DUI: Jesus Castaneda drives on wrong side of road after having “two beers”

35-year-old Jesus Castaneda was seen swerving all over the road on November 10th when he began traveling east in westbound lanes. A traffic stop later ensued because Castaneda continued his pursuit on the wrong side of the road. When officers made contact with Castaneda, they observed that he was highly intoxicated, and Castaneda admitted to having “two beers” before driving. He was later asked to get out of the car and almost fell due to being inebriated. The officer then requested a field sobriety test, but Castaneda declined and was taken into custody. In a probable cause search, the officer found two unknown pills that were sent for testing. Castaneda was taken into custody and charged with DUI.

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Tyemick Wallace drunkenly looks for girlfriend at Days Inn Hotel

31-year-old Tyemick Wallace was seen banging on his room door at Days Inn Hotel on November 9th. Law enforcement was contacted and arrived to see Wallace’s door open and him sitting on his bed. Officers smelt the scent of an alcoholic beverage radiating from him upon establishing contact with him. Wallace began to act belligerent and aggressive with officers during their investigation, giving officers the belief that he couldn’t be by himself. Wallace was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Adriana Paniagua-Sostenes gets into fight with boyfriend

28-year-old Adriana Paniagua-Sostenes was at a friend’s house on November 12th when a fight broke out between her and her boyfriend, Jose Gonzalez-Bravo. When police arrived, she told them that Gonzalez had become angry and started to attack her and punched her in the eye, causing her eye to become swollen. But when officers contacted Gonzalez, he told them the exact opposite. He said that he was hanging out at a friend’s house, and Sostenes got angry and started attacking him, which left bleeding on the left side of his face. Gonzalez also said that while he did punch her, it was to get her off him. Officers couldn’t ascertain the primary aggressor because while there was a witness, they didn’t see the beginning but saw both going at it with each other. Sostenes was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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CMCSS Employee Arnell Wilson shoots multiple people with his father

27-year-old CMCSS employee Arnell Jamal Wilson was seen shooting at people with his father, David Wilson, on November 10th. Officers obtained ring camera footage of 2 males with firearms; David and Arnell matched the descriptions. During a recorded phone call, Arnell admitted to shooting the AR-style pistol toward a light-skinned black male with curly hair. Arnell said that he fired because the light-skinned man shot at him first, but when Arnell had a conversation with law enforcement, he never told anyone that he was shot at. Calvin Brown, who was at the scene, said that he was grazed by a projectile, leaving an injury on his right knee. Three females and Evertt Hopkins were in the area when the shooting happened, and they said the Wilsons were shooting in their direction. When interviewed, Arnell immediately lawyered up in contrast to his dad, who admitted to shooting the gun and said that Arnell shot the Rifle-style firearm. Wilson was taken into custody and charged with five counts of aggravated assault.

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Robert White hides behind truck, tells officers he had “quite a bit” to drink

25-year-old Robert White was jailed on November 10th police responded to Horace Crow Drive for a welfare check on a man hiding behind a truck. When the caller approached Mr. White, he stumbled away. When police arrived, they observed White to be unsteady on his feet, smelling of alcohol, and slurring as told officers that he had “quite a bit” to drink. He explained that he had been drinking liquor that night. He was deemed a danger to himself and was placed into custody. During a pat down, officers discovered a loaded Glock 43 9mm handgun tucked in his waistband.

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Ketania Hall punches boyfriend in face during infidelity dispute

19-year-old Ketania Auree was jailed on November 11th after police responded to a fight on Lexington Drive. Upon arrival, police observed Jeremiah Mann and Ketania outside. Ketania was irate, yelling about her boyfriend kicking her out of the apartment. She stated that he was outside with friends and had left his phone in the room they shared together. She went through his phone and discovered he was cheating on her with other women. She confronted him by standing at the door, preventing him from entering the bedroom, and began punching him in the face. Ketania told police that Jeremiah pushed her to avoid being hit. Jeremiah’s mother was in a neighboring room and heard the commotion. She tried to separate the couple, but Ketania became aggressive, yelling at the mother to put her hands on her. Ketania also has a previous history of domestic assault, with a previous incident being as recent as May 2023.

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Christian Polk threatens to shoot sister over pets

23-year-old Christian Polk was jailed on November 11th after he threatened to shoot his sister over an argument about their pets. Destiny Polk advised that she saw a holster on Christian and was in fear for her life, so she got away from him and called the police. Officers contacted Christian, but he refused to talk and was taken into custody.

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DUI: Christian Montes attempts hit and run, ends up in ditch

21-year-old Christian Montes was booked on November 12th after a hit and run on Needmore and Whitfield Road. Montes, The driver of a black Honda Civic, hit a black Toyota 4 Runner and left the scene. The driver of the Toyota was able to get a good look at Montes’ license plate and told officers that the driver of the Honda was acting oddly. Montes was found in his vehicle in a ditch on the side of East Trenton Road. He smelled like alcohol and had an open container in his car. He performed poorly on sobriety tests and was transported to Tennova for a blood sample. This is Montes’ second DUI. It was later discovered that he was also driving on a revoked license as of August 26th, 2023, for failure to maintain financial responsibility.

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Brandon Fenner drunk and disorderly at Billy’s bar and grill

28-year-old Brandon Fenner was booked on November 10th after police responded to Billy’s Bar and Grill for an unwanted guest. The employee told officers that Fenner was asked to leave several times and refused. They stated that he was being aggressive with them and with other customers. Officers found Fenner outside of the bar in his gold Chevrolet 1500. The officers explained that the staff at Billy’s wanted him to leave, so he drove off, away from the business, only to immediately park in the middle of the road. The police asked him to move his car and watched him as he ran through stop signs and over a concrete curb. He parked his vehicle and began to speak with officers. At this time, officers could smell the alcohol coming from his body. He declined sobriety tests, breath samples, and a blood sample. While searching his vehicle, officers found two beer cans in the cooler and a partially full can in the center console. This was Fenner’s first DUI.

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Sheena Koon threatens to shoot multiple people, assaults boyfriend with gun

39-year-old Sheena Koon was in an altercation with her boyfriend, Travis Tolbert, when he felt he had to go to a neighbor, Shunda Smith, to ask for help. Upon arrival, Koon was waving a pistol around, claiming that she would shoot both of them. Smith and Tolbert attempted to wrestle the gun out of Koon’s hand, but Tolbert was struck in the head multiple times with the weapon, causing him to bleed from the head. Tolbert, shortly after, fled on foot and wasn’t able to get in contact with the police. Officers also couldn’t locate the weapon, which Koon told them Tolbert left with. Koon was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault and aggravated domestic assault.

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Emma Worrell slaps 13-year-old daughter multiple times, “it looked like she was beating the tar out of her child.”

48-year-old Emma Worrell was caught by police officers pinning her 13-year-old daughter against the wall on the afternoon of November 12th. Officers received a complaint of child abuse, and upon arrival, a passerby told officers that Worrell was beating her daughter. When officers approached, the daughter looked at officers and said, “Help.” When it was time for Worrell to address the officer, she told them that her daughter was involved in a verbal altercation with their neighbor and that she had to restrain her before she went over there. Worrell’s daughter tried to push her off, but Worrell slapped her. Worrell immediately grabbed her from the front, “hugging” her head and causing a nosebleed. Her daughter supported this as the account of events.

A witness stated that she saw Worrell and her daughter pushing and then saw her slapping her daughter a few times. They said that it seemed that she was trying to restrain her daughter. The second witness said that she witnessed Worrell get pushed by her daughter, and then Worrell hit her multiple times. When asked if it seemed like she was trying to restrain her, she stated, “No, it looked like she was beating the tar out of her child.”

Worrell was taken into custody and charged with child abuse and neglect.

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Michael Hempfield charged after calling police numerous times

37-year-old Michael Hempfield repeatedly called Montgomery County Emergency Center over his filed report of police misconduct on November 11. Hempfield was previously told about the procedure regarding his complaint when he was at the precinct. Hempfield later called 911 for a conversation with an officer, and when he did, he was not satisfied with the information he received and hung up.  He later called again but asked to speak to a supervisor and told them that the calls would continue until he received the desired results; he then hung up again. Once again, Hempfield called 911, voicing his concerns and refusing to end the call. He then proceeded to call them four more times. Hempfield was taken into custody and charged with excessive 911 calls.

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Jeremy Smith assaults sister, pulls hair over ice cream

24-year-old Jeremy Smith was arguing with his sister, Jessica Norman, about ice cream when he reportedly became aggressive on November 12. Smith was in an altercation with Norman when he suddenly hit her and pulled her hair. There was no sign of injury, and he had no known history of domestic violence. Smith was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Jessica Norman assaults brother over ice cream

26-year-old Jessica Norman was arguing with her brother, Jeremy Smith, about ice cream when she reportedly became aggressive on November 12th. Norman was arguing with Smith when she suddenly hit him. There was no sign of injury, and she had no known history of domestic violence. Norman was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Jamelin Love chokes wife, puts her in headlock

22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Jamelin Love became violent after screaming at his wife. While Love’s wife was in the closet, he got into her face and began yelling at her. Love then turned his wife around and placed her into a headlock, causing visible red marks. She later told the police that he was trying to choke her and that she couldn’t breathe. Love was taken into custody and charged with aggravated domestic assault.

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Jevon Avontae Poe scratches girlfriend during argument

22-year-old Jevon Poe was at Queen City Beauty College on Fort Campbell Boulevard on November 10 when he was dropping off his girlfriend. The two had been arguing, and as she left the car, he scratched her chest, which left visible scratch marks on the left side of her chest. Poe was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Alexis Short assaults family, bites her mother during dispute

21-year-old Alexis Short believed that her boyfriend was being promiscuous on November 12 when her mother, Holly Donahue, tried to console her but only made her angrier. Donahue, seeing this, removed her child from the area because everyone involved was intoxicated. Short then began to push her mother and her brother, biting her mother on the hand, leaving a mark. Short briefly left the area before deputies could arrive, but moments later, she returned to the house and was taken into custody but was later released under Conditions of Release. Sometime after, an officer committed a traffic stop. While running her information through the records, they confirmed that she had an active COR prohibiting her from having contact with her juvenile brother. Despite this, her brother was the other party in the passenger seat with her. Short was taken into custody and charged with two counts of domestic violence and a COR violation.

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Tyshawn Sneed hits girlfriend in the head during argument

25-year-old Tyshawn Sneed was booked on November 3rd after complaints of a domestic altercation on Woody Hills Drive. Destiny Hill stated that she and her boyfriend were arguing when he began walking toward her aggressively. At that point, she began scratching at his face, and he struck her in the head. Police observed scratches on Mr. Sneed’s neck and face. Ms. Hill had no apparent injuries. The complainant, Gweyn Wedlaw, told police that the argument and physical altercation between Mr. Sneed and Ms. Hill was very much mutual. Officers determined both parties to be the primary aggressor and were both booked. There is a history of domestic assault between the couple.

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Tyler Towne strangles, assaults girlfriend on floor during dispute

25-year-old Tyler Towne was booked on an outstanding warrant from 2019 when he assaulted his ex-girlfriend after an argument turned hostile. On November 4th, 2019, Candace Richardson reported that a few days prior, on Halloween night, she had returned home to find Mr. Towne sitting in the living room drinking alcohol. They argued over their living situation as they were separated but living in the same home. Mr. Towne then got in her face and began yelling and screaming while backing Ms. Richardson into a corner. She pushed him to get him away, he pushed her back, and they started fighting on the floor. Mr. Towne then began strangling Ms. Richardson. Once he let her go, she ran and locked herself in a room. The following day, she packed her things and moved out. She advised that she didn’t call the police that night because she was too afraid, but once she saw the bruises she acquired from the assault, she felt she needed to report it. Officers observed bruises on Ms. Richardson’s arms, and a warrant was issued for Mr. Towne.

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Janay Spann punches child in face on school grounds

35-year-old Janay Spann was caught abusing her child on school grounds on November 6th. Spann was captured by surveillance footage and an eyewitness hitting her 15-year-old daughter in the face with a closed fist as well as grabbing her by the neck and pushing her toward the school. Spann was taken into custody and charged with child abuse.

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