DUI: Soldier Rayne Maslona crashes outside his home after drinking at Billy’s Bar

22-year-old Rayne Maslona was involved in a DUI on November 18. Maslona was found on the scene of a crash, leaning on his Cadillac sedan that had crashed into steel beams in front of his residence. When law enforcement confronted Maslona, they were able to discern that he was heavily intoxicated. He told them he had just come from Billy’s bar and had a few beers. Maslona then consented to a field sobriety test, which he performed horribly on. Maslona was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

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Clarksville Phoenix Player Dominic Obunaka breaks down multiple doors, slaps wife during argument

30-year-old ABA Rookie for the Clarksville Phoenix Dominic Obunaka was booked on November 20th for assaulting his wife at their home on Keystone Court. Police spoke with Nyawech Tel, who stated that during an argument, she tried to lock herself in a bedroom to separate herself from her husband, but Dominic broke the door open. Nyawech ran to another room and locked the door behind her, but once again, Dominic broke down the door and found her on the bed. She tried to keep him away by kicking her legs. That was when Dominic struck her in the leg, causing an abrasion.

According to Dominic, he slapped his wife during an argument. He added that she pushed him down the stairs as he tried to separate himself from her. Officers observed a small abrasion on Dominic’s lip.

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Shayna Sweet bites, hits baby-daddy in head during argument

32-year-old Shayna Sweet was jailed on November 17th after assaulting the father of her child on Peachers Mill Road. Brandon Safford told officers that the two were arguing about her keys, and when he tried to leave, Ms. Sweet bit him on the arm, leaving bruised teeth marks on his skin. Brandon added that he was then hit in the head but wouldn’t give any more details. When officers spoke to Ms. Sweet, she initially stated that nothing physical occurred but later said she only bit Brandon because he bit her first. Every time Ms. Sweet explained the events, she left out details. When officers asked her why she was deceitful, she said she didn’t want anyone to get into trouble. She was then placed into custody and transported to Montgomery County Jail.

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Terrance Sumbler punches ex-girlfriend in face during argument

28-year-old Terrance Sumbler was jailed on November 19th after assaulting his ex-girlfriend on Tracy Lane. Kelly Rivera told police that Sumber is an ex-boyfriend and roommate, and during an argument, Mr. Sumbler hit her in the face, grabbed her arms, and put a hand on her neck. Police observed swelling to her right eye, abrasions on both sides of her neck consistent with fingernail digging, and a bruise to her upper right arm. Mr. Sumbler was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody.

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DUI: Baronda Battle drinks at Electric Cowboy before driving

42-year-old Baronda Battle was jailed on November 19th after police observed his black Infiniti swerving on Providence Boulevard toward Fort Campbell Boulevard. When officers made contact with Battle, he smelled strongly of alcohol and slurred as he admitted to drinking at the troubled Electric Cowboy. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody. Battle blew a .110%BAC on a breathalyzer at booking.

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Stephanie Freeman slashes husband’s tires during dispute

32-year-old Stephanie Freeman was jailed on November 19th for slashing her husband’s tires after an argument on Orman Drive. When police arrived, Stephanie told them that she and her husband had been arguing all day about her returning home. When she finally got home, she and her husband, Daniel Freeman, started yelling at each other, and he went outside to slash her tires. Stephanie retaliated by slashing his tires, and they both went back inside. Once inside, Daniel tried showing Stephanie something on his phone, and she took the phone from him. Daniel then grabbed Stephanie by her hair, pulled her onto the couch, and mounted her so she couldn’t escape. Police observed a cut on the inside of Stephanie’s bottom lip. Daniel advised that the two had been arguing and slashed each other’s tires but denied an assault taking place. The total amount of damages to both vehicles was less than $1,000. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman were both taken into custody.

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Kevin Abernathy threatens girlfriend with gun, tells her “I’ll blow you and them!”

35-year-old Kevin Abernathy was jailed on November 19th after threatening his girlfriend with a gun on Victory Road. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with witness Jabril Fagan, who stated that Kevin pushed Lagail Smith to the ground, pointed a gun at her, and said, “I’ll blow you and them.” At that point, Mr. Smith ran outside in fear and called 911. He described the gun as black with a flash style under attachment. Police recovered a black FN 509 pistol with a laser-light combo from under a couch cushion. According to Kevin, everyone in the house had been drinking when an argument started, so he went to get his gun to leave the apartment.

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Amber Taylor threatens woman via phone, tells her she will “Shoot up her house”

28-year-old Amber Taylor was booked on an outstanding warrant from June 8th, 2021. Amber has continued to text Nichole Walters after being told not to contact her. Taylor threatened Walters with text messages and phone calls, saying she would “shoot up her house.” She even drove by Ms. Walters’ home, yelling and cursing. She was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on November 17th.

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Noah Racine drunkenly challenges officer to fight, threatens to spit on him

20-year-old Noah Ross Racine was jailed on November 18th after officers responded to Emerald Hills Apartments. When officers arrived, they found Noah outside a door that didn’t belong to him. The apartment Noah was at belonged to CJ Boswell. Officers noted they detected the odor of alcohol coming from Noah, but he said he hadn’t been drinking. Noah was verbally aggressive and refused to enter the patrol vehicle. He kicked off the ground and tried to move away until he was placed into the patrol vehicle and transported to booking. While at booking, he challenged Officer Scroggins to a fight across the room. The officers told Noah to sit on the bench, but he refused and began making noises as if he were going to spit on Officer Rattray’s face. He was then restrained on the floor.

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Priscilla Saffell yells at Circle K employees, ignores police

41-year-old Priscilla Saffell was jailed on November 19th after complaining that the employees at Circle K on Dover Road were making her pay for items. When police arrived, they heard a woman screaming and yelling at employees. Saffel tried to leave once she noticed the police approaching, but the officers advised she was not free to leave. When officers asked for her name and ID, she refused to provide either. She then tried to push past them to leave and was told she was going to be placed in handcuffs. While the officers tried to cuff Ms. Shaffell, she refused and caused a brief struggle until she was successfully taken into custody.

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DUI: 20-year-old Malachi Hull swerves all over roadway in black Chevy

20-year-old Malachi Coniah Hull was jailed on November 19th after EMS reported they were driving behind a black Chevy that was all over the roadway on I-24. Officers responded to Exit 11 and got behind the Chevy. They noticed that it didn’t have their taillights on. Police conducted a traffic stop and identified Mr. Hull as the driver. The officer immediately smelled the odors of marijuana and alcohol coming from the vehicle. Officers noticed Hull’s speech was slow, and he seemed lethargic. After officers assisted Hull out of the car, he performed field sobriety tests and conducted a vehicle search. The search located a loaded Glock 43 under the passenger’s seat, and he was taken into custody. Hull is 20 years old and isn’t permitted to drink alcohol according to the legal drinking age of 21.

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Cheyenne Evilsizer lets ex-boyfriend stay at home, violates release conditions

20-year-old Cheyenne Evilsizer was seen by police engaging in a dispute with her ex-boyfriend Tyzek McCorkle on November 16th. Evilsizer told officers she was letting McCorkle stay at her home and stated he had been staying for the last couple of days. After officers ran Evilsizer through the NCIC, they discovered that she had conditions of release and was not supposed to have any contact with McCorkle, whom she assaulted at a gas station in March 2023. Evilsizer was taken into custody and charged with contempt- violation of COR.

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Soldier Maxwell Freshour strangles wife during dispute over child

25-year-old former US Army Infantryman Maxwell Freshour got into an altercation with his wife, Kaylee Freshour, on November 16th. Kaylee told officers that when she tried to get their son away from him, Maxwell began to strangle her. Before law enforcement approached Kaylee, Maxwell admitted to placing his wife into a chokehold. Maxwell Freshour was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Christopher Townsend caught with gun in APSU dorm

21-year-old Christopher Townsend was caught by his resident assistant keeping a gun in his dorm room. The resident assistant was conducting a health and wellness check while Townsend was not in the room and found empty alcohol containers, which gave them the ability to do an in-depth search of his room. During the investigation, a G30 Glock handgun with three empty 10-round magazines and a 25-round magazine containing five 9mm rounds were found in a backpack inside the closet. Townsend does have a handgun permit but was not permitted by APSU to carry it on campus. Townsend was taken into custody and charged with having a weapon on school property.

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Raheem Prince drags girlfriend out of house during dispute

30-year-old Raheem Jevoun Prince was jailed on November 16th after assaulting his girlfriend on Drayton Drive. When police arrived, Prince explained that his girlfriend had come home and broke plates in the kitchen, so he pulled her out of the house. The victim stated that Prince pulled her out of the house by grabbing ahold of her neck and face. Officers observed injuries to her lip and behind her ear. Prince was determined to be the primary aggressor as he knowingly hurt the victim and was taken into custody.

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John Smith gets into fight on street, lies to police about it

44-year-old John Smith was jailed on November 4th after lying to the police, claiming that he was the victim of an attempted carjacking near the corner of Man O War Blvd and Tiny Town. He stated that while stopped at an intersection, unknown individuals assaulted him and tried to pull him out of his vehicle. Officers reviewed video footage from a nearby witness that showed Smith in a fighting stance before a fight broke out between Smith and two individuals. The individuals left the area on foot, and Smith reentered his vehicle. Officers believed that Smith offered information that he knew to be false during the initial interview.

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Trevor Raines dumps large amount of trash on private property

25-year-old Trevor Raines was with Nellie Greenhill on March 29th when they dumped a large amount of trash out at the end of Paradise Hill Rd. The garbage, which included furniture, a dishwasher, and miscellaneous debris, was left at the edge of the road, and they never returned to pick it up. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency issued Raines a citation on April 20th. Raines failed to appear in court and was taken into custody for aggravated littering on November 15th.

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