Joseph Wallace Jr breaks car door, throws baby items at girlfriend

36-year-old Joseph Wallace Jr was jailed on October 26th for assaulting his girlfriend after an argument turned violent at their home on Golf Club Lane. Erianna Davis told police that they began to argue when they got home from dinner. After arriving home, Wallace got out of the driver’s seat, walked around to the passenger’s side, where Ms. Davis was sitting, and tried to pull her door open. When she realized he was coming, Ms. Davis locked the doors, but Wallace continued to pull on the door handle until it broke completely off. He then became upset that he couldn’t enter the vehicle, so he went inside and began throwing the baby items outside. When police arrived, Wallace was still throwing baby items out of the house. Ms. Davis told police she feared for her life.

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Travis Porter goes to job interview drunk, leaves young children home alone all day

37-year-old Travis Porter was booked on October 26th after he showed up drunk to an interview at Hankook Factory. He was taken into custody around noon and told officers that he needed to check on his two children, who were left home alone. One child was ten years old, and the other was eight months old. Officers spoke with the ten-year-old, who confirmed that she was left home alone with the infant. According to the neighbors, Porter was drunk, asking people for a ride to his interview. He left the house around 10 am.

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Marcus Simpson harasses, threatens baby-mama over text

22-year-old Marcus Simpson was caught spamming the mother of his child, Alyssa-Anne Romero, with threatening messages. Romero constantly told Simpson to end all communication with her but refused and continued sending messages to her. Romero, afraid for her safety and the safety of her child, contacted the police. Simpson was taken into custody and charged with harassment.

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Justin Barkey caught with marijuana in vehicle, blames girlfriend

22-year-old Justin Richard Barkey was stopped by police for a headlamp infraction on October 26th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and noticed a strong odor of marijuana as they approached the driver’s side door. Barkey stated his girlfriend had been smoking marijuana, and the smell was on his clothes because of it. There was probable cause to search his vehicle, and officers located 14 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, cigarillos, 13 Vicodin pills, and a Glock 21 pistol. Officers later found that Barkey’s license was also suspended/revoked. Barkey was taken into custody for unlawful drug paraphernalia, driving on a suspended/revoked license, simple possession, schedule VI drug violations, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony.

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Kayla Bell assaults sister, rips her wig off during dispute

18-year-old Kayla Ann Bell was involved in a domestic dispute with her sister, Hailey Bell, at Cindy Jo Dr. S. on October 29th. Kayla told officers she had seen Hailey get out of a vehicle before running up, punching her, and ripping her wig off. Hailey confirmed Kayla’s statements but did not have any injuries. Kayla was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Tina Hall pretends to be inmate, assaults police officer

56-year-old Tina Christine Hall was at Tennova Healthcare on October 27th when a deputy from Stewart County Sherrif’s Department advised officers that she had been showing up to the hospital whenever they take inmate Chante Ruf for medical appointments. A nurse told officers that Hall told her that her name was Chante Ruf and that she was there for an appointment, even though she had no legal reason to obtain any information regarding Ruf’s medical history. When officers approached Hall and told her she was not free to leave, she began to resist and kicked Sgt. Hurt a couple of times before they were able to detain her. Hall was taken into custody for using false identification, resisting arrest, and assault on a first responder.

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Bradford Roberts points gun, threatens multiple people during “fistfight”

21-year-old Bradford Roberts was at a parking lot on North 2nd Street where some individuals were having a “fistfight” on November 3rd. Roberts then proceeded to pull out a gun and point it at them, yelling and making threats. Roberts followed up by hitting their windows with his gun and yelling for them to leave. When officers arrived on the scene, Roberts was still there and openly admitted to doing everything. Roberts was taken into custody and charged with four counts of aggravated assault.

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Alaxandria Brown assaults husband holding baby with laundry basket

31-year-old Alaxandria Brown was arguing with her boyfriend, Anthony Phillips, when police found her locked out of her house on November 4th. Brown told Officers that she was trying to leave the house with her belongings when they began arguing about their relationship. Phillips then took Brown’s items and put them outside as the argument flared, prompting Brown to pick up a laundry basket and swing it at him while he was holding the baby. Phillips told Brown that her clothes were outside, and when she went out, he locked her out. Phillips did not own a phone to call 911, but Facebook video called her boyfriend, asking him to call the police. Officers entered the home to find clothes scattered across the living room floor like they were thrown around. Brown was taken into custody and charged with domestic violence.

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Soldier Naizjal Yaquimbre-Brand Quarles assaults, points gun at wife

29-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Naizjal Yaquimbre-Brand Quarles was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Abigail Browning, at their Ft Campbell Boulevard home on November 4th. Abigail Browning reported that Quarles had threatened her with a firearm, and smacked her on the back of the head. Quarles admitted to having the verbal altercation and the firearm during the argument but denied pointing the gun and smacking her. Quarles was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault. The couple has prior history of domestic assault.

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Jessica Landrum assaults husband during heated argument

38-year-old Jessica Lynn Landrum was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Ryan Landrum, at Woodtrace Court on November 4th. Jessica Landrum looked to be visibly intoxicated when officers arrived on the scene. She stated that her husband had pushed her and held her against her will. Officers found Jessica to have no visible injuries. Ryan Landrum stated the argument became heated, and she repeatedly poked him in his face while sitting in his lap. This caused both Jessica and her husband to fall off the couch. She then rushed at him and began to punch him in the face, so he held her down to prevent her from harming him. He then went to his bedroom to separate himself. Jessica followed him and forced her way into the bedroom, causing him to push her out of the room in self-defense. His face was flushed where he stated she had struck him. Officers spoke with her again, and she admitted to placing her finger in his face but stated she never punched the victim. Landrum was found to be the primary aggressor, taken into custody, and charged with domestic assault.

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Soldier Manasses Melo annoys patrons, kicked out of Electric Cowboy

25-year-old Soldier Manasses Melo was found by officers at the troubled Electric Cowboy, causing a disturbance. When Officers contacted security, Security stated Melo was annoying the customers and the general public. When officers encountered Melo and began speaking with him, he was heavily intoxicated. Melo was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Amber Chartrand assaults husband during dispute over infidelity at McDonalds

26-year-old Amber Lee Chartrand was involved in a domestic disturbance with her husband, Hunter Deering, in the Wilma Rudolph McDonald’s parking lot on November 5th. Deering told officers that his wife of two years pushed him and swung at him. Chartrand stated she recently found out Deering was unfaithful and confronted him about it. Chartrand was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Timothy Fox pulls gun on stranger sleeping in his truck at Electric Cowboy

24-year-old Timothy Steven Fox was involved in a dispute at the troubled Electric Cowboy in the early hours of November 5th. Officers spoke with EC security and were advised that Fox pulled a handgun on someone who was in his truck before they were able to take the gun away and call 911. Fox was visibly intoxicated as he spoke with officers and even admitted to drinking before stating he saw someone he didn’t know sleeping in the passenger’s side of his truck, so he went to the passenger’s side door, opened it up, reached in the glove compartment, grabbed his gun, pointed it at them, and demanded they got out before realizing who it was and getting swarmed by security. Fox was taken into custody for being in possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Omar Castro kicked out of Electric Cowboy, urinates on magistrate’s office floor

29-year-old Omar Castro was disorderly at the troubled Electric Cowboy during the early hours of November 4th. Castro had been kicked out of the bar and would not leave, so the staff flagged down officers. Officers noticed Castro to be visibly intoxicated and placed him under arrest for public intoxication. Castro got to the Magistrate’s office and began to urinate all over the floor, so he was additionally charged with vandalism.

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Tyrin Ingraham-Cooper assaults wife multiple times during dispute

20-year-old Tyrin Jamari Ingraham-Cooper, an employee of Popeyes, had a domestic altercation with his wife, Samariyah Luckey, at Wallace Blvd. on November 4th. Luckey advised officers that she and Cooper were arguing about her wanting to take a break from the relationship when he became upset and started to throw dishes on the ground. Cooper shoved her after she told him to pick the dishes up, causing her to pick up a pan and hit him with it while telling him not to touch her. Then, Luckey went to the bathroom as Cooper followed her, trying to argue more, and started pushing her. Luckey stated that the dispute turned physical when Cooper began punching her in the face multiple times, causing her to grab a belt that was nearby to defend herself. Cooper grabbed the belt and began hitting her with it. Officers observed visible abrasions on Luckey, consistent with her statements. Cooper was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Makayla Glover punches, bites friend during scuffle at Wal-Mart

20-year-old Makayla Glover was at Wal-Mart when she got into an altercation on November 1 with two acquaintances, Ms. Shepherd and Shaan Schoonmaker, whom she had met prior. Glover got into the face of Shepherd, and Schoonmaker stepped in to break it up before anything happened, but shortly after, he was punched and bitten by Glover. Glover was taken into custody and charged with assault.

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Oliver Rayford assaults ex-girlfriend numerous times, “Get off me! Please don’t kill me”

22-year-old Oliver Dewayne Rayford, an employee at NTB/Mavis Tires, was involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Ashiria Trusdale, at Center Pointe Dr. on November 1st. Trusdale spoke with officers at the Clarksville Police Department Headquarters and advised them that she was sleeping at her house when she was woken up by a loud bang, followed by footsteps approaching her room, and then suddenly he ran in holding a pair of scissors before lunging at her and strangling her, causing her to lose consciousness. She said he attempted to strangle her again, grabbed a pillow, and tried to suffocate her with it as she began to scream, “Get off me! Please don’t kill me!” Rayford replied by striking her in the face, leaving abrasions on her nose and jaw, before dragging her by the hair down the stairs into the living room as he continued to punch her. Trusdale was fearful for her life as she convinced Rayford to go to Wal-Mart to pick up an order to find help for her and her baby. She stated that as they arrived at Wal-Mart, he continued to hit her in the jaw, and when an employee came to drop the order off, she tried to ask them for help before he sped off. Officers confirmed that they received a call for service from Wal-Mart, correlating with her statements. Rayford was taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault.

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