DUI: Deon Mister takes an “opioid” before driving on wrong side of the road

28-year-old Deon Mister was seen driving on the wrong side of the street in his White Chevy Spark on Stone Container Drive on December 7th. Mister passed a police cruiser erratically as he turned onto Stone Container Drive. The police cruiser he passed conducted a traffic stop on him. When the officer approached Mister, he had droopy eyelids, slurred speech, and appeared lethargic throughout the traffic stop. Mister advised the officer that about an hour or two before the traffic stop, he had taken an opioid for an injury he had. This led to the officer asking Mister to perform some field sobriety tests, but he performed poorly on all three stages. Mister was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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DUI: Trey Kern swerves between lanes on I-24

23-year-old Trey Kern was found slowing down and speeding up on I-24 East on December 9th. Officers observed Kern continue to swerve and cross the center and fog line numerous times. After watching Kern continue doing this, the officer conducted a traffic stop. When he approached Kern, he asked if Kern had been drinking, and he replied no but said that his passenger had been drinking because they had just come from a party. He said they were going to Hopkinsville, Kentucky but officers noted they were heading east on I-24 toward Nashville. Kern was then asked to perform three field sobriety tests, in which he failed all three. Kern was taken into custody and charged with failure to maintain a lane and driving under the influence.

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Kenya Knox threatens boyfriend bathing his child with knife

24-year-old Kenya Knox was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend at Memorial Drive on December 9th. The fight started when Knox entered the bathroom where her boyfriend was bathing his son and stood over him arguing with him. That was when he called Knox a “Demon,” and she kicked him. After she kicked him, he stood up and questioned why she would do that, but that only led her to get physical again. Knox then went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, so he locked himself in the bathroom. She attempted to enter the bathroom by using the knife to unlock the door but couldn’t, so she made him believe that she was going into the living room to destroy his PlayStation console. He left the bathroom to see she still had the knife in her hand, so he attempted to disarm her by wrestling the knife out of her hand. He was able to grab the knife, put it back into the kitchen, and call 911. Knox was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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DUI: Soldier Colton McNabb crashes into multiple mailboxes at high-speed

25-year-old infantry soldier Colton McNabb was booked on a citation on December 10th after leaving the scene of an accident at Rollow Lane. Witnesses stated they heard a crash and watched a male leave the scene wearing a grey hoodie and slacks. Officers checked the registration for the vehicle, and it came back as McNabb’s vehicle. The vehicle had left the roadway at a high speed, causing damage to 2 mailboxes and a fence before coming to a stop. McNabb’s vehicle was covered in mud, and the airbag was deployed, with a small amount of blood being found on the side of the bag. Near the vehicle, there was an open container of beer, and inside of the vehicle there was a strong alcoholic odor. While searching for McNabb, the officers found a man matching the description covered in mud with recent injuries to his face that were still bleeding with no shoes. Upon contact with the officers, McNabb handed over his Florida driver’s license but was clearly inebriated. He was then asked if he was willing to perform any field sobriety test, but he said no. McNabb was then taken into custody.

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Eric Carapia caught driving Jeep Wrangler with license suspended in 2020

26-year-old Eric Carapia was stopped by an officer at a traffic stop on December 9th when the officer observed that he was driving with a suspended license and speeding at Riverside Drive. He was seen traveling in a Black Jeep Wrangler, going 52mph in a 40 mph lane. His license has been suspended since October 24th, 2020.

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Samaria Baker assaults woman with wooden stick during altercation involving ex-boyfriend

30-year-old Samaria Baker was involved in an altercation with Kenyatta Brown and Harold Mitchell at Keesee Road on December 9th. The conflict began when Brown and Mitchell, who was in a relationship with Baker but living separately, came to pick up some of his clothes at the residence. Once they entered the home, Baker became irate and began fighting Brown by hitting her in the face with a wooden stick, causing visible marks on her face around her eyes and the temple area of her skull. Brown was able to disarm Baker and protect herself while Mitchell called 911. When law enforcement arrived, they questioned Mitchell, and he advised that he and Baker were going through a breakup; when he talked about the issue with her, he stated that she destroyed his shoes and sports jerseys, which are estimated to cost about $1300 in total. Baker was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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Soldier Drew Mccullough kicks dog, assaults wife during dispute

21-year-old Drew Mccullough was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Morgan Mccullough, at Sinclair Drive on December 8th. The dispute started with an argument upstairs in their apartment, and she went downstairs. Drew then went downstairs to continue the argument, which escalated to the point that their dog started barking. Drew then kicked the dog, so she pushed him away from the dog. This led to Drew retaliating by pushing her and raising his arm in a manner that caused Morgan to fear for her safety. She then slapped him shortly after. Drew later stood over her while she was sitting on the couch, and when she attempted to get up, she was pushed back onto the couch. Eventually, he sat beside her, grabbed her arms, and held them down against the couch. When law enforcement arrived, they heard a male yelling inside the apartment. When Drew was being questioned, he said that nothing physical happened at first, but then he stated that some items had been thrown and then finally stated that there was some pushing during the altercation. Drew Mccullough was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Melissa Jump threatens woman’s family via Facebook messenger

40-year-old Melissa Jump was caught harassing Mary Evans through Facebook Messenger at Raintree Drive on December 6th. At the location, police were contacted to assist Mary Evans, who said she was receiving threatening messages from Jump. Evans provided law enforcement with the message stating that she knew where Evans lived and that Evans and her son would no longer be a problem. Which she believed to be a threat to her and her son. She also told law enforcement that this was not the only time she had received messages from Jump. Jump was taken into custody and charged with harassment on December 13th.

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18-year-old Alyssa Aldridge ignores officers, claims “she was not doing anything wrong”

18-year-old Alyssa Aldridge was caught evading arrest at Providence Boulevard and Peachers Mill Road on December 5th. A traffic stop was conducted because of the tint of Aldridge’s car, but she did not stop even after the officer activated both his lights and sirens. The officer continued to follow Aldridge to the said locations but discontinued the pursuit due to the department’s pursuit policy. The officer then determined where Aldridge resided, so he drove there as another means of apprehending her. When he arrived at the location, he noticed the same car he had attempted to conduct a traffic stop on earlier parked at the residence. When the officer contacted Aldridge, she first stated that she did not stop because she was not doing anything wrong, but Aldridge later said that she didn’t stop because she couldn’t find a good place to pull over. Aldridge’s window tint was tested and read to be 16%, lower than the legal limit of Tennessee, which is set at 35%. Aldridge was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest.

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Micah Graves, Owner of Top Choice Concrete, assaults “on-and-off” girlfriend during dispute

40-year-old Micah Graves was involved in a domestic altercation with his on-and-off girlfriend, Mikayla Frank, at Woodale Drive on June 17th. The dispute started when Frank visited her on-and-off boyfriend, Micah Graves, at his home. While at his residence, Frank got into a verbal argument with Graves that turned physical. Graves picked her up off the couch and pushed her multiple times, causing injury on both of Frank’s forearms. She also told law enforcement that she was experiencing pain in her knee. Frank later said that she was receiving threatening text messages from Graves during the duration of her call to the police. Officers were unable to contact Graves because he fled the scene before police arrived. Graves was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Hailey Clark punches partner during altercation over puppy

24-year-old Hailey Clark was involved in a domestic altercation with her partner at Riverwood Place on December 6th. Clark came into that location, which is her partner’s place of work, to drop off a puppy she was watching for him. He reached into her vehicle from the front passenger side door to take the puppy out, and Clark told him no. He then reached for the dog again, and Clark punched him, which prompted him to get away from her and call 911. Clark had two children who were taken away by her grandmother when law enforcement arrived. Clark was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Trent Dillon steals co-worker’s card to buy a PlayStation 5

24-year-old Trent Dillon, employee of Hankook Tire, was caught committing identity theft while working at Hankook Tire Plant on November 28th. The victim reported on November 30th that she believed that a co-worker had taken her card and made unauthorized purchases. On November 28th, she noticed that her card was stolen, noting that Dillon was seated right next to her when she had this realization. The card was used to place an order for a PlayStation 5 from Walmart. Walmart provided law enforcement with the order information, which revealed that the order was shipped to Dillon’s house. The account used to place the order also used Dillon’s personal cell phone number and email address. Dillon was taken into custody and charged with identity theft and theft of property.

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Linda Casper assaults juvenile son during dispute over college

37-year-old Linda Casper was involved in a domestic altercation with her 17-year-old son at Appleton Drive on December 7th. Officers arrived at the location to see Casper’s juvenile son flagging them down, who told them that he got into a physical altercation with his mother. He said to them that in the course of an argument, his mother slapped him on his head, pushed him in the chest, and grabbed him. When officers contacted Casper, she said she was upset with her son over his choices regarding college. Casper admitted that she pushed her son in the chest and then grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him with it. Casper’s son showed officers video evidence of Casper clearly slapping him on the left side of his face. Casper was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Brandon Plunk caught trespassing at Walmart

34-year-old Brandon Plunk was seen trespassing at a Walmart on Fort Campbell Boulevard on December 7th. Officers made contact with Plunk, who was acting in distress at a Walmart parking lot. When they conducted a background check on Plunk, it revealed that he had been banned from this Walmart on December 5th. Plunk was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

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Jeremy James charged with harassment after texting baby-mama through daughter’s tablet

28-year-old Jeremy James was involved in an altercation over the phone with his ex-girlfriend, Desiree Dawson, at Lancaster Road on December 6th. The issue began with James not being allowed to see their daughter because he did not provide his address to court. This led to Dawson receiving multiple messages from James saying he would call CPS. He also begged her to meet her one-on-one with no one else present, which led to Dawson changing her number. James then resorted to texting Dawson on their daughter’s tablet. He told her that she could not prevent him from seeing their daughter and that there would be consequences if she did. He also began texting and making threats towards Dawson’s current boyfriend, Thaddius Glynn, as well as calling her job. After multiple attempts, Dawson could not receive an order of protection because she could not provide the court with his address. James was taken into custody and charged with harassment.

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Ayesha Clayborn argues with her boyfriend, violates conditions of release

20-year-old Ayesha Clayborn was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Roshaun Anderson, at Trenton Road on October 30th. The couple was observed arguing in a parking lot, but no assault occurred. The couple was involved in a prior dispute leading to Clayborn having a COR, which she violated by being around Anderson. Clayborn was taken into custody and charged with contempt and domestic assault. The couple has a previous history of domestic violence as well.

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Shayne Reyes slaps sister for not giving him phone charger

27-year-old Shayne Reyes was involved in a domestic altercation with his sister, Angeline Brookhouser, at Bob White Drive on December 4th. Brookhouser told officers that Reyes slapped her for not giving him a phone charger when he asked for one. Reyes later admitted that he did smack her in the face but said that his sister was being disrespectful with her words. Reyes was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Michael Johnson traps wife in bathroom during argument

26-year-old Michael Johnson was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife at Cabana Drive on December 4th. The couple was arguing, and she refused to talk to Johnson and left to use the bathroom. Johnson began to pressure her to talk back to her, blocking her from leaving the bathroom. He also took her phone and refused to return it to her. Johnson was taken into custody and charged with false imprisonment on December 5th.

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Raymond Smith sends sex tape to ex-girlfriend’s family on Facebook

46-year-old Raymond Smith was caught illegally sharing sexual videos of him and his ex-girlfriend, Tonesha Williams, at Cave Road on November 28th. When officers arrived at her apartment, she told them that Smith, whom she had recently separated from, shared videos of them committing sexual acts to her family members and coworkers via Facebook messenger. Smith was taken into custody and charged with unlawful exposure.

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