaux, she showed clear signs of intoxication and admitted to consuming alcohol. Thibodeaux consented to field sobriety testing, but she performed poorly. Chriswana Thibodeaux was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Fort Campbell Soldier, Isileli Rivas, argues with his friend at a bar

22-year-old Isileli Falemahafu Rivas argued with his friend Paul Allen at a bar on Tiny Town Road near Bobcat Lane in the early hours of January 26th. Rivas was agitated and unwilling to answer questions from officers when they arrived. They observed him to be visibly inebriated as he admitted to having three drinks before getting argumentative with Allen. Rivas was deemed a public nuisance and taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Christopher Garrett uses company credit card for personal gain

40-year-old Christopher Garrett was caught fraudulently using Elite Motors’ company credit card on February 13th, 2023. His employer contacted law enforcement on February 27th, 2023, to alert them that there were unsolicited purchases on the company credit card. Through an investigation, law enforcement found numerous purchases at the address listed under Garrett’s driver’s license. Purchases such as a $96.84 purchase to Publix, a payment of $383.74 to CDE Lightband, a purchase of $14.18 from Walmart, and another payment of $182.64 to Publix amounting to a total of $676.90. Christopher Garrett was taken into custody and charged with embezzlement.

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Justin Garner forges a check for $1975

22-year-old Justin Deron Garner-Hernandez was taken into custody for two counts of embezzlement and out-of-county warrants on January 26th. On January 25th, Katie Martin, an employee of First Horizon Bank, spoke with officers, advising them that Garner-Hernandez accessed a check belonging to a customer, Jason Feltner, and forged the check for $1975 without his consent on November 1st. Before being terminated from First Horizon Bank, he sent a handwritten letter admitting that he withdrew funds from Feltner’s account twice and knew his actions were wrong.

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Alexus Hall punches, throws trashcan at husband during altercation

22-year-old Alexus Hall was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Landon Perry, at the Patriot Park Court apartments on January 17th. Officers received a complaint about a domestic complaint happening at the mentioned location. Once officers arrived, they delayed contacting the residents and listened to their discussion. What officers heard was Hall yelling, “You a fucking bitch.” When contact was made, Hall stated that she and Perry had a physical altercation. Upon contact with Perry, he noted that Hall pushed him while trying to get his son, punched him in the stomach, threw a trash can at him, continuously cussed him out, and pushed him by the throat. Alexus Hall was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Elenor Barretta found passed out in car after drinking 5 beers

26-year-old Elenor Barretta was seen passed out in a Black Kia Sedan at Tracy Lane on January 15th. Once officers were able to wake her, she opened the door and introduced herself. As she introduced herself, officers recognized the scent of alcohol that was on her breath. Officers then observed five empty beer cans in the passenger seat. Barretta was then asked if she had drunk anything that could impair her driving, and she said no. Officers requested Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Barretta consented and performed poorly on them. When officers searched Barretta’s car, they found a green leaf substance that tested positive for THC. Elenor Barretta was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and simple possession.

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Lateisha Malesko booked after sending woman sexual messages on social media

30-year-old Lateisha Malesko was booked on January 18th after sending sexually explicit messages to Kannah Adams through social media. Ms. Malesko and Ms. Adams share custody of a child. Ms. Adams told Ms. Malesko not to contact her unless it was in reference to the child. On January 1st, Adams reported that Malesko was still contacting her. Malesko was later booked for harassment on January 18th.

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Vincent Hope assaults girlfriend after she admits to cheating on him

23-year-old Vincent Hope was booked on January 18th for assaulting his girlfriend after she told him that she had cheated. Lori Stewart told officers that she and Vincent began arguing after he brought her home from being out drinking. When Lori told Vincent that she cheated on him, he grabbed her by her neck as they stood in the kitchen. He was still distraught when he let go of her and restrained himself from assaulting her further. There is no prior domestic history between the two. Vincent Hope was taken into custody for domestic assault on January 18th.

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Natasha Johnson punches ex-husband, attempts to crash car during argument

38-year-old Natasha Johnson was jailed on January 18th for assaulting her ex-husband. Clifford Johnson told police he was picking up his daughter from a dental appointment. While driving, he and Natasha began to argue in the car. Natasha then threw a cup at Clifford, which hit him in the shoulder. She then threw a second cup at him, but she missed, and the metal cup cracked the windshield. Clifford told police that Natasha then punched him in the face multiple times. Then, Clifford ended up running off the road and nearly into the grass on 101st due to Natasha grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it downward. Clifford stated that Natasha then grabbed his glasses and broke them in her hands.

According to Natasha, she punched Clifford three or four times in the face, but she never hit him with the cup because she missed, and it hit the windshield. Natasha also admitted to grabbing the steering wheel and advised that she intended to damage his car. Due to their child being in the backseat during the time of this reckless behavior, it was determined that the child was placed in danger.

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