Brianna Hicks charged with stalking ex-boyfriend after calling him 28 times in less than 30 minutes

29-year-old Brianna Charmaine Nicole Hicks was taken into custody for stalking her ex-boyfriend, Gene Mills, on December 14th. Mills spoke with officers on December 12th and advised them that Hicks had an Order of Protection against him. He informed them that she had been nonstop contacting him via phone calls and letters to his house. They were notified that she left letters on his front door on November 14th and November 22nd. They were also advised that Hicks called him 28 times on November 22nd between 5:04 p.m. and 5:29 p.m. Brianna Hicks was taken into custody and charged with Stalking on December 14th.

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DUI: Patrick Crouse drinks 1 beer at Blackhorse Pub before driving into ditch

30-year-old Patrick Michael Crouse had a car accident on Lylewood Road on December 13th. Officers arrived, observed a blue Chevy truck in a ditch, and identified Crouse as the driver. He admitted to drinking a beer from Blackhorse Pub, consented to sobriety tests, and performed poorly. Crouse became aggressive while being detained; when being escorted to the patrol car, Crouse attempted to run, so they tactically took him down. He was read implied consent, agreed to provide a blood sample, and taken into custody for resisting arrest, driving under the influence, and failure to exercise due care on December 13th.

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Vincennia Lee-Edmondson arrested for committing identity theft to rent property

38-year-old Vincennia Edmonson committed identity theft at Bassett Lane on November 7th, 2022. Edmonson went to the Property Manager’s Officer and paid a deposit on the property. She also signed the victim’s name on the hold/deposit form. Edmonson arrived at Bassett Lane the next day, pretending to be the victim for a final walk-through with the agent. The victim informed law enforcement that she had no clue who Edmonson was. Edmonson was taken into custody and charged with identity theft on December 5th 2023.

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Soldier Alex Gonzalez violates conditions of release three hours after being released

26-year-old E-3 solider Alex Gonzalez violated his conditions of release by messaging his wife on November 18th. Giovanna Pureyra, Alex Gonzalez’s wife, was contacted via multiple phone calls and text messages. Gonzalez contacted Giovanna just three hours after being released for assaulting her. Alex contacting Giovanna violated his conditions of release for the prior domestic assault incident. Alex Gonzalez was taken into custody and charged with contempt on December 5th.

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Brian Blalock sells imprisoned man’s car, vehicle gets reduced to scrap metal

42-year-old Brian Blalock was arrested for stealing a White 2003 Ford SUV at Oak Lane on December 6th. On October 20th, Steven Wooden was pulled over at Oak Lane and arrested for an existing warrant. During his arrest, he was told by Rebecca Ledlow, who was staying at the residence at the time, that he could park his vehicle there while he was incarcerated. When Wooden was released on November 9th, he went to retrieve his car but found that it was no longer there. During an investigation, law enforcement discovered that Brian Blalock stole Wooden’s vehicle and sold it to Jesse Brooks for 200-250 dollars on October 29th. Brooks then sold it on the same day to Mr. Gill, who sold it to Guthrie Scrap Yard on October 30th. Guthrie Scrap Yard confirmed that they bought the vehicle from Gill. Guthrie Scrap Yard also confirmed that the vehicle has since been reduced to scrap metal. Blalock knew Wooden because he had previously done some work for Wooden. The car cost more than $2500 but less than $10,000. Blalock was taken into custody and charged with theft of a motor vehicle on December 6th.

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Sherryl Hollis drinks 40oz of alcohol near active roadway

59-year-old Sherryl Hollis was seen at a drive-through on Lowes Drive extremely intoxicated on December 7th. When officers made contact with Hollis, she had three 40 oz alcoholic beverage cans around her and was actively drinking from one of the cans. Hollis demonstrated signs of being under the influence of alcohol. She was deemed a danger to herself and others by being near an active roadway. Hollis was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Timothy Scarbrough scratches girlfriend’s face during altercation

24-year-old Timothy Scarbrough was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, April Crowder, on Summer Street on December 7th. The altercation started when Scarbrough got in Crowder’s face and yelled at her on the stairs. He then reached his arms out at her attempting to grab her, causing her to fall back on the stairs. Crowder’s face was left with a small scratch from when he grabbed at her. Scarbrough was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Mark Jones illegally hunts big game with 6-year-old son

42-year-old Mark Jones was seen illegally hunting big game on Interstate-24 on October 29th. Jones and his 6-year-old son were seen on the road hunting a 5-point whitetail deer and an 8-point whitetail deer using a muzzleloader rifle and a ground blind. Neither Jones nor his son had on orange for safety. Mark Jones was taken into custody on December 8th and charged with contempt.

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Wayne Johnson drunkenly yells at bystanders, resists arrest

30-year-old Wayne Jonathan Johnson was being disorderly on December 7th. The complainant spoke with officers and advised them that Johnson was yelling at bystanders. They observed him to be visibly intoxicated, refusing to answer questions, and began to pull away when they tried detaining him. He was placed into custody for disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and resisting arrest.

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Aevorie Moss punches ex-girlfriend’s TV after being broken up with

32-year-old Aevorie J’Mar Moss had a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Kalynn Ellis, at the Ballygar Apartments on October 20th. Ellis stated they argued, and the argument ended with Moss leaving the apartment. Before Moss left, he grabbed the door, turned around, and asked her again if it was over. She replied yes. Moss then cocked back and punched the television in the living room. She stated his unusual behavior put her in fear of the altercation escalating. Officers observed the damaged Roku TV, and Moss was taken into custody on December 9th for vandalism.

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James Hunt pushes wife on ground, traps her in garage during argument

43-year-old James Curtis Hunt had an altercation with his wife, Sabila Hunt, at Harrison Way on December 9th. Sabila advised officers that she and James argued, but it escalated when she tried to leave, and he lunged at her, trying to grab her, and pushed her. She told them she started screaming and grabbed onto her vehicle’s side mirror. The disagreement continued into the garage, where he pushed her onto a box and closed the door. She was able to free herself and fled to their neighbor’s house. Officers spoke with James, who stated they had verbally argued, but nothing physical happened. He was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

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19-year-old Antario Hyrne threatens woman with gun, shoots uninvolved bystander

19-year-old Antario Jameer Hyrne unintentionally shot a random person in a parking lot on Washington Street on December 9th. Officers arrived and observed Jalen Lewis with a gunshot wound and spoke with Jordan Lopez, an acquaintance of Hyrne’s, who advised that during an argument between her and Hyrne, he pulled a handgun from his waistband and pointed it in her direction. After a struggle ensued between Hyrne and another individual, the gun was fired, injuring Lewis, an uninvolved bystander. Several witnesses and video footage confirmed her statement. Hyrne was taken into custody on December 13th for aggravated assault.

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Antavius Tallie punches baby-mama during argument, gets tased in return

26-year-old Antavius Tallie was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Anesha Warfield, at Caldwell Lane on December 9th. The two had an argument that shortly turned physical. Tallie choked, pushed, and punched Warfield, causing her to have a black eye, a cut on her chest, and a cut on her finger. Warfield was able to grab her taser and defend herself. Tallie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jose Reyes slaps girlfriend during argument over childcare

24-year-old Jose Reyes was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend at the Parkview Place Apartments on Ringgold Road on December 10th. The dispute started when an argument over the care of their children turned physical. During the argument, Reyes’s girlfriend accidentally touched his chin, and Reyes retaliated by slapping her, leaving cuts with blood below her right ear. Reyes was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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James Leach strangles coworker while on smoke break at LX Pantos

29-year-old LX Pantos employee James Leach was involved in an altercation with Deborah Rifkin on December 7th. The dispute started when Leach came behind Rifkin while she was on a smoke break and, wrapped his arms around her from behind, and began to strangle her. Rifkin told law enforcement she could not speak during the incident and later developed hoarseness throughout her shift due to the strangulation. Officers observed that Rifkin did have a raspyness in her voice. Coworkers reported that she sounded fine at the start of her shift, but when she was about to leave, it sounded like she was losing her voice.

LX Pantos provided law enforcement video footage of what happened outside the employee entrance. Leach approached Rifkin from the front and opened his jacket. He then steps around the left side of her and positions himself behind her, wraps his right arm under her right arm, wraps his left arm over her left shoulder and around her neck. In the video, his left hand was visibly proximate to Riskin’s right shoulder. Rifkin appears to struggle; she leans forward, Leach leans forward with her, and then she appears to break free suddenly. Leach was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on December 12th.

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Antonio Jones drives with broken brake light, caught with drug paraphenlia

21-year-old Antonio Jones was stopped in a white Ford Fusion for his brake light not being functional at Madison Street on December 11th. When the officer made contact with Jones, he could smell the odor of marijuana coming from his vehicle. Jones told officers that he smoked in the car in the past. A search of the vehicle yielded three clear containers with marijuana residue, as well as a grinder with marijuana. When officers ran Jones’s name through the National Crime Information Center, they found Jones’s driver’s license was suspended for failing to appear in court on May 7th, 2021. Jones was taken into custody and charged with charged with unlawful drug paraphernalia, suspended license, unregistered vehicle, and no insurance

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Travis Little drunkenly threatens uncle with handgun during argument

39-year-old Travis Little was involved in an altercation with his uncle, Terry Reed, at Abby Creek Drive on December 11th. The conflict started with an argument that escalated to Little walking to his apartment and returning with a handgun. Little proceeded to point the firearm at Reed. Little then left but returned once law enforcement arrived. He returned visibly intoxicated with a handgun in his pocket. When questioned about the situation that happened earlier, Little said that he never pointed the gun at Reed but admitted that he had been drinking. During a search of Little, the officer located a pair of metal knuckles. Little was charged with aggravated domestic assault, possession of a handgun while under the influence, and prohibited weapons.

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Curtis Lilly found passed out, unresponsive on side of the road

35-year-old Curtis Lilly was seen lying on the ground on the side of the road at Providence Boulevard and Quarry Road on December 11th. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Lilly lying down face-first on the ground, unresponsive. Eventually, he regained consciousness, but he was perplexed and couldn’t stand on his own. Officers radioed in Medics, but once there, they couldn’t find anything wrong with him. Lilly had a hard time trying to remember where he was, but he did remember to ask not to go to the hospital. That led to officers running his information through the National Crime Information Center and finding out that he had two local warrants on file for driving on a suspended license and an extraditable warrant from Robertson Count for Failure to Appear. They also found out that he was convicted of aggravated robbery and aggravated assault in 2009. While searching Lilly, officers asked if he had any weapons or illegal substances on him. Lilly told them that he had a gun in his backpack for protection and admitted that he was a convicted felon. Due to being a convicted felon, he is not allowed to possess or own a firearm. Officers noticed that the serial number on the pistol had been erased off the side. While in the back of the patrol car, Lilly began to seize and become unresponsive again, so the officers transported him to Tennova for medical treatment.

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DUI: Danelle Dameron drinks before crashing motorcycle

30-year-old Danelle Dameron, an employee of Billy’s Bar and Grill, was found in a single-vehicle crash involving a motorcycle at the intersection of Fort Campbell and Dover on December 12th. When officers arrived, they made contact with Dameron. She was unable to walk in a straight line. When asked if she had anything to drink, Dameron responded, “No.” Dameron then consented to perform field sobriety tests, which she performed poorly on. She also consented to get blood drawn at Tennova Main for medical clearance. It was revealed via a search through the National Crime Information Center that Dameron had a prior DUI conviction in November 2020. Dameron was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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DUI: Adrea Hicks caught with marijuana in glove box

27-year-old Adrea Hicks was seen speeding and failing to maintain her lane at Fort Campbell Boulevard and Cunningham Lane on December 11th. When officers conducted a traffic stop, they made contact with Hicks and observed an open container of alcohol at her feet. Hicks was then asked to give police her paperwork for the car. This was when officers noticed a bag of marijuana in the glove box as she opened it. A test was conducted on the marijuana that tested positive for THC. Officers ran Hicks through the National Crime Information Center and found that she had a suspended license with a warrant for Failing to Appear. Hicks was then asked to perform some field sobriety tests, on which she performed poorly. Hick was taken into custody and charged with simple possession, driving under the influence, open container, and driving on a suspended license on December 12th.

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