DUI: Jonathan Cepeda swerves into oncoming traffic on Christmas Day

35-year-old Jonathan Cepeda, an employee of Publix, was booked early Christmas morning after officers observed a blue sedan swerve into oncoming traffic down Dover Road. Officers initiated a traffic stop and observed that Jonathan reeked of alcohol. He admitted to drinking alcohol and performed poorly on sobriety tests. He was taken into custody and blew a .162% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Joyce Faulkenburg assaults husband after he hides in blanket for protection

24-year-old Joyce Faulkenberg was jailed on December 26th after assaulting her husband, Jonathan Faulkenberg, at their home on Princeton Circle. When police arrived, Joyce and her husband Jonathan advised that an argument over property and finances turned physical. Jonathan explained that he wrapped himself up in a blanket for protection, but Joyce grabbed Jonathan by his shirt to rip him out of the blanket. Jonathan’s shirt was torn, and he had redness to his upper body due to his shirt being pulled against him. Joyce Faulkenberg was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

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DUI: Jamye Thomas denies drinking alcohol before swerving into multiple lanes on Fort Campbell Blvd

30-year-old Jamye Thomas was jailed on December 26th after officers observed a gray Nissan Rogue swerving off the shoulder into multiple lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard. Police initiated a traffic stop on Collier Road, where the driver ran over a curb. Officers could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle as they spoke to Ms. Thomas. Ms. Thomas appeared confused and had difficulties locating paperwork. She stated that she had smoked a substance but refused to reveal what that substance was and denied drinking any alcohol. Later, Thomas admitted to only smoking her vape and consented to field sobriety tests. She performed poorly multiple times and was taken into custody. When officers ran her name, they discovered a revoked handgun carry permit. When asked about the handgun, she admitted to having a handgun in the vehicle. However, Ms. Thomas advised the magazine was removed and in a separate location. A check through NCIC confirmed the handgun was not stolen. Jamye Thomas was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and possession of a firearm under the influence.

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Sonja McKinley breaks husband’s nose during altercation, husband tells her “You’re going to jail tonight!”

49-year-old Sonja McKinley was jailed on December 26th after police responded to a 911 call from Jeffrey McKinley, reporting that his wife had punched him in the face. The call taker reported Jeffrey stating, “You broke my nose!” and “You’re gonna learn tonight; you’re going to jail tonight!” Police observed injuries to Jeffrey’s nose and chin. He also spit multiple times in front of officers, revealing injury to his mouth. According to Jeffrey, he and his wife had been drinking and got into an argument. He advised that he and his wife have been married for thirty years and did not want her to get in trouble. Sonja told the police that she accidentally called the police because her phone was broken. McKinley was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Ebony Cue jailed after having “a few beers and a few shots” before driving on expired tags

45-year-old New Providence Middle School Teacher’s Assistant Ebony Cue was jailed on December 26th. Police observed a black Kia sedan driving down Dover Road with a dysfunctional tag light. The officer followed the vehicle and made a traffic stop on Ashley Oaks Drive, where officers discovered that the vehicle’s tags had expired on July 31st, 2023. The driver, Ebony Cue, was observed smelling strongly of alcohol and having a difficult time holding her bloodshot eyes open while speaking to the officers. She admitted to drinking “a few beers and a few shots” and taking several different medications, one being Lexapro. Ebony was asked to perform field sobriety tests, on which she performed poorly and was taken into custody. Once at booking, Ebony blew a .033% on a breathalyzer. Officers later discovered that Ebony had a prior DUI in 2017.

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Maeshia Nelson assaults boyfriend during argument on Christmas Day

29-year-old Maeshia Nelson was involved in an altercation with her boyfriend, Raymond Morales, at Pinkston Court on December 25th. The dispute began with an argument between the couple that escalated when Nelson became aggressive and attacked him. Morales grabbed her wrists to stop her from hitting him. Upon contact with Nelson, officers observed that she was visibly intoxicated. Officers asked her how much Nelson had been drinking, and she stated that she didn’t drink anything. Which she later backtracked. Nelson claimed that Morales attacked her and attempted to strangle her. She also claimed that he punched her multiple times. Nelson did not exhibit any visible signs of injuries, while Morales had a fresh scratch on his right eyelid. Nelson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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19-year-old Matthew Pitts found drunk at Walmart Gas Station

19-year-old Matthew Pitts was found drunk at Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on December 15th. An officer observed that someone parked their car at one of the gas pumps for an unwarranted amount of time. Pitts exited the vehicle when he noticed that the officer parked their car behind him. The officer observed that Pitts was inebriated while he was walking. The officer also observed a half-gallon bottle half-empty in the passenger seat while the keys were still in the ignition. Pitts performed some field sobriety tests, which he executed poorly. Pitts was taken into custody and charged with underage driving while impaired.

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Kiwian Jones caught with 5 grams of marijuana

20-year-old Kiwain Jones was caught with drugs at Mutual Drive on December 18th. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Jones because they observed that his passenger-side brake light was out. Upon contact with Jones, an officer noticed the smell of weed from the vehicle. During a probable cause search, nine packages were found, all weighing around five grams. Jones admitted that the substance was “weed” and knew the measurements of all the bags. Jones was taken into custody and charged with possession with intent.

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DUI: Dustin Mckie-Miller found drunk in a ditch, tells police “My girlfriend was driving!”

28-year-old Dustin Mckie-Miller was found drunk in a ditch on Buttercup Drive in his Chevy Malibu on December 21st. Dustin’s girlfriend, Carly Schroeder, contacted the police and told them that her boyfriend had been drinking all day and was now driving. Dustin was found in the passenger seat of his vehicle with the keys in the cup holder. When officers spoke with him, the odor of alcohol was emitting from his breath. Dustin was asked if he was driving and stated, “My girlfriend was driving!” But that contradicted the video evidence Carly gave law enforcement, which showed Dustin leaving the driveway in his vehicle. Officers asked Dustin if he wanted to perform some field sobriety tests, but he declined and asked for his lawyer. Dustin Mckie-Miller was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Robert Smith caught with contraband after driving stolen Chevy Silverado

26-year-old Robert Benjamin Smith drove past officers in a stolen silver Chevy Silverado on Dotsonville Road on December 14th.  Officers conducted a traffic stop at the Foxland Drive and Barney Lane intersection. They learned that Smith did not have insurance on the truck and the tag belonging to it had expired in January 2022. A canine unit was then alerted to the driver’s side door during the investigation, leading to a search of the vehicle. During the search, officers located a stolen handgun, multiple syringes, a glass pipe, numerous small Ziploc baggies, a small bag containing .67 grams of methamphetamine, a set of knuckles, and a prescription bottle with multiple unknown pills broken into sections. When Smith was in custody, he helped them locate a small cellophane baggie with Xanax. He was taken into custody for the theft of a handgun, unlawful drug paraphernalia, possession of prohibited weapons, failure to comply with financial responsibility, unlawful removal of registration, a methamphetamine violation, and simple possession.

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Jordan Webster headbutts girlfriend during argument

20-year-old Jordan Kwane Webster had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Jordan Edwards, while driving down Fort Campbell on December 14th. Edwards advised officers that their argument over finances became physical when he headbutted the back of her head. She stated that she began to cry and pulled into the 7/11 gas station, requesting someone call the authorities. They did not observe any injuries on her but deemed Webster as the primary aggressor and placed him into custody for domestic assault. She then tried to recant her story when he was detained, becoming upset with officers for not letting him out of custody.

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Ja’kay Matheny Jr. assaults girlfriend putting child in car, tells police he will “kill her when he gets out of jail”

19-year-old Ja’Kay Lamarr Matheny Jr., an employee at Slim Chickens, had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Isabella Bevil, at Candlewood Suites on December 14th. Bevil advised officers that Matheny Jr. kicked her on her thigh while she was trying to put their child in their car seat, causing her to fall. Then, she stated that he grabbed the back of her neck when she stood back up, leaving a red mark. Matheny Jr. stated he was going to kill Bevil when he got out of jail as he was in the back of the patrol car. He was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: David Hubbard drinks 3 Voodoo Ranger IPAs before driving

61-year-old David Montoe Hubbard was driving on Rossview Road in his white Ford Explorer on the morning of December 14th. Hubbard’s vehicle was described as a suspect vehicle for a domestic incident. Deputy Byrd noticed this, conducted a traffic stop, and approached Hubbard on the driver’s side. He was visibly intoxicated as he admitted to drinking three Voodoo Ranger IPAs a few hours prior. Hubbard consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Tabitha Melvin slaps boyfriend in face during argument

27-year-old Tabitha Richa Melvin had an altercation with her boyfriend, Darrius Morrison, at the apartments on Ringgold Court in the early hours of December 14th. Officers arrived and were advised the couple was arguing when Melvin began to push Morrison repeatedly before slapping him in the face, leaving a small abrasion. Tabitha Melvin was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Joseph Williams drunkenly calls 911 to “talk to someone”

42-year-old Joseph Venson Williams was drinking excessively at his residence on Madison Street and called into the Montgomery County E911 line to “talk to someone” late at night on December 13th. Officers arrived at his residence for a welfare check and spoke with him. Williams was highly intoxicated as officers advised him that he could legally drink in his house and told him to stay inside while they tried to contact his family. He went outside to the parking lot, had to be escorted inside, and told to stay inside. Williams then went outside again, fell on the ground, and refused to go back inside even when notified that he would go to jail if he did not comply. He began to pull his arms away as they tried to detain him, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest shortly after.

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Nylisha Mcfarley assaults brother during argument over controller batteries

19-year-old Nylisha Labree McFarley had a scuffle with her brother, Nicholas Melendez, at their family’s apartment on Martha Lane late December 13th. Officers arrived, and Mcfarley advised them that she and Melendez had argued. Mcfarley stated that she went to Melendez’s room to ask for batteries for her controller. She stated he threw the batteries at her feet, so she threw her controller and batteries at him. They continued yelling at each other in the bedroom, so he started recording the incident on his cell phone. In response, she went towards him and took his phone away, so he grabbed her and put her on the ground.

Officers then spoke with Melendez, who stated he threw the batteries near her feet, not at them. Melendez also stated that when she took his phone, she began punching him repeatedly.  A witness confirmed his statements, and McFarley was deemed the primary aggressor. Nylisha Mcfarley was taken into custody for domestic assault on December 13th.

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Brandon Nixon steals basketball hoop from Walmart

29-year-old Brandon Allen Nixon stole a basketball hoop from Walmart on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard on November 19th. On November 20th, Morgan Robinson, the Walmart AP officer, advised officers that she witnessed Nixon enter the store with no items and load up the basketball hoop before being stopped at the door by an employee asking for his receipt. Nixon stated he came in with the item to return it and that he left his receipt in the car. He told them he was going to retrieve the receipt but never returned. Robinson told them that the other Walmart stores helped her identify Nixon and notified her of Nixon being banned from all Walmart locations. She provided video footage confirming her statements, and a warrant was secured for his arrest. Nixon was taken into custody and charged with burglary on December 13th.

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Jailah Burleson embezzles over $4,000 from Dollar General

21-year-old Jailah Ann Burleson, a former Dollar General employee, was caught on video stealing money from Dollar General on Ash Ridge Drive when closing the store on November 25th. The district manager of Dollar General, John Makowski, spoke with officers on December 14th and advised them of the incident. Makowski also provided video footage of the incident to officers. With the safe door open and blocking the camera’s view, Burleson drops the deposit bag on the floor, puts the bag in her shirt sleeve, and then locks the safe door. When Makowski confronted her about the incident, Burleson wrote a statement admitting to taking the deposit, other cash from prior incidents, and food products totaling $4,791.55. Under Miranda, she confirmed writing the statement and being the individual on the footage stealing the deposit bag. She was taken into custody for embezzlement.

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DUI: David Beranek Jr. drinks 2.5 beers before going 90+ in a 65 mph zone

26-year-old David Laszlo Beranek Jr. was going 93 mph in a 65-mph zone on Dover Road on December 13th. Officers observed this, attempted to catch up, and watched him nearly collide with another vehicle near Lylewood Road as they yielded for the officer’s vehicle, which had its emergency lights on. A traffic stop was conducted, and Beranek Jr. admitted to consuming 2.5 beers as he spoke with slurred words. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was detained. A subsequent search of his vehicle yielded a loaded handgun underneath the center console and a spilled bottle of beer on the passenger’s floorboard. He was read implied consent and agreed to provide breath samples, which resulted in 0.170% BAC and 0.180% BAC. Beranek Jr. was taken into custody for driving under the influence, open container violation, speeding, reckless driving, and possessing a handgun while under the influence.

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Lisa Fox throws boyfriend’s phone on ground during argument over relationship issues

37-year-old Lisa Marie Fox had a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Stewart Atkins, at Alfred Drive on December 11th. Mr. Atkins stated that Mrs. Fox broke his phone during an argument over relationship issues and advised that they took each other’s phones, and when he returned hers, she left Mr. Atkins’ residence with his phone. On December 12th, Mr. Atkins drove to Mrs. Fox’s parents’ residence on Georgetown Road to retrieve his phone. Mrs. Fox then told him to check his driveway. When Mr. Atkins returned home, he saw Mrs. Fox pull into his driveway and open her door, at which time he believes she threw his phone on the ground before leaving his residence. Mr. Atkins then found his phone destroyed in the yard. Lisa Fox was taken into custody for vandalism.

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