Marianna Key charged after pointing a gun at her boyfriend and her own head

24-year-old Marianna Key was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Joseph Copeland, at West Rossview Road on January 6th. The conflict began when Joseph heard the wrench in his motorcycle jacket hit the ground in a separate room. He walked into the bedroom to see Marianna holding his gun to her head. Joseph proceeded to jump on top of Marianna and wrestle the gun away from her, which prompted her to point the gun at him. Joseph was able to get the gun in his possession, but he left the house immediately after. The altercation left minor lacerations to Joseph’s lips.

When officers spoke to Marianna, she stated that she was in the bedroom with the door closed, and Joseph opened the door with a gun in his hand and pointed it at his head. She stated that he then sat the gun down on the bed, jumped on top of her, and grabbed her throat, causing redness in her neck and chest area. Marianna, however, told officers that she never hit Joseph. Due to the inconsistencies in Marianna’s statements and the injuries present on both, officers concluded that Marianna was the primary aggressor. Marianna Key was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Rachel Mummert jailed after calling ex over nearly 200 times

28-year-old Rachel Mummert was charged with stalking her ex-boyfriend, Eurtice Allen, on January 2nd. Law Enforcement made contact with Allen, who stated that he had been receiving a copious amount of threatening calls and texts from Mummert. Allen proceeded to provide them with his cell phone call logs, which showed 149 missed phone calls from her on December 31st and 36 missed phone calls on January 1st. While on the scene, officers were able to observe Mummert attempting to call Allen from an unknown number.

During the call, Mummert told him to “come outside right now, you know why,” and then hung up. Allen then informed the officers that earlier in the night, she had called from an unknown number and made threats to come to his house and shoot him. Allen previously blocked Mummert’s phone number and informed her that he did not want to continue contact with her, but due to the continued harassment, Allen had been placed in fear of further acts of aggression from her. Rachel Mummert was taken into custody and charged with stalking.

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Tamonica Gaines charged after assaulting multiple police officers

48-year-old Tamonica Gaines was jailed after officers responded to reports of a violent and disorderly patient at Tennova Healthcare on Dunlop Lane onJanuary 3rd. Officers arrived and spoke with nursing staff, who advised that Gaines was assaulting staff members. The nursing staff advised that Gaines was being discharged upon the officers’ arrival. Officers heard Gaines screaming from the entrance of the emergency room, disturbing other patients. Officers attempted to remove Gaines from the property. Gaines then hit an officer in the face with her arm during the scuffle. Gaines was then taken into custody.

Later that day, while in Montgomery County Jail, officers attempted to move Gaines to a different cell. When doing so, Gaines became combative and kicked an officer in the leg. Gaines knocked another officer into a wall, causing her to hit her head. Gaines then bit an officer on the forearm, as well as leaving multiple scratches on multiple officers’ arms. On January 4th, officers attempted to place Gaines on suicide watch. Gaines then became aggressive again, punching multiple officers as well as leaving numerous scratches on their arms. Gaines was charged with disorderly conduct and seven counts of assault against a first responder.

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Samantha Hardy acts strange outside Sudden Service gas station after ingesting Fentanyl

28-year-old Samantha Hardy was jailed after reports of a white woman acting strange outside the Sudden Service gas station on Wilma Boulevard on January 2nd. The complainant advised that the white woman appeared to possibly be on drugs. Officers made contact with the woman, who was identified as Samantha Hardy. Hardy was observed with “tweak” like movements and slurred speech. Hardy then admitted to recently ingesting Fentanyl and consuming an alcoholic beverage. Officers gave Hardy multiple attempts to obtain a ride to a safe location, but she failed to do so. Samantha Hardy was taken into custody for public intoxication. Hardy’s children are in the care of their father.

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Taunya Johnson enters woman’s home, assaults her during parking spot dispute

47-year-old Taunya Johnson was jailed after assaulting her neighbor, Brynlee Dodson, in her Parkway Place home on December 31st. Officers responded to the address three times in a single hour regarding threats made over a parking space. When officers arrived for the third time, they made contact with Brynlee, who stated that after officers left, Johnson knocked on her door. Brynlee stated when she opened the door, Johnson reached into her apartment and grabbed her by the hair. Johnson then attempted to punch Brynlee but was not able to hit her due to Matrix Dodson, Brynlee’s husband, pulling Johnson away from his wife. Officers noted that Brynlee’s hair looked disheveled as she spoke to them. Taunya Johnson was taken into custody and charged with aggravated burglary on January 1st. 

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Branden Hudson chases girlfriend around vehicle during altercation

39-year-old Branden Hudson was jailed after officers responded to a domestic assault call at Dunlop Lane on January 1st. When officers arrived, they observed Hudson chasing Amanda Reynolds, his girlfriend, around her vehicle. Officers approached the situation and asked Hudson to take his hands out of his pockets and present his ID. Hudson refused to comply, so he was detained for the investigation. As officers attempted to put Hudson in handcuffs, he refused to put his hands behind his back, stating, “Do you know what I have in my hands?”.

Officers then spoke to Reynolds regarding the alleged domestic assault. Reynolds stated that while driving down Dunlop Lane, Hudson began throwing items out of the car window and at Reynolds. Reynolds then parked the car and got out of the vehicle. In response, Hudson exited the car and began chasing Reynolds around the vehicle. Reynolds then stated that Hudson shoved her multiple times. Branden Hudson was charged with domestic assault and resisting arrest.

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DUI: Shane Williams drinks before driving down Oak Plain Road

31-year-old Shane Williams was jailed after reports of a suspicious vehicle parked off the roadway on Oak Plain Road on January 1st. Officers arrived and observed Williams in the driver’s seat with the car running. When speaking to Williams, officers observed Williams to have bloodshot eyes and an odor of alcohol. Williams admitted to drinking before driving down the road and pulling over. Williams then consented to sobriety tests, which he did poorly on. Williams consented to a blood draw and was taken into custody without incident. Williams also has a prior conviction for DUI in Mississippi from April 2023.

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DUI: Maratez Tramil drinks before swerving between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard

42-year-old Maratez Tramil, an employee of Jostens, was jailed after swerving between lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard on January 1st. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop on his vehicle. Officers made contact with Tramil and immediately noticed he had bloodshot eyes and an odor of alcohol on his person. An open bottle of alcohol was also in the center console. When asked if he had consumed any alcohol before driving, he admitted he had. Tramil consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. During a search of Tramil’s person, officers found a flask containing alcohol in his pocket. Tramil was taken into custody and consented to a breath sample for chemical testing. Tramil was charged with driving under the influence and open container.

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Dearco Smith jailed after refusing to comply with police

32-year-old Dearco Smith was jailed after refusing to comply with officers on December 31st. Officers made contact with Smith, who was in his personal vehicle dropping off a shooting victim from a prior incident at Tennova Medical Center. Officers informed Smith that his vehicle was now considered a crime scene and that he could not move or retrieve anything from it. Smith was emotional and refused to comply with any commands given by officers. Smith then proceeded to get inside the vehicle and retrieve his cell phone despite being told not to several times. Smith was informed he would be detained for this action. Despite this, he continued refusing to cooperate. He began to actively resist arrest by pulling his arms away from officers as well as making threats of violence towards them. The shooting victim would be deceased moments later. Dearco Smith was taken into custody and charged with tampering with evidence and resisting arrest.

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DUI: Kiara Bell drinks 3 shots before driving on revoked license

30-year-old Kiara Bell was jailed after reports of a vehicle sitting at the stop sign on Reynolds Street on December 29th. Officers made contact with the car and observed Kiara Bell passed out in the driver’s seat. Bell had a strong odor of alcohol emitting from her person as officers questioned her. Bell admitted to drinking three shots earlier that evening before driving. Officers noted that Bell also had watery eyes and was unsteady on her feet. Bell consented to sobriety tests, which she performed poorly on. Officers found an open and empty container of “Clubtails Margarita” and a “Hennessey” bottle cap In a probable cause search of her vehicle. Bell was read implied consent and refused to provide a blood or breath sample. Officers quickly obtained a search warrant for a blood sample. Officers discovered via a search through NCIC that Bell also had her license revoked in May 2023 and a previous DUI charge from April 2022. Kiara Bell was taken into custody and charged with DUI, driving on a revoked license, and implied consent.

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Jacquilyne Allen charged after police find marijuana in home

22-year-old Jacquilyne Allen was jailed after police found marijuana in her Evans Road home. Police responded to the Evans Road residence for a domestic violence call. Upon arrival, officers made contact with Jacquilyne Allen and Gacoby Nightingale. Both alleged that a physical assault occurred. However, officers could not determine a primary aggressor due to the pair’s conflicting stories. Nightingale alleged that Allen had punched and kicked him. Allen, however, alleged that Nightingale had thrown her down the back door stairs. Allen had bruises on her legs, and Nightingale had no injuries. While on the scene, officers noticed a bag of marijuana sitting on a table near the couch. Other officers noticed a glass bowl and a rolling tray in the living room. Allen was heard asking Nightingale if he would take responsibility for “the weed.” Neither Allen nor Nightingale claimed the drugs or paraphernalia. Because of this and the conflicting stories, officers placed both Allen and Nightingale in custody. The pair also has a prior history of domestic assault. Jacquilyne Allen was charged with contempt, aggravated assault, simple possession, and drug paraphernalia.

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19-year-old Yael Arcelay jailed after stealing car, tells parents he bought it

19-year-old Yael Arcelay was jailed after stealing a vehicle on December 28th. The victim reported that her vehicle was stolen from her Needmore Road residence. One hour after her initial report, Arcelay’s father called the police to report that his son had returned home with a vehicle he believed to be stolen. Officers then interviewed Arcelay’s mother, who stated that Yael claimed to have purchased the stolen vehicle. Officers ran the vehicle’s VIN through NCIC, showing it to be registered to the victim. Officers located Yael Arcelay at his residence and took him into custody. The car is estimated to be worth approximately $15,000. Yael Arcelay has been charged with theft of a motor vehicle.

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Michael Bertinotti points rifle at ex-girlfriend’s head during argument

30-year-old Michael Bertinotti was jailed after an argument with his ex-girlfriend, Heather Franklin, became physical at their Ermine Drive residence on December 28th. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke to Bertinotti. Bertinotti advised that he and Heather Franklin had a verbal argument in the basement of the residence. Bertinotti insisted that nothing physical had occurred and that he had left after the argument had ended. Officers then contacted Heather Franklin, who advised that she and Bertinotti had verbally argued. Franklin added that she decided to break up with Bertinotti during the argument. Franklin stated that she grabbed her handgun from the bedroom and proceeded to leave the residence. As Franklin was leaving, Bertinotti retrieved his rifle and told her that he had a “bigger weapon.” Bertinotti proceeded to point the rifle at her and put it against her head. Franklin did not sustain any injuries from the incident. Michael Bertinotti was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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DUI: Lauren Arany drinks beer filled thermos while speeding

33-year-old Lauren Arany was booked on December 28th after officers observed her speeding on Richardson Street. Arany was going 32MPH in a 20MPH zone, prompting officers to conduct a traffic stop. When speaking with Arany, officers noticed she had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on her person. Arany consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Arany refused to provide a blood sample after being read implied consent. During a probable cause search of her vehicle, officers found a metal thermos bottle that reeked of alcohol and contained a yellow liquid presumed to be beer. Lauren Arany was taken into custody and charged with DUI, open container violation, speeding, and implied consent.

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Terry Roberson assaults wife after accusing her of wearing lingerie for someone else

33-year-old Terry Roberson was jailed after having a physical altercation with his estranged wife, Erica Roberson, on December 24th. Officers met Erica in the parking lot of Walmart on Wilma Rudolph. Erica noted that she and Terry are currently going through a divorce. Erica advised the Officers that she had come home from grocery shopping when Terry proceeded to go through her belongings. Terry then accused her of buying things, including lingerie, to wear for someone else. Erica stated that Terry began to get aggressive and throw stuff out of her suitcase, making a mess. Terry then took Erica’s phone after she threatened to call the police, causing Erica to fear for her life. Erica tried asking Terry to return her phone. In response, Terry grabbed Erica by her neck and broke the bathroom door by throwing her against it. Terry then left the scene, and Erica contacted the police. Terry Roberson was taken into custody on December 28th and charged with aggravated assault.

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DUI: Natysha Williams speeds down Riverside Drive after drinking

30-year-old Natysha Williams, an employee of Lowes, was seen speeding in a White Nissan at Riverside Drive heading towards Highway 48 on December 30th, 2023. Officers observed Williams doing 57 mph in a 40 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop. Upon contact with law enforcement, Williams opened the door and poured out a red solo cup, which was later found to have contained alcohol. Furthermore, the officers observed that Williams had bloodshot eyes and reeked of alcohol. Natysha slurred her words as she admitted to drinking before driving. Officers then conducted some field sobriety tests, which Williams performed poorly on. Natysha Williams was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, implied consent, and speeding.

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Ja’Tavious Starnes shoves baby-mama off porch during argument

23-year-old Ja’Tavious Starnes was jailed after assaulting the mother of his child, Diamond Tankard, at her Alexander Road residence on December 29th. Officers observed surveillance video of the incident occurring. The footage shows Starnes and Tankard arriving at Tankard’s home and walking to the front door. Within minutes of arriving at the front door, Starnes and Tankard can be heard arguing. Officers then observed Starnes forcefully grabbing Tankard’s phone and shoving her off the porch into the nearby bushes. A check through NCIC showed that Starnes has active conditions of release in Montgomery County, with Tankard being the protected party. Ja’Tavious Starnes was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault, contempt, out-of-county warrants, and fugitive hold.

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19-Year-Old Nathaniel Austin charged after assaulting his stepfather during argument

19-year-old Nathaniel Austin was jailed after fighting his stepfather at their Reed Road home on January 1st. Officers arrived and made contact with Nathaniel Austin and his stepfather, Ronald Parnell. Officers split the pair up for questioning. Austin advised that he was at his parents’ house when he and Parnell got into an argument. Austin stated he made a comment regarding his half-brother, Parnell’s son. In response, Parnell attempted to grab him. When Parnell did this, Austin immediately began swinging his closed fists at Parnell. Parnell and Austin corroborated each other’s stories and officers deemed Austin the primary aggressor. Nathaniel Austin was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Darricus Wilson speeds down I-24 in Ford F-150

29-year-old Darricus Wilson was seen speeding in a Black Ford F-150 at Interstate 24 on December 31st. Officers observed the F-150 approaching them at 89 mph in a 70mph zone. They then conducted a traffic stop and identified Wilson as the driver. The officers were immediately greeted with the odor of alcohol emitting from Wilson’s breath. During the conversation, Wilson was also unable to provide proof of insurance. Wilson was then asked to perform some Standard Field Sobriety Tests, which he consented to. Before they started, Wilson admitted that he had consumed a muscle-relaxing pill about 4-6 hours prior. The sobriety tests revealed multiple indicators of impairment. A search of Wilson’s vehicle revealed a loaded handgun in the center console of his car. Officers read Implied Consent to him and requested him to provide a blood sample, but he refused. Officers acquired a search warrant for a blood sample and upon arrival at Sango ER, Wilson verbally refused to provide a blood sample. Wilson was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence, possession of a handgun while under the influence, speeding, no insurance, implied consent, and tampering with evidence.

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William Allen calls wife multiple times every day for months, tells her “I am going to “f*cking kill you b*tch!”

37-year-old William Allen was booked on an outstanding warrant from June 29th for stalking his estranged wife. Devona Allen told police that her estranged husband had called her several times on the phone. In one of the conversations, William told her, “I am going to f*cking kill you b*tch! I will take the kids, and you will never see them again!” When officers asked her if she felt her husband would harm her, she stated that she believed he would. While officers were on scene, William called at least 5-6 times within 30-40 minutes. Devona noted that since June 2nd, 2023, William had called every day without fail. Devona added that William also had a tracking device on her vehicle and tracked her to Nashville. William Allen was taken into custody and charged with stalking on December 28th.

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