DUI: Ricky Rock Jr. hits brakes multiple times for no reason

33-year-old Whataburger employee Ricky Rock Jr. was seen driving under the influence on Trenton Road on November 23rd. Law enforcement observed Rock Jr. failing to stay in his lane and hitting his brakes multiple times despite there being no vehicles in front of him. Before the officer could pull him over, Rock Jr. pulled into a parking lot, so the officer followed him. When he exited his White Buick SUV, he voluntarily approached the patrol car. Rock Jr. consented to perform field sobriety tests but performed poorly. Rock Jr. was placed in custody for suspicion of DUI. A probable cause search of Rock Jr.’s Buick produced two open beer containers in plain sight. Rock Jr. was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Eugene Roach assaults man relaxing in his backyard

62-year-old Eugene Roach was involved in an altercation with Marcus Merriweather on Maple Street on October 20th. Merriweather was relaxing in his backyard when Roach came in and began yelling and cursing at him. Roach continued to get upset with Merriweather to the extent that he pushed him and threatened to do more bodily harm. Roach was taken into custody and charged with assault.

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Sonseray Welch punches, pulls neighbor’s hair for “being too loud”

38-year-old Sonseray Welch was involved in an altercation with her upstairs neighbor, Alexis Johnson, at Fieldstone Village on November 5th. The conflict started when Johnson was “being too loud,” so Welch got her broom and started to hit it on the ceiling. Welch then went up to Johnson’s room, pushed and punched her while pulling her hair. Johnson was able to provide law enforcement with video proof of the assault. Welch was taken into custody and charged with assault.

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Jaleel Fletcher breaks into woman’s car, flees from police

23-year-old Jaleel Fletcher was seen committing suspicious activity at Needmore Road on November 27th. The Montgomery County E911 Center received a call from one of the residents of the Needmore Apartment building stating that her neighbor, who lived a floor above her apartment, banged on her front door, went to the parking lot, and broke into her black Hyundai EGM. The caller described the individual as a black male wearing a black hoodie with red sweatpants, and another caller stated that there was a black male outside with the same description but was holding a “crowbar or a hammer.” When law enforcement arrived, they found a tall, black, skinny male matching the descriptions given over the phone standing next to the Hyundai EGM while the car alarm was going off. The male was later identified as Fletcher. When he saw officers arrive, Fletcher attempted to walk off but stopped shortly after being given orders to return. Fletcher suddenly began to sprint away from the officers, but after a short pursuit, he was tackled to the ground, where he continued to disobey orders given by officers.

The black Hyundai EGM was observed to have the driver’s side window smashed out. Officers, after searching the immediate area, found a hatchet that fell out of Fletcher’s pocket during the struggle. The victim also added that Fletcher caused damage to her front door in addition to her car’s window, both of which are estimated to cost between $500 and $600 in damage. Fletcher was taken into custody and charged with vandalism, resisting arrest, and evading arrest.

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Brenda Calderon assaults family members during dispute

37-year-old Brenda Calderon, an employee of the federal government, was involved in a domestic altercation with her daughter, Crystal Calderon, and her husband, Edgardo Calderon, at Cottage Lane on November 26th. Crystal and Edgardo were at Brenda’s house for a custody swap for their son and Crystal’s passport. While going through this process, an argument ensued over Edgardo and Brenda’s ongoing issues. Brenda, amidst the dispute, slapped Edgardo’s phone out of his hand and pushed Crystal. This sparked a fight between her and Crystal, which was all caught on video. Law enforcement observed minor cuts on Crystal’s lips and a scratch on the back of Edgardo’s neck. When questioned by law enforcement, Brenda admitted to everything mentioned but added that Edgardo got in the middle of the fight and held her to the ground. Brenda was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Tranesha Drish assaults boyfriend with toy truck during dispute

21-year-old Tranesha Drish was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend on Madison Street on November 26th. The dispute between the two started with an argument that Drish elevated when she threw a toy tuck at Richard’s face, causing visible scratches. Drish then pushed him and went around the apartment, breaking other items. When law enforcement questioned Drish, she told them that she did throw the toy truck but said it didn’t hit her boyfriend. She also added that she did push him, but only after he slapped her. Drish was still deemed the primary aggressor of the altercation. Drish was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Laurel Montoya punches husband in face, husband tells police “he wants to go back to sleep”

51-year-old Laurel Renee Montoya had a domestic scuffle with her boyfriend, Matthew Langford, at Morrison Drive in the early hours of November 26th. Montoya spoke with officers and advised that she had gone through Langford’s cell phone and saw messages that she did not like, went to their bedroom, grabbed him by his hand and foot, and attempted to drag him out of the bed while telling him to leave the residence. Then, she said he grabbed her by the neck, so she punched him in the lips. Officers attempted to speak with Langford, but he was uncooperative, insisting he “wanted to go back to sleep.” Montoya was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Alayah Robinson scratches ex-boyfriends neck during dispute

23-year-old Alayah Devine Robinson was involved in a domestic dispute with her ex-boyfriend, Brandon Patton, at Oak Arbor Court on November 25th. Patton advised officers that Robinson came to his residence to drop off their daughter and began to bang on the door, screaming and getting aggressive as he opened the door. They were having a verbal argument when Robinson scratched Patton’s neck, causing him to push her by her throat in self-defense. Robinson was deemed as the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Samantha Brundage rips roommate’s shirt during argument

28-year-old Samantha Brundage was involved in a domestic altercation with her roommate, Jonathan Nicol, at Holly Rock Drive in the early hours of November 25th. Officers arrived and asked Nicol about his ripped shirt, and he advised that he had been in an argument with Brundage that escalated when she grabbed and pushed him, ripping his shirt in the process. Brundage admitted to pushing and ripping his shirt. She was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Anthony Conte points gun at girlfriend holding baby

37-year-old Anthony Conte was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Teala Goff, at their home on Excell Road on November 23rd. Conte arrived at the house and immediately initiated an argument with Goff. The dispute intensified to the point that Conte was holding a gun to Goff’s head while she was holding their baby. Conte had her cornered and told her that he was going to kill her. She told him to “do it,” and he left after having a brief exchange with her. When Conte came back, he had another verbal altercation with her that resulted in him pushing her back into the house, causing her to fall while holding the child. When she fell, the child’s arm hit the fish tank, leaving a mark on the child’s arm. This prompted Conte to leave the house again and cut off all means of communication with Goff. Conte was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault and reckless endangerment.

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Francisca Peace assaults boyfriend with shoe during dispute

23-year-old Francisca Peace was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Tyemick Wallace, at her home on Lewis Lane on November 24th. Wallace told law enforcement they were arguing when Peace told him to leave her house. Wallace attempted to grab a box of shoes he claimed were his when Peace pushed him into a wall to get the shoes away from him. Peace continued to try to get Wallace to leave her house, even resorting to hitting him in the back of the head with one of the shoes and scratching his face. This caused a large knot on the back of Wallace’s head and scratch marks under his right eye. When questioned by law enforcement, Peace admitted to pushing Wallace to get him to leave her home. Peace was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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John Gunn drunkenly wanders into stranger’s backyard

59-year-old John Gunn was seen visibly intoxicated at the intersection of Maxwell Drive and Memorial Drive on November 24th. Law enforcement received a call from an Uber driver who told them he had picked up his passenger, John Gunn, on Essex Drive. He reported that when he picked him up, Gunn appeared intoxicated and, during the ride, yelled out, “Let Me Out!” The Uber driver proceeded to let Gunn out at the intersection of Memorial Drive and Maxwell Drive and observed him walking toward a house that was not his. When officers arrived at Memorial Drive, Gunn was in the backyard of the residence, clearly inebriated. While questioning him, Gunn seemed disoriented and needed clarification about which residence he was at. Law enforcement deemed Gunn to be a danger to himself and others. Gunn was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Soldier Garfield Martin accidentally shoots neighbor’s apartment

27-year-old US Army Soldier Garfield Martin was involved in a shooting at Tiny Town Road on November 24th. Law enforcement received calls that gunshots went off and entered the Q building, between apartments 3 & 4. Martin, after accidentally firing the shots, went and checked on the people who lived inside Q3, and officers checked on the people in Q4. When Martin engaged with the officer, he told them that he was trying to take the gun away from his wife, who was trying to put the handgun on safe. When he took the gun from her, it discharged and shot toward the Q building. Martin was taken into custody and charged with reckless endangerment.

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Ayriana Swafford charged after stealing over $100 worth of merchandise from Dillard’s

18-year-old Ayriana Nikole Swafford was caught stealing at Dillard’s on Wilma Rudolph Blvd on November 14th. Swafford was seen on camera concealing items on her person and in a bag she was carrying. The in-store manager, Raymond Hicks, was told about Swafford, and he stopped her before she was able to leave the store. The value of the items stolen was around $131. Swafford was taken into custody and charged with theft of property.

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Diara Mickens scratches, punches brother during argument

26-year-old Diara Kaurice Mickens was involved in a domestic disturbance with her brother, Clifford Mickens, on Cobalt Drive in the early hours of November 23rd. Officers responded to reports regarding a suspicious person on I-24 westbound, arrived, and spoke with Clifford, who advised that he verbally argued with his sister. Then, he stated that she pushed him, causing him to fall over, so he attempted to leave. However, Clifford returned to retrieve his belongings. This is when she scratched and punched his face. Clifford stated he bit her in self-defense while she attacked him. He told officers he had been looking for a place to stay since the incident. Officers observed Clifford having physical signs of assault. Diara Mickens was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Diamond Tankard drags boyfriend out of Lyft during dispute

20-year-old Diamond Lanae Tankard was involved in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Davone Starks, in the backseat of a Lyft at Alexander Boulevard on November 23rd. Tankard advised officers that she went out to the Lyft so Starks could not leave with her things. Tankard mentioned shoving and pushing between the two, but she was vague with the information. Starks stated he packed up his belongings and began loading them into the Lyft that Tankard called for him when she tried to prevent him from leaving, attempting to pull him from the vehicle. Tankard repeatedly kept opening the door, saying that he could not leave. The Lyft driver told officers that he arrived to pick up Starks, and when Starks began to load his belongings, Tankard ran out, grabbed a backpack, and ran back inside before coming back outside, yelling at him, pulling his hair, and hitting him to prevent him from leaving. Officers observed minor injuries that Starks sustained. Tankard was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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DUI: Alysha Lewis found unresponsive in McDonald’s drive thru

31-year-old Alysha Lynnette Lewis was unresponsive in the McDonald’s drive-thru lane, holding it up as customers honked their horns at her in the early hours of November 23rd. Officers observed her in a white SUV as she stared at him with a “dumbfounded” look, with her eyes struggling to stay open. She rolled down the window when officers asked her to and began to slur her words as she responded to them. Officers had her find a parking spot, step out of the vehicle, and noticed that she was visibly intoxicated. Lewis did not consent to sobriety tests, began speaking incoherently, asking if the officers could find someone who spoke English even though the ones that were present spoke English, and was read implied consent. She was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

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DUI: Arpita Sarkar drives into ditch, hits light pole

29-year-old Arpita Sarkar drove into a ditch and struck a light pole at Orleans Drive on November 22nd. Officers approached the driver’s side and observed Sarkar to be visibly intoxicated. She consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was read implied consent. Officers secured a search warrant for a blood sample and placed her into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and driver’s failure to exercise due care.

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DUI: Kaylan Caudle swerves, speeds down highway in Dodge Charger

28-year-old Kaylan Cidron Caudle, an employee of Hankook, was speeding and swerving in his Dodge Charger on Highway 374 on November 22nd. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and noticed Caudle was visibly intoxicated. Caudle was administered sobriety tests, performed poorly, and provided a breath sample, resulting in 0.092 BAC%. He was unable to provide proof of valid insurance and was taken into custody for reckless driving, driving under the influence, and failing to provide proof of insurance.

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Melissa Hunsinger charged after assaulting her son-in-law

54-year-old Melissa Hunsinger was involved in a domestic altercation with her son-in-law, Gage Gower, on November 21 at Harold Drive. The conflict began with them arguing about Gower not helping with household chores. The argument started to escalate until Hunsinger eventually pushed Gower. This elicited him to push her toward the door and tell her to leave, but she told the authorities that he got into her face and yelled at her to the point where his spit was landing on her face. Hunsinger told law enforcement that no assault occurred. Hunsinger was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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