Almeco Rose threatens ex-girlfriend with knife, tells her “You will suffer!”

34-year-old Almeco Rose was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Kira Bailey, at Wynwood Drive on December 2nd. The dispute began when Rose arrived at Bailey’s residence uninvited while she was with her friend Xavian Williams. Williams was able to leave the home before Rose could see who was inside with her. When Rose entered the house, he became increasingly agitated that he could not find who was inside, which prompted him to grab a knife from her kitchen. He then proceeded to point the knife at Bailey and said, “You will suffer!” Rose then grabbed her phone and threw it outside, causing the screen to crack. He was later arrested on the 6th. Rose was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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Tambria Currie bites ex-boyfriend, breaks his window, texts him “I just broke your window bitch”

30-year-old Tambria Currie was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Brian Pringle, at Amberjack Court on December 5th. Pringle was at Currie’s apartment trying to get the items he left. While fetching his belongings, Currie became agitated and told him to hurry up and pack his stuff. She then began to throw his things at him and continued to tell him to hurry up. While Pringle was still packing, Currie began to punch him. He then attempted to restrain her to prevent her from punching him, so she bit his arm through his sweatshirt. When Pringle finished gathering his belongings, he left for his home but stopped at the gas station for water. Pringle states he then received a text from Currie that said, “I just broke your window bitch” The window of his home was valued at $500. Currie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

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DUI: Sara Grace Klosterman swerves between lanes, hits curb after drinking in Nashville

23-year-old Sara Grace Klosterman was seen swerving on I-24 West by another driver in the early hours of December 4th. The concerned citizen advised the 911 operator with up-to-date locations as they followed Klosterman, watching her leave the interstate off Exit 8, swerve across lanes, leave the roadway, and hit a curb. Klosterman eventually pulled into the RaceTrac gas station on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard. Klosterman was visibly intoxicated as she spoke to officers, admitting to consuming an alcoholic beverage in Nashville. She then consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and provided a breath sample that resulted in a 0.152% BAC. Klosterman was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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Gericca James knowingly leaves young child home alone

27-year-old Gericca James was jailed on December 3rd for leaving her child home alone on Heritage Pointe Circle. The complainant is the child’s father. He stated that James was supposed to be caring for the victim, but when he arrived home at 11:30 p.m., the victim was home alone, asleep on the bed. James told police that she checked in at work at 10 p.m., but the text messages between her and the father stated that she was in her car. The juvenile victim is under the age of 8 years old. Gericca James was arrested due to the intentional abandonment of the juvenile victim.

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Rhonda Carson slaps husband in face during argument

24-year-old Rhonda Carson was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Michael Evans, at North Senseney Circle on December 7th. The couple’s dispute became physical when Carson slapped Evans on the right side of his face. Evans advised law enforcement that he believed that Carson was trying to hurt him, but they did not observe any sign of injury to his face. When Carson spoke to law enforcement, she told them the altercation was verbal and never became physical. A witness who was at the couple’s residence at the time stated that she didn’t see anything at the time but believed that she heard someone get hit. Carson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Capria Grimes bites fiancé during dispute over infidelity

33-year-old Capria Grimes was booked on an outstanding warrant from June 10th, when she and her sister assaulted Capria’s fiancé, Antonio Blacksmith, at her home on Bret Drive. Blacksmith advised he and his fiancé got into an argument the night before due to her texting women on Blacksmith’s phone. When he got up the next morning, Ms. Grimes and her sister had his keys and refused to give them to him so he could leave. According to Blacksmith, he and Grimes then got into an argument over the keys, and he attempted to grab them. A scuffle ensued, and Grimes’ sister ripped his shirt, and Ms. Grimes bit him on his shoulder during their scuffle. Grimes’ sister fell to the floor and called the police. Ms. Grimes and her sister then returned his keys and left the scene after calling the police. Blacksmith showed officers his torn shirt and the bite mark on his shoulder.

When Mr. Blacksmith was advised of domestic laws, he attempted to go back on his initial statement so Ms. Grimes wouldn’t get in trouble. Officers tried calling back the number that called into 911 but couldn’t get in contact with Ms. Grimes or her sister, and a warrant was secured.

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Robert Clark shoves wife during argument over infidelity

38-year-old Robert Terrance Clark had a domestic altercation with his wife, Kashmer Johnson, at their shared residence on South Senseney Circle on November 29th. Johnson advised that she and Clark were arguing over infidelity when he open-hand shoved her face. She tried to leave, and he pushed her out of the door, causing her to almost fall down the front doorstep. Clark spoke with officers via phone call and advised that he shut the front door in her face, telling her not to return, but insisted that nothing physical occurred. Clark was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Kaefono Smalls jailed after begging for money on APSU property

34-year-old Kaefono Smalls was jailed after reports of a black male approaching vehicles on Austin Peay State University property asking for money on November 30th. Police responded to Gov’s Lane/Drane Street and contacted Smalls, who refused to identify himself at the time. He admitted to asking for money and to drinking alcohol that day. He was visibly intoxicated and showed visible signs of intoxication. Smalls was taken into custody for his own safety.

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Lucas Hall booked for using bathroom at Marathon gas station

37-year-old Lucas Hall was booked on November 30th after using the bathroom at the Marathon gas station on Riverside Drive. The manager at the location told police that Mr. Hall had trespassed when he walked in and used the restroom and that a photo of him was on file as he had been banned in November. Police found Mr. Hall down the road. and asked him if he went into the Marathon gas station, to which he stated, “Yes, to use the bathroom.” Police informed Mr. Hall that he was banned from the business on November 27th and placed him into custody for trespassing.

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Jaden Webb threatens to kill mother with knife during dispute

22-year-old Jaden Markee Webb had an altercation with his mother, Makeeta Webb, at their residence on State Line Road on December 2nd. Makeeta advised officers that Jaden grabbed a knife during an argument and started to stab the bricks on the outside of the apartment just the day before, December 1st, which officers also responded to. Makeeta advised officers that he was yelling again and got in her face when she asked him to stop. He then threatened to kill her and went to the kitchen to search for a knife but could not find any due to her hiding them after the prior incident. She barricaded herself in her bedroom, fearful that he would have assaulted her if he found one. Jaden was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault, violating his probation in Nashville for auto theft, aggravated assault, possession of burglary tools, evading arrest, and resisting arrest.

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Joshua Hendon caught driving without license down Highway 79

38-year-old Joshua Kent Hendon was driving without a front bumper down Highway 79 on December 3rd. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and were able to identify Hendon by his Mississippi ID. They ran his information through the NCIC and noticed two prior charges of driving without a license in October 2005 and November 2006 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi. Hendon also had two failure-to-appear convictions in 2015 from there as well. He was taken into custody for driving without a license and driving without a bumper or energy absorption device.

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Justin Lyle caught with meth at grandma’s house

35-year-old Justin Paul Lyle was acting “strange” at his grandma Peggie Rock’s apartment on Memorial Drive on the morning of December 3rd, so she called the police. They arrived, and she advised them that Lyle was no longer allowed inside her apartment due to his actions and wanted him to leave. Lyle started yelling and cursing at officers as they escorted him out. They told him he would go to jail if he kept disrupting the apartment, but he continued. Lyle was detained, and a subsequent search yielded a bag of methamphetamine in his left rear pant pocket, so he was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and simple possession.

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Dashawn James charged with animal abuse after starving dog found on his property

19-year-old Dashawn James aka local rapper “ApefrmOTG” was booked on November 30th for animal cruelty. Police contacted Animal Control for assistance regarding a malnourished stray dog on Victory Road in front of James’ residence. It had a wound on its head and bony protrusions. The dog was ranked as one on the Purina Body Condition system, categorized as “too thin.” James was confirmed as the dog’s owner and has a history of neglect.

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Christopher Elder drunkenly jumps into oncoming traffic multiple times

38-year-old Christopher Elder was seen visibly intoxicated at Trenton Road on December 1st. Officers got a description of Elder as a white male in a plaid shirt, jeans, and a backward hat walking down Trenton Road, jumping in front of vehicles. He made contact with Elder on Trenton Road near Mcgee Court. This time, officers witnessed him jumping in front of oncoming traffic. Once in front of Elder, the officer could easily deduce that he was inebriated and believed Elder was a threat to himself and the people around him. The Elder was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Mikuavion McCullen urinates on bedroom floor, assaults girlfriend during dispute

21-year-old Mikuavion McCullen was involved in a domestic altercation at Union Hall Road with his girlfriend, Anisah Garrett, on December 1st. The dispute started with McCullen urinating on the floor in the bedroom. Garrett attempted to help clean up the mess by grabbing a bucket, but this only brought the argument into the living room. McCullen proceeded to push her into the wall and then “threw her around the room.” Garrett retaliated by hitting McCullen in the face during their fight, causing minor damage to his lip. Officers then made contact with McCullen, who stated that it was possible that he did urinate on the floor, but no assault happened. McCullen was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Breana Wilcox assaults ex-boyfriend during argument

26-year-old Breana Wilcox was jailed on December 2nd after assaulting her ex-boyfriend on Union Hall Road. Donovan Young told police that Wilcox came over to his house, and they argued until things escalated when she swung at him multiple times. Donovan told police that he didn’t get hit but was still afraid she’d hurt him. Wilcox was determined to be the primary aggressor and was placed into custody.

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TikToker Dakota Simmons goes 120 mph down Fort Campbell Boulevard, says he was “running late to class”

22-year-old Dakota Simmons was jailed on November 30th when police observed him speeding on his Yamaha R1. The radar measured the motorcycle going 120 mph in a 45 mph zone, switching lanes, and showing complete disregard for other motorists’ safety. When the bike stopped at the red light on Fort Campbell Boulevard and Jack Miller Boulevard, the officers were able to catch up to it, but it sped off out of sight once again until it reached the 7/11 on Dover Road, where officers successfully initiated a traffic stop and identified Simmons as the driver while he attempted to get gas. He told police that he was coming from his house on Fox Meadow Way and was “running late to class” at Austin Peay State University. He was arrested and transported to booking for processing.

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Blake Benson assaults ex-girlfriend multiple times during altercations

26-year-old Blake Benson was involved in two domestic altercations at West Henderson Way and Constitution Drive with his ex-girlfriend, Makayli Gordon, on December 1st. When officers arrived, Gordon was at the residence and told them that Benson had shoved her to the ground at two separate locations on separate occasions. Gordon also added that he “backhanded” her. Benson has three priors for domestic assault but none in Montgomery County and is on probation in Rutherford County for domestic assault. Benson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Christina Bettis slaps husband after he calls her “A B*tch”

36-year-old Christina Bettis was jailed for slapping her husband in the face after an argument over chores not being completed in the house. Patrick Bettis told police that he was slapped across the face on two different occasions after he called his wife “a bitch” He admitted that he slapped her back after the second slap. Christina admitted to slapping her husband to punish him during the argument. There is no domestic history between the couple.

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Rafael Padilla-Albina caught driving with expired tags, suspended license, and Marijuana

28-year-old Rafael Ernesto Padilla-Albina was driving on Alfred Thun Road with expired tags on November 28th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and asked Padilla-Albina for his driving credentials, but he only handed them his Kentucky ID, which came back as suspended for failing to answer a court summons in November 2021. A search of his vehicle yielded a small marijuana blunt, a Taurus 22mm handgun, a scale, a Ziplock bag containing smaller baggies, and three small jars containing marijuana. Padilla-Albina was taken into custody for simple possession, unlawful drug paraphernalia, not having a driver’s license, not having proof of insurance, and driving an unregistered vehicle.

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